Chapter 125 Yuanchun
An ordinary but influential farce finally ended in a way that ordinary people like to hear and see.

Although they guessed that after being arrested, most people will not be locked up for a while or will be released, but at least the forty boards resounding on the street are not fake, so the crowd watching feel very happy and are singing praises Jia Lian left one after another after "the blue sky".

Gu Danfeng stepped forward and thanked Jia Lian: "My lord, Gu Min, thank you for your impartial law enforcement... dare to ask your name?"

Just as Jia Lian ordered two officers and soldiers to take the beaten peddler to apply wound medicine, and then took him back to the yamen to record a statement, when he turned around and saw that Gu Danfeng intended to make friends, he smiled and said: "Jia Lian, the current commander of the Western Army and the Masi .”

"You are Jia Lian?"

Gu Danfeng looked a little shocked.

Jia Lian raised her eyebrows, "You know me?"

Gu Danfeng's eyes showed a look of surprise, and he explained: "Brother Jinyan and I are classmates and friends, and I heard him mention the name of an adult..."

Jia Lian was not surprised, the official circle in the capital was neither small nor big.

"It turned out to be Jinyan's cousin's classmate, so it's rude."

"Don't dare..."

Gu Danfeng was a little depressed.It's just that Zhang Su's family background and fame are inferior to Zhang Su's, and his cousins ​​are already in the fourth rank...

Fan Jin arranged for someone to take Zhou Sheng and others away, and came back to ask Jia Lian whether to continue their banquet.Jia Lian asked rhetorically. Seeing that most of the people were full, they ordered them to leave.

Looking back at Gu Danfeng, he smiled and said, "Brother Gu, please follow me back to the yamen and make notes."

"I would like to listen to the arrangement of the adults."



Because the Zhou family had a concubine, they were quite famous in the capital.

Therefore, when Zhou Hongchang, the young minister of Honglu Temple, heard that his son was causing trouble on the street and was taken away by the soldiers and horses in the street, he was so angry!
He wanted to ask his relationship to get his son out first, but the reply he got was that their relationship could not be reached. This matter was personally supervised by the commander of the Xicheng Army and Horse Division, that is, the palm print officer.

Zhou Hongchang was even more angry. When did the little soldier and horse commander dare to ride on the head of his Zhou family to do his best?
He intended to put pressure on the entire Bing Sima through the Ministry of War and the Beijing Camp, but found out that the new commander of the Bing Ma Si was a child of the Rongguo Mansion.

After inquiring more carefully, I found out more about his background...

Zhou Hongchang was silent.

Before their daughter became a concubine, the Zhou family didn't even have the qualifications to carry shoes for others, so how could they put pressure on them?

There is nothing I can do, my son must be saved. Since I can't do it myself, there is nothing I can do. I can only trust my daughter and let her find a way to save her brother.

He also knew that the matter was probably at his own fault, so he deliberately explained that it would be good for his daughter to rescue her brother, and he must not make the matter too big.

But the emperor's women, especially those who are more favored, are somewhat bloated. Except for the people in the palace, they don't pay attention to foreign ministers.

She really had the guts of a bear and a leopard, and even dared to catch her younger brother?
So he decided to make the person who offended their Zhou family look good, so he dressed up, made some soup, and went to find Emperor Ningkang himself to blow the pillow...

Ruoning Kangdi is still a young emperor who is easy to get angry and become a beauty. If Zhou Guiren slanders and impeaches someone else, maybe she can still succeed.

But Jia Lian...

This was one of the few people that Emperor Ningkang was planning to reuse. As soon as Zhou Guiren mentioned Jia Lian, Emperor Ningkang became suspicious.

After all, the emperor was deep in his thoughts, he didn't blame her, he just sent her away, and then asked Jin Yiwei to investigate the matter carefully.

Within an hour, Jin Yiwei played back the news.

In the South Study Room, Emperor Ningkang was a little angry when he heard Jin Yiwei's report.

The so-called relatives are the family members of the emperor and concubines.Therefore, if a relative of the state breaks the law, what will be damaged is his face as the emperor.

Thanks to her, the Zhou family dared to sue the villain first!In Emperor Ningkang's heart, he unknowingly subtracted seven or eight points from his love for nobleman Zhou.

The emperor, the most indispensable thing is a woman, and the rare thing he really likes is also a woman.

Seeing that the emperor was angry, Dai Quan, as the inner minister, was obliged to explain it, because he said: "Your Majesty, Madam Zhou is in a deep palace, and she doesn't know anything about the outside world. She only heard people say that someone bullied her younger brother. There is also anger and anxiety.

Besides, Commander Jia did something wrong with this matter.

Although Zhou Sheng was domineering at that time, he was the younger brother of Mrs. Zhou after all, so it was enough to teach him a lesson, and it was indeed suspected that he had mishandled him when he was imprisoned. "

Emperor Ningkang was even angrier and said: "Hmph, what has been mishandled, I think he did a good job!

These dandies in the capital are idle all day long, causing trouble in the capital, I know it.

However, the soldiers and horses' wine bag and rice bag are full of bullying goods, and there is no one who is loyal to the monarch and the country. This makes the sons and daughters of the wealthy families in Xicheng even more lawless.As time goes by, I'm afraid that the reputation of my monarch and ministers will be ruined by these unworthy children!

Otherwise, why do you think I transferred Jia Lian to the Military Division?

I just want to use his identity to kill this unhealthy trend in Beijing.

Hmph, if he goes to the border for a year and doesn't even dare to dispose of a nobleman's younger brother, then I really want to dismiss him! "

Dai Quan smiled slightly: "The emperor is wise."

He has a good relationship with the Jia family, but because of the good relationship, he can't say good things about everything.Good words, sometimes the other way around, the effect is better.

Sure enough, Emperor Ningkang ordered Jinyiwei to continue to pay attention to Xicheng Bingmasi. If there is something important, he should report it immediately, and then turned to Dai Quan with a smile: "It seems that I really didn't miss it this time. Let this aggressive bastard To suppress those dudes, that's right, what is this called, fighting poison with fire...

I just don't know if he is the new official taking office, or if he is sincerely serving the country and sharing the worries of the king. "

Dai Quan smiled, he knew that Emperor Ningkang must have thought that Jia Lian was also a standard dude.

But he still persuaded: "Although Commander Jia has a heart of serving the country and loving the people, Zhou Sheng is the younger brother of Empress Zhou after all, and it has something to do with the dignity of the concubine. It is not appropriate to keep him locked up in the military department."

Emperor Ningkang thought about it, and felt right.

But asking Jia Lian to release him like this will damage Jia Lian's prestige, and the most important thing is that a new official will take office.

Second, I am afraid that Jia Lian will think that he is a mediocre king who does not know right from wrong, and he will not be so considerate of the king's heart when doing things in the future.

So he recruited Dai Quan and gave some instructions in a low voice.

After Dai Quan heard the words, he flattered again and again: "The emperor's move is really wise..."

Emperor Ningkang was noncommittal, and after discussing the matter, Emperor Ningkang said again: "As for the new post of Jiedu Envoy of the Beijing Camp, after the Ministry of War discussed it, the candidate who came up is Zhongjing Hou Shiding... What do you think?"

After Wang Ziteng left Beijing, he still held the post of Jiedu Envoy.

But now that the border war is stable, the emperor intends to let the prince stay in the side to clean up military discipline. Naturally, the military governor of the Beijing camp cannot be suspended for a long time, and he has to choose another talent.

It's just that the position of a military officer is no better than a civil servant.

Especially many important military positions are hereditary...

This is also a kind of recognition, a kind of encouragement and reward for the meritorious ministers.

Although it is impossible to be hereditary to manage Jiedushi, which is related to the safety of the capital, his appointment is very particular.This particularity is only within the Ministry of War. Others, even the emperor, have to follow the rules if they want to be convinced.

Since the Taizu, this position has always been controlled by the Jia family...

It was rumored that the second Duke of Rongning and Jia family in those days could actually be crowned king based on meritorious service.

But one school with two kings, this is too shocking, even with Taizu's mind, it is difficult to make this decision.

At this time, Second Duke Ning Rong took the initiative to write a letter, rejecting the court's proposal to become king.

Taizu was moved by the loyalty of Ning Rong and his father to the country, and in the end of Taizu's dynasty, they all favored Jia's family.Therefore, the Jia family's two mansions were connected together, and the area of ​​the imperial palace was not much smaller than that of the imperial palace. That's how it came about.

Even after the death of Ning Guogong, the Taizu ordered Ning Gong's son, Jia Daihua, who had not made much talent, to take the position of Jingying Jiedushi.

It can be said that this post of Jingying Jiedushi was a special reward given by Taizu to the Jia family.

It wasn't until Jia Daihua's death that the Jia family really had no successors in the army. The emperor at that time, the Supreme Emperor at this time, had to consider choosing another good minister.

But even the Supreme Emperor finally chose Prince Teng, who was from one of the four major families in the old capital like the Jia family, to serve as the envoy of the Beijing Camp.

Now that dynasties are changing, the previous "hidden rules" may not apply.After all, the real power and military position of the second rank has too much to do with it. If the emperor doesn't hand it over to someone he trusts, he can't feel at ease.

Dai Quan knew that Emperor Ningkang already had a suitable candidate for the Jingying Jiedu Envoy in his mind.He transferred Wang Ziteng away from the capital, and it was also a move ahead to change people.

Unexpectedly, the Ministry of War didn't know whether it was really unable to understand the emperor's heart, or whether it knew the emperor's heart but still insisted on the principle. It was stunned that he didn't nominate the emperor's favorite candidate, and pushed out the historians of the four major families.

Dai Quan, who was secretly thinking about these relationships, knew that this was a big deal, so he didn't dare to speak casually.

After careful consideration for a long time, he tentatively said: "Returning to the emperor, this young master of the historian family also fought on the battlefield back then, and he is also a person who has made many military exploits. It must be because of this that the Ministry of War recommended Shi Ding. .

Moreover, the generals in the army are very repulsive and consider their seniority. This Shi Ding has a lot of connections with the former Beijing Camp Jiedu Envoy Jia Daihua, Wang Ziteng and others, and it is indeed the most suitable to take over the Beijing Camp candidates. "

Emperor Ning Kang glanced at Dai Quan and knew exactly what he wanted to say.

In other words, the military has its own rules.

Since its establishment, the Jingying Jiedu Envoy has been lingering in the four major families through Ning Guogong Jia Yan, Jia Daihua, Wang Ziteng and others. To put it bluntly, it is the existing interests of the four major families!
If you want to move, you can, and there must be a proper reason, just like transferring Wang Ziteng away from the capital.The reason is reasonable, and the people below will be convinced.

Therefore, Emperor Ningkang said with some disappointment: "Could it be that such an important position must be held in the hands of these founding fathers for generations? Then..."

What if one day they are no longer faithful, or not faithful enough?
Emperor Ningkang has long disliked such unspoken rules, and he wants to break them wholeheartedly.

Perhaps, the people in the Ministry of War can also see his thoughts, so it is Zhongjing Hou Shi Ding who was introduced!
This person was the one who was knighted and used by his father when the emperor was in power.

If he doesn't have enough reasons not to use it, I'm afraid others will suspect whether he deliberately argued with the Supreme Emperor...

This is where Emperor Ningkang was troubled. As an emperor, he couldn't do whatever he wanted. Not only could he not do whatever he wanted, but he had to consider so many interests when he even arranged for a candidate for an important position!

Although Dai Quan was close to the Jia family, he knew better that his status was given by Emperor Ningkang.

Seeing Emperor Ningkang was distressed, he immediately thought of an idea.

"Your Majesty, the reason why the Ministry of War refuses to select candidates outside of the four major families is actually because of those old fellows, for the sake of Mr. Ning Rong, they finally supported the Jia family.

After all, the four families of Jia Shi Wang Xue, who were extremely prosperous in Taizu's dynasty, now have few capable talents.

It would be too unreasonable for them to lose this position.

In my opinion, the Ministry of War does not necessarily have to oppose the emperor, it only needs that the emperor follow the example of Taizu and give the Jia family some extra compensation.As long as this compensation can make the descendants of Second Duke Ningrong look less miserable, maybe they will be willing to act according to His Majesty's will..."

Emperor Ningkang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

That's right, there is a limit to those old fellows' nostalgia for the past. In a few more years, when those people die, these past events of the founding of the country will slowly be buried in dust.Therefore, he, the emperor, is probably the last one affected.

Now that the Supreme Emperor is still here, there is really no need to put on a fight with these prestigious veterans.

"According to you, how to compensate?"

Emperor Ningkang still felt a little embarrassed, the compensation was light, and those old guys didn't buy it.

Heavy, he felt wrong again.At this time, Jia's family only had one Jia Zheng and one Jia Lian, which could be seen a little bit.

But one is pedantic, the other is too young, and they are not easy to reward.

As an emperor, Emperor Ningkang knew deeply that national weapons must not be used indiscriminately!
Since Dai Quan dared to speak out, he must be prepared.

He reminded with a smile: "I remember that there is a female official next to the old concubine, who is the daughter of the second master of the Jia family. It seems that she has been in the palace for some years. I heard that she is very fond of the concubine..."

Emperor Ningkang thought about it.

The only one who can make Dai Quan call the old concubine directly is his biological mother, the concubine.

He didn't notice that there was a Jia family's daughter beside his mother.He doesn't pay much attention to this.

But as the emperor, he still understood what Dai Quan meant, so he said with a smile: "Alright, it just so happens that this year is also the year of selection, so I will give them this compensation!

If that's the case, those old guys are still relentless, don't blame me for not being sympathetic, hum. "

Emperor Ningkang really doesn't want to fight those old stubborn people anymore for this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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