The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 172 Man, Jia Rong!

Chapter 172 Man, Jia Rong!
In Tiekan Temple, the Qin family prepared tremella and lotus seed porridge as supper for the people who had been busy all day, and all the people from the upper and lower levels praised the virtuous.

After Jia Yun and the others enjoyed their sister-in-law's supper, they saw that Jia Rong was still tidying up alone in the Zen room in the outer courtyard. , leave sister-in-law to guard the vacant room alone?"

As soon as the topic was mentioned, cousins ​​and even uncles in the clan joked about Jia Rong and praised him for his good fortune.

Only Jia Qiang, who knew some inside information, leaned on the side alone and remained silent.

Jia Rong is a person who can take jokes, and she doesn't get annoyed when being teased by the brothers, she just said with a smile that it's the grand master's big day, it's better to separate, it's better to separate...

Although she was very free and open-minded on the surface, Jia Rong was still somewhat uncomfortable in her heart.Especially when she saw Jia Qiang shrunk her head and dared not speak, Jia Rong was naturally more depressed, so she found an excuse to get out of everyone's sight.

Walking everywhere, I could occasionally hear other people's praise of the Qin family, which made Jia Rong feel even more uncomfortable.

Thinking of her daughter-in-law's alluring appearance and seductive figure, Jia Rong couldn't help herself.She thought that after such a long time, the old thing must have been obtained long ago. Even if she secretly benefited from it at this time, as long as she didn't tell her, the old thing would not know.

With this thought in mind, Jia Rong found it hard to contain it.In addition to leaving Jia Zhen's side again, Jia Rong's courage became a lot stronger invisibly.

After thinking about it carefully, Jia Zhen's confidant did not come with her on this trip, and felt that something could be done, so she wandered to Qin's subordinates.

Qin Shi was not in the room at this time, and he was not in a hurry, he just told his servants that he had some things to discuss with Qin Shi, and he was drinking tea in the room while waiting for Qin Shi to come back.

"Why are you here, sir?" After a while, Qin Shi who was full of suspicion rushed back with her maid.

Jia Rong's face suddenly showed a flattering look, and he started with the trivial things that he had thought about earlier. After Qin's vigilance was lowered, he laughed in a low voice: "The people in front are so messy and dirty, it's better tonight." I'll just stay inside, so I don't have to clean up another room and come out."

Qin was originally a smart person, and she had been a superficial couple with Jia Rong for two years, so she knew Jia Rong's habits like the back of her hand.

Seeing his behavior before and after, I already understood his thoughts in my heart, and I didn't know how to describe my mood for a while!
To be honest, when Jia Rong just got married two years ago, Jia Rong made such a request to her... It is not a request, it should be like this between husband and wife.

In other words, before she suffered a serious illness and her mood did not change, if Jia Rong was able to show her kindness to her and "change her mind", she might seriously consider repairing the relationship between the two.

But now, I'm afraid it won't be possible.

Her heart for Jia Rong is dead.

After giving her a look, Ruizhu, the maid standing beside her, went out knowingly, and then Qin said to Jia Rong: "It doesn't matter if you want to rest inside, I have a cool chair outside here, as long as you don't think it's too narrow. After a while, I will ask the girls and women to find mattresses and quilts to spread..."

Jia Rong's face was embarrassing, and he was not stupid, and he knew that Qin was deliberately pretending not to understand him.

Well, she should still be angry with me.

So he smiled flatteringly and said: "That cool chair is really too small, it's hard to even turn over when you sleep on it... Besides, ask girls and women to find those dirty monk's mattresses, let's not talk about how smelly the blankets are. Seeing the outside, don't those women outside become suspicious..."

After Jia Rong and the Qin family got married, they have been sleeping in separate rooms.Fortunately, the house that Jia Zhen arranged for the Qin family was very spacious and luxurious, with large rooms surrounded by small rooms, overlapping each other, so except for the few maidservants who served close by, no one else knew about it.

However, Jia Rong has inherited Jia Zhen's fine traditions, and every night is full of joy, so how can he endure the vacancy in Qin's house?That's why he always stays out at night, even if he rests at home, he usually sleeps in the rooms of her concubines, Tong Fang and others.

The time to go to Qin's house is very little.

Guarding a beautiful woman's wife is not acceptable, so he naturally has anger in his heart, he dare not vent it on Jia Zhen, he can only vent it on Qin Shi, which is one of the reasons why the relationship between him and Qin Shi has become more and more rigid.

Naturally, Wang Xifeng and the others knew something about it, but they all thought that the reason for the discord between Jia Rong and the Qin family was the rumors about Jia Zhen.When it comes to such filthy matters, even if Sister Feng and others know that the Qin family has been neglected by Jia Rong, they can't stand up for her...

Qin said again: "In that case, the uncle will go to sleep in the room, and I will sleep outside."

Seeing that the Qin family is so unscrupulous, Jia Rong is a little helpless.

Thinking of the saying in the play that "a good girl is afraid of pestering her husband", she continued to look at her face and said: "Ahem, well, I miss you, and there is no need to be so troublesome, it would be better for us to rest inside..."

As Jia Rong said, she reached out and wanted to touch Qin's plain hand.

Qin shrank her hands, stood up, looked at Jia Rong with tears, and said sadly: "At the beginning, it was the uncle who was determined to push me out, and it was, it was... such a shameless act!

Now that the uncle is in the mood for a while, he wants to make trouble for me again, what does the uncle think of me?

Let me ask the uncle, what should you do if the master finds out later? "

As soon as Jia Rong heard Jia Zhen, she shrank her neck subconsciously, and quickly said: "I'll just rest there for a night, and I won't do anything, it's okay if the master knows, besides, you don't talk to the master... ..."

Jia Rong's patience was also exhausted at this time, and she said that I gave you face, why are you still putting on airs like this?
If you're really strict, you wouldn't do something like that with the old guy, and let me do a bum in the middle, and you'd be wronged later?
Seeing that Jia Rong was still in awe of Jia Zhen like a snake and a scorpion, with no masculinity at all, although it was expected, I couldn't help feeling sad again.

She sat down indifferently, and said: "It's okay for the uncle to rest in the house. From today, the uncle will have at least five days to rest at home. And from now on, I will go to greet the master, and you must also accompany me." I'll go together..."

Qin is a weak and reasonable woman, she can't make an arrogant gesture, so she can only force Jia Rong to retreat in this way.

In fact, after finishing these few words, she was praying in her heart that Jia Rong must not agree, otherwise she would not know what to do.

Looking at the vast sky outside, how can you be willing to go back and step on the muddy land?
Fortunately, Jia Rong was still the same Jia Rong, and it was impossible for him to agree to Qin's two requests.

If you rest at home for five days, you will have to abstain from sexual intercourse for almost the next half of the day, which is too cruel.As for accompanying Qin Shi to greet Jia Zhen, forget it, once or twice is fine, if there are too many times, the old man must understand that he wants to fight against him, and he must be cramped!
Therefore, Jia Rong thought that the Qin family was deliberately burying him and trying to harm him.

This shameless woman seems determined to follow the old man, bah...

"Humph" him, Jia Rong, who is a man, stood up and walked away.

Coming to the front, the area where people from the family gather, Jia Rong, who is angry, has no intention of fooling around with those who hide in the dark and gamble.

Just in time to see the lights in Jia Qiang's room, he smiled and knocked on the door of his good brother's room.

(End of this chapter)

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