Chapter 185


Jia Lian's personal guards escorted Jia Lian and others up the mountain. When they saw someone galloping down the mountain road, they hurried forward to form a formation to block them.

It was only then that I realized that it was Laiwang.

"Ha, Uncle Wang, what are you doing in such a hurry at this late hour?"

Zhao'er, as Jia Lian's close servant, also had to follow on horseback, so he rode up and asked with a smile.

But Laiwang seemed to have done something bad, he responded to Zhao'er in a sarcastic way, and got off his horse to greet Jia Lian.

He looked like this, even if ordinary people saw him, they would ask him where he was going, let alone Jia Lian?Jia Lian knows very well that Laiwang and his wife are important confidantes of Sister Feng, and in the original book they often do "dirty work" and "private work" for Sister Feng.

So he sat on the horse and asked, "What are you doing?"

"It' big deal, the second mistress told the servant to go back to the city to get something..."

Now that Jia Lian has become more and more experienced in understanding people's nature, looking at Shang Lai Wang's eyes, he can see at a glance that he has something to say to him, but it is inconvenient to say it.

Jia Lian understood a little bit in his heart, and suddenly his face sank: "What is so important that I have to ask you to go back to the city to get it at night? Why don't you tell me the truth, dare to lie to me, and be careful with your skin."

Because Jia Lian thought of the appearance of Shui Rong in the morning, and Jia Baoyu's falling in love with a country girl in the suburbs, Jia Lian secretly matched the plot of the Qin family's funeral in the original book.

But Jia Lian knew that Sister Feng did something immoral during the Qin family's funeral, which caused a pair of childhood sweethearts to die in love...

Jia Lian originally advocated suppressing Sister Feng and preventing her from doing bad things, but now it seems that Wang is sneaky, how can he let her go.

Laiwang seemed to be frightened by Jia Lian, and he knelt on the ground, "I don't dare to lie, it's just, I just don't dare to tell..."

Laiwang made a look of sincerity and fear, and glanced at Yingchun's carriage and the people around him.

This is his strategy, pretending to run into Jia Lian when he was rushing back to the city, and then under Jia Lian's intimidation, he had no choice but to tell the story.In this way, if Jia Lian did not object, he would be ordered to go back, find a husband who was in charge of the text, and take the letter to Pingan Prefecture in Jia Lian's tone, and settle the matter without being charged with "falsely preaching the imperial decree".

If Jia Lian objected, he would have Lian's second master to deal with Sister Feng. Even if Sister Feng pursued him afterwards, he would have something to say, and I believe he could get away with it.

It can be said to have the best of both worlds.

Sure enough, Second Master Lian was not a fool. Seeing him like this, he asked someone to send Yingchun into the mountain gate first. When there were only a few cronies around him, Fang looked at him unkindly, "Now we can talk."

Laiwang didn't dare to be careless, because he was afraid that Jia Lian would still have Sister Feng's people by his side, so he didn't dare to relax. He still pretended to be embarrassed, and revealed what Sister Feng had confessed reluctantly and helplessly.

Although it was not what Jia Lian had expected, but Jia Lian couldn't help being a little annoyed when she heard that Sister Feng was open to money and wanted to earn any money under his continuous training.

Then I looked at Xiang Laiwang, and I had to look up two points in my heart.Sure enough, there are no weak soldiers under the strong generals. This Laiwang has won the trust of Sister Feng, and he really has some mental means.

And he is not a reckless person, he has fear in his heart, which is a good thing.

"I know about this, and you don't need to go back to the city. If there is nothing wrong, you can go to the family temple to help."

"Yes, yes, the servant respectfully obeys the second master's words..."

Laiwang stood up, heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and was about to leave when he heard Jia Lian say, "You are the person who accompanied your second grandma's natal family, so you should listen to your second grandma's words.

But you still need to know what should be done and what can be done. If you are not sure, it is best to report to me in advance.

You remember my words, it will benefit you in the future. "

"Yes, the servant must remember..."

Laiwang's heart trembled, because he did have a few things to hide from Jia Lian, and he felt a little guilty, so he leaned forward and resigned.

Jia Lian watched Laiwang go to the family temple, but he didn't look back for a long time.

Laiwang didn't know about the things he thought he did for Sister Feng, but in fact, most of them were under his control.

It's just that some things are not very important, and Jia Lian has no intention of interfering.

There is only one thing, Jia Lian sighs for Sister Feng in her heart!

"You're here."

Because Sister Feng knew that Jia Lian was coming, she took a late rest on purpose.

Seeing Jia Lian coming, she hurried up to welcome Jia Lian into the house.

"It's because of you, your own sister, that you, the old man, are willing to make a trip in person at such a late night. I'm afraid you won't go to such lengths for your own dear daughter."

While complaining, Sister Feng took the tea from the maid and brought it to Jia Lian.

"What's the matter with you, pull a face, who offended you again?"

As soon as Sister Feng asked this, Jia Lian took her hand.

Originally thought that Jia Lian was going to take this opportunity to have a kiss, but after the clinker fell into Jia Lian's arms as usual, she was immediately turned over and lay on Jia Lian's lap.

"what are you doing……"


A sudden slap on the buttock made Wang Xifeng stunned. She didn't react until the "slap" passed her ears for a long time, and immediately shouted: "What are you doing, let me go!!"

Unfortunately, not only did Jia Lian not let go of her, but he restrained him with one hand, and continued to hit her buttocks twice with his left hand, which made her feel painful.

Although it was in the inner room and there were no extra maids, Ping'er was still inside.After Ping'er was stunned for the first time, he realized that Jia Lian was really beating Sister Feng, so he immediately came to stop him.

But Jia Lian said bitterly to her: "Ping'er, help me hold her down. Today I have to teach this girl who doesn't have a long memory a lesson!"

Ping'er didn't know how to do it well.

Sister Feng was even more annoyed, seeing that she couldn't turn over, she immediately threatened: "You are crazy, if you don't let go, I will bite you..."

Wang Xifeng made a gesture, lowered his head and grabbed Jia Lian's thigh.

Jia Lian just snorted coldly, ignored her, and slapped her slightly plump buttocks under her slender waist with a series of beatings.

"Clap clap clap~"

How could Sister Feng know what Jia Lian was going crazy? She scolded and jumped, but Jia Lian was so strong that she couldn't break free.

Swear to bite Jia Lian hard.

"Hey, do you really dare to bite you?"

With an even more numb slap, Wang Xifeng finally didn't dare to bite Jia Lian hard, and let go of his mouth...

Ping'er vaguely guessed that Sister Feng must have done something wrong, and Jia Lian knew about it.

But if it goes on like this now, not to mention that Wang Xifeng was beaten by Jia Lian, but she is standing here now, and if Sister Feng turns her anger on her afterward, then she will be in a disaster for no reason.

So he hurriedly persuaded Jia Lian, but seeing no effect, he knelt on the ground with a thud, and begged, "Second Master, stop beating, even if Second Mistress has done something wrong, Second Master will see that after Second Mistress has cooked for the Eldest Master this month. Things, I was so busy that I didn't even get a good night's sleep, so I should forgive myself.

Besides, the slaves and servants know about the Second Mistress, if the Second Mistress is wrong, it is because the slaves are not effective in admonishing them, so if the Second Master is serious and cannot calm down, just hit me, the slaves are willing to suffer for the Second Mistress..."

As Ping'er said, he put his face behind Sister Feng's buttocks, leaving Jia Lian nowhere to attack.

Jia Lian glanced at Ping'er, who was protecting the Lord so much, and sighed inwardly.Sister Feng's son, He De and He Neng, can get such a person, who will protect him sincerely from the beginning to the end.

Seeing that Wang Xifeng didn't struggle anymore, he thought it had achieved the effect, so he stopped.

Unexpectedly, after letting go, Wang Xifeng still didn't move, and as the clean room became quiet, there was a faint sob from below.

Jia Lian suddenly wondered, didn't he, Feng Lazi was beaten and cried by him?
Ping'er was even more uneasy, and hurriedly knelt up to check, "Second Grandma..."

"Hey, are you really crying?"

Jia Lian pushed Sister Feng's slender and light shoulders, but the other party struggled violently and forcibly flicked his hand away, still lying on her stomach, expressing the protagonist's protest with this silent behavior.

Jia Lian laughed, and forcibly helped her up, sitting on one leg, wrapping one arm around her slender waist, and lifting her face with the other.

Sure enough, Wang Xifeng, who was always in a hurry and looked at people sideways with her red phoenix eyes at any time, now had tears in her eyes, aggrieved and stubborn.

Tilting his head, he took off Jia Lian's dirty hands, preventing him from looking at his face.


Jia Lian laughed seriously.

This laughter completely angered Wang Xifeng, he immediately turned his head and stared at Jia Lian.

(End of this chapter)

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