Chapter 194
On the second day, it was still a day of dojo.

On the third day, everything was ready, that is, the coffin was lowered, the soil was sealed, and the monument was erected.

The relatives and friends of the whole family have been busy until noon, and finally all the funeral ceremonies are over.

After returning to the family temple and receiving the thank-you banquet, Jia She's funeral was completely over.

After the relatives and friends of the family dispersed, Jia Lian and others also began to prepare chariots, horses and soft sedan chairs to escort Jia Mu back to the city.

While explaining to the butler, Zhou Rui's family came to summon him: "Second Master Lian, the old lady is in the inner hall, I invite you to come in."

"what's up?"

"Yes... the master is also there, it's for the second master Bao..."

After hearing this, Jia Lian had a guess, so he came to the inner hall with Zhou Rui's family.

It is said to be the inner hall, but it is just a clean room for receiving guests in the main hall of Shuiyue Temple. It was specially arranged by the former Jingxu to receive nobles. After Jiamu came, it became her temporary residence for the elderly.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that there were a lot of people, Jia Mu, Mrs. Xing Wang, Jia Zheng, Li Wan and other sisters were all there, and even Aunt Xue's mother and daughter quietly appeared here.

Among them, Jia's mother was angry, and Jia Baoyu nestled in his arms like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Underneath, Jia Zheng, who was dressed in normal clothes, was a little embarrassed, and seemed to be standing helplessly, but occasionally his eyes caught Jia Baoyu, and immediately shot out a thunderous look, scaring his second treasure into his grandmother's arms. .

"I have seen the old lady, the eldest lady, the old lady."

Jia Lian came in and greeted the elders one by one.

Jiamu's face softened a little, and she asked symbolically, "Is everything going well outside?"

"Back to the ancestors, almost all the relatives were sent away, and the dismantling of the scene and the tidying up of things couldn't be finished for a while, and Feng girl is making arrangements outside.

However, the old lady's car is ready and ready to escort the old lady back to the city at any time. "

Jia's mother said, "You have worked hard", and then stopped talking nonsense, and said bluntly: "It just so happens that you are here, Lian'er, tell me about the events of that day, and ask your master to listen to whether Baoyu is real or not." What unforgivable crime have you committed, tell me carefully!"

It turned out that after Qin Bangye knew about Qin Zhong's affairs, he was so angry that he almost died of anger and didn't come up.

He is a student of Confucianism, and he attaches great importance to etiquette. His son did such shameless things during the funeral of Jia's mansion, which made him feel embarrassed, so he put on a cane and came to his in-law Jia Zhen to confess his crimes, and then came to give Jia Lian apologized.

Then this matter reached Jia Zheng's ears.

Who is Jia Zheng?People who have long disliked Jia Baoyu and want to teach him a lesson.Hearing that this matter is still related to Jia Baoyu, how can he give up?But Jia Zheng is a fastidious person, and he didn't intend to do anything to Jia Baoyu in the family temple. He just scolded him severely, and then said, "Be careful. When you go back, see if I don't expose your skin." !” Such extremely terrifying words.

Jia Baoyu is not the master who just sits and waits to die. He immediately went to find Jia Mu and did not take the initiative to complain. He just acted like he was lost and lost.

After knowing that the culprit was Jia Zheng, he unceremoniously called Jia Zheng in and taught him a lesson.

The so-called brine order tofu, one thing down one thing, nothing like that.

As far as Mother Jia is concerned, she has already heard about it, because Mrs. Wang and others have reported and explained it to her before.

Although she was startled, after careful questioning, she said that it was a misrepresentation. The matter of Qin Zhong and others had nothing to do with Jia Baoyu, and she even asked Jia Baoyu herself, and Jia Baoyu also said that he had nothing to do with it...

A good grandson would never lie, so when Jia Zheng refused to accept it, he immediately asked Jia Lian to testify in court.

Jia Lian understood the joints, and felt that the combination of grandfather and grandson was quite funny, so he replied: "I don't know what the old ancestor said. Brother Bao has always been good. When did he commit any crimes?" gone?"

Upon hearing Jia Lian's words, not to mention Jia Baoyu's thankful gaze, even Mrs. Wang, who had always been nervous, quietly relaxed.

Li Wan, Sister Feng and others have already confessed, and what happened that night really has nothing to do with Jia Baoyu.Now that Jia Lian said the same thing, such a Jia Zheng couldn't tell the truth!

Mother Jia's tone became lighter, she looked at Jia Zheng and snorted, and then continued to ask: "It's about that bastard brother of the Qin family. Didn't you beat him dozens of sticks and ask you, Brother Zhen, to send him back?" Has Dongfu gone to recuperate?
Let me ask you, does what happened that night have anything to do with your brother Bao? "

Since Jia's mother arrived at the family temple last night, she has heard such a terrifying wind, which shocked her at the time.

Fortunately, Li Wan, Wang Xifeng and others said that she really didn't want to do anything about Jia Baoyu, so she gave up, and then scolded Li Wan, saying that they didn't take care of them carefully, and Li Wan didn't dare to argue.

It was all fine at first, but who knew that Jia Zheng would jump out to make trouble again!She was very dissatisfied with Jia Zheng, how could I ruin my own son's reputation and future?Must be resolutely suppressed!

"The old lady was joking, what happened that night has anything to do with Brother Bao?

If he really dared to do such a rebellious thing, how could he still stand here and act like a baby with his ancestor?I'm afraid his butt has been opened long ago.

Or does the old lady feel that Brother Bao has made a mistake, and I, the elder brother, don't even have the right to discipline him? "

As soon as Jia Lian said this, Jia's mother immediately showed joy.

"Yes, yes! If he really made a mistake, you, a brother, naturally have the right and responsibility to teach him!"

Of course Jia's mother was happy, Jia Lian's words could be regarded as helping Jia Baoyu get rid of the suspicion, so she looked at Jia Zheng: "What else do you say?"

Jia Zheng was also confused, and hurriedly asked Jia Lian, "Lien'er, it's really as you said, this bastard really didn't get involved... Didn't do those things?"

"Reporting to my lord, there really isn't.

Although Brother Bao was indeed present that night, both the nephew and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who were present at the time could see clearly that Brother Bao was indeed innocent.

Maybe he just ran into him by chance, and it was just because he was concerned about friendship and didn't want to expose his brother, so there was such a misunderstanding. "

Of course, Jia Lian would not pour any dirty water on Jia Baoyu at this time. In fact, by now, those who should believe have already believed, such as Li Wan and Daiyu.

Those who should not be believed, such as Jia Mu and others, there is no need to make them believe it.

Besides, the more he said that, the more it seemed that he was open-minded and wanted to defend Jia Baoyu, which would make Daiyu and others feel a little more confident in their hearts!
What surprised Jia Lian was that after Jia Zheng thought about it, he cupped his hands and said to Jia's mother, "So, my son is wrong. Please forgive my son for his recklessness."

Jia Zheng, he believed it so easily, and he no longer doubted it?
The reason why Mother Jia didn't drive Aunt Xue, Daiyu and others away was to defend Jia Baoyu's reputation by defending Jia Baoyu's reputation after witnessing everyone's testimony, so that they wouldn't point fingers at her grandson behind her back.

"Hmph, thanks to the fact that you have been an official for more than ten years, you came to threaten my Baoyu without asking clearly, as if you have wronged him.

That's all for this time, next time you want to do this again, I won't forgive you lightly. "

Jia Zheng always put down his dignity in front of Jia's mother. Hearing the words, he flattered him and said, "Yes, my son will never see him again."

"Okay, you go down."

"Yes, my son is leaving..."

After Jia Zheng left, Jia's mother said to Jia Lian and Mrs. Wang: "Since that brother of the Qin family is a man of no means, from now on, he is not allowed to come to our house, nor is he allowed to go to our house to learn. inside."


Jia Baoyu opened his mouth to ask for mercy, but he had already lost Qin Zhong's trust, and if he continued to do what Jia's mother did, he would have no chance to make up for it.In other words, he will lose this good brother forever.

"Baoyu!" Jia Mu's tone became severe.

"You are not allowed to see him again, you don't have to let him lead you down. If you are disobedient, next time your master wants to beat you, I won't protect you."

Jia Baoyu didn't dare to say any more.

(End of this chapter)

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