Chapter 199

"Although it should be, but you are in my favor, shouldn't you show it?"

Jia Lian sat at the head of the kang, holding Feng Lazi in his arms, rubbing his ears and temples together.

Wang Xifeng couldn't bear it, and finally compromised: "Then what do you want?"

Jia Lian smiled and said, "It's been a month, thank you for your hard work, get ready tonight, and I will reward you well."

Wang Xifeng couldn't understand the meaning of the word "reward", so his ears and cheeks turned red at a visible speed, but he had no reason to refuse.

During the month of the funeral, she didn't even have the chance to sleep with Jia Lian, and it had been a long time.

Now when she heard what Jia Lian said, her heart melted, she couldn't refuse, she just nodded silently.

"Call Ping'er up..."

Jia Lian suddenly added this sentence, which made Wang Xifeng startled, and immediately turned over to look at him.

Seeing that his old face was thick-skinned and he didn't blush at all, he immediately poohed: "I knew you were upset and kind!"

I secretly regretted that I shouldn't have been bewitched by it back then, and watched Ping'er's good show by the side.

If not, he wouldn't be involved in the flames of war. Now, let him make such an exaggerated request blatantly!

Thinking about it, he pinched Jia Lian's arm in anger.

Jia Lian chuckled, hugged her tightly again, and said with a smile: "It's not that she has worked hard with you these days. She is yours. I am so selfless and help you win her over. You don't appreciate me That's all, still spit on me?

Believe it or not, if I help you once, it will be more effective than rewarding her with money and clothes, and she will be more loyal to you in the future. "

"Hey, I believe you are a ghost."

After all, Wang Xifeng was ashamed to talk about it, so she pretended to bite Jia Lian, then snuggled into his arms obediently, and asked, "Tell me, what do I need to do when the clan's mansion comes back? Gong Xie'en and those?"

Although there were many orders in the family, Wang Xifeng didn't have the nerve to ask about the process, so she couldn't figure it out.

Jia Lian smiled and shook her head, "No, the clan's mansion will report to the empress to know, as long as the empress nods, it will be registered in the register, and any benefits in the palace will be remembered to have your share." , you don’t have to make a special trip into the palace to thank you, let alone go to the clan mansion.”

"Then, what about my imperial clothes, won't the palace give them away?"

"No, but the palace should send flowers down. After you get them, you can find someone to tailor them yourself."

When Wang Xifeng heard it, he complained immediately: "It's so easy to get a patent, and I have to pay for the custom-made clothes myself. The palace is too stingy."

Wang Xifeng had seen Jia Mu and others custom-made the uniforms, so she was not ignorant.

Just seeing that the official uniforms and noble uniforms on Jia Lian were all issued by the court, she was very unconvinced.

Sure enough, men are different, there is no fairness to speak of, they have been ordered, and they still have to suffer this look!

Jia Lian laughed, the system of edicting his wife was created by the imperial court to encourage and reward courtiers.For example, Wang Xifeng's second rank edict belongs to the derivative power brought by his title.

To put it bluntly, he was completely attached to him, so naturally he didn't have to do anything alone.

As for the reluctance to give away a set of phoenix coronets, it wasn't because the imperial court was so stingy, it was just to save trouble.

The height of a woman's stature is private, and it is not very convenient to make orders in the palace. Besides, the families who can get the imperial order probably do not lack the tens or hundreds of taels of money to order the ordered clothes.

Seeing Jia Lian laughing at her, Wang Xifeng pouted a little.

Originally thought that if he was granted the imperial order, he would be regarded as having a formal rank, and he would be able to travel in an eight-carried sedan chair in the future, which would be quite different from before.

Looking at the way the imperial court treats them differently now, I think that from now on, I will be even more inseparable from having no conscience.

No wonder whether it is the eldest wife or sister-in-law You in the mansion over there, they all obey the elder master and brother Zhen and dare not disobey at all.At first, they thought it was because of their lack of temper, but now it seems that it may not be completely true.

If you want this honor, you have to bow your head to a man...

Forget it, at least those who have no conscience are much better than them. After all, he is a reasonable person, and he will not bully people for no reason!
Wang Xifeng was still enlightened, and heard Jia Lian say: "After you become the imperial wife, you should pay more attention to your usual words and deeds.

It's okay when you're at home, but when you're outside, you must be clear about what you shouldn't do and what you shouldn't care about, and don't make the same mistakes in Shuiyue Nunnery again.

Otherwise, if you are caught by the officials of Lantai Temple, not to mention that your wife is not stable, I am afraid that even I, General Zhenyuan, will have a hard time. Do you understand the reason? "

Compared with the previous Fengyue jokes, this is the condition that Jia Lian really wants to talk to Wang Xifeng.

Who knew that when Wang Xifeng heard this, he was a little annoyed and said, "I knew it, I'm already a thief in your eyes!

Didn't you just do one thing wrong, besides, you beat me too much, what else do you want?
You even used the poor officials of Lantai Temple to scare me, don't think I don't know, Master Lin is the hall official of Lantai Temple, with his old man around, which blind censor would dare to take care of our family's affairs? "

Looking at the unrepentant Wang Xifeng, Jia Lian suddenly remembered Sun Shaoan's words: I really want to beat you to death~
Therefore, he slapped her buttocks fiercely, and said with hatred: "Women who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, just go crazy, wait until the day you really get into trouble, and then don't cry!"

Jia Lian could tell that Wang Xifeng was not prepared to tell the truth about her loan at all.

He had already given her a chance.

That's all.In case Wang Xifeng really becomes more and more courageous in the future, dares not to listen to him, or even wants to fight against him, this is her excuse.

Husband and wife are kind for a day, but Jia Lian actually doesn't want to play tricks on Wang Xifeng, but this woman is really too arrogant, she can easily get out of control, so it's better to leave someone behind.

She said that the matter of lending money was not big or small.The reason why I say small is that many families in Beijing are doing the same thing, which is nothing new.

Talking about defecating is violating the laws of the country, seeking wealth and killing one's life, and losing one's wife's morality.

If it is brought to the public, such as being reported to the imperial court by a memorial from the censor, it is a crime sufficient to divorce one's wife.

Perhaps, this is also the bargaining chip Mrs. Wang is planning to use to manipulate Wang Xifeng, but this stupid woman has fallen into someone else's trap because of her greed for money, without knowing it.

Fortunately, this matter was within his controllable range, so since Wang Xifeng was unwilling to confess, he took advantage of the opportunity to hold the handle in his hands.

Hope it won't be useful one day.


Of course Wang Xifeng didn't know that Jia Lian, who was taking advantage of her while hugging her, was still thinking about how to plot against her!
If he knew, he would scold Jia Lian for being heartless.

Tired in Jia Lian's arms for a while, she got up and sat back, smiling and talking about another happy event.

"Have you heard, the master said it when he came back from court.

By the grace of the emperor, the family members of the concubine's natal family are allowed to visit the palace on the 26th of every month.In other words, members of our family can also enter the palace to visit the eldest sister.

The old lady and wife were overjoyed when they heard the news.

That's right, a well-raised daughter was sent to the palace, and it was rare to see her alive after so many years.

It's all right now, with this grace, at least the old lady and the others can have the opportunity to see their eldest sister every month, which is a relief. "

Wang Xifeng said, feeling a little empathetic.

After all, she also has a daughter.If her daughter cannot see each other for seven or eight years after she grows up, she will probably go crazy.

But at the same time, she was secretly happy.

Seeing that he is about to be granted a patent, he is worried that he has no place to show off.In the future, when the old lady and the others enter the palace, I can wear Fengguan Xiapei and follow them into the palace dignifiedly, so that I can show my status in front of thousands of people!
Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Jia Lian say: "It's nothing, you just wait, I guess there will be a bigger and more festive gift from heaven, just don't get dizzy when the time comes."

Wang Xifeng hurriedly asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"It's not very interesting, I just remind you in advance to hide the money at home as much as possible.

Maybe there's going to be a huge hole in our house that needs to be filled soon.If you don't pay attention, be careful when the time comes that the wealth you have accumulated through so many years of hard work will not be enough to fill a hole. "

Wang Xifeng's curiosity was suddenly aroused by Jia Lian's words, and she hated it to death. Every time she did this, she half-spoken.

It's fine if it's purely nonsense, but the words that come out of the heartless mouth are almost not groundless, and they often predict things in advance, which makes her feel like a cat is scratching her heart!

It's just a pity that no matter how much she asked, Jia Lian was helpless even if she didn't tell the truth.

However, he still kept Jia Lian's words in his heart. It seemed that after going back, he had to hide the baby lumps better.

There are thieves thinking about it!

Extra: Brothers and sisters, please ask for the monthly ticket, this month is much less than last month.Big guys, do me a favor, get the monthly pass to [-], I want to draw a lottery...

(End of this chapter)

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