Chapter 201
Mrs. Wang's small courtyard, Mrs. Wang was silent when she heard the movement outside.

It's not that she can't see that Jia Lian and his wife are taking the opportunity to buy people's hearts, but she can't stop them.Because the other party's reasons are very good, after major events, it is indeed the tradition of Jia's mansion to reward meritorious deeds.

Therefore, not only could she not hinder her, but she could only watch helplessly as the other party took money from the official treasury here to buy people's hearts.

Oh, it can no longer be said to be the official treasury here.From the moment Wang Xifeng sent Jia Amnesty's unused money from the funeral to the treasury, there was only one official treasury in Rongguo Mansion.

Moreover, she felt that she suddenly lost control of the official treasury.Because the housekeepers are Jia Lian and his wife.

In the past, they were housekeepers for her, so they had to report everything to her or Jia Zheng, but from now on, they probably don't need to report everything to them anymore.

Unless he and Jia Zheng go off in person and compete with Jia Lian and his wife for the right to be the housekeeper...

But this is obviously impossible.

Therefore, Mrs. Wang felt a little uncomfortable.She finally realized why Jia Lian forced them to agree not to separate the family, and her intentions were a bit sinister!
In Rongqing hall, Mother Jia looked at the girls and women who couldn't hold back, and sighed: "Go and receive the reward, since they all said that everyone has a share, you don't have to follow me, and get involved." Don't let this light!"

All the girls and women immediately thanked Jia Mu, and then went outside to receive the rewards in batches.

Compared with the boiling of Rongguo Mansion, Ningguo Mansion looked deserted and desolate.

The servants of Ningguo Mansion looked at each other, their eyes turned red with jealousy and dissatisfaction.

They also contributed a lot in the previous month. They were also busy following the uncle and grandma. Some of them thought to themselves that their contribution was no less than that of the people in Rongguo Mansion. Why did Second Master Lian and Second Grandma Lian send them Forgot?
In Ningxuan Hall, the main hall of Ningguo Mansion, after listening to Youshi's words, Jia Zhen said very speechlessly: "Since that's the case, let's give rewards as well, otherwise, I'm afraid the servants below will curse us."

After saying this, Jia Zhen couldn't help complaining that Jia Lian was not kind.

For Jia Amnesty's matter, they went back and forth, and it was fine to help in vain, but now that the matter is over, they are still together.Why don't you tell him in advance that in such a situation, if he doesn't show some blood, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to command his servants next time.

While talking, I suddenly saw someone from the Rongguo Mansion saying: "Our second master and second grandma said that uncle and grandma, as well as uncle Xiaorong and grandma Xiaorong, will take care of our elder master this month. ,Thanks for your hard work.

There is nothing to repay, I only prepared a small gift, which is not a respect, and I ask the uncle and grandma to accept it. "

"Hahaha, your second master and second mistress are too polite, they are all a family, this is too outlandish, isn't it..."

Jia Zhen glanced at the boxes of yellow ginseng that the maids had brought over, then went out to look at the fine wine that was being carried in, stroked her sparse beard, and nodded in satisfaction.


In addition to Ning Rong's Second Mansion, there are also family members who have been helping for a month, such as Jia Yun, Jia Qiang and others. Jia Lian also asked people to prepare a relatively rich amount of money for the servants to send to their respective homes.

In this way, it is basically exhaustive.

When the money in the basket in front of him bottomed out, Jia Lian turned his head to look to the other side and asked, "Have you finished distributing the ones over there?"

Wang Xifeng glanced at the roster and replied with a smile: "Except for the old lady and some people in the wife's room who couldn't get away and didn't come to collect it, the others are basically released."

In fact, in the usual Jia Mansion, male servants and maidservants are under separate jurisdiction, even the monthly payment is separated.

But today, for convenience and to create a more sensational and grand scene, Jia Lian purposely put the inside and outside together.

On the wide corridor in front of the external office, he and Wang Xifeng occupied one side, set up a few tables, and made a full posture.Wang Xifeng distributed rewards to maids, daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law, and he came to distribute rewards to slaves and servants.

"Since that's the case, there's no need to distribute the rest, just send them back later."

Jia Lian said to Wang Xifeng.

Seeing this, the spectators thought it was over and were about to leave when Jia Lian called out, "Butler Shan."

"The slave is..."

An old servant who looked about 50 or [-] years old, with a thin figure but a little potbellied, walked forward with a smile.

"Butler Shan seems to have received a lot of rewards today, right?"

"Hehehe, it's all thanks to the second master and second mistress, the servant has indeed received a lot of rewards today..."

These housekeepers in Rongguo Mansion basically existed from Jia's mother, and they are very important in the entire Jia family.

Take Na Lai Da as an example, even Jia Qiang, the decent great-great-grandson of Ningguo Mansion, would respectfully call him "Grandpa Lai" in person.The status of these stewards can be seen from this.

Although this Shan family cannot be compared with the Lai family, it is also one of the four housekeepers of the Rongguo Mansion before, ranking just below Lai Da and Lin Zhixiao.

"Oh, compared to Butler Shan, who has been greedy for ink and got kickbacks in the past month, how is it?"

Jia Lian looked at Shan Daliang and asked with a smile.

As soon as this question came out, the casual people around were taken aback, and some of them suspected that they had heard it wrong.

But Shan Daliang heard it right, he said awkwardly: "Second, the second master was joking, the slaves have always been diligent and conscientious in doing things for the grandparents, and they are afraid of death and cannot repay the kindness of the grandparents, where, where Dare to be greedy for ink, let alone take kickbacks, the second master really wronged the dead slave..."

Jia Lian snorted, picked up a booklet next to her, and said, "I have recorded here a total of eleven things, big or small, that have been handled by Steward Shan in the past month, or that I have personally taken charge of. Including buying lamp oil and flower candles, making Jinbang paper bundles, hiring nuns and Taoist nuns, looking for stone materials to compile inscriptions and so on.

Judging from the number of things he has done, Steward Shan is indeed a diligent person.

If, as you said, you were not greedy at all, and didn't take any kickbacks, then you are the biggest contributor this time. I am afraid that the reward I just gave is not enough to commend your achievements. "

Shan Daliang felt that his vest was starting to sweat.

The posture in front of him made him feel bad, but he could only bite the bullet and say: "These things that the slaves do are all part of their duties, they are nothing, and the second master has already rewarded the slaves enough..."

"It's a good job!"

Jia Lian suddenly snorted coldly, Shan Daliang shuddered and tried not to move.

"The Zhang family in Hechunfang bought a total of five hundred catties of lamp oil, paid 30 taels of silver, and returned five and a half taels.

Hehehe, it costs more than 60 yuan per catty of lamp oil, and I don’t know what kind of lamp oil is so valuable, so I can’t help but want to sell lamp oil..."

As soon as Jia Lian said this, there was a burst of laughter in the courtyard lit by lanterns.

For ordinary slaves, they don't get much oil or water on weekdays, and they can't wait to see these high-ranking, rich butlers and stewards suffer and be cleaned up!

If it weren't for the fear of being put on small shoes afterwards, many people couldn't help but want to tell Jia Lian, but they still don't know whether Jia Lian just wants to beat Butler Shan or not, so they dare not act rashly for the time being.

Shan Daliang wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, and explained: "The latest secret lamp oil that the slave asked to buy from the Zhang family in Hechunfang is made of high-quality pine nuts, and it smells like pine nuts when it burns. , that's why it's so expensive.

If the second master doesn't believe it, you can send someone to ask the Zhang family. If the slave dares to lie, the second master will not complain even if he beats the slave to death! "

Shan Daliang felt that, with Jia Lian's status, it was impossible to ask outsiders for the 20 taels of silver. Isn't this a way to make people laugh at the incompetence of the stately government?
Besides, he also discussed it with the young master of the Zhang family. Even if someone asked, the other party would probably not betray him.

Hmph, if the second master thinks that he can be convicted in this way, he will underestimate them.

(End of this chapter)

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