Chapter 270 Unworthy

The dominance of the queen mother almost caused Wang Xifeng to have a nervous breakdown.

She finally began to regret in her heart, why she didn't listen to Jia Lian's words and mixed up the lending matter.

In fact, with the unconscionable current ability, the family does not lack the little interest earned from lending.

I put out the loan for a year, and the total interest is only more than 1000 taels, which is equivalent to a fraction of unconscionable earning.

The ridiculous thing is that she still remembers that she was once complacent about this, thinking that she was clever and courageous, and could realize her own value.

Indeed, more than 1000 taels, although it is incomparable with Jia Lian's earnings, it is still the sum of a year's salary and Lumi for a senior official of the second and third ranks.

That is to say, she is more powerful than those officials, and the money she earns is enough to support a middle-level family.

Therefore, when Jia Lian taught her that day and asked her to honestly confess whether she had done anything bad outside, she refused to say anything about it, and was once secretly happy that she had concealed it from Jia Lian.

Who would have thought that he would plant the seeds of disaster for himself today!

She and Jia Lian were married couples who had performed six ceremonies and were carried into Rongguo Mansion by eight sedan chairs.

Even the Queen Mother would be criticized if she wanted to take her man away.

So, she was right about it.

However, now that the Empress Dowager is holding such a handle, not to mention reasoning, life, death, and reputation are all in the Empress Dowager's whim.

For a woman, especially a lady like her, reputation is more important than life.

At this moment, she finally felt real fear.

Heartless, where are you, can you save me...

Wang Xifeng was crying, and the queen mother looked down at her coldly.

"A person who has lost morality and violated the laws of the country is naturally not qualified to be the wife of an official in the Wei court.

As long as I am willing, I can immediately deprive you of your imperial status, and even hand you over to a judge.

However, considering that you are a first-time offender and your ancestors have made meritorious service for my great Wei, I can forgive you.

As long as you are willing to take the initiative to reconcile with Jia Lian, I will not only let you go for your crimes, but also the compensation I told you before will still be valid. "

The queen mother's words sound just and righteous, which is irrefutable.

Indeed, the women in the world, especially the inner and outer orders, have been under the rule of the queen since ancient times.

And the queen mother, as a former queen, is now promoted to queen mother, so naturally she still has this power.It can even be said that the queen's power is delegated to the queen by the queen mother.

Just like the Supreme Emperor to the Emperor.

Therefore, as Wang Xifeng, who is ordered by the second rank, her life, death and wealth are naturally controlled by the Queen Mother.

Moreover, it sounds like the queen mother is already very magnanimous.

Anyway, she is not qualified to be Jia Lian's wife. As long as she takes the initiative to reconcile with Jia Lian, the Queen Mother can forgive her and even give her compensation.

It seemed that she had no other choice.

If you don't respect the queen mother, the queen mother can deprive her of everything, including the right to be Jia Lian's wife.

If you obey the Queen Mother, at least you can stay decent and get out.

All in all, no matter whether she agrees or not, she and Jia Lian cannot be a husband and wife.

But at this moment, Wang Xifeng suddenly understood.

What's wrong with virtue, what lending violates the law of the country, but these are all excuses made by the Queen Mother.

They just took a fancy to her man and tried to snatch her away.

Wang Xifeng, who is straightforward and pungent by nature, wanted to scold her mother, but she knew a little about the pros and cons, so she didn't dare.

If you really offend the Queen Mother, let alone her, I'm afraid the family will suffer.

Therefore, sitting on the ground and crying for a long time, facing the patient Queen Mother, Wang Xifeng turned over and knelt on the ground, and replied: "Thank you Queen Mother for your generosity, my wife is willing to obey the Queen Mother's orders.

However, since ancient times, it has been the right of men to divorce their wives, and it has never been heard that women abandon their husbands.

As long as Jia Lian, General Jia gave the courtier's wife a paper of divorce, the courtier's wife would leave the Duke's mansion immediately, and wish General Jia and Her Royal Highness the love of husband and wife, and a happy marriage for a hundred years. "

After all, Wang Xifeng is not a foolish woman, after she calmed down, she replied like this.

The Queen Mother is absolutely unable to resist, so she can only agree.

However, she was not willing to give up like this.

Even if she was at fault, Jia Lian had to admit that she was no longer wanted, and it must not be that she couldn't bear the pressure and evaded on her own initiative.

She had a faint hope in her heart that the princess should be very ugly, and no one would want her ugly, that's why she wanted to rob her man!
If so, with unconscionable self-esteem and arrogance, I will definitely not do it, so there is still a little chance.


She also couldn't imagine why Jia Lian would reject the queen mother and the glory and wealth that would reach the sky in one step.

But even if she is destined to be robbed of her man, she will let Jia Lian take the initiative to divorce her.

She wanted to make Jia Lian feel guilty, and make Jia Lian always remember that it was the princess who snatched him away by virtue of her privilege, and it was the princess who made sister Qiao lose her mother!

After being robbed of a man, you still want to wish the other party and your man a loving husband and wife, and a happy marriage for a hundred years?how is this possible!

At least a thorn should be pricked between her and the unconscionable, so that she will suffer on her own and never get the real love of the unconscionable.

As for what and from...

That's just a nice way of saying divorce. Anyway, she never thought of remarrying someone else. Anyway, she lost all face, and she is not afraid of another paper of divorce.

This was Wang Xifeng's final plan.

Up front, the Empress Dowager's complexion suddenly darkened.

She didn't expect that Wang Xifeng, who seemed to be completely crushed by her, could respond like this.

She thought that when Wang Xifeng knew it was irreversible, she would either make jokes or give in silently, and even if she was really reluctant to leave Jia Lian, she would beg her and promise to let her stay by Jia Lian's side as a concubine or something like that. .

In fact, she may not be unable to agree.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly superficial woman suddenly became strong in the end!

She bluntly said that as long as Jia Lian gave her a divorce paper, she would stop pestering her.Even if she is the queen mother, it is hard to refute this, because it is indeed reasonable.

If she doesn't even agree to this, wouldn't it appear that she, the queen mother, is really incompetent, she has no choice but to bully her a weak woman, a weak woman, and persimmons are only picky?

Although it seems that she did this, the Queen Mother certainly cannot admit it!

In fact, it's not that she can't do anything about Jia Lian, she just doesn't want to make a big noise.

Compared with Jia Lian, a foreign minister who seems to have a lot of backbone, it is much easier to deal with a married woman.

"Since you agreed, I won't break the contract, so naturally I won't embarrass you any more.

But if I let Bengong know that you acted in front of Bengong, but after you go back, you obstruct this matter in every possible way, I will not forgive you lightly.

As for the letter of divorce you mentioned, you will receive it.

All right, someone, take her down. "

Facing the empress dowager with a tough attitude, Wang Xifeng had no choice but to look at the empress dowager, stood up silently, and left Weiyang palace with those palace people who were smiling but not smiling.

In the hall, as soon as Wang Xifeng left, Princess Zhaoyang came out from the side.

Although Wang Xifeng didn't see her, she had already seen Wang Xifeng thoroughly.

Because she didn't investigate Wang Xifeng in advance like the Queen Mother, so when she saw Jia Lian defending her wife like that, she thought Wang Xifeng would be a gentle and elegant lady, so Jia Lian didn't want to abandon him and choose her.

But according to her observation just now, and the "crimes" that the imperial grandmother said, to be honest, she was a little disappointed.

She who has a very high vision secretly lost to such a shallow woman, which is a blow to her self-confidence.

She walked up to the Queen Mother and asked, "Grandmother, do you think Jia Lian will really write a letter of divorce?
Listening to his tone before, he didn't seem like a person who compromised easily.

If he really doesn't want to make a fuss, it will be bad for the Tian family's reputation...

It's okay for the granddaughter, I'm afraid it will hurt the emperor's grandmother. "

Facing Zhaoyang, the Empress Dowager completely lost the indifference and inhumanity she had before, she touched her granddaughter's hand with a smile, and said with a smile: "There is no need to implicate me.

Don't think there is anything wrong with it. A little gossip from idlers is worthless to your lifelong happiness.

My Zhaoyang is always the bravest, isn't she? "

Faced with the Queen Mother's encouragement, the doubtful Princess Zhaoyang finally nodded.

She also felt that Wang Xifeng was not good enough for Jia Lian.

(End of this chapter)

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