Chapter 281
In the face of the imperial decree, how dare Mu Jia and others neglect.

He hurriedly stood up, and sure enough, he saw a big eunuch holding Buddha's dust walking high-spiritedly on the corridor leading to the outside, and walked into the courtyard under the guidance of the young eunuch, Lai Da and others.

Jia Mu, Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, Youshi, Wang Xifeng, Jia Zheng, Jia Zhen and Jia Lian all came out to welcome them.

The other maids and servants consciously stood a little farther away, and couldn't help but look at them in surprise.

Even the Jia Mansion rarely received imperial edicts, and even if they did, they were received by Jia Zheng and others in the Rongxi Hall.

Therefore, receiving orders in Rongqing Hall is definitely a new thing that is rare in ten years.

Soon the big eunuch came over, glanced at Jia Lian, he didn't talk nonsense, and walked up to the steps alone, and when Jia Mu waited for everyone to stand up, Fang sang: "Your Majesty's words~"

Mother Jia and the others, who were already nervous, knelt down in unison.

Around the Rongqingtang compound, dozens of servants also knelt down one after another, not daring to make any mistakes.

"Your Majesty ordered that Jia Lian, the second-class Zhenyuan general, disregarded the law and discipline, and indulged his family in lending money for personal gain. He was in debt to my kindness. He wanted to cut off the post of commander of the Xicheng Army and Horse Division, and he was dismissed from his post and stayed in his post. I respect you."

The eunuch just silently recited the emperor's will, and everyone in Jia's mansion was terrified.

Especially Jiamu and the others, when they heard the words of "disregarding the law" and "responsible to my kindness", they felt that the sky was falling, and they were terrified.

Even Jia Lian's heart skipped a beat when he first heard the emperor's words.But at the end of the hearing, he knew that his judgment was not wrong.

Emperor Ningkang is an aspiring king, as long as he is loyal to him, and as long as he is still useful to him, Emperor Ningkang will most likely not give up on him.Even under low pressure, he should be protected.

Although he didn't know the specific situation in the palace after leaving the palace, Jia Lian could probably guess what Emperor Ningkang had done to him.

What is dismissal and retention?
Go to the post and continue to take office.

The wages and benefits will be deducted from you first, and the work will continue to be done by me. If you perform well, you may be reinstated in the future.

It seems that the empress dowager did what she said, and she complained to the emperor: This kid has offended me, please watch over him and clean up.

Then this is the emperor's explanation to the queen mother.

Jia Lian had already made up his mind. It seemed that the emperor did not have the same thoughts as the queen mother, and did not intend to give him his daughter.

Although Jia Lian could hear the real meaning of the emperor, it didn't mean that other people could too.

Especially Wang Xifeng, who heard that Jia Lian was scolded by the emperor and dismissed from office, the reason was still because of private loans...

Of course she knew that Jia Lian definitely didn't make private loans, so it could only be because of her! !
For a moment, Wang Xifeng roared inside, and tears came down in a flash.After hearing the decree, she couldn't even stand up. It was Jia Lian who looked back and helped her up, so she managed to stand still.

Just looking at Jia Lian's eyes, full of shame, grievance and worry.

Jia Lian just shook his head at her, and then looked at the eunuch who passed the decree.

The eunuch smiled and said, "General Jia, I don't know His Majesty's will, but you understand it all?"

"The guilty minister understands. Thank you for your punishment. From now on, the guilty minister must guard himself and never commit another crime."

"So good."

The eunuch seemed to want to have a chat with Jia Lian, but felt that the scene was inappropriate, so he bowed his hands to Jia Mu and Jia Zheng, who were staring at him, and said to Jia Lian with a smile: "In that case, let's return to the palace first .”

Jia Lian and others asked him to stay for tea, but the eunuch had no intention of it, so he had to send him out.In the outer courtyard, there was a housekeeper who prepared the "tea fee", and the eunuch took it with a happy smile, and went.

Going back to Rongqingtang, there is a bit of frying pan here.

For a long time, everyone only heard about Jia Lian's good deeds, such as being rewarded and rewarded by the emperor. This was the first time he heard Jia Lian was reprimanded by the emperor and even dismissed from office!
For a while, there were people with all kinds of thoughts, and some people even thought, it's over, it's over, Second Master Lian is over...

The same is true of Jia Mu and others. Although they understand the meaning of being dismissed and staying in office, losing an official is losing an official, and being severely reprimanded by the emperor, these are all in front of them.

Jia Lian's loss of official position and future career is not just a matter of him alone, but concerns the entire Rongguo Mansion, and even the wealth and safety of Jia's family!
"Lian'er, let me tell you what the emperor's edict says about lending money?"

Jia Mu pushed aside the crowd and asked Jia Lian.

Jia Lian said calmly: "The grandson is not filial. He made a mistake and did something wrong. Please punish the old lady."

"Did you really lend money outside?"

Mother Jia felt unbelievable.

She has been in the Duke's Mansion for more than 50 years and has been a family member for decades. Of course, she knows what lending is.

She just never expected that Jia Lian would also participate.

It shouldn't be, Jia Lian has only been home for less than half a year, practicing martial arts, attending funerals, and planning to build a garden.
Mother Jia was still questioning Jia Lian, but Mrs. Wang, who was beside her, had already looked at Wang Xifeng.

How could it be possible to hide this from her about taking money out for loans, but Mrs. Wang kept pretending not to know.

Some other old and shrewd people also knew that Wang Xifeng did this business, and they also knew that Wang Xifeng did this in the year when Jia Lian was not at home.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the second master Lian would be blamed for all the crimes, and because of this, the second master Lian lost his official position.

Thinking about it, I really don't feel worth it for the second master Lian.

Even if others are like this, let alone Wang Xifeng herself, she is now full of regrets! !

She really, unconscionably lost her job...

Tears flowed down the cheeks, falling down.

But Jia Lian didn't even look at her at this time, he didn't know that he was angry with her, and still didn't want the old lady to doubt her.

Wang Xifeng felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart, and wanted to admit it several times, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, he still lacked a little courage.

Mother Jia is not stupid, seeing Wang Xifeng's appearance and seeing other people's eyes, there is something she doesn't understand.

"Feng girl, could it be..."

Mother Jia questioned Wang Xifeng, who couldn't hold back any longer, and suddenly knelt down and cried bitterly: "Old lady, it was my fault, this matter has nothing to do with the second master Lian, it was me, I hurt him... me……"

After a day of blows, she was mentally weak, her speech was slurred, and her eyes felt erratic.

Jia Lian hurriedly pulled Wang Xifeng up, seeing that she was not in the right condition, and quickly ordered Ping'er: "Hurry up and help your second grandma go back to rest."

Ping'er and others acted in a hurry, and soon sent Wang Xifeng away.

Although Wang Xifeng left, everyone basically understood the matter.

Everyone had different expressions on their faces, Jia Lian didn't bother to distinguish them one by one, and said goodbye: "Old lady, Feng girl is too sad today, I have to go back and have a look at her, so I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, regardless of the reaction of Jiamu and others, she left directly, leaving Jiamu and others looking at each other in blank dismay.

Jia Mu sighed: "Let's go, let's go into the hall and talk."

The group moved into the hall, Jia Zhen said: "Old lady, it seems that we were all deceived by brother Lian.

The palace is determined to recruit Brother Lian as the son-in-law, but because Brother Lian is ignorant and stubborn, the palace has already been angered.

This decree is a warning to us.

If we don't obey, I'm afraid there will be catastrophe. "

It has to be said that Jia Zhen still has a knack for instigating people's hearts.

Relying on the reverence of Jia Mu, Jia Zheng and others for the imperial power, and under the emperor's warning to Jia Lian, they all agreed with Jia Zhen's statement.

Regardless of how the emperor knew about lending, even if he knew, why didn't he convict him sooner or later?
But today?
This is clearly a blow to Jia's mansion! !

"We really can't let Brother Lian continue to be willful."

Jia Zhen said anxiously, he is not totally trying to trip Jia Lian now, but he is really worried about being involved.

"Zhen'er is right. We have to think of a way to persuade Lian'er."


Because of the emperor's punishment, Jia Lian knew that Jia's mother and others would be restless, and would try to persuade them.

But Jia Lian didn't care at all.

He has already grasped the right to speak in the family. It is impossible for these people in the family to do anything to him now. If you have the energy, just deal with it.

Back home, Ping'er and others knew that Jia Lian had been busy for half a day and hadn't had lunch yet, so they all went to prepare.

But Wang Xifeng, who was sitting on the bed and crying, saw that there was no one else in the room, and after a lot of thinking, she suddenly stood up, walked in front of Jia Lian, and then suddenly knelt down under Jia Lian's suspicious eyes.


Wang Xifeng burst into tears, and Jia Lian's loss of office became the last straw that crushed her.

She has always been self-improvement, thinking that most men in the world are inferior to her.Who knows, now because of her, Jia Lian was dismissed from office.

However, Jia Lian had reminded her many times before, telling her to be the housekeeper with peace of mind and not to get involved in outside affairs, but she just didn't take it to heart.

Thinking back to Jia Lian's unsurprising reaction today when she found out about her lending, no matter how deceitful Wang Xifeng was, she knew that Jia Lian must have noticed it a long time ago.

In this way, when he asked her that way in Shuiyue Nunnery that day, he wanted her to tell the truth about it.

It's a pity that she didn't say anything, and she was complacent because she had concealed it from Jia Lian.

She didn't think it before, but under such multiple pressures today, her mind has been enlightened, and she deeply feels self-blame and guilty for her actions.

What she couldn't let go of the most was that Jia Lian had no intention of blaming her for such a big event, and still defended her in front of Jia Mu and others.

In this way, even if she had a hard heart, she couldn't bear it.

Therefore, her kneeling was sincere and willing.Not only for my own guilt, but also to thank Jia Lian for his tolerance.

Looking at Wang Xifeng with this appearance and posture, the last trace of unhappiness in Jia Lian's heart disappeared.

These girls are indeed saved.

So he picked her up, sat down by the bed, let her sit in his arms, wiped her tears and said: "Fool, the sky is not falling, why is it like this?

Don't worry, it's just a dismissal to stay in my post, which means that His Majesty still needs me.As long as this incident is over, Your Majesty will restore me to my post. "


Jia Lian's gentle voice at this time melted Wang Xifeng's heart.

She suppressed more tears, and suddenly asked: "The queen mother clearly knows that I did this, why does the emperor punish you?"

Wang Xifeng knew that the queen mother and others liked Jia Lian, so they wanted to marry the princess to Jia Lian.

In this way, it is true to deal with her as a stumbling block. How come Jia Lian was dismissed from office while she was unscathed?
Jia Lian touched her face, not hiding it from her: "Fool, I'm a man, I made a mistake, as long as I remain loyal to Your Majesty, His Majesty will only punish me for minor punishments.

But you are different.You are a married woman, if the queen mother uses this to deal with you, I can't help you, so, in the palace before, I said that you did this under my instigation.

I am your man, it is only natural for you to obey my orders, and the queen mother has no way to refute it, so naturally she is too embarrassed to hold you.

And I'm a foreign minister, and the queen mother can't deal with me because of her own status, so she can only ask her majesty to punish me.

But now His Majesty is in the midst of employing people, so he won't do anything to me because of this little mistake.How about it, is your man smarter and more thoughtful than you, are you convinced? "

Although Jia Lian spoke to her in a joking tone, Wang Xifeng's heart trembled when he heard it.

move?Maybe not anymore, today, she has been touched by Jia Lian so many times, the touch is not enough to describe.

Or, call it subdued.

Looking at Jia Lian's calm face until now, Wang Xifeng truly admired this man from the inside out, and loved him very much.

If it wasn't for her being in a bad mood, she would definitely not be able to resist offering a sweet kiss, rather than entangle her to the death.

After thinking about it, words of thanks and gratitude are not in line with her temperament, and those who have no conscience probably don't need them.

She put down Jia Lian's hand that was stroking her cheek, and suddenly said solemnly: "If not, you should submit to the queen mother, I really don't want you to offend the queen mother and the people in the palace for me again.

You have lofty ideals and aspirations, didn't you say that you want to glorify the lintel of Jia's mansion?You haven't done any of this yet.

You marry the princess. If you marry the princess, there will be the princess and the queen mother to help you. From now on, you will be able to have smooth sailing.

Presumably, the old ladies also hope so.

As for me... I made such a mistake, and I don't have the face to stay here anymore, it's better to go back to my mother's house. "

Wang Xifeng said this seriously, because this was the only answer she got after careful consideration.

She is also a smart person, and from the emperor's will, she can also see that the palace's attitude may not be as tolerant as Jia Lian himself said.

She is very grateful to Jia Lian for protecting her, but if the palace doesn't let her go, it will be meaningless to go on like this.

At that time, I don't know how many people will be affected by this, so it's better to sacrifice her now so that Jia Lian and others can live well.Anyway, he deserved what he deserved.

Wang Xifeng's sudden virtuousness and generosity amazed Jia Lian.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel a little apologetic.

The reason why he rejected the queen mother so firmly was naturally not entirely because of Wang Xifeng, he also had selfish motives.

It's just his selfishness, which others can't see.

So he hugged Wang Xifeng's slender waist tightly, resting his chin on the top of her head, feeling the heat from her body and the hair soaked in sweat, rubbed his chin and said: "You don't have to think about it, this matter is far away. to the worst.

So you stay at home with peace of mind, listen to my words, I will deal with outside matters.

But don't worry, if it's really irreconcilable, I will consider what you said, and I won't put my family's life at risk. "

As a last resort, he would choose to give up on her.

It clearly meant ruthless and unrighteous, but hearing it in Wang Xifeng's heart at this time was extremely comforting.

What she heard was that Jia Lian would never give up on her until the last moment, and this belief was not because of stupidity and stubbornness, but because she had absolute control over things.

She didn't believe that Jia Lian was much better than her in the past, but now she firmly believes in this kind of control.

So in Jia Lian's arms, she nodded and hummed twice.

The feeling of happiness and peace of mind lingers in my heart and will not go away for a long time.

Feeling Wang Xifeng's obedience from the inside out, Jia Lian sighed inwardly.

Misfortunes come with blessings, and the empress dowager's frightening of Wang Xifeng saved him a lot of trouble.

Thinking that Sister Feng will be more obedient in the future, so it is not in vain for him to insist on protecting her.

However, the empress dowager, this stinky bitch, actually sued her!
It seems that something needs to be done to make her retreat.


 long chapter. . .Understand? (dog head for life)

(End of this chapter)

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