The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 283 The Beautiful Wife and Concubine

Chapter 283 The Beautiful Wife and Concubine
"Brother, will you really be fine if you do this?"

Yingchun and the others were a little worried.

Although they admire Jia Lian's behavior of defending Wang Xifeng, they also know what kind of pressure Jia Lian will bear because of this.

Among other things, it is very sad for Jia Mu to wait for the elders.

Regarding this, Jia Lian just smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion.

Instead of worrying about me, you might as well visit your second sister-in-law when you have time, she needs your care. "

"Yeah, we will." Yingchun, Tanchun, and Xichun all nodded their heads.

Daiyu glanced at Jia Lian, and when Jia Lian looked over, she nodded slowly and unobtrusively.

Seeing that everyone was infected by Jia Lian's self-confidence and calmness, Jia Baoyu suddenly clapped his hands and said with a smile: "I think we all misunderstood Lian's second elder brother before. Before that, Lian's second elder brother devoted himself to seeking an official and took care of those mundane affairs outside every day. I feel sorry for Lian's second brother.

Unexpectedly, this time for Lian's second sister-in-law, Lian's second brother finally figured it out.

What are those fame and wealth worth, don't worry about it.Our family is in harmony, and being together forever is the most important thing. "

What Jia Baoyu said was the truth, and he nodded towards Jia Lian with satisfied eyes, as if he was praising his brother for finally growing up.

What he said made Tanchun and the others laugh.

Lian's second brother and Bao's brother are two extremes. The brothers of the family, one thinks about earning fame outside all day long, while the other has to hang out with sisters and maids at home every day.

Usually it's nothing, after all, Brother Bao's character is still good, and we usually play and talk together harmoniously.

Even when big things happen, elder brother Bao is completely incomparable with elder brother Lian.

Take what happened in Shuiyue nunnery last time as an example, brother Bao could do nothing but keep silent and ask Lian's second brother and his wife to help with the cooking and cover up.

Look at the second elder brother Lian this time, for the sake of the second sister-in-law Lian, he can even resist the pressure in the palace!Changing to Brother Bao... don't change it, let alone the palace, when the master and wife stare at each other, Brother Bao is sure to die.

But talking about today's incident, they couldn't help feeling shocked in their hearts. Lian's second brother is already married, and he can still charm the ordinary princess who was the proud daughter of the day?

As expected, he is indeed the second elder brother Lian, and his charm is too strong...

Thinking of this, even the Sanchun sisters blushed, thinking that if they were Jia Lian, they would definitely not be able to do it.

Faced with Jia Baoyu's condescending praise, Jia Lian also smiled, turned to look at him, and asked, "Oh? Together forever?
I'm afraid this is difficult.

Brother Bao, don't you marry a wife in the future?After marrying a daughter-in-law, you still stay at home and hang out with girls and daughter-in-laws every day, so you are not afraid that your daughter-in-law will be angry and won't let you go to the kang at night? "


"Ah, what did Second Brother Lian say, in front of us..."

As soon as Jia Lian finished speaking, Jia Baoyu hadn't expressed his opinion, but Sanchun and other younger sisters were the first to take the blame.

That's right, they are still children who "know nothing", how can they say in front of them that they can't go to the kang or not.

Jia Baoyu himself blushed with shame, and couldn't help but look up at Lin Daiyu.

Just because Daiyu heard Jia Lian's words, she covered her mouth and snickered, but when she saw Jia Baoyu's eyes, her mind immediately moved.

Lian's second brother just teased him about marrying a wife, and he came to see me, obviously he had bad thoughts about this fairy.

Daiyu was immediately ashamed, seeing that Tanchun and the others also began to look at them with a playful look, and immediately glared at the culprit, Jia Baoyu, in embarrassment.

Jia Baoyu hurriedly pretended to turn around unintentionally, and turned back to Jia Lian: "Second brother Lian is talking nonsense. Even if we get married, we can still live together in the future."

Jia Lian saw the thoughtful look in Jia Baoyu's eyes, so he continued to smile and asked, "Oh, even if you are married, you can still stay at home, what about them? Your sisters are going to marry after all, and they will go all over the place in the future. It’s been a while since you’ve seen each other in three or five years, so what are you going to do?”

"The more you say it, the more it goes too far."

"That's right, second brother Lian, if you keep talking nonsense, we will kick you out."

The young ladies of this era, even the matter of getting married makes them shy.

But Jia Baoyu was completely aroused by Jia Lian's fear that he couldn't face it directly. I saw his face flushed suddenly, and he looked around at the radiant and beautiful sisters and sisters. Thinking that they would leave him one day, he felt like Cut!
"No, no, no..."

As soon as the self-deceiving words came out, everyone looked over in surprise.These people include the maids, servants, and even Baochai and others.

Jia Baoyu couldn't continue, and suddenly said angrily: "Let's not separate, if that day comes, they will really leave me, then let me die first. Let me turn into flying ashes, As a light smoke, in a place where I can't see, at that time, no matter where they go, whether they are alive or dead, whether they are rich or not, I don't know, and I can't care..."

"Baoyu is talking nonsense again." The women nearby laughed.

Only Baochai and the others burst into tears when they saw Jia Baoyu talking. Although they felt that he was childish and ridiculous, they were inevitably moved.

After all, a solid child.

Seeing that Jia Baoyu was crying, Xichun hurriedly walked up to him, patted him on the back, and comforted him: "Brother Bao, don't cry, we will never leave you, really, don't cry..."

Only then did Jia Baoyu raise his tearful eyes, took Xiao Xichun's hand, and looked gratefully at this little sister who was only seven or eight years old.

Although Jia Lian had some expectations for Jia Baoyu's strange brain circuit, but at this moment, he still couldn't help being surprised.

This Nima also works?
Then after thinking about it carefully, Jia Lian understood that Jia Baoyu was probably similar to him, wanting to have both.

But he didn't dare to reveal his meaning, for fear of being beaten to death.So he habitually started making jokes, trying to use this method of self-deception to keep everyone by his side...

Really, stupid and cute tight.

Therefore, Jia Lian gave Jia Baoyu a thumbs up: "Brother Bao is sincere and sincere, and what he thinks makes Brother Yu feel ashamed."

Even if Jia Lian didn't know the ending of the story, Jia Baoyu's sad and desolate life can be predicted from this alone.

Jia Lian is not going to do anything for him, and it's not his son.

He's just happy.

Anyway, if there is a chance, he will not relent in robbing Sister Lin.

Jia Baoyu finally stopped crying, but Baochai, Daiyu and the others were still keenly aware of Jia Lian's seemingly approving words, and the look of disdain to continue the conversation.

Come to think of it, Lian's second elder brother looked down on Baoyu a little bit.

That's right, Baoyu may really have grown a man's body as others made fun of.If he is a daughter's family, there will be no big problem.


In the evening, after half a day of adjustment, Wang Xifeng's mood finally stabilized, and she was still in the mood to ask Ping'er about what happened in the Ningguo Mansion.

While washing Wang Xifeng's feet, Ping'er replied in a low voice: "Grandma, I heard it's because Brother Rong and the maids in Uncle Zhen's house got married, and Uncle Zhen found out that she chased and beat them all over the yard.

I don't know if it was Uncle Zhen who beat him too hard, or Brother Rong just pushed Uncle Zhen because he didn't pay attention. I heard that Uncle Zhen's forehead was smashed.

Brother Rong was afraid, so he hid, and he hasn't returned home yet. "

Wang Xifeng snorted coldly after hearing this, and said: "The father and son are not good guys, so it's not surprising that such a thing happened."

Originally, with Wang Xifeng's temper, he wanted to criticize severely, but remembering that he was also in the palace today, he was ashamed in front of his family, so he felt embarrassed to say more about others.

Just when Jia Lian came in after taking a shower, Wang Xifeng subconsciously smiled and said, "Hey, why are you so fast today? Why don't you play with your two fragrant girls for a while?"

Wang Xifeng was very concerned about Jia Lian's every move, and there was always a certain time for taking a bath, and Jia Lian sometimes always exceeded the time limit, which made Wang Xifeng guess that they were doing other things in the bathroom.

Jia Lian sat down next to Wang Xifeng, raised her chin and smiled, "Oh, it seems that he has regained a lot of energy, and he dares to tease your man again."

Wang Xifeng blushed, her aura was instantly suppressed, she thought for a while, and said: "Since you like them so much, why don't you put them in the room justifiably, and let them always have the name of a maid."

After hearing this, Jia Lian glanced at Ping'er who was quietly washing his feet on the ground, and then said: "It's a rare thing, why is our vinegar jar so generous today?"

Wang Xifeng was annoyed when he heard the words: "You don't want to bury people. When will I not allow you to take them in? It's not because you have been hiding them all the time, the girls are chirping, and now you say I'm jealous."

Jia Lian laughed. Although Wang Xifeng didn't seem to have changed on the surface, the details are pleasing. This can only be seen from her eyes.

"You have said it before, but I always feel that only today is a little bit sincere." Jia Lian laughed.

Wang Xifeng sullenly, suddenly couldn't help laughing.

Because Jia Lian was right, she was just testing Jia Lian before.Even if Jia Lian agrees, she still has other options.

Xiangling and Qingwen are both young, so it is easier to handle and fiddle with the house after taking over the house. Second, the house was taken in early, and at their age, the foundation is more likely to be damaged, and they will not pose a threat in the future.

But today, she suddenly found that she didn't have so many calculations.It's true, in the past, Jia Lian was very strict, one was possessive, and the other was fear of Jia Lian's change of heart.

Now that Jia Lian's heart for her has been confirmed, and she has endured so many things for her, even if she repays her kindness, she still feels that she should do something for Jia Lian.

Two little girls are just two little girls, anyway, they are full of energy without conscience.

Wang Xifeng, who was keenly aware that she had become weak in front of Jia Lian, didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, and instead talked about Ningguo Mansion.

This afternoon, my nephew and daughter-in-law came to see her and talked with her for a while, which comforted her a lot.

But later, because of the sudden incident in Ningguo Mansion, the Youshi sent someone to call him back.

Jia Lian quietly listened to the chatter about one wife and one concubine in front of her, and after they finished expressing their opinions, Fang interjected: "Don't you think it's a good thing for us to have troubles in Dongfu?"


Wang Xifeng and Ping'er were a little surprised.A scandal in the East Mansion affected the reputation of the Jia Mansion, which is not a good thing no matter how you look at it.

Wang Xifeng wiped her feet and was about to retreat into the bed when she suddenly felt Jia Lian's foot protruding into her arms. She couldn't help but give Jia Lian a blank look, and then laughed: "I know, what happened to them over there I dare not say anything else, but it just covers up the scandal that our second master Lian has done.

I said how it sounded so familiar to me just now, back then our Second Master Lian was chasing us with a door latch all over the yard because of the same thing..."

Ping'er saw that his second grandmother started teasing the second master again, smiled slightly, and was about to get up to pour water.

But he found that his second master threw his other foot into her arms again.

Ping'er looked up, and saw that Second Mistress had already pressed Second Master's feet intimately, and after noticing Jia Lian's movements, she just snorted softly without any overly violent reaction.

Peaceful in nature, Ping'er, who gave both body and mind to the two in front of him, didn't think too much, hugged Jia Lian's long and beautiful big feet, moved forward, and knelt down on the footstool.After confirming that the location is suitable, he cooperated with his second grandmother to massage the feet of the second master together.

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Jia Lian didn't care too much about Wang Xifeng, and said with a smile: "You said, are the queen mother and princess both top-notch and noble people? Do such people have to be decent?

It's not a decent thing for them to team up and rob your man.

If they let the world know that the family they want to snatch a marriage from is a terrible family, they will not be able to help but think about whether it is worth it..."

Wang Xifeng's brains turned quickly, and his eyes lit up when he heard the words: "What do you mean, let the queen mother know about such a bad thing in our family, and once you get angry, maybe you don't want to marry the princess so much?"

Jia Lian smiled, this is not enough, he needs to continue to fuel the fire.

Wang Xifeng didn't know that the matter in Dongfu was actually caused by her own man, so her mind became fully active.

If this is all right, then the East Mansion will be noisy, and the whole city will know about it.

While thinking, she noticed that Jia Lian's feet were getting deeper and deeper into her arms, and started to make trouble, disturbing her heart, Wang Xifeng pushed them away: "Okay, my hands are sore, let Ping'er press it for you."

Jia Lian didn't make things difficult for Ping'er any more. When Ping'er got up, he whispered a few words into her ear, which immediately made Ping'er's face turn red, and he couldn't help but glance at Wang Xifeng.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng, who was pulling the quilt inside, sneered sullenly and said nothing.

Of course she knew that Jia Lian must be playing with bad ideas.

"Go, wash up and come back."

Ping'er took the order and went down obediently.

Wang Xifeng couldn't help cursing at this moment: "Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Jia Lian pressed Wang Xifeng on the couch, put her whole body on it, looked down at her, and said with a smile, "How about replacing me with Ping'er?"

"Bah." Wang Xifeng blushed suddenly.

As smart as she is, it is easy to understand Jia Lian's calculations.

After all, this is not the first time Jia Lian has tried to humiliate them.

In the past no matter what, she did not let Jia Lian succeed in the end.On the contrary, Ping'er, the little hoof still wants to climb on the old lady!
But today, she didn't know how to refuse, so after spitting, she blushed, fixed her head firmly, and refused to express it.

Jia Lian became happy, lowered her head and kissed her beautiful neck, warming up for tonight's new experience.

(End of this chapter)

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