The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 302 Group Inspection

Chapter 302 Group Inspection

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Xing also came to Ningguo Mansion very early.

The two governments are as close as one family, and they help each other when encountering major problems.

When they heard the news that Youshi was pregnant, they all came to visit together.

He also asked Youshi to take good care of the baby, and to hand over the affairs of the house to the servants if they could be handed over to the servants. If the servants can't do well, you can ask them. They are all family members, so don't be polite to them.

Youshi expressed his thanks one by one, and finally sent Mrs. Wang and others away.

"Congratulations, mother-in-law."

Qin's eyes were bright, and after the room became quiet, he suddenly congratulated.

Yushi felt a little uncomfortable.

She knew that Qin Shi had doubts about her, although she didn't know how much Qin Shi knew.

Similarly, she also knew that most of Qin's heart was also thinking about Jia Lian.

Because since more than a year ago, she has supervised the Qin family in an all-round way, and she is with her when she has nothing to do.So she more or less knows Qin's thoughts.

She even knew that Jia Lian probably had a different idea of ​​Qin Shi.

Because she tried Jia Lian before, but Jia Lian was scheming and never showed her words in front of her.

She didn't think too much before, but now, looking at the Qin family's alluring beauty and charming appearance, she suddenly felt that maybe this was a trump card in her hand.

Men are easy to change their minds, and Jia Lian is probably no exception.

It's okay to say that she is still young now, but after a few years, she will be in her mid-mature, maybe Jia Lian will not be so interested in her.

It didn't matter what she said before, but now, she had to think more.

Because, even if she gave birth to a son, it would take at least ten years for her son to grow up and successfully inherit the Ningguo Mansion.

In other words, for more than ten years, she must ensure that Jia Lian's heart is at least in her body, or in Ningguo Mansion.

Only in this way can the two of them be guaranteed to pass through this fragile period safely.

Qin Shi intended to make fun of You Shi, but she was sure that You Shi and Jia Lian had an inexplicable relationship.

Because yesterday, Jia Lian met her in Youshi's dressing room!
Seeing Youshi showing her deep and malicious eyes suddenly, Qin's heart shuddered, and he couldn't help taking a step back.

She remembered the terrible guess before.

Since Jia Lian could meet her in Youshi's room in Tianxiang Building, does that mean that Youshi provided convenience for Jia Lian?

Maybe Jia Zhen's death was the result of the conspiracy of Jia Lian and Youshi...

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have their own thoughts, and the mother-in-law next to You Shi came back and told You Shi the news she heard in the front hall.

"Grandma doesn't know how much those people said at the time. When we heard it, we were all angry for Grandma."

"They just want the master to accept them as heirs, so they say that, it's nothing."

Youshi remained calm, showing his self-cultivation and generosity, and pointed out the reasons why others slandered her.

The mother-in-law nodded her approval, and laughed again: "Second Master Lian is the one who understands the most, Grandma doesn't know, after Second Master Lian heard those people slander Grandma, in front of all the old men, he put those people with their hearts on the table. The unruly person scolded for a while, leaving them speechless.

The master was very moved after hearing the words of the second master Lian, and said that if anyone dares to slander Grandma's reputation in the future, he will look good on him.With the master's words, I believe they will never dare to be disrespectful to grandma again. "

The mother-in-law's slightly biased report made both Youshi and Qinshi understand the previous situation.

You Shi was naturally secretly moved, and Qin Shi became even more suspicious...

Qin was even a little aggrieved.

What, at least she is younger than her mother-in-law, and her appearance is not bad, why is he... Huh!

He was inexplicably upset, and worried that he would be in front of Youshi for a long time, and Youshi would find her disliked, so he would wear small shoes for her.

The mother-in-law seemed kind, but she didn't expect that she might not be a good person either.

He got up to say goodbye and go back to the house.

But Youshi called her and said: "By the way, the doctor I invited is still in the mansion, you go back and call the two concubines in Rong'er's room, and ask the doctor to take a good look at them too.

If Rong'er has blood left in this world, we should take better care of him and let him leave a little incense, which is the last thing we can do for him. "

When Qin heard this, she was a little dazed, not quite understanding You's intention.

"Okay, I see, let's go down and arrange for them to come over."

After Qin finished speaking, she led Baozhu and Ruizhu away, leaving Youshi alone in the room for a long time.

"Alas~" Youshi sighed quietly.

She felt that she had really changed, she was not so scheming before.

The doctor was left on purpose by her.

Her main target is Jia Zhen's two well-known concubines.Asking Qin to bring Jia Rong's housemate here is just a matter of incident.

She thought, since she can have a "posthumous child", then those women in the family may not be unable to have one.

When Jia Zhen and Jia Rong died, the family members were mixed.

Maybe there are people who are ingenious and deliberately steal a species from outside, or they can't stand loneliness and make love with others.

Once these women are also pregnant, they are very likely to come up with ideas that they shouldn't have, such as trying to murder her and her child in order to steal the foundation of Ningguo Mansion.

What she did was to avoid such a possibility.

As long as you check them now, if there is no one, if there is any in the future, they will be damned.

As for the fact that there is now, it would be better for her to know it earlier than to let others hide it in the dark.

The matter of Jia Zhenjia Rong came to an end after the Ningguo Mansion determined that the child in Youshi's womb was the sole legal heir.

Jia Lian also withdrew the officers and soldiers of the Bingma Division back to the Yamen, and no longer "tried" to reverse the case for Jia Rong.

As for the members of the Jia family, although there was a little unhappiness before noon, after Jia Zheng acted as a peacemaker, everyone sat together again soon to discuss the funeral affairs of Jia Zhen, Jia Rong and others in harmony.

In this regard, Jia Lian didn't mean to be too involved.Leaving from Ningguo Mansion on the grounds that the construction of the garden behind cannot be broken.

Both he and Youshi understand the truth that the shoes must be wet after a long time by the river.

At least, during this critical period, the matter between him and You Shi must not be exposed, otherwise there will be trouble.

Therefore, in the short term, it is better for him and Youshi to keep a distance.

Anyway, whether it's Youshi or Qinshi, they are still capable women. Even if it's not good, there are Mrs. Wang, Jia Zheng and others to help, so naturally there is no need for him to show too much.

Returning to Rongqingtang, he reported the situation of Ningguo Mansion to Jia Mu, did not listen to Jia Mu and all the sisters' long and short sighs, so he left and returned home.

Sure enough, Sister Feng's curiosity was already bursting, and Jia Lian was caught and questioned.

"Sister-in-law You is really pregnant? This is really a rare thing, but it's just too coincidental."

Like others, Wang Xifeng felt that Youshi's birth was weird.In the two prefectures before, she and You Shi were people of similar age and status.

Youshi has no son, which is her greatest comfort.

Unexpectedly, after all these years Youshi survived, before Jia Zhen died, she was still pregnant?

Jia Lian remained expressionless, and asked Ping'er to bring him a set of uniforms, while persuading Wang Xifeng: "If you really care about things over there, pack it up and go and have a look, maybe you can help.

Don't worry, no one dares to disrespect you. "

Wang Xifeng blushed, a little embarrassed, thought for a while and said: "Forget it, what face do I have to see other people's jokes now, I am already like this."

As he said, he stopped asking about the affairs of the mansion over there, and cooperated with Ping'er to help Jia Lian undress and change his clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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