The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 306 The Difference Between Sisters

Chapter 306 The Difference Between Sisters
Taking advantage of the time when You Shi and Jia Lian were handing over internal and external affairs, all the weeping filial ladies also dispersed to rest.

Third Sister You dragged her elder sister, hid behind the screen, eavesdropped on what the elder sister and the others were saying for a while, and then quietly walked away hand in hand.

When they came to the rest place arranged by the eldest sister, the third sister You saw her sister's face was full of autumn, and her mind was wandering. She was also a young girl and she could guess three points.

Yin laughed and said, "Sister, what do you think of Nalian Erye?"

Second Sister You was taken aback for a moment, then came back to her senses, looked at her younger sister's playful eyes, and suddenly blushed, and said, "He, Second Brother Lian is naturally very good, even the eldest sister said that he is the most capable person in the Jia family. ..."

Third Sister You still smiled and said: "Sister pretends to be confused, you clearly know what I'm talking about.

I feel that there are no worthless people under the fame.Sure enough, Jia Lian was born differently from mediocre people, at first glance he is well-bred and a man of the city, but..."

"But what?"

"But like other men, they can't move their eyes when they see our appearance, hehe."

Third Sister You's unscrupulous teasing made Second Sister You feel ashamed. Fortunately, there was no one in the room at this time, so she hurriedly covered her sister's mouth and taught: "It's not like being in our own house. You have to be careful in what you say and do." some.

Lian's second brother is not an ordinary person, how can you make fun of him, if someone listens to it, wouldn't it appear frivolous? "

"What are you afraid of, I didn't say anything.

Men all over the world are lustful, so let them come here dirty and smelly, and we can't even talk about it?
Sister, have you forgotten that the eldest brother-in-law and his boy came to our house last year, and when they saw the two of us, their eyes lit up, and they wanted to eat us!

Later, the eldest brother-in-law even borrowed wine to tease you in the yard. If I hadn't bumped into her, I'm afraid my sister would have taken advantage of you!
Hmph, even if he is our brother-in-law, let alone others.

I've heard people say that their family is glamorous on the outside, but the inside is dirtier than anything else, and they don't respect ethics at all. "

Second Sister You was dumbfounded. The sisters who grew up together had similar knowledge and concepts.Although she also had a similar opinion in her heart, unlike her younger sister, she dared to speak out directly.

"I have also inquired about Jia Lian, but he is really not a simple person.

This point can be guessed from the fact that the elder sister specially told us last night that we should be more respectful when we see him.Thinking about it, he has a lot of status in these two mansions, maybe even the eldest sister has something to rely on him for.

I think that being the case, if my sister likes him, she might as well give it a try!

Anyway, isn't my old lady trying to make us marry rich husbands?Since they all marry powerful people, why not choose the one you like?
In this way, since I can fulfill my mother's wish and be happy myself, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds? "

What the younger sister said, the second sister You suddenly felt moved.

She herself had a feeling of love at first sight for Jia Lian, and she also knew that Jia Lian's status and status were all extraordinary. Now hearing what her sister said, she thought that if she really could marry such a man, even if she was a concubine, she would not feel that much. Wronged.

"However, my sister may be underestimating others.

I heard from people around my eldest sister that this second elder brother Lian is an upright person.

I heard that he can ignore even the princess for the sake of his wife, let alone me..."

Low self-esteem is a common state of mind for women from poor families.

Who knew that Third Sister You immediately rolled her eyes when she heard her words?

"An upright man? According to me, there are no upright men in this world.

Believe it or not, this Second Master Lian may have an unusual relationship with our elder sister..."

"You are crazy, you dare to say such nonsense." Second Sister You was shocked, and immediately covered her sister's mouth to prevent her from speaking.

Third Sister You pushed her elder sister's hand away, and said in a low voice: "I didn't say this casually, but when I was in the mourning hall just now, I looked carefully at the eyes of Eldest Sister and Second Master Lian, and suddenly had a guess.

Sister, think about it, the eldest brother-in-law is dead, and the eldest sister has nothing else to rely on. With her alone, how can it be possible to guard this huge Duke's mansion?

Didn't we still worry about her before we came here?

But you see, after we came over, did you ever see her nervous and worried?

I was surprised at first, but when I saw the Second Master Lian and the eldest sister's attitude towards him, I suddenly understood.

Of course, I'm just guessing, maybe the eldest sister and him really have nothing to do, but there are other reasons.

But in short, the eldest sister must have a secret! "

Second Sister You is not as bold and careful as her younger sister, but she knows that her younger sister is a smart person, so she still thinks along with the other party's words.

Thinking about it this way, it is really possible for one to be in the prime of life and one in the prime of life to stay in the same family.

It's just that if my sister really has an affair with him, then I will have no chance.

She was thinking just now that if her elder sister was willing to make decisions for her and make a match for her, she would still have a chance to marry into a wealthy family by virtue of her looks.

She is 15 years old this year, just the age to marry.In addition, watching the family decline day by day, even to the point where it is not much different from ordinary people, it is very common to have such thoughts.

Third Sister You didn't intend to speculate on her eldest sister, she knew that if she dared to offend her and asked her to send them back to their hometown, the old mother would definitely not spare her.

My mother, who is used to living a prosperous life, often complains about the hard times these years.

She is so happy to be able to come to the Duke's mansion to enjoy the blessing after all. From last night to now, I don't know how many times I have said that the elder sister is a good and filial child!
So putting this point aside, Third Sister You continued to whisper to her sister: "Sister, don't hesitate, you will regret it if you miss the future.

My sister is not like that princess who insists on forcing people to divorce their wives and marry another.

Lian's second brother was unwilling, which further showed that he was a man worthy of entrustment.

Besides, with my sister's appearance, even the princess might not be able to compare with her.If marrying someone to be a concubine, which man in the world wouldn't be a dream?Lian's second brother couldn't refuse even if he thought about it. "

Seeing that Third Sister You spoke more and more outspokenly, Second Sister You couldn't help but blush, and asked shyly, "Why do you talk so much to tease me? In terms of beauty, you are no worse than me, or you can try it. "

In one sentence, Third Sister You's face turned red.

She said angrily: "My sister is so unreasonable. My sister just persuaded you because she saw that you were interested in Jia Lian, but you didn't know what was good or bad, so you made fun of me instead.

To say that I am not afraid of my sister's jokes, my sister is a stubborn person.

Even if he looks better than Pan An, only surpasses Zijian, Fu Sai and Shi Chong, I don't want to be a concubine.

In my life, I only want a man who suits my heart, and it is enough for two people to live hand in hand for a lifetime.I don't care even if I eat bran swallowing vegetables. "

When Second Sister You heard this, she felt very upset.

How do you feel that in the eyes of my sister, I am a vulgar person who has no pursuit and only covets wealth...

(End of this chapter)

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