The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 323 Listening to the Corner

Chapter 323 Listening to the Corner

Jia Zhen and Jia Rong's funeral was much simpler than Jia Amnesty's, and no one was invited except their relatives.

As the ancestor of Jia's family, Jia's mother, nephews and grandsons are going to the funeral, and it is already a great kindness to come and see them off, so naturally they don't need to stay overnight in the family temple.

She wanted to leave, Madam Xing, Madam Wang and others were naturally preparing to return to the city.One is to escort Jiamu, and the other is to save trouble for Youshi and others by the euphemistic name.

But Xichun, as the daughter-in-law of the Ningguo Mansion, will definitely stay at this time,
She was not familiar with the people in Ningguo Mansion, so she was worried about being bored, so she pulled Tanchun and the others and asked, "Third Sister, why don't you stay here too, let's stay together, anyway, you will come over tomorrow ..."

For Tanchun and others, it is a rare thing to go out, and it is also a new and interesting thing to be able to visit the family temple.

"We can't make up our minds..." Faced with Xichun's persuasion, Tanchun smiled and pouted in Jia Baoyu's direction.

Xichun understood, and went to shake Jia Baoyu's arm, "Second brother, go and tell the old lady to let you stay.

Maybe, we can go to Shuiyue Temple together to play sometime..."

Originally thought that Jia Baoyu, who has always been playful and talkative, would immediately agree to the younger sister's request.

Unexpectedly, Jia Baoyu just shook his head with a wry smile, and sat aside without saying anything.His expression looked a little gloomy.

Everyone was amazed, so Tanchun asked him, "Second brother, what's wrong with you?"

Just because of the funeral of Jia Amnesty last time, Jia Baoyu made a fool of herself in Shuiyue Nunnery, and also implicated Qin Zhong and Zhizhi'er.

These two are his good friends and playmates!
However, after what happened that day, Qin Zhong went back and was punished by Qin Bangye, so that he suffered a serious illness and has not recovered yet.

Because of this, Zhi'er didn't know where he was driven by Lian's second brother, and he didn't know if he was alive or dead.

Thinking about it, there is still a place where I can travel to sad places, I just wish I could go back sooner.

It's just that this feeling cannot be explained to Tanchun.

Daiyu next to him had a keen mind and was familiar with Jia Baoyu's personality, so two guesses suddenly came to her mind.

Seeing that Tanchun did not respond to Jia Baoyu's questioning, she snorted, "Probably because sister-in-law You's two younger sisters didn't come today, so he lost his mood, and he doesn't want to stay here any longer."

It is inconvenient to say more about Shuiyue Nunnery, so Daiyu only uses this as an example.

A few days ago, Jia Baoyu ran to Ningguo Mansion every day. Jia's mother and others also said that Jia Baoyu was sensible and knew to kowtow in front of the spirit more often.

She was also puzzled at first, but she didn't understand until she saw Jia Baoyu following behind the two sisters of the You family.

She is too familiar with that scene of Gein, Jia Baoyu usually treats her like this.

But Daiyu still underestimated Jia Baoyu. It is true that he likes beautiful women, but they usually come and go quickly.

Only Daiyu can make him really take it to heart for a long time.

Seeing Daiyu choke him with such words in front of him at this time, he felt very unhappy immediately, so he cast a heavy eyebrow at Daiyu.

It was the first time he was ridiculed by Daiyu, what made Jia Baoyu the most dissatisfied was that he felt that his heart was all about Daiyu, and Daiyu not only failed to feel his affection, but also misunderstood him and slandered him like this!It really failed his sincerity.

If it wasn't for Daiyu, he would have turned his face and left.

Jia Baoyu felt that he had restrained and tolerated his temper, but his demeanor fell into Daiyu's eyes, making Daiyu's mood not beautiful for a moment.

He glared at me!
He actually stared at me.

Almost instantly, Daiyu has analyzed many things from one look!

Hmph, you're not happy yet, I don't care to talk about you.

Daiyu, who vowed in her heart to ignore Jia Baoyu again, stood up as soon as she raised her head.

When she reached the corridor, she was blown by the slightly cool draft, and Daiyu put her high lips down, but she didn't know where to go.

What is Lian's second brother doing at this time?

Thinking of this, Daiyu immediately walked along the corridor to Jia Lian's resting place.


Coming to the porch outside Jia Lian's house, he was hesitant to find a reason to see Jia Lian when he heard Wang Xifeng's voice from under the window inside:

"I'll go back with the old lady and the others in a while, you can live in peace tonight.

Don't make jokes like Baoyu did last time. When the time comes, it will damage your reputation as the second master Lian. "

When Daiyu heard that Wang Xifeng was inside, she subconsciously wanted to turn around and go back.

But curiosity made her slow down.

Why don't you listen to what Lian's second elder brother and Lian's second sister-in-law are saying in private...

"If you don't trust me, you might as well stay by yourself. Don't think I don't know why you keep Xiaohong. Do you think there is any difference between her and Qingwen? Would she dare not listen to me?"

As Jia Lian's voice fell, there came some "whipping, blah, blah" voices, which were indescribable based on Daiyu's experience.

Daiyu's face turned red immediately, her heart was pounding, she thought to herself, in the clear sky, they must not be doing that...

It seems that it's nothing like that, they are a couple, but it's too shameful for me to hide here and listen to the private affairs of my brother and sister-in-law.

Thinking about it this way, I felt an urgency to leave.

However, his feet were weak, and he only took a few steps back.

Fortunately, the voice resumed immediately, and it seemed that Lian's second sister-in-law pushed away Lian's second brother, and cursed a few words such as "heartless" and "not happy".

"By the way, after I leave Beijing, there is one thing I would like to ask you to worry about."

"what's up?"

"Sister Lin is fragile, you should take care of her more in normal times."

"Hehe, Sister Lin is the old lady's sweetheart, and she lives next to the old lady, so there's no need for me to take care of her."

"Anyway, all you need to worry about is to pay more attention to what's going on in her room. You know how difficult it is for those people in our family.

Sister Lin has a delicate mind and is a guest, she is not used to arguing with others, if she has been wronged, she will not tell the old lady.

So, you sister-in-law, you have to watch it. "

"Hey, look at what you said, although those people in our family are not good-looking, who would dare to really mess with her?
I know that Mrs. Lin has the kindness to support and take care of you, so you are afraid that your sister Lin will be wronged in our house.Don't worry, I've remembered what you said, and this is what should be done. "


Daiyu, who was still guilty of guilt, was suddenly touched when she heard Jia Lian and Sister Feng talking about this.

Sure enough, Lian's second brother is the one who understands me best in this family and also cares about me the most...

But the reason is really what Sister Feng said, the second brother Lian cares about me, is it just because of my father?Daiyu slowly let go of the hand supporting the wall pillar, and stood there, a little dazed.

I don't know how long I stood like this, when I suddenly heard the sound of the door opening.

Daiyu regained consciousness in an instant, knowing that Wang Xifeng was about to come out, in a panic, she only saw a pot of evergreen trees on the porch that might be able to hide, so she hid there without thinking.

Sure enough, through the sparse leaves, he faintly saw Wang Xifeng bringing Ping'er out, tidied his clothes in front of the door, and then left quickly.

Fortunately, none of them looked this way.

It wasn't until the figures of Wang Xifeng and the two disappeared that Daiyu completely relaxed, leaning her arms against the corner involuntarily, and secretly slowed down her breathing.

At this moment, the second elder brother Lian should be the only one in the room, do you want to go in...

But what to do after entering?

He hesitated for a moment, then heard footsteps coming from the front, it turned out that it was Qingwen who rushed into Jia Lian's room with brisk steps.

Daiyu naturally did not dare to let her see it.

However, hearing the sound of the door closing again, and Qingwen happily talking to Jia Lian inside, Daiyu's mood fell again.

Wuxin eavesdropped on what Jia Lian and the maid were saying, seeing no one around, she got up quietly and walked back quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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