Chapter 333 Nether Ship
After handing over the silver to Zhao'er and others, Jia Lian returned home, had lunch, sat by the kang, and watched his wife and daughter play.

The little eldest sister will be one year old, and it is time to babble.In addition, he looks cute and cute, playing with his wife, mother and daughter, and the scene is very warm.

Seeing that Jia Lian was resting, Ping'er wanted to come forward to beat Jia Lian's shoulders to relieve his fatigue, but also worried that Sister Feng would suspect her of being flattering.So he went to the side and told Xiaohong and Feng'er to come forward to serve Jia Lian.

Sister Feng saw everything out of the corner of her eye and hummed in her heart.

After teasing her daughter for a while, she handed her over to the nurse to put her to sleep, turned around and walked to Jia Lian, and said with a smile, "In the morning, Baoyu and Miss Lin had an awkward quarrel, and there was quite a commotion. It was smashed, do you know about it?"

While talking, Wang Xifeng sat beside Jia Lian, and waved away Xiao Hong and Feng Er who were beating Jia Lian's legs.

When Jia Lian heard this, his expression moved slightly.

Erbao fell jade again?

Given how much Jia Mu and the others attached to that thing, Daiyu must have been wronged, and she is sad right now.

Without expressing anything, Jia Lian looked at Sister Feng, suddenly tugged at her pretty cheeks, and twisted her cheeks with her index finger and thumb to show her pampering.

As expected, Sister Feng became more and more obedient. Yesterday she was told to pay more attention to the situation in Daiyu's room, and she will report to him in time today.

It's a pity that Wang Xifeng didn't accept this trick, and knocked Jia Lian's hand off.

Seeing that the girls in the room really had strange expressions on their faces, they even gave Jia Lian a hard look.

Her second grandmother, Feng, is not uncommon to be treated so pampered, which damages her dignity!

Jia Lian didn't care, put away Erlang's legs, got up and walked out.

"Where are you going? It's still early, why don't you take a nap before going to Iron Kan Temple!"

"No, I'll go to the old lady's house and have a look."

I went to Rongqing hall at random to have a look, and found that Jia's mother was taking a nap, so she didn't disturb her, but went directly to Daiyu's room.

Everything in Daiyu's house remains the same.

Jia Lian looked around, and there was only a lotus boat made of white paper folded and spliced ​​quietly on the desk.

Taking a closer look, there was a lifeless squirrel lying out there, judging from its size and appearance, it was actually one of the squirrels that I gave to Daiyu to raise.

The azalea inside heard the movement and came out to check.After Jia Lian waited for her to salute, he pointed to the apparently dead squirrel and asked, "What's going on?"

Hearing Jia Lian's question, Zijuan felt a little nervous, but she still didn't dare to lie, so she had to tell what happened in the morning in detail.

Of course, Zijuan is not a person who likes to tell stories, and she is worried that Jia Lian will blame Jia Baoyu for this and make Daiyu a target of public criticism again, so she tries to keep things simple.

It is only said that Anu was seriously ill and dying, and Jia Baoyu just accidentally scared it, but in fact, Jia Baoyu cannot be blamed for this.

Jia Lian was very dissatisfied when he heard this.

Originally, I thought that Jia Baoyu was just a little more timid, less responsible, and he was still humble and kind.

Unexpectedly, he dared to kill Daiyu!
Even he couldn't bear to let Daiyu shed a tear, so one can imagine how that bastard would make Daiyu cry if he made a big move in this room.

But thinking about it, Jia Lian felt relieved.

If Jia Baoyu was sensible, he wouldn't be the maverick Jia Erbao.

Take Daiyu as an example, just because Daiyu didn't have a piece of jade like him, he had a brain convulsion and smashed jade in public.

Just smash it, anyway, that dumb thing is his own, so it's okay to smash it.But this bastard had to be in front of Daiyu, and when he was talking to Daiyu.

Doesn't this make Jiamu and Mrs. Wang, who regard this piece of jade as their lifeblood, vent their anger on Daiyu?It can be said that from the day Daiyu entered Jia's mansion, she really felt the eccentricity and cold reception created by Jia Baoyu.

In fact, isn't this why he doesn't want to fulfill the fate of Daiyu and Jia Baoyu at all.

Therefore, Jia Lian really has nothing to be angry about.

Should even be happy.

Because it proves more and more that what he did was right.

Moreover, the more Jia Baoyu is like this, the more sure he is that Daiyu will not like him.

So she calmed down and asked Zijuan, "Where is sister Lin going?"

Seeing Jia Lian's calm expression, Zijuan breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly replied: "After noon, after the girl folded the paper boat, she went out alone, without saying where she was going, and without letting me follow.

Second Master, let's sit down and have a sip of tea first. According to the servant girl's estimate, the girl should be back by now. "

Zijuan has served Daiyu personally for two years and is familiar with Daiyu's temperament, so Jia Lian listened to her and sat down at Daiyu's desk.

Glancing at the paper boat, Jia Lian couldn't help but take it over and look at it, secretly praising Daiyu for her ingenuity.

Although it is a ship of the underworld, it is also folded extremely delicately and beautifully.

After Zijuan poured a cup of tea, she stood where she was. Seeing that Jia Lian only studied the paper boat and ignored her, she was embarrassed to stay by Jia Lian's side all the time, so she went into the house.

Not long after, a thin and beautiful girl slowly entered through the back door.

She had a sad face, but when she looked up and saw Jia Lian sitting on her seat, her expression suddenly changed, and she took two quick steps forward: "Second brother Lian!"

Jia Lian raised her head when she heard the sound, saw Daiyu, and said with a smile, "Sister Lin is back? Where have you been? I've been waiting here for a while."

Seeing Jia Lian's warm smile, hearing his gentle voice, recalling the past, Daiyu's nose sore.

Seeing that Jia Lian seemed to be looking at Anu she put in the paper boat just now, she couldn't help shedding tears, crying: "Second Brother Lian, Anu, Anu is gone, woo~"

In Jia Lian's eyes, Daiyu's tears came as soon as she said it, and it was a spectacle.

But he didn't dare to laugh. Instead, he showed empathy and sighed: "I know. You don't have to be too sad, the life span of the little squirrel is different from ours.

It must be able to be taken care of by a kind and generous master like you when it is alive, and it must have no regrets in this life.

In other words, it has also been with you for two years and brought you a lot of joy.You can't expect to keep it by your side all the time, that's selfish, you know?

So, this is just right now, don't you think? "

When Daiyu heard this, her weeping slowed down.

Lian's second brother's words are always so rational and contain philosophy.

Although, she always felt that when Jia Lian called her "generous", he was making fun of her.Because Jia Lian said before that she made the squirrel too fat.

Since he couldn't find anything to refute, and he didn't want to refute Jia Lian, he said "Yes" and stood beside Jia Lian.

"Okay, don't cry, your eyes are not beautiful when you cry."

Jia Lian took her embroidered handkerchief from Daiyu's hand, folded it, and gently wiped away the tears on Daiyu's face.

Daiyu subconsciously dodged back.

Her little face was flushed, not only from shame, but also from embarrassment.

In vain, I thought I was talented, intelligent, and unparalleled in talent and appearance, so I cried in front of my cousin.

Moreover, when I first saw Lian's second brother visiting, I seemed to lose my composure, and I don't know if Lian's second brother saw it.

With his wisdom, if he saw it, would he be suspicious?

(End of this chapter)

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