Chapter 370
On the boundless desert, one person and one rider came slowly.

Accompanied by a horse cry, the man and the horse stopped on Pingqiu.

Looking at the Han towns in the distance filled with the smell of fireworks, a woman on the horse couldn't help laughing and said: "Finally, I have come out."

Although they were joyful words, she turned her head to look at the man beside them leading the horse, but there was a trace of reluctance and regret in her eyes.

Although the sand and dust outside the Great Wall concealed Liu Guang's beauty, it couldn't cover her beautiful face and heroic figure.

It was the three princesses of Zhaoyang who finally returned to Han soil after more than half a month.

Since the Hu Family Farmyard cheated on each other, the three of them wanted to continue to Gan Ning and turn back.

Unexpectedly, on the way, I ran into bandits robbing roads, horses and women.

And because of Zhaoyang and Aqi's appearance, the bandit leader is so lustful that he chases after him relentlessly.

Although the three of Jia Lian are all skilled in martial arts, especially Aqi's archery skills can be said to be excellent.If it is a battle against the enemy, dozens of mobs are nothing to worry about, just divide and kill them.

However, the three of them sneaked in disguise, neither carrying a strong bow, nor a sword or spear.On the contrary, the rogues had all kinds of weapons on them, so Jia Lian and the three could only rely on their horses to avoid them.

Traveling all the way to the southwest, I don't know how far I ran.So much so that after throwing away the bandits, facing the vast desert, he sighed that the return journey was far away.

Follow the general direction, go round and round, and finally return to Han today.

Jia Lian nodded, then led the horse down Pingqiu, and walked towards the town along the quaint yellow sand road.

It is called a town, but it is actually a border city.

Before entering the city, you can see many merchants carrying goods.Most of them are Han people, there are also Hu people, and there are even some Xifan people in strange costumes.

"Would you like to come down and have a bowl of tea first?" Seeing a spacious tea shop by the side of the road, Jia Lian asked the second daughter immediately.


As soon as Princess Zhaoyang responded, Aqi behind her jumped down first.

They were originally one person and one horse, but on the road, one horse was hit by an arrow, and the other horse was exhausted. Only Jia Lian's white-haired war horse was tall and strong, and carried them over.

At first, the three of them rode together, and it was fashionable for Jia Lian to be in the middle.

After escaping from danger, Jia Lian cherished the BMW and worried about the lessons learned from the past, so he decided to dismount and walk by himself. Most of the time, only the two light-bodied daughters shared the ride.

The two girls were not familiar with each other at first, and their identities were also different, so they were bumping together immediately, so naturally they felt uncomfortable.

Although the spacious tea shop is monotonously decorated, it is divided into two floors.There are scattered people upstairs and downstairs, but it does not have a lively and prosperous atmosphere.

Jia Lian, a barbarian man, brought two beautiful women with him, such a strange combination, when he stepped into the tea shop, he naturally attracted many people's attention.

However, when they saw that the three of Jia Lian had what looked like swords at their waists, their eyes gradually returned to peace and tranquility.

I ordered a pot of hot tea, and asked him to serve a few dishes. When Xiao Er served the tea, he directly asked him the name of the place, how far it was from Ganning Pass, and other information.

Although Xiao Er was surprised that Jia Lian and the others clearly dressed up as barbarians, but spoke a pure Han accent, he still answered Jia Lian's question honestly.

It turns out that Jia Lian and others have already deviated from Ganning Pass, and have entered the ancient silk road built by countless merchants since ancient times from west to south.

The name of this place is Wutuo, and it is one of the most famous border cities on the border of the Great Wei Dynasty. Less than a hundred miles to the west, it is the Qianxiang Kingdom, a vassal of the Great Wei Dynasty.

Therefore, there are countless businessmen and tourists passing through the aisles here every year.

Suddenly, the noise in the tea shop became quieter. Jia Lian looked back and saw a handsome storyteller in his forties sitting on the three-foot wooden platform in the middle.

The reason why the tea shop was quiet was because everyone was looking at him.

Xiao Er, who was still walking around, saw the doubts of Jia Lian and the others, turned around and laughed with everyone: "The guest officials are blessed today. They are our shopkeepers. When they were young, they learned books. Now they open After leaving this tea shop, he still does not forget the old business, and often goes on stage to tell stories and plays for everyone.

It is precisely because of what our shopkeeper said in the book, among all the tea shops around here, our business is the best!
Especially in the past few days, our shopkeeper tells the freshest and most interesting stories, and only our shopkeeper can hear them here, and there is nowhere to listen to them away from here.If you don't believe me, take a look, many of the people sitting here today are here to listen to our shopkeeper's storytelling. "

Because of Xiaoer's bragging, Jia Lian and others looked at it with great interest.

After the shopkeeper cleared his throat, he said in a loud voice: "Today we will still tell the story of Jia Lian, a young general who has both civil and military skills and is famous all over the world.

In the morning, we talked about the stories of "Won the three armies bravely, the savior alone" and "Win the strong with the weak, win two battles".Now, let's talk about the story of "General Jia's Wisdom Killing the Third Prince of Wala"! "

"it is good!"

"I've been waiting here for a long time, let's talk quickly, don't dawdle."

The shopkeeper just paused on purpose, which attracted many people's dissatisfied calls.

On Jia Lian's side, Princess Zhaoyang and the second daughter, Aqi, also looked at Jia Lian all at once.

The eyes of the second daughter, from the surprise at the beginning, gradually became interesting.

Princess Zhaoyang even listened to her and said with a low laugh: "What kind of fresh and interesting story is Yuandao? It turns out to be this one. I don't know, we are well-known in the world, Erlang, who is both civil and military, would you be interested in hearing about his own story from other people's mouths?" s story?"

Jia Lian also had an inexplicable strange feeling in his heart.Who would have thought that in such a remote and desolate desert, someone would compile his deeds into a book.And it sounds like the whole thing is quite perfect, and it has established a memory?

But he didn't say anything.After wandering outside the Great Wall for a month, he still needs to know what is going on with the imperial court and missions.

From the eulogy of these idle people, maybe I can infer some things I want, so I just glanced at Princess Zhaoyang and signaled her to be calm.

Seeing that he successfully attracted everyone's attention, the shopkeeper stopped talking nonsense:
"By the way, the third prince of Wala, whose full name is 'Dusuohut Bahamu', it doesn't matter if you don't understand the name, anyway, as long as you know, this person is a prince of King Wala.

Rumor has it that this person was extremely ugly, with a deer head and mouse eyes, dark complexion, fluff all over his body, and was only five feet tall.

Relying on his status as an allied envoy, he pretended to curry favor with the imperial court and begged to marry my Shangbang princess, but at the same time secretly colluded with the Tartars.

Its purpose is to cooperate with the Tartars, rob the princess of our dynasty, and slaughter our envoys, so as to achieve the goal of destroying the alliance between the two countries.

The wolf's ambition is obvious.If it is allowed to achieve its goal, the consequences will be disastrous!

Fortunately, the imperial envoy who escorted the princess out of the fortress was the young general Jia Lian...


It was too late to say it, and then soon, there was only a flash of white light in the darkness, and the Wala rebels were horrified to find that the headless body of their prince was slowly falling in a pool of blood.Looking up, he saw a seven-foot-long young general wearing a white war robe standing upright on his horseback, holding an eight-foot spear in one hand, and the point of the spear pointed at the head of the thief!

The rebels were panicked and at a loss, and then they heard the young general who was like an exiled immortal shouting loudly: "Surrender!!"

All the thieves were heartbroken, dropped their weapons in panic, and begged for mercy on their knees..."

The specious and extravagant statement made all the guests in the teahouse concentrate and applaud again and again.

But someone also laughed and asked the waiter next to him: "I don't know how many people have heard the news stories about General Jia in the past few days. Why do you say that only your shopkeeper can hear it?"

"Then others heard it from our shopkeeper, and spread it around for others to hear..."

"Hehehe, stop bragging. We came all the way from the capital, and what we have heard is much more complete than what your shopkeeper said.

In addition to the story after General Jia was ordered to send the princess out of customs, I have also heard the story of General Jia before. "

"Really, come and tell us about it. General Jia is too powerful, he can't be a god descending to earth..."

Listening to the people around spontaneously starting to talk about such things as "young talents, famous stars", and "the cultural movement of the capital, the princess's heart", and so on.

Princess Zhaoyang listened with great interest, and looked back at Jia Lian with a smile from time to time.

However, Jia Lian gradually realized that what happened not too long ago was so widely and quickly spread among the people, even in this remote border city, it was probably someone doing it on purpose.

It seems that we can't delay outside any longer, we have to go back earlier.

Seeing that Mr. Zhaoyang and his daughter had finished eating and drinking, Jia Lian got up and went to the cabinet, untied a piece of green jade from his waist and put it on the cabinet.

"Shopkeeper, can this be accepted?"

The shopkeeper, who had already switched back from the storyteller perfectly, saw Jia Lian's radiant and valuable jade pendant, his eyes lit up immediately.

Quickly pick it up and take a closer look.

But after watching for a long while, the shopkeeper put down the jade pendant and said sincerely to Jia Lian: "This guest officer, this shop is running on a small budget, and I really can't accept such precious things.

If the guest officer is short of spare money, he can go to a pawn shop in the city called Hengyulou after entering the city. It is the most reputable pawn shop in our local area. I believe it can give the guest officer a reasonable price. "

In fact, it's not that I can't accept it, but I dare not accept it.

Although the shopkeeper can feel that this piece of jade is valuable, but he is not doing this business after all.

This place is desolate, and although tea and snacks are much more expensive than in the Central Plains, they are only a few tens of pennies.

He is also afraid of being cheated.

How could Jia Lian completely understand the shopkeeper's heart, but he was also helpless.

He didn't come out for a trip this time, neither he nor the second daughter of Princess Zhaoyang had any money with him.

I can't, let Princess Zhaoyang pull out jewelry to cover the cost of accommodation and meals... Princess Zhaoyang didn't bring a few pieces of jewelry.

He was thinking that for the sake of the shopkeeper being his Mysterious Brother, he would pay him a few taels of silver to deal with it, and it would be considered an advantage for him.

"Boy, you are very short of money, right? Then I want this thing for a hundred cents!"

A big rough hand reached out from behind, grabbed the jade on the table, and began to size it up.

The more you look, the brighter your eyes become.

Although not everyone knows about jade, some people still have basic value judgments.

Obviously this big guy wants to take advantage of it.

Jia Lian looked back at him, and saw that the big man was eight feet tall, with big arms and round waist, and a body full of muscles.

At the tables behind him, a dozen or so men in the same attire were sitting staggeredly.

Seeing Jia Lian's complexion, the shopkeeper hastily tugged Jia Lian's sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Guest officer, don't be impulsive, these people are escorts under the hands of a wealthy merchant, they are the most fierce, even the horse bandits in the desert are afraid of them.

The guest officer is careful. "

The shopkeeper saw that Jia Lian was single-handed, and he didn't even have any money on him, so he thought he was a newcomer, and was afraid that he would suffer in the hands of these escorts.

Jia Lian nodded, it turned out to be the rumored Northwest Daredevil!
That's right, even the three of them encountered a wave of horse bandits in the desert, which shows that the desert is not peaceful.

And these merchants who carry valuable goods dare to pass through the desert must have something to rely on.

These escorts, who are strong and powerful, are what they rely on to pass safely.Of course, it is certain that the price of employment is also expensive.

But Jia Lian just smiled, touched the sword at his waist with one hand, and said with a contemptuous smile:

"A piece of money, plus your life, may be able to exchange my jade."

Jia Lian's sword is naturally Shang Fang's sword bestowed by the emperor.Just to avoid people's eyes and ears, a layer of coarse cloth was wrapped around the scabbard.

But despite this, it is not difficult to see from the appearance that Jia Lian is equipped with a sword.

Therefore, the big man who was originally interested and looked like he was eating Jia Lian couldn't help squinting his eyes when he saw Jia Lian's reaction.

He is not a vicious bandit, but a escort who spends his life in the desert all year round.What he took was the money for the darts, not the money for killing people.

Even if you kill people and get more money, you won't choose to be here.Because there are still Wei frontier troops stationed in the frontier city!
Just now, he just wanted to take advantage of it and bully Jia Lian for being young and ignorant.

Who knows, when Jia Lian opened his mouth, he asked him to exchange his life for it.

In front of all his companions, he couldn't keep his face, so he sneered and said, "Boy, you are crazy."

As he said that, he also made a gesture to draw his sword.He didn't want to kill people, but he felt that there was nothing wrong with scaring the brat in front of him.

Jia Lian's face became colder, and just when he was thinking about whether he really wanted to abolish this person, a young voice sounded: "Stop!"

Everyone looked up and saw a couple of golden boys and jade girls coming down from the second floor.

They all look about ten years old, and what is surprising is that no matter boys or girls, they are all the most handsome and beautiful in the world.

Behind the boys and girls, there are a few servants who are obviously from the real rich family, exuding nobility all over their bodies.

The old servant walked to the front and shouted to the big man: "Fan Zhong, what are you trying to do, you forgot the rules of the master!!"

The big man gave a smug smile, didn't speak, just bowed to the boys and girls, put down the jade pendant, turned around and retreated.

Obviously, this boy and girl is the owner of these escorts.

At this time the girl came over, looked at the jade pendant on the counter, suddenly raised her head and said to Jia Lian, "Can I have a look?"

Jia Lian was also amazed at this time, there is such a delicate and beautiful little girl in the world, and she still appears in such a place.

After a closer look, it is actually better than Daiyu, and she doesn't give in at all.

He didn't even have Daiyu's sick look on his body, and he looked more energetic and healthy.

Without letting himself act like a weirdo, Jia Lian nodded and handed the jade pendant to her.

After the little girl took it, she sized it up carefully with her big, beautiful, dark eyes. She even raised her head to glance at Jia Lian, and finally said: "This jade is carved from the top-quality Lantian jade. Its body is green and its texture is exquisite and clear. Among them, the silk lines are fine and even, such a beautiful jade is worth at least a few dozen taels of silver!"

Hearing this, everyone cast a sigh of relief at the former big man.The big man spread his arms out, as if I'm not an expert, how would I know.

The little girl glanced at her brother again, and Fang said to Jia Lian, "Brother, if you want to exchange this jade, you don't need to go to a pawnshop. Shall we exchange it with you for 30 taels of silver?"

There was still a little tension in the voice.She likes this exquisite jade pendant very much.

Seeing her uneasiness, Jia Lian couldn't help smiling.Perhaps, this is also the little girl who rarely talks about business with others, and is afraid of falling apart.

So he nodded and smiled and said, "Okay, but can you make the decision, little sister?"

He just wanted to change some money casually to cope with the situation in front of him, and he didn't care too much about whether he suffered a loss or not.He vaguely remembered that this piece of jade was given to him by Zhang Su's mother, and he often carried it with him to show that he valued it.

Although he knew that this piece of jade would definitely be worth more than 30 taels when brought back to the Central Plains, but who told him that this little girl would be pleasing to his eyes.

Seeing that Jia Lian agreed, the little girl seemed very happy, and immediately showed the jade pendant to her brother, and asked him to knock on the board.

Xu Shi knew what his sister was looking at, and the young man didn't object, he just bowed his hand to Jia Lian and asked the servant to pay for it.

After the deal was concluded, the little girl left with her brother and others. Before leaving, she gave Jia Lian a grateful look.

(End of this chapter)

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