The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 394 1 Always listen to your father

(P.S. The description of Daiyu's heart in the previous chapter felt a bit lacking in meaning, and did not express Daiyu's reserve well. Some revisions have been made, and those who care about the details can refresh and re-read.)
With the support of the maid, Lin Ruhai walked in tremblingly.

Daiyu hurriedly wanted to get up, but Lin Ruhai waved her hand to stop her.Then, with the help of the maid, Lin Ruhai carefully sat on the stool in front of the couch.

But Daiyu came to see Lin Ruhai in such a weak state, her eyes were red, and she cried for a moment: "My daughter is unfilial, and my father is worried."

After Lin Ruhai heard this, he was both relieved and pity.

He looked up at the maidservants in the room, and then ordered: "You all go out."

Zijuan and the others knew that Lin Ruhai had something important to say to Daiyu alone, so they didn't dare to hesitate, and they all resigned and left.

When Daiyu saw this, she didn't know what to think, she felt a little nervous, and her heart started beating.

She didn't speak, just waiting for Lin Ruhai to speak.

"How are you?"

"Reporting to father, it's much better."


Lin Ruhai wanted to ask why Daiyu fainted outside his room before.

But after thinking about it, Lin Ruhai could guess a little bit, and thought that if she asked, her daughter would inevitably feel ashamed, so she stopped talking.

After a pause for a while, he said quietly, "Before, your second brother Lian was in the room and talked to me."

Daiyu's complexion suddenly turned red, she even turned her head away abruptly, lowered her head, and after a long time she finally said: "Say, what did you say..."

Lin Ruhai didn't know what happened when he saw this, maybe Daiyu heard what he said to Jia Lian before.

Sighing in my heart, he is also a smart person, and my daughter's reaction like this has actually explained some problems.

But the matter is of great importance, so we can't help being careless, we still have to figure it out.

After thinking for a long time, he asked: "Yu'er, if you are betrothed to your cousin Baoyu for your father, would you be willing?"

Daiyu thought for a while that she had heard wrongly, shouldn't it be Lian's second elder brother? Why did she suddenly become Baoyu?
Looking back at her father's face, to make sure her father was right, Daiyu suddenly became sad and looked at him blankly for a long time, then Fang Xinruo replied in despair: "Daughter has said that she will never marry in this life, and she only wishes to serve her father forever. So if this is the case, father should stop talking about it."

Lin Ruhai sighed, and asked again: "Then, what about your Lian's second cousin?"

Daiyu froze suddenly, bowed her head for a long time before she shed tears.

"Father, don't talk nonsense, Lian's second brother already has a sister Feng."

Daiyu pretended not to understand Lin Ruhai's words.

In fact, there is no difference.

What a proud person she is, she is only willing to bow down and be an obedient little sister in front of Jia Lian alone.

Although she was touched by Jia Lian's affection for her, she didn't want to make Wang Xifeng hate her.

During the few years in Jia's mansion, although people in Manfu slandered Wang Xifeng a lot, she liked Wang Xifeng a lot.

Because besides Jia Lian and Jia Mu, Wang Xifeng is the person who takes care of her the most.Although she knew, it might also have something to do with Jia Lian, because she had heard Jia Lian tell Wang Xifeng to take more care of her.

Lin Ruhai was intimidated by Daiyu this time. Daiyu didn't want to marry Jia Lian?

He was a little surprised, and said: "Actually, Yu'er, it is not uncommon for someone like your Lian's second elder brother to have three wives and four concubines.

Besides, he didn't either.As far as I know, besides Mrs. Wang, there is only Tongfang in his house now. "

With Lin Ruhai's status, he could only inquire about Ping'er's existence.As for Qingwen and Xiangling, to outsiders they are just maidservants.

And Daiyu, even though she knew about Qingwen Xiangling's existence, she didn't care much about it.

After all, she's just an ignorant little girl.

"Besides, I can see that your second elder brother Lian treats you very sincerely.

If you are entrusted to him, you can get his care, and I can go there with peace of mind. "

Lin Ruhai said.

In fact, he didn't know, since he clearly came to ask Daiyu what he wanted, why he tried to persuade her instead.

Perhaps, he just didn't want his daughter to be too shy to express herself.

Daiyu was also a little surprised by Lin Ruhai's attitude, looked up at him, and said with tears in her eyes: "Could it be that father meant that his daughter should be a concubine for Lian's second brother?"

"I don't want you to be wronged either, to be honest, if it's someone else, I have no reason to agree.

It's just your second elder brother Lian... What do you think of your second elder brother Lian? "

Lin Ruhai suddenly asked this question.

Daiyu was silent for a while, then replied, "Second brother Lian is a very good man, he treats me very well."

Seeing this, Lin Ruhai continued: "Your Lian's second elder brother said that he will marry you as a regular wife, and from now on, he will treat you as a regular wife and will not let you be wronged.

In my opinion, he is not the kind of person who talks nonsense, if I entrust you to him, I am very relieved.

I just don't know how you feel. "

Lin Ruhai simply stated clearly.

Lin Ruhai could see that when she talked about other people, Daiyu blocked his mouth with words such as never marrying for life.

Only when it comes to Jia Lian, although Daiyu is coy, she is willing to listen to him.

So, he didn't bother to go around in circles.He didn't have too much energy to waste, so he had to make a decision early.

After hearing Lin Ruhai's words, Daiyu couldn't stop crying.

She never thought that Lin Ruhai would be willing to agree.Wasn't he that angry when faced with Lian's second brother's marriage proposal before?

Daiyu knew very well that her father was very concerned about his reputation.

Because of this, she thought that her father would never agree to Jia Lian's request.

This is also the reason why she did not dare to reveal her thoughts to Lin Ruhai before.

She didn't even know that her father had planned to promise her to Jia Baoyu since last year.

Speaking of Jia Baoyu, although he is not as good as Jia Lian, he is still a cousin who cares about her.Although Jia Baoyu has a bad personality, bad temper, and ignorance, he always makes her angry.

But she didn't dislike him very much.

It just never occurred to me that she would marry him.

One is that as long as she recognizes one person in her heart, she will never change easily.The second is that she knows that the second aunt doesn't like her very much.

That's why she doesn't want to marry.

It's just that I didn't expect it, but my father misunderstood it.She took the initiative to propose marriage, but was dealt with perfunctorily, which made her father lose a lot of face, and she regretted and blamed herself very much.

That's why she told Lin Ruhai that she would never marry for the rest of her life, and she used Lin Ruhai as a possibility for her to be hurt by others again.

This was also an idea she had in mind for a long time.

It is impossible for her to be like the mediocre women in the world, obeying the orders of her parents and the words of the matchmaker, and marrying a man she does not know casually. From then on, she will marry a chicken as a chicken and a dog as a dog. If she is not lucky, she will deserve to be sad for a lifetime.

That was definitely not her choice, Lin Daiyu.

But she also had no other choice.

She thought, if her father really left her alone, she might as well go with him.It's good to be clean and unencumbered.

But who knew, at this juncture, Lian's second elder brother actually proposed marriage to his father! !

Mountain darkly, vista!
She is very happy, very happy.

What made her even more gratified was that her father actually agreed!
But she is a tactful person, even if she wants something, she will not say it, let alone such a big event.

She usually waits for others to take the initiative to give her, and forget it if she doesn't.

Like her father, she has huge psychological baggage and can't make up her mind.

Seeing that Daiyu hadn't spoken for a long time, Lin Ruhai sighed.

"Your mother left early, and I don't have time to take good care of you, so I can only leave you with your grandmother.

All these years, I have wronged you.

Therefore, this time about your life-long event, as a father, I want to obey your own will.

If you feel wronged, then I will reject your second elder brother Lian. "

Lin Ruhai said as if he wanted to get up and leave.

Seeing this, Daiyu suddenly became anxious, her blood surged up, and she couldn't help coughing.

Lin Ruhai wanted to go forward to give Daiyu a hug, but because of his inconvenient hands and feet, he could only stretch out his hand in time.

Obviously they are so close, but the father and daughter are as difficult to get close as if they are separated by a mountain.

Lin Ruhai was sad in his heart, it seemed that he had to have a considerate person to take care of his daughter.

Fortunately, Daiyu only coughed a few times and stopped.

Seeing that her father was still looking at her, Daiyu took a deep breath, and finally whispered, "Parents have always been the masters of children's matters...Daughter, everything is at the father's disposal."

Before he finished speaking, his face was already red with blood dripping.

She didn't dare to face Lin Ruhai, so she turned over and lay down under the quilt, preventing Lin Ruhai from seeing her face again.

Lin Ruhai was stunned when he saw this, and it took a long time before he burst out laughing, and even his cloudy eyes suddenly brightened.

He didn't stay in the house anymore, turned around and walked out the door.

And Daiyu on the couch, hearing her father's far away laughter, was even more ashamed, so she simply buried her whole body in the bed.

So when Zicuckoo came in and found Daiyu from the bed, she found that Daiyu was red and hot all over, which made her turn pale with fright, thinking that Daiyu was sick.

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