Chapter 406 Greed
Jia Lian's question stunned Daiyu for a moment, she stared straight at Jia Lian, speechless for a long time.

On the other hand, Jia Lian looked at her with a smile on his face. His resolute and handsome face was full of pampering, as if in his eyes, it was not a woman he wanted to marry, but a woman who had been pampered since childhood. little sister.

This feeling made Daiyu a little dazed.

After a while, she pulled her little hand back with all her strength, turned sideways and said, "Didn't Second Brother Lian say that men and women are different, how could he ask such Meng Lang's words again..."

Even though Daiyu had hinted to her father that she was willing to marry Jia Lian, facing this young man whom she had treated as her elder brother for many years, Daiyu was ashamed to speak out even though she was full of words.

To be able to behave like this, she has mustered up a lot of courage.

Jia Lian also knew Daiyu's temperament, so he didn't take her words seriously, but said with a smile: "I taught you that men and women are different, but I just don't want to see Baoyu pestering you every day.

Now that I am asking my lord uncle to marry my younger sister, if my lord uncle grants it, then you and I will be a husband and wife in the future, so naturally we don't have to have those taboos. "

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Daiyu was ashamed and angry, and felt a little helpless.

She always thought that Jia Lian was a mature and stable person, and he always maintained the best demeanor of his cousin to her.

Who knew that once he decided to marry her now, he would be so ashamed!

Listening to what he said, what he taught her before was actually deliberate, afraid of what would happen to her and Baoyu, really...

Fortunately, he also had the nerve to say it.

In this way, now that Daiyu thinks back to those years, isn't everything that Jia Lian has done for her, one by one, all with ill intentions and schemes?

Fortunately, she had always regarded Jia Lian as an upright person, and secretly admired him in her heart. It turned out that she had been deceived by him all along.

A feeling of being cheated quietly surfaced in my heart.

She thought she should be angry, but she found that she couldn't get angry at all.

Yes, it's just that on the basis of secretly admiring Jia Lian before, there is a little more throbbing from unknown people!

She even couldn't help but think that Lian's second elder brother is indeed a person who does great things. Everything is planned before he moves, and he even has his thoughts on her. After so many years of planning, she didn't even see it at all!
Thinking of this, she almost laughed out loud in her heart.

After sorting out her thoughts, she suppressed all the feelings in her heart, but Daiyu still looked normal on her mouth, and turned to Jia Lian: "You are disrespecting more and more, what kind of husband and and Lian's second sister-in-law are husband and wife, what does it matter to me?" !"

It was clear that he was only shy to deal with Jia Lian's words, but when he said it, he suddenly felt a little sad, and he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

"Master Hou, our master is here to invite you." A woman's voice came from outside.

Jia Lian turned her head and responded, then looked at Daiyu, who had her head turned away, a little stubborn and aggrieved, and sighed secretly.

He sat a little closer to Daiyu, "I know, I wronged my sister.

My sincerity to my sister is a lesson from heaven and earth, and there is absolutely no blasphemy in it.

I don't dare to lie to you, I really can't do it, in order to marry my most beloved woman, I will abandon you, Sister Feng, because my conscience forbids me to do so.

Besides, I have always admired Sister Lin's character, and I know even more that if I really did such a ruthless act of abandoning my poor wife in order to marry her, Sister Lin would look down on me, and it would be absolutely impossible for her to marry me again.

So, I'm just a little bit greedy.

Sister Lin, maybe you understand? "

Jia Lian took Daiyu's hand again and placed it on his heart.

Daiyu trembled slightly as if being electrocuted all over her body, then raised her head and glanced at Jia Lian, her eyes were moist and moved.

I don't want to, Lian's second brother knows her so well...

What Jia Lian said is right, if Jia Lian is willing to divorce Wang Xifeng for her, she may be happy for a while, but she will never be happy from the heart.

The Jia Lian she likes is the affectionate, righteous, gentle and considerate second brother Lian, not the ruthless big shot who is willing to abandon his wife and children in order to achieve his goal!
This is also the reason why Jia Lian was so gratified and moved when Jia Lian tried to protect Wang Xifeng under the pressure of the palace.

She felt that she didn't like the wrong person.

It was also from this that she saw that Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng had feelings for each other.

If now, in order to marry her, Jia Lian divorced Wang Xifeng, not to mention that Jia Lian's reputation would be damaged, Wang Xifeng would hate her, even she herself would feel uneasy, and for the rest of her life, she would feel ashamed and unhappy.

She, Lin Daiyu, would rather not have such a love with scabies.

What's more, she was afraid that she would worry about Jia Lian's heart.

Now the newcomer is better than the old one, so there is no guarantee that she will not meet the newcomer again in the future and forget her, the old one.

Isn't that ridiculous?

Therefore, from the very beginning, Daiyu never thought of breaking up Wang Xifeng and Jia Lian.

Even if she was aware of her affection in her heart, she felt that she was better than Wang Xifeng, but what she thought at the beginning was just to bury her affection for Jia Lian in her heart.

As she and her father Lin Ruhai said, in this life, she will either be accompanied by the ancient Buddha with the green lamp, or she will come naked, and leave naked, so as not to implicate others.This is because of her own illness, Lin Ruhai, Jia Mu, and Jia Lian and other people who cared about her felt disgusted after they worked hard for her. She didn't want others to worry about her for the rest of her life.

Although she had some thoughts in her heart, she was still a young girl full of ignorance and expectation, and she was not a radical person.

She still has a lot of expectations for Jia Lian.

Among them, the biggest expectation is that she admires Jia Lian as she is now, and Jia Lian also likes her deeply like her.

God is sorry, such a thing really happened. When her father was seriously ill and she was in a state of confusion, Jia Lian finally expressed his heart.

Therefore, no one knew how excited she was when she suddenly heard the conversation between Jia Lian and her father yesterday.

Doctor Wang made a good diagnosis. Her fainting was indeed caused by great sadness after being overjoyed!
It was also like this that when Lin Ruhai came to ask her what she meant, even though she was extremely shy, she still confided her heart to her father.

Although she was so sincere in her heart, she still felt unable to respond to Jia Lian's scorching verbal offensive, so she lowered her head slightly and replied in a voice like a mosquito: "Father is calling you, you go first, I will , I'm a little tired, I'm going to bed."

After saying these words, Daiyu lifted up the quilt and buried herself in the quilt again.

After confirming that Jia Lian could no longer see her, Daiyu's face, which was barely maintaining her composure, was suddenly flushed with redness, and bursts of hotness surged up, causing her to cover her face with her hands involuntarily, trying to see if it was burnt.

Naturally, Jia Lian couldn't see the beauty being so shy. Sitting on the couch, Jia Lian could only see Daiyu curled up into a ball again.

The little girl's body is too weak, if he hadn't seen her hide in it with his own eyes, given the raised shape of the quilt, he might not be sure that there was someone hiding inside.

"Okay, then go to sleep.

But if I asked you just now, if you don't answer, I will take it as your acquiescence.

If I convince my uncle to betroth you to me, then you must not go back on your word. "

After Jia Lian finished speaking, she was sure that Daiyu would not respond to him again, so she smiled, got up and walked out of Daiyu's boudoir.

"Second Master..."

Zicuckoo at the door was a little shocked, but also a little happy.

Zijuan couldn't hold back her curiosity even though she was already curious, and eavesdropped on some conversations between Jia Lian and Daiyu.

Because of this, she finally understood the reason for these things that happened in the past two days.

Under such circumstances, Zijuan looked at Jia Lian with admiration and affection, but also a sense of intimacy.

She had the same thought as the old steward, thinking that it would be a good result for Jia Lian to marry Daiyu, even as a concubine.

The difference is that Zicuckoo's thoughts are entirely out of sincerity to Daiyu, without other considerations of interests.

Because she has been serving Daiyu for several years, she has already understood what Daiyu is thinking.

She didn't dare to expose it before, after all, Jia Lian already had a family.

Looking at it now, I am afraid that the girl's thoughts for many years will come true one day. She, the maid who takes care of her own girl as her own sister, is naturally happy for Daiyu.

(End of this chapter)

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