Chapter 41
It took nearly a month of wandering on the Grand Canal before arriving in the capital.

On the wharf, the mules, horses, carriages and sedan chairs of Jia's mansion were already waiting, and Jia Lian was arranging things. When he suddenly saw Jia Yucun coming, he put aside his chores, stepped forward and said with a smile: "Everything is busy along the way, but I have neglected it." Mr. Amamura."

Jia Yucun hurriedly returned the gift, and replied very politely: "Brother Shi is too polite. I have been taken care of all this way, and I am ashamed to say that now."

Jia Lian smiled, and said, "Mr. Yucun's car is ready, please come with me."

Jia Yucun shook his head, "I'm here to say goodbye. One is that my elder brother has traveled a long way home and is busy with other things, so I don't want to disturb you. The other is that I have some friends in Beijing and I am going to pay a visit.

So, leave it at that. "

Although Jia Yucun really wanted to get back to his post as soon as possible, he knew that there should be no haste.

If he went to see Jia Zheng right after he entered Beijing, it might make people think that he is a monopoly and greedy for power, so he decided to go back to Beijing for a rest, and after a day or two, Jia Zheng read Lin Ruhai's letter It is appropriate to go to visit later.

Jia Lian seemed to understand Jia Yucun's thoughts, and he didn't force it, just asked: "There is still a distance of ten or twenty miles to the capital, is it cheap, sir?"

"Don't bother Brother Shi, I still have some travel expenses, so I will leave."

After Jia Yucun finished his courteous ceremony, he bowed and bowed, then turned around and strode away, quite carefree.

Jia Lian watched him walk away, thinking that if this guy didn't go bad, he would be a very attractive character.

Shaking his head and ignoring him, he went to the boat to wait for Daiyu. After tidying up, the long line headed towards Beijing.

Daiyu knew that the Hou Men's residence was full of people, rich and wealthy, and now that she was at his house, she knew that her grandmother missed her so she was picked up to live temporarily, but she didn't know, she thought she had defected to his house here.

So after getting off the boat, she secretly made up her mind to pay more attention to everything and never let others underestimate her.

After getting on the sedan chair, entering the city, and looking out at the street outside through the screen window, it is true that the bustling streets in central Beijing and the abundance of people are not comparable to other places.

After walking for another half a day, she suddenly felt that the surrounding area was much quieter. She quietly opened some gauze curtains, and saw two big stone lions squatting on the north side of the street, and three gates with animal heads inside. people who take it.The main entrance is not open, only the east and west corners are used for people to come and go. There is a plaque on the main entrance, with five big characters written on it: "Decree to build Ningguo Mansion".

After walking for a while, there were also three gates. Daiyu was thinking about it when she suddenly felt the procession stop. It's our home. My sister and let them go in, the old lady can't wait to see my sister."

Daiyu hurriedly said, "Second brother Lian won't go in with us?"

"I'm going to see my father first."

Jia Lian said something, seeing Daiyu seemed to be reluctant to leave, although she knew she was new here and wanted someone familiar to accompany her, but Jia Lian was still very happy.

Finally, the three months of hard work were not in vain, the little girl already regarded him as a trustworthy person.

Seeing Daiyu nodding her head and silently putting down the gauze curtain, Jia Lian smiled again and said, "By the way, I have one more thing to ask my sister."

"Second Brother Lian, please tell me."

Jia Lian laughed and said, "I'll let Xiangling go in with my sister to meet the old lady later. You know that Xiangling is weak and timid. Sister Lin is someone who has seen a big battle, so she has to help take care of her. Let other people scare her."

In the sedan chair, Daiyu sniffled for no reason, what, she is the guest, well, she was actually asked to help take care of Xiangling!
But why are you still a little happy?
After thinking about it, Daiyu replied, "She's not my girl, so what can I do to protect her? Second Brother Lian, if he's afraid that others will scare her, he can go and protect her himself."

"Since my sister agrees, I can rest assured."

Seeing Jia Lian put down such a sentence, he rode away and Daiyu stomped her feet angrily.

Why did she agree?She didn't believe that Jia Lian didn't hear clearly, so he must have done it on purpose. He is really a cunning and hateful person.

Even so, Daiyu still decided in her heart that if Xiangling and others were really in trouble, she would help her and treat Jia Lian as a favor.

After the sedan chairs of Daiyu, Xiangling and others entered the west corner gate, Jia Lian looked away and looked at the remaining carts.Except for the two and a half carts of Jiangnan famous wine, everything else was a gift he bought for his family.

Asking Zhou Rui to arrange to move all the other things to his yard, Jia Lian greeted Zhao'er, Xing'er and others, and rushed the two carts of forty jars of wine to Dongkua courtyard.

The reason why he kept ten jars of wine is that he can taste it slowly in the future, and the other is to tell everyone that he didn't intend to use spirits to harm his father, but pure filial piety...


In Rongqing hall, Daiyu and Jiamu, one is sentimental, the other is old and misses relatives, when they meet each other, they can't help themselves, both hugging their heads and crying, if it wasn't for others to comfort them, I'm afraid that one of them will cry out. You can't stop until you come.

Mother Jia has not seen her granddaughter since she was born, but now she finally sees her, she is overjoyed, and seeing Dai Yusheng's slender beauty and natural appearance, there is nothing wrong with liking her.

Seeing that Daiyu only brought a nanny and a little girl to serve, she knew that this was Lin Ruhai's understanding and courtesy.When Daiyu came to her place, all life matters were naturally left to her, the grandmother, to arrange.

It was decided at the moment to arrange the considerate people around Daiyu as Yingchun and others did, and also gave Daiyu a very sensible and loyal girl named Yingge, and changed her name to Zijuan.

After two orders, Jia Mu was holding Daiyu, ready to cherish her beautiful granddaughter, when she saw a girl coming up from the hall, delicate and weak.Although the demeanor is a bit restrained and embarrassed, it is very rare to see that appearance.

Taking a closer look, she was somewhat similar to her great-granddaughter-in-law in the East Mansion!
"Who is this girl?"

Mother Jia bent down and asked.

Zhou Rui's family had already received Jia Lian's orders, so she led Xiangling out in person, and after Xiangling kowtowed to Jia Mu, Fang supported Xiangling and said with a smile: "Old lady, can you take a look at this girl?"

Jia's mother is an experienced person. Looking at this posture, she guessed that Jia Lian was looking for a woman outside.

But she is a calm person, she didn't speak first, but said with a smile: "Bring it here and let me take a closer look."

Zhou Rui's family sent Xiangling to Jiamu, and Xiangling was about to worship again, but Jiamu had already held her back, squinting her eyes to look Xiangling up and down.

Even Jia's mother couldn't find anything bad about Xiangling's appearance. What's rare is that although she is delicate and weak, she has no pretense of kitsch.

"She is indeed a good girl, where did she come from?"

Jia Mu took the lead in asking, but in fact, many women in the hall also had the same guess as Jia Mu. They all knew that Jia Lian brought the woman from outside, and since Jia Lian dared to bring it back to show Jia Mu, she liked it very much.

Zhou Rui's family specially gave everyone time to guess, and then said with a smile: "Speaking of this girl's origin, it's a bit strange, the old lady doesn't know, this girl's life experience is very pitiful..."

Zhou Rui's family sent Jia Lian to Nanjing to visit relatives and friends. By chance, he beat the kidnapper and told the process of saving him slowly.

There is nothing to hide about this matter itself, and almost everyone who went to Jiangnan on this trip knows about it.

The one who was born in Zhou Rui's family intended to sell well, and intentionally said bizarre twists and turns, which made everyone in the hall amazed as if they had heard a book.

Jia's mother also asked, "is there such a coincidence that Brother Lian just happened to meet him?"

"No, I heard from the people below that because of this matter, the second master personally sent the kidnapper to Yingtian Mansion. The master of Yingtian Mansion also thanked the second master, saying that he helped him solve an unjust case. Woolen cloth."

Mother Jia nodded, and looked at Xiangling with more pity.

"In this way, this child is really pitiful. But now that it's at our house, it's all right. Feng girl and brother Lian are generally good, and they won't treat her badly."

Everyone echoed what Jiamu said, and then Jiamu remembered that she had neglected her precious granddaughter, and quickly hugged Daiyu in her arms, and said with a smile: "Go and call all the girls here, there are visitors from far away today, call them You don't have to go to school anymore."



(End of this chapter)

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