Chapter 414 Please
Although when I returned to the capital, the city gate was closed early.

But the Xicheng Bingmasi is in charge of the Xicheng Gate, so this point is nothing more than a fiction to Jia Lian.

In fact, it wasn't just him, if the sons of dignitaries and princes in the capital entered the city before the city was closed, they would usually give a notice, and the soldiers and horses would open a small door to let them enter the city, and they would not deliberately make things difficult.

Back at Rongguo Mansion, Jia Lian went home and changed his clothes, then came out and asked Zhang Yong and others about the registration status of the personal guards.

"Reporting to the second master, there are nearly 200 people from the two prefectures who have come to sign up today."

"so much?"

Jia Lian was a little surprised. Although the Jia family had a large number of people, more people relied on Jia's family for food, but excluding those who guarded the fields and villages, the combined population of the two prefectures should not be more than six hundred.

Among them, there are probably more than 300 male servants.

Zhang Yong said with a smile: "Although there are so many applicants, excluding those who are too old or too young to meet the standards, there are only [-] people left.

The slave has already informed these people that they will report to the martial arts field outside tomorrow morning, waiting for the second master to screen them. "

Jia Lian just nodded. It turned out that it was not surprising that everyone, old and young, came to try.

Zhang Yong thought for a while, and then said: "Actually, the second master, according to the slaves, even if there are more than 100 people to choose from, I am afraid that the second master will not be able to choose fifty people who are satisfactory."

Zhang Yong has been with Jia Lian for so long, so he naturally knows that although Jia Lian's stay is generous, at the same time, he is also very demanding.

In the past, just as a bodyguard, the ancestors were required to have served as personal guards under the second master Ning Rong, but now the second master is also qualified to accept soldiers, so the requirements will naturally be higher.

But the Jia family has not asked about military affairs for decades, and even the master has degenerated, let alone the servants.

Good physical fitness is not too much.

"It's okay, I never thought about recruiting 50 people at once.

Let's take a look and talk, anyway, the personal guards under my account are rather queer than indiscriminate.

If there are less than [-] selected from these people, then I will follow the example of the predecessors, post a list and recruit some talents. "

Jia Lian waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

In his capacity, as long as he expresses his intention to recruit talents, he believes that many people with unsatisfactory lives inside and outside Beijing will be willing to vote.

Just like Jia Zheng, even if he is only an official of the fourth and fifth ranks of the central government, because he is backed by the Duke's mansion, many scholars will vote for him.

Today's Jia Lian is much better off than Jia Zheng.

Even if Jia Lian wants to recruit counselors, it is feasible, let alone just recruit some personal guards.

After agreeing with Zhang Yong and others on the time to select the guards, Jia Lian left Dongkuayuan and came to Rongqingtang.

It's time to talk to Jiamu about Daiyu.

Rongqing Hall, Jia Lian thought that it was the New Year's Eve, and Jia Mu's place should be relatively lively.

Unexpectedly, when he came over, he saw that the courtyard was relatively quiet.

"The old lady accompanied Baoyu and the others into the garden for an afternoon stroll. She was a little tired, so she was about to go to bed."

In the main hall, Yuanyang hurriedly came out to explain when he heard that Jia Lian was coming.

Jia Lian thought for a while, then cupped his hands and said, "If that's the case, then I won't bother the old lady, and come back tomorrow."

Jia Lian was about to leave, but Jia Mu, who was inside, heard the movement and asked in the room, "Yuanyang, who is here?"

Seeing that it was rare for Jia Lian to take the initiative to find Jia Mu, Yuanyang knew that there should be something wrong, so she reported the truth.

"Old lady, it's Lian Erye who is here."

"What is this hozen doing here... let him in."

Hearing Jiamu's order, Yuanyang led Jia Lian around the main hall and entered Jiamu's bedroom from behind the screen on the west side.

Jia Mu's Rongqing hall is very large and spacious, even the sleeping quarters.

Not to mention that the furnishings and decorations are more grand than other places, but the long kang in the outer room is more than one foot long and five feet wide.On the kang is a large and bright brocade quilt, which is full of luxury.

Standing in the outer room and looking towards the inner room, there is a relatively deep room behind a window, which is the Bisha cabinet where Daiyu lived when she first entered Jia's mansion.

At this time, Jia's mother, under the service of the girls, washed her feet and went to the kang. When she saw Jia Lian, she asked him what's the matter.

Jia Lian thought for a while and said, "There is indeed one thing to discuss with the old ancestor. Forgive the grandson for being rude, and ask the old ancestor to push the others away."

Mother Jia frowned, but she didn't say anything, she just ordered "Go down", and the other maids, including the mother-in-law, also retreated tactfully.

Yuanyang also wanted to retreat, but Jia Lian said, "Miss Yuanyang stay and serve the ancestors."

Yuanyang was stunned for a moment, but didn't say anything. She went back and knelt on the kang, and gently squeezed Jia Mu's shoulders.

"What's the matter, I'm afraid others will hear it, so tell me."

Hearing Jia Mu's question, Jia Lian said to himself, it's not that he's afraid of being heard, but just worried about your old man and doesn't want people to hear.

Seeing that everyone had retreated, Jia Lian raised his robe, knelt down and said to Jia Mu: "The grandson is here to ask the old ancestors to agree to his grandson marrying sister Lin."

Jia Mu didn't pay much attention at first, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the service of mandarin ducks.

Hearing Jia Lian's words, he was startled suddenly, and asked with open eyes, "What did you say?"

Jia Lian had no intention of going around with Jia's mother, so he said bluntly: "The grandson went to Uncle Lin's house today, and he has already negotiated with Uncle Lin. The grandson wants to marry Sister Lin, and Uncle Lin is also willing to promise Sister Lin to his grandson. Son.

Therefore, the grandson came here to ask the ancestors to agree to this marriage. "

This time, not to mention Jia Mu, even Yuanyang opened her mouth in shock and sat on the kang, forgetting to squeeze Jia Mu's shoulders for a moment.

And Jia's mother didn't pay attention to this at all, she stared at Jia Lian suddenly, and said in a daze: "What did you say, you said you wanted to marry your sister Lin, and besides, Yu'er's father agreed to you? "

"Go back to the ancestors, that's right."

Jia's mother found it incredible that Jia Lian actually wanted to marry Daiyu!
Didn't he and Feng girl die together?

At the beginning, the princess and the queen mother were so aggressive, but they couldn't separate the two?

Could it be, let Yu'er come in and be a child?
If so, can Yu'er's father agree?

With these two simple considerations, Jia's mother wondered for a while whether Jia Lian had nothing to do and came to entertain her.

Finally remembered that Jia Lian likes to do unpredictable things, so she took a deep breath to keep her calm and asked.

Jia Lian then expressed his feelings for Daiyu and Lin Ruhai's willingness to promise Daiyu to him as a noble concubine.

As for some unnecessary details, such as the adoption of the stepchildren to the Lin family, he didn't say it for the time being, and Jia Mu must be given some time to digest.

But Jia Lian knew that the old lady wanted to do things well for Jia Baoyu and Daiyu, and she didn't want to give her any reason to object.

But even so, when Jia's mother heard what Jia Lian said, she fell silent and looked at Jia Lian with complicated eyes.

If Jia Lian wasn't what he used to be, she knew that she would reject Jia Lian immediately!

First, Daiyu is her direct granddaughter, besides Lin Ruhai, she is also Daiyu's elder, how could she allow Daiyu to be a concubine with others, even noble concubines.

Second, if you give Yu'er to this hozen, what will happen to Baoyu?
Mother Jia watched her grandchildren grow up, so of course she knew how much Jia Baoyu valued Daiyu.

If Yu'er marries someone else, let him know that Yu'er was promised to Jia Lian by them, and she is still a concubine, how can Baoyu accept it!

Based on these two points, Mother Jia's first reaction was to object.

However, she also knew that Jia Lian should not have lied.

If he dared to tell her about this matter, he must have got Lin Ruhai's permission as he said.At this point, lying doesn't make much sense.

Since ancient times, the lifelong affairs of children have been the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers.

No matter how much she loves Daiyu, she will never be able to get past Lin Ruhai.

Lin Ruhai has all the power to decide Daiyu's life-long affairs!Unless Lin Ruhai died, she, the grandmother, was qualified to make decisions for Daiyu.

Therefore, if Lin Ruhai agreed to Daiyu's marriage to Jia Lian, then she could not stand in Daiyu's position and refuse the marriage.

Fortunately, in addition to being Daiyu's grandmother, she is also Jia Lian's grandmother.

Both of Jia Lian's biological parents died, and as for Mrs. Xing, she was not in the eyes of Jia's mother at all.

Therefore, whether Jia Lian is taking a concubine or marrying, she has the right to speak.

If not, it would be impossible for Jia Lian to kneel in front of her at this time and beg her to agree to the marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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