The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 417 Xiaozhi's Reason

Chapter 417 Xiaozhi's Reason
In Rongqing hall, only Jia's mother and Sister Feng's grandparents and daughter-in-law are left.

Seeing Mrs. Wang and the mandarin ducks leaving, Sister Feng's tears couldn't be stopped anymore. Mother Jia sighed deeply, beckoned Sister Feng to come closer, took her hand, and said earnestly, "Girl Feng, I know about this matter." You are not happy in your heart, but in life, there is no reason for you to take advantage of it, you have to think more openly, so as not to suffer."

Mother Jia patted Sister Feng's hand and continued: "Speaking of which, do you think I am willing to wrong your sister Lin and serve as Lian'er's concubine?
Over the years, maybe you also know that I originally wanted to promise you, Sister Lin, to Brother Bao, but...

Lian'er's status is not what it used to be now. He not only likes your sister Lin, but also persuaded your sister Lin and her father. Now, even I can't refuse this matter. Do you understand the pros and cons? "

Jia's mother knew how to persuade others so that people would be willing to listen, so she gave up her previous attitude of coercion by her elders, and instead sympathized with Sister Feng first, saying that even she could not object to this matter, let alone Sister Feng.

Sure enough, after hearing what Jiamu said, Sister Feng understood completely in her heart, so she cried and asked: "But the old ancestor, such a noble person as Mrs. Lin, how could he be willing to give Mrs. Lin to our family's second master Lian?" concubine?"

Jia's mother was silent for a while, "This is Lian'er's strength, he is not willing to divorce his wife, but he can still persuade your Aunt Lin to promise Yu'er to him, which shows his current ability!
Now that he is outside, he has already become a Marquis, and he has won the trust of His Majesty the Emperor. It is time for him to have a bright future.

Think about it, if he releases the news at this time that he wants to take in a concubine to continue his heirs, I don't know how many rich and wealthy ladies in the capital are willing to marry him!
If you think about it again, those women who married him because of his status and future, after entering the door in the future, how can they be peaceful?At that time, even if your position as Mrs. Hou Ye is still secure, I'm afraid there will be no peace.

On the other hand, sister Lin, you have watched her grow up since she was a child, and you know her character and appearance.With her aloofness, she treats whoever is kind to her, and the care you have shown her for so many years, as long as you happily welcome her in, she will not accept you in the future, Will be against you?
Your sister Lin is still young, and her body is so weak, like a beauty lamp, even if she wants to fight with you, she is probably powerless, and she doesn't know how.

In fact, the reason why your uncle Lin is willing to promise your sister Lin to the second master Lian is because of Lian'er's character, and he is worried about marrying your sister Lin to someone else's family, for fear that she will be wronged.This point, I think you will understand even if I don’t say it. "

Mother Jia said these words in a tone of heart-to-heart talk between elders and younger generations, and she was impartial, and Sister Feng still listened to a lot.

She knew what Jia's mother said was right, and she just said one thing, for the sake of her children, whether Jia Lian took a concubine or married a second wife, it was justified!

In addition, after such a while, the sadness has gone, so I wiped away my tears, smiled and said to Jia Mu: "Don't worry, old lady, what do you say? In fact, why don't I understand it? It's just a sudden I heard that the second master Lian of our family is going to marry someone else, but I don't know why, but I just can't control my tears.

It seems that I often scold Ping'er and the others for being worthless, but in fact I am also worthless.

Don't worry old lady, I understand.Since the second master Lian of our family has taken a fancy to Sister Lin and wants to take care of her, how can I not do it?Even if I don't think about the benefits that Second Master Zailian did to me in the past, I just say that Lin girl has been in our house for the past few years, and I still love her very much.

Now that she is willing to condescend to marry into our family, it is the blessing of our second master Lian, and it is also my blessing.

Don't talk about the old lady's concubine and the main room. When Sister Lin enters my house, I will be called her sister. If there is anything in the house, I have a share, so naturally she has a share, and there is no need to distinguish between big and small.

If she thinks highly of me, I'll be happy if she recognizes me as an older sister depending on how much older I am than her. If she doesn't want to, she can let me call her older sister. "

Although Wang Xifeng is good at talking about scenes, if he talks a lot, it is easy to expose his heart.

Jia's mother could also see that Sister Feng's words were not up to her heart, so she said calmly: "You don't need to test us, the princess didn't take your position back then, and now you, sister Lin, naturally don't .

This is also Lian'er's kindness to you, you have to remember that too.

Therefore, from now on, Mrs. Hou Ye still belongs to you alone, and no one can take it away.

However, your younger sister Lin has an unusual background. In the future, she will also enter the family as a 'noble concubine'. This is your Master Lin's request. "


Wang Xifeng wasn't surprised at all. From the first time she heard Jia's mother say that she would bequeath Daiyu to Jia Lian, she knew that if Daiyu came in, her status would definitely not be low, and her status would be easily threatened.

That's why she couldn't help being sad, unwilling, and wronged.

After all, if it was a girl from a small family, she wouldn't care about it. Even if she entered the door, it would be just to add a servant to him, and she could control him at will.

With the current relationship between her and Jia Lian, although she would be unhappy if Jia Lian wanted to take a concubine, she would not oppose it desperately like before.

But what she didn't expect was that Jia Lian actually fell in love with Daiyu, and Lin Ruhai and Jia's mother agreed to it?

"Your status is different now, and you have to take a long-term view, don't be like before, only seeing the three melons and two dates in front of you.

Don't even think that adding a concubine sister to your family will affect your status.

In fact, you have a concubine as a sister under your command, which shows your dignity even more.

From ancient times to the present, you have inquired and inquired, but what kind of family is qualified to accept noble concubines?In other words, all families that can have concubines are extremely wealthy and honorable!

That is Lian'er, now that she has been promoted to Marquis, she barely has this qualification.If not, you and I, Mrs. Lin, wouldn't let your younger sister, Lin, suffer such plain inferior grievances! "

When Jia Mu said this, she spoke more solemnly.Although today the main purpose is to persuade Sister Feng to be magnanimous, but she can't be arrogant and indulgent. She still needs to let Sister Feng know that Daiyu is her own granddaughter, and she is not comparable to others, and she will not even try to bully Daiyu in the future.

After all, besides taking advantage of some opportunities, Sister Feng may not be able to compare with Daiyu in terms of her boudoir status alone.

Now that Daiyu is asked to be her child, it is not certain who is more wronged.It also means to let Sister Feng know what is good or bad, and accept it when she sees it.

Sister Feng naturally understood this meaning, and said with a smile: "What the ancestor said is that sister Lin's fairy-like character is really wronged when I have it under my hands.


"How about otherwise?"

Jia Mu looked at Sister Feng with a deep expression.

Sister Feng smiled mischievously, just now she was habitually trying to play tricks, otherwise she would let Daiyu be the wife of Lord Hou, and she would just be the child.

Before the words came out, she realized that this might offend Jiamu.After all, Daiyu is Jia's mother's direct granddaughter, and in her old man's heart, she must love Daiyu more than her.

In the current situation, she might feel uncomfortable in her heart. If she uses this as an excuse again, Mother Jia must have something to say, which will most likely make her unable to step down.

Therefore, Sister Feng, who had predicted these things in an instant, wisely changed her language.

"Don't worry, old lady, I understand in my heart that Second Master Lian would rather give such a status than marry Sister Lin, which shows that he really loves her in his heart. In this way, even for his sake, when Sister Lin comes in, I will treat her well and won't let her suffer any grievances!"

The calculations in Sister Feng's heart have always been the fastest. Knowing that there is no room for her to refuse, she puts her mentality in order and restores her former style.

Mother Jia tentatively talked about some topics such as women's virtuousness and virtue, and Wang Xifeng also responded to them one by one, so Mother Jia was relieved.

It was late too, so I asked Sister Feng to go back and rest.


Ping'er waited for a long time outside the Rongqing hall, finally saw Sister Feng coming out, and immediately went up to meet her, but saw Sister Feng's expression was serious and handsome, she didn't say a word, and asked anxiously.

Sister Feng only glanced at her, then at the little maids under the eaves, and said in a low voice, "We'll talk about it when we get back."

After speaking, he took a big step and went back.

 When I got home and found that I still had time, I wrote it. Don’t be offended.

(End of this chapter)

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