Chapter 449
After persuading Qingwen, Jia Lian got up from the small bench in the water and sat on the edge of the barrel.

The bathtub he shared with Sister Feng was expensive, but it was heavy and strong enough for him to sit on it stably.Of course, it's a bit cold this day for sure.

Sitting in the water, Qingwen looked at Jia Lian a few times shyly, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Xiangling's face that was even redder than hers, and immediately knew how to transfer the shame.

"Second Master can't just bully me every time, you let Xiangling come down and talk about it!"

Qingwen acted as if Jia Lian treated him unfairly, and she acted like a fool.

Hearing this, Xiangling immediately wanted to find an excuse to leave.

Jia Lian coughed, and seeing that Xiangling stopped obediently, she said a little embarrassedly: "Well, why don't you help her?"

Although Xiangling is shy, she doesn't have as many scenes as Qingwen.Isn't it right for the second master to ask them to do anything?

So she nodded shyly, and then said naturally: "Then I'll add some hot water first, so that the water won't make Er Ye catch a cold."

"it is good."

So Xiangling added a lot of hot water to the bucket, found a dry robe and put it on Jia Lian's body, and then began to take off the clothes like Qingwen, and stepped into the bathtub shyly and silently.

When Ping'er came in and saw Jia Lian enjoying the service of the two maids, she just blushed a little, pretended not to see, put the things in her hands on the shelf next to her, and explained without raising her head. : "Second Mistress said that she also wants to take a bath today, so Er Ye better hurry up and take a bath, Second Grandma will be back soon..."

Ping'er didn't know why he had to talk too much.After all, she knew that even if Sister Feng knew how Jia Lian was with Qingwen in the bathroom, she would not care.

When Ping'er arrived, Xiangling was still calm. She glanced at Jia Lian and continued to serve after Jia Lian patted her head.But Qingwen didn't say anything, she shrank to the other side, and wanted to go out and get dressed.

As for Jia Lian, although Xiang Ling draped him with a fur, it was still a bit chilly to sit doing this at this time of year.

He just felt that Ping'er's visit was appropriate, so he used an excuse to talk to Ping'er, tricked her into getting closer, and then pulled her to his side.

"Before serving your second grandma to take a bath, shouldn't you serve me first? Just right, I haven't been close to you for a long time."

Faced with Jia Lian's courtship signal, Ping'er pretended not to understand, but half pushed her back, allowing Jia Lian to strip off her clothes and throw them aside.

Although Sister Feng has not restricted her from serving Jia Lian, she even intends to let her conceive a child for Jia Lian.

But Sister Feng's possessiveness is inherent, and she would not be allowed to serve Jia Lian with her in a leisurely manner.And she usually follows Sister Feng almost all day long, so it is difficult for her to have the opportunity to be alone with Jia Lian.

Just now he was ordered to come back to arrange a bath, and realized that Jia Lian and the two Qiaobi took too long to take a bath, so he pretended not to disturb.

Since Jia Lian also wanted her to serve her, and Sister Feng was not around, of course she readily accepted...

Qingwen, who had escaped from the tub with one foot, looked back and saw Ping'er's face was ashamed, but her body was very cooperative with Jia Lian, allowing Jia Lian to carry her in, which immediately made Qingwen curl her lips a little.

Ping'er's generosity seemed to say to her, you little hoof that doesn't know what's good or bad, get out, so that you can make room for my sister and me!

Thinking about it this way, Qingwen became annoyed and refused to leave.

Anyway, the master's bathtub is big enough to accommodate the few of them without considering that the water will overflow.The main reason is that she, Xiangling and even Ping'er are all slender.Even if the three of them add up, they are definitely no match for the two second masters.

It just so happened that she also wanted to see how Ping'er behaved when she was in Chenghuan... Why, he was two or three years older than them, why did the second master like Ping'er and was not willing to touch them?

Qingwen, who had such thoughts in mind, really stayed in the tub all the time, and didn't care about letting the warm water overflow.

The bathroom is drained and drained. Even if the floor gets wet, if you drag it afterwards, it will be completely dry within half a day.

But she still underestimated Jia Lian and Hepinger.

Even though she was hiding in the corner, she was still hit on her face and hair by the constant splashing of water.

Therefore, after half an hour of blushing and heart-beating patience, Qingwen finally couldn't hold on anymore. Gulu turned over, went out to wipe clean, put on her clothes, and after Jia Lian stopped torturing Ping'er, she blushed and changed Jia Lian's clothes. Then he helped Jia Lian out.

"Sister Ping'er, are you okay?"

After Jia Lian and Qingwen left, Xiang Ling, who had been watching the battle at close range and occasionally acted as a support, saw that Ping'er was sitting still, and asked a question with some concern.

She also saw that Ping'er was also delicate and soft, but the second master was tossing about Ping'er's sister like that, afraid that Ping'er would get hurt or something.

Ping'er turned his head to look at Xiangling, suddenly smiled, shook his head, and began to scrub himself briefly with the water Jia Lian had used.

Suddenly feeling the warmth of the vest, looking back, it was Xiangling crawling over to rub her back, the technique was very gentle and skillful.

Ping'er couldn't help touching Xiangling with her backhand, thinking that this girl is so rare, no wonder she is loved by the second master as a treasure.

She didn't refuse her kindness, because she also felt a little tired, so she simply enjoyed Xiangling's service with peace of mind, and thought that it would be a big deal to help her rub herself later.

"Sister Ping'er, what does it feel like to serve the second master, will it hurt..."

Ping'er was taken aback, turned around, saw Xiangling's half-shy, half-serious expression, and burst out laughing.

Holding Xiangling's little hand, Ping Erxi asked: "Don't you and Qingwen often serve the second master? When I came in just now, I saw you giving that to the second master..."

Xiang Ling lowered her head in embarrassment.After all, I was very curious in my heart, and felt that I could only learn from Ping'er, so I whispered: "We...we have never served the second master like Sister Ping'er..."

According to Jia Lian's guess, Xiangling should be bigger than Qingwen.Coupled with Jia Lian's long-term care, even Yumu's head should be enlightened.

She respects Ping'er very much, and since she entered Jia's mansion, she has had to take care of Ping'er a lot.She is concerned about this matter again, and the opportunity is good at this time, of course she wants to ask.

Although Ping'er and Sister Feng had already guessed, but once again learned from Xiangling, Ping'er still felt very strange.

The second master is obviously very fond of beauty, as can be seen from the fact that he tried every means to get himself and grandma to serve together.

But there are two stunning girls, and they have not moved?
Shaking his head in his heart, he didn't dare to speculate on Jia Lian's thoughts, he touched Xiangling's head lovingly, and explained gently: "Silly girl, you were born so beautiful, and sooner or later you will have such a day.

As for whether it hurts or not... the first time, it should be very painful, but it will be fine in the future..."

Ping'er still feels ashamed to personally teach others this knowledge.

Fortunately, he and Xiangling are already so close, and Xiangling is really ignorant by nature, and after hearing this, he asked about related matters very seriously.

So Ping'er gave up a little bit of shame, and while washing each other's bodies with Xiangling, he slowly taught Xiangling some of the principles he knew.

It's really just a part, some key points, and she doesn't want to teach.She herself is still exploring, and she wants to keep some of it, so that she can get more of Jia Lian's favor.

To put it bluntly, she and Xiangling are still in a competitive relationship.

It is impossible to really teach the apprentice, starve the master to death...

(End of this chapter)

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