Chapter 471
The masters of each family also knew the situation at home from the mouths of the people below, so they were not in a hurry to go back, but followed Zhou Boru together to a separate courtyard of the Zhou family to discuss countermeasures.

"This Jia Lian is really deceiving people too much, he dared to directly copy the Zhao family!"

The six sat down, cursing Jia Lian angrily.Of course, only they know how much fear there is.

"The people I sent out have found out clearly that the entire city of Yangzhou is basically under Jia Lian's control now.

Even the prefect Wu Zhirong, the guard Gao Kui and others were placed under house arrest by Jia Lian.

It can be seen that Jia Lian made enough preparations to attack the Zhao family, and he didn't give me any room to resist! "

The officials in power in Yangzhou are all controlled by Jia Lian, so even if they want to find someone to help sanction Jia Lian, it is impossible.

Seeing that everyone was silent and sluggish, Wang Shanxiang said bitterly: "Could it be that we just let mermaids be slaughtered like this? Jia Lian is obviously a very greedy person. Today is the Zhao family, and tomorrow it may be any of us.

Everyone, we have reached the point of life and death, if we want to survive, there is only one way to go..."

"He Lu."

"Get rid of Jia Lian and let the court send another imperial envoy!"

Everyone ignored what Wang Shanxiang said before, but at this moment, everyone had to think seriously.

Jia Lian's direct use of swords was too much of a threat to them.

For ordinary rich people, Wanguan family wealth is already rich, and family wealth is the lifeblood of rich people.

And for their salt merchants, this is even more so.Because, each of them is far more than ten thousand Guan family wealth!Taking the six people present as an example, each family must have more than one million assets.

They originally had endless wealth to enjoy.However, Jia Lian wanted to deprive them of their wealth, which was no different from killing them.

If the dog is in a hurry, he will jump over the wall, let alone, they are not kind people in the first place.

At this time, no matter what consequences you are afraid of, you have to lean back.

"You put it bluntly, how do you get rid of him? After tonight's incident, then Jia Lian will definitely be more careful. Are you sure you can kill him?
With so many officers and soldiers under his command, do you want us to summon domestic slaves to fight with the officers and soldiers? "

"Even if we can kill him, what should we do if the court is furious..."

Faced with other people's doubts, Wang Shanxiang just sneered and said, "It's up to people to make things happen. No matter how difficult it is, can it be more difficult than our current situation?"

Just now when Jia Lian's cold sword touched his neck, Wang Shanxiang really felt the fear of death.

But after the fear, he was filled with endless resentment.

Others saw that Wang Shanxiang seemed to have a plan in mind, so they asked him what to do, but Wang Shanxiang kept silent, obviously not wanting to speak to them.

Each of them moved their minds.If Wang Shanxiang is really sure about getting rid of Jia Lian, it will be a good thing for them.As he said, no matter how bad the situation is, it can't be worse than it is now.

Looking at Jia Lian's posture right now, he intends to wipe them all out!Just ask, who can be willing?
Moreover, if Wang Shanxiang really dared to do something, even if the matter could not be resolved, it would be Wang Shanxiang and the prince behind him who stood in front of him.Everyone likes to sit back and enjoy what they get.

Zhou Boru glanced at the master of the Bai family who had a gloomy face from the beginning to the end, but said nothing, and then said: "Okay, no matter what, after you go back tonight, immediately send someone to contact your respective contacts in the court, and launch All the power that can be mobilized is the first thing.

Since Jia Lian didn't attack me directly at the first time, it shows that he also has concerns.At least, he didn't dare to completely destroy the Yanzheng in Jiangnan.I hold the salt transportation and sales of the entire Jiangnan in my hands. If something happens to me, the entire Jiangnan will be in turmoil. This is something that Jia Lian can't afford to blame.

But when the people behind you and me make a move, it will take time to go back and forth, and we can't sit still and wait for death.I have already planned to find an opportunity to invite Jia Lian again, and try to solve the problem in a peaceful way..."

Although Zhou Boru said so, his tone was very low at the end, obviously he had no confidence in buying Jia Lian.

But everyone felt that Zhou Boru's words were reasonable, at least more reasonable than Wang Shanxiang's.So I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart. After cursing each and every one of them, I promised that I would do my best and no matter the cost. It would be best if the imperial court could transfer Jia Lian back...

A number of plans were discussed, and the masters of all families also went back to prepare.

But Wang Shanxiang gave Bai Yi a look, and the two made a detour to find Zhou Boru.

Zhou Boru was not at all surprised that they went back and forth, and even sat in the hall waiting for them.

"Tell me, what is your plan? If you still send people to assassinate as recklessly as the Zhao family, forgive Zhou for not accompanying you."

"The chairman really thinks that the assassin tonight was sent by the Zhou family. Or, that the servant of the Zhao family who was killed was really an assassin?" Wang Shanxiang sneered.

Zhou Boru just twitched the corner of his mouth and didn't speak.

Bai Yi sat down on the bench, and said impatiently: "Tell me, why did you ask the old man to come back?"

From the tone of his voice, he was also in a bad mood.

"If I have a plan, it is possible to get rid of Jia Lian, and I am sure that the court will not pursue it. Would the two of you be willing to assist?"

Both Zhou Boru and Bai Yi's expressions changed.

The reason why they didn't dare to fight Jia Lian head-on was that Jia Lian had already controlled Yangzhou at the fastest speed, and they had no chance of winning. The bigger worry was that even if they fought Jia Lian, they would definitely not fight afterwards. Can't fight the court.In the end, it will be useless.

"Are you sure?" Bai Yi asked solemnly.

For so many years, knowing that his Bai family belongs to the Empress Dowager's family, who would dare not give him some face?Jia Lian dared to send people to surround his Bai family directly, and he wanted to kill Jia Lian in his heart.

Wang Shanxiang smiled and said: "If it's just me alone, maybe I'm not sure. But if I add the power of Master Bai and Chairman Zhou, I'm sure."

Zhou Boru and Bai Yi looked at each other, expressing their willingness to listen.

After a long while, watching Bai Yi and Wang Shanxiang leave, Zhou Yan, the son of Zhou Yanru, stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "Master, do you really think that the man surnamed Wang can make things happen?"

"Whether it can be done or not, you have to try it. If he is really lucky, my Zhou family will naturally be willing to help him...

However, we can't place our hopes on him, and my Zhou family has to make two preparations.

By the way, where is Gu Qingyi now? "

"The annual Jiangnan Oiran Competition is about to begin. The girl in Tsing Yi is now performing in Suzhou, preparing to compete for the title of No. [-] Oiran."

"No need, send someone to bring her to Yangzhou, she doesn't need to participate in the Oiran Competition."

The south of the Yangtze River is prosperous, and the style of writing is at its peak, and the literati are so romantic that there are many famous brothels in the south of the Yangtze River.

Among other things, Yangzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Jinling are big cities. Which city doesn't have dozens of brothels?

And as a well-known salt merchant group in the south of the Yangtze River, I don't know how many brothels they control.

This Gu Qingyi is the most outstanding geisha who has appeared in recent years among all the brothels controlled by the Zhou family.Even Zhou Boru regarded her as a hole card, and spent a lot of money on packaging to make her famous.

So, upon hearing Zhou Boru's order, Zhou Yan asked hesitantly: "What does the master mean? But didn't the master say that the girl in Tsing Yi was prepared for the prince..."

"Stop talking nonsense, if you are told to go, go immediately!"


After his son also left, Zhou Boru sighed inwardly.Everyone in the world knows that he is very deep in the city and scheming. Only he knows how many people are staring at him and how cautious he is with such a huge property in the south of the Yangtze River.

He is not as ostentatious as others, when he gets close to powerful people, he becomes arrogant and unscrupulous.

He was just the opposite. Although he continued to cultivate his connections, he never took the initiative to leak his relationship.Because he knows that those big shots hate trouble.

Therefore, even though his Zhou family is the most powerful salt merchant, there are not many people who really know the reliance of his Zhou family.

Outsiders only know that the Wang family has a relationship with the Prince's Mansion, but who knows that his Zhou family has already had a relationship with the Prince, even deeper than that of the Wang family.

If Wang Shanxiang can succeed this time, he certainly doesn't mind cleaning his ass afterwards.

But if it doesn't work out, his Zhou family will naturally have to make plans early.It is really wise to think about failure beforehand and success later.

(End of this chapter)

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