The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 477 Copying the Wang Family

"Master, the officers and soldiers surrounding Bai's house have withdrawn..."

"My lord is not well, Jia Lian... the imperial envoy came towards our house with his troops!"

The Wang family, Wang Shanxiang already knew that the plan had failed, and while weighing how to deal with it, he kept sending people to monitor the movements of the Bai family.

Hearing that the people turned towards Wang's house, he knew that Bai Yi had betrayed him. With a curse, he knew that it was too late to run away, so he could only pull himself together and think about how to deal with Jia Lian when he came, while letting his son They left by the back door.

But I was told that the front, rear and side doors were all blocked by officers and soldiers.

"How come so fast?"

"Master, it's not the officers and soldiers around the imperial envoy, but the garrison of Yangzhou City!"

Even the garrison of Yangzhou City joined forces, Wang Shanxiang finally felt that the situation was very bad, so he hurried out to check.

As the vice-chairman of the Salt Company, Yangzhou garrison, he knows a lot from the garrison to the general banner, and he is ready to make friends.

"The command issued by the lord in person, from now on, all members of the Wang family are not allowed to move around, waiting for the interrogation by the imperial envoy."

Seeing the general of the garrison army who clearly accepted his benefits, speaking with a cold face, as if he didn't know him at all, Wang Shanxiang was angry, and he also scolded in a cold voice: "Then what about you garrison masters?"

The general ignored him at all, looked at him contemptuously, and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Wang Shanxiang's neck twisted in anger.This is seeing that his royal family is about to have an accident, and even such a small military officer dares to throw stones at him? !
Just watch, when he passes this level, he must make these low-minded guys look good!
But there was nothing he could do about the other party, so he could only stand in a stalemate.

Not long after, with the sound of trembling horses' hooves, a large number of majestic Imperial Guard officers and soldiers came slowly, surrounded by Jia Lian and others.

"Take it."

There was no nonsense at all. With Jia Lian's voice, the officers and soldiers rushed forward and captured Wang Shanxiang and everyone around him.

"Jia Lian, you dare to touch me? I am the prince's man, how dare you touch me?"

Jia Lian didn't give him a chance to speak at all, which completely panicked Wang Shanxiang and kept yelling.

"I dare not touch you? You sold private salt, embezzled the salt tax first, you were so bold, you dared to assassinate later, and now you are still trying to frame the prince. It is an unforgivable crime. Take it away."

Seeing Wang Shanxiang being dragged down like a dead dog, Bai Yi who followed behind turned slightly pale.

Now he can finally see that in front of a real powerful person like Jia Lian, the so-called reliance they used to have is not worth mentioning.

When necessary, you can give some face to the people behind them. Once you get angry, it is really easy to crush them to death.

As far as the Wang family is concerned, they all know that the biggest backer behind it is the Prince's Mansion.But so what, in the eyes of the prince, this royal family is just a tool to earn money for him.If he were the crown prince, I'm afraid he wouldn't be in trouble with Jia Lian, a close minister of the emperor, for the sake of a mere Wang Shanxiang.

Therefore, when Wang Shanxiang chose to send someone to assassinate Jia Lian and failed, he was doomed.

Moreover, even if the crown prince knew about the situation, he might not be able to speak. …

Perhaps, the prince would also be secretly annoyed because Jia Lian cut off one of his sources of income in the south of the Yangtze River, but that is another issue, and it all depends on Jia Lian's follow-up response and how the prince chooses to weigh it.

After thinking this through, Bai Yi inexplicably felt a little lucky.Fortunately, the Bai family did not take action against Jia Lian before, but Wang Shanxiang, an arrogant idiot, stood in front of him. Fortunately, he did not have the courage to confess in time before, otherwise, I am afraid that his Bai family will also be included in the list of being raided now. ...


With the experience of the Zhao family, copying the Wang family is easy.

Jia Lian didn't even need to stare outside, he just had to sit in the hall and wait for reports from all parties.

"My lord, the salt merchants are gathered at the gate, wanting to meet your lord."

"Let them in."

Zhou Boru brought more than 20 salt merchants into the Wang's house, and saw that the Wang's house, which used to be domineering, was now being plundered by officers and soldiers.Those gorgeously dressed Wang family were all driven to the corner to squat like pigs and dogs, and they felt very uncomfortable.

After all, they are all salt merchants, and seeing the fate of the Wang family, it is inevitable to feel sad.

But at the same time, just like Bai Yi, he has recognized some reality.Jia Lian's copying of Zhao's family can be said to be a persimmon, to kill chickens and monkeys. They can naively think that Jia Lian dare not cause too much shock to the entire Yangzhou salt administration, or dare not offend the forces behind them too much.

Now, there is no chance of luck.

"Zhou Boru, the president of the Yangzhou Salt Trade Association, led the Yangzhou Salt Traders, and led all the salt merchants in the Yangzhou Salt Trade to meet with the imperial envoy."

Small salt merchants are not eligible to enter the hall, only five big salt merchants including Zhou, Bai, Qian, Feng and Xu came in and bowed down to Jia Lian.

"Don't be too polite, get up."

Seeing these salt merchants suddenly so well-behaved, Jia Lian was indifferent in his heart, but calm on his face. After getting up, he asked them why they came to see him.

"It's like this. My lord has been in Yangzhou for a few days. I have been working tirelessly for the omissions of the Yangzhou salt administration. I feel very sorry for the low-ranking staff and other salt company partners who undertake salt affairs, so I specially prepared it on the Wangjiang Tower of Dongmen Bridge. For the banquet, I hope that your lord will come to enjoy the feast in three days."

"Oh, invite me to dinner again?"

Jia Lian looked at Zhou Boru and the others, and said with a smile: "I have a bad problem, that is, I have no patience. Usually when I go out to buy things, I buy them at a fixed price. If I like them, I buy them. He asks people for a lot of money and pays back the money.

This time, everyone, you won't let me go for nothing again, will you? "

Although Jia Lian said it with a smile, Zhou Boru and others could understand the meaning of the words.

Although his heart tightened, Zhou Boru immediately said: "Don't worry, my lord, this villain is sincerely apologizing to my lord this time, and I will definitely satisfy my lord!"


What else did Jia Lian say, Liu Xianglian walked up to him, and whispered back: "My lord, I haven't found anyone, so he should not be in the Wang family."

Jia Lian's face was slightly condensed, and then he ordered: "Bring Wang Shanxiang, his sons, and the housekeepers of the Wang family up."


After Liu Xianglian took the order to go away, Jia Lian said to Zhou Boru and the others: "Since you have kindly invited me, if I don't go, it will appear that I don't give you face. Forget it, it just so happens that I have admired Yangzhou's customs and customs for a long time. Respect is worse than obedience."  …

Zhou Boru immediately cupped his hands, "Thank you, my lord. To be honest, the low-ranking people chose to entertain your lord at Wangjiang Tower because they considered that your lord would not come to Yangzhou once.

The Wangjiang Tower is not only one of the best restaurants in Yangzhou City, but also stands on the bank of the Little Qinhuai River.And Little Qinhuai is the most prosperous area in the entire Yangzhou City. At that time, adults can enjoy the night view of Yangzhou from the Wangjiang Tower. "

"Hehehe, the official is looking forward to it."

With just a few words, Wang Shanxiang and others were escorted in.

"Jia Lian, you dare to copy my royal family! My royal family is serving the prince, and my royal family is still old with all the adults in the court. You wait, the prince will not let you go, and the other adults in the court will not let you go." I won't forgive you..."

Seeing Wang Shanxiang, Zhou Boru and others who were kneeling on the ground, still clamoring non-stop, in a panic, they retreated silently to the side.

Sure enough, with several hits of the knife handle, Wang Shanxiang, whose mouth was bleeding from the beating, finally stopped yelling and cursing.

Jia Lian said coldly: "I ask you, where is An Siyuan's son now?"

Wang Shanxiang, who was deeply saddened, was taken aback when he heard the words, and then laughed loudly: "You knew for a long time that the son of An Siyuan is in our hands, right? Hahaha, it turns out that you made up your mind early on that you would not let us go, so, the so-called You pretended to be greedy for money and lust, right? The purpose is to make me relax my vigilance towards you, and then seize the opportunity to take all of us down? You have a vicious heart!
No wonder, the old man thought that the foolproof strategy would fail. It turned out that it was not your fate, but the old man was wrong from the beginning.Then Mrs. Xu didn't do anything to you at all, did she, and she even betrayed us in turn? "

Before Jia Lian came over, Wang Shanxiang prepared a lot of excuses, including how to deny it.But Jia Lian didn't give him a chance to deny it at all, and directly copied his Wang family, which made him angry and hated.

At this point, he was a little crazy, so he had nothing to worry about.

Of course, Jia Lian didn't respond to his words, his eyes were only cold.Thinking of the despicable assassination methods that he heard from Xu's mouth, he still feels the slightest bit of fear and anger.

Beauty tricks are not terrible, what is terrible is beauty tricks plus beauty poison!According to Xu, the middleman gave her a bottle of poison and asked her to apply it on her chest or lips. Because the smell of the poison was like milk or rouge, it was difficult for a man to detect it under the influence of sex. Even if the victim does not die, he will fall into fainting or numb limbs. At this time, any mentally handicapped woman can easily take her life.

It is indeed a very clever method of poisoning.In this era of low productivity, clever poisons are more precious than fine nectar and jade dew.

The colorless and tasteless poisons in TV dramas are simply nonsense.The more poisonous it is, the more difficult it is to cover up the smell.

This is also the reason why people often drink poison and drink more.Because the smell of poison can be suppressed by the smell of wine.

But even if it's drunk, it doesn't mean it's flawless.This also leads to those poison donors, if they do not have a strong enough mind, they are always prone to nervousness, because if they are discovered, they will definitely die, and because of nervousness, they are prone to bad things.In short, it is very difficult to successfully poison the enemy, and the difficulty is also one of the reasons why poisoning is not often used in power struggles. …

"Hand over the man, and I can give you a good time." Jia Lian said coldly.

"Hahaha, there is no way to save people! That damned woman, since she dared to tell the truth, I want her son to be buried with her!
Jia Lian had no intention of getting into trouble with a dead man, and turned his gaze to the others, "If any of you can tell where Lord An's son is, I can spare his life."

Wang Shanxiang's sons and the housekeepers looked at each other. Those who didn't know had nothing to do, but those who knew looked at each other for fear of being snatched away by the other party. Speaking of the place of detention.

After Jia Lian was taken to look for him, he didn't bother to listen to Wang Shanxiang's scolding, and said to Zhao Cheng, "Take him to Dongshi, and if he can catch up with Zhao Tang and his son, he will be executed together. If not, let Zou Fu Cheng will work hard again tomorrow."

Zhao Tang and his son asked to be beheaded today, and Jia Lian had already ordered Zou Tong, the Prime Minister of Yangzhou Yamen Mansion, to supervise the beheading.

"No, you can't kill me. I'm also a peddler under the name of the Ministry of Household Affairs. I'm a high-ranking official. You can't kill me. You don't have the right to kill me!"

For all court officials, only the emperor has the right to life and death.

But Wang Shanxiang may have forgotten in his fear that Jia Lian was a special imperial envoy who exercised imperial power on behalf of the emperor.Maybe killing Wu Zhirong and others still needs to be considered, but killing a salt merchant involved in the salt administration is a positive killing.

Therefore, without anyone paying attention to his words, he was dragged down.

Seeing this, the rest of the Wang family trembled even more.Jia Lian didn't care about these people. Like the Zhao family, the males were exiled into the army, the female papers were sent to the teaching workshop, and the maids and servants were sent back to slavery and driven out of the Wang family.

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