Chapter 501
This visit to Xue's house was mainly to let Daiyu come to see Baoqin, and to fulfill the promise she made to Baoqin, that she must come and see her when she arrived in Jinling.

So simply worshiped in front of the spiritual tablet of the second master of the Xue family, and then came out under the leadership of Xue Biao.

As soon as he walked out of the courtyard, he heard someone arguing in the outer courtyard, and then an old servant ran over and said to Xue Biao: "Master, the third master and the others are here again, arguing to see the eldest lady, go and have a look."

Xue Biao's complexion changed slightly, and he cupped his hands at Jia Lian and said, "I have something to do at home, I have to go out, second brother Lian, you can go for a stroll first..."

"It's okay, I'll go and have a look with you."

Xue Biao immediately showed a grateful look, nodded, turned around and walked out.

When we got to the outer courtyard, we saw a few middle-aged and young men rushing in, but Xue's family only had a few nursing homes, and they were blocking them.

"Xiao'er, you just came here just in time, look at your slaves, it's getting more and more outrageous, even blocking us from entering the door!"

Facing the young man's questioning, Xue Biao's immature face was full of gloom, but he still forcibly stepped forward to meet him: "I have met the third uncle, and I have met all the uncles."

"Xiao'er, are there any guests at home today? Why don't you introduce us?"

Although Jia Lian didn't bring many people over, the soldiers on duty in the courtyard outside the gate, the Xue family members also saw them.For such a situation that obviously shouldn't appear in Xue's house, it is easy for them to judge that it should be a visitor.

Xue Biao was about to introduce Jia Lian, but Jia Lian waved his hands and said with a smile: "I am just an old friend, today I just came to pay homage to the second master of the Xue family, and I just paid a visit to the aunt of the Xue family, you don't need to worry about me."

After hearing this, Xue Biao knew that he didn't want him to reveal his identity, so he didn't say anything.

The members of the Xue family were completely relaxed, mainly because Jia Lian's soldiers seemed to be quite powerful.Since it was just an old friend who came to visit later, he was supposed to be an officer leading an army, so he bowed his hands casually as a greeting, so he didn't care much.

"Xiao'er, where's your mother? Hurry up and tell her that we have something important to discuss with her."

After the few people finished speaking, they spontaneously walked into the compound. Xue Biao was so angry that he stepped forward and stood in the middle of the road: "My mother said that she is not in charge of the affairs of the clan, and she can't take care of them. If you uncles If you have any request, just go to Beijing to find my aunt or brother Pan, my mother can't make the decision.

These days, because of these things, my mother has fallen ill, and now she is resting at home, unable to see guests, you all go back. "

"What are you talking about, sister-in-law doesn't care about things, before going to Beijing, she will hand over the property in the south to the second brother to take care of and take care of it.

Now that the second elder brother is gone, and there is no one to take care of the family's various properties, it is natural that we all work together to discuss a solution.

Who knows that those slaves and shopkeepers rely on the old to sell the old, are cunning and cunning, not only corrupt wantonly, but also don't take us seriously.

If things go on like this, is it possible to watch my Xue family's century-old foundation being destroyed by a group of slaves?

We really want to ask my sister-in-law for advice, but she is far away in the capital, what can we do?We are here today to find the second sister-in-law for an idea, to fire all the family slaves who steal, rape, and embezzle the family property, and let our own people take over, so as to prevent my Xue family from being in trouble for a century. The foundation will not be destroyed by others. "

"That's right. Now in our Xue family, only the second sister-in-law can speak well. The second sister-in-law can't ignore the century-old foundation of our Xue family just because she is afraid of offending others. In this way, what will the second sister-in-law look like under Jiuquan in the future?" Go see the ancestors of my Xue family."

Hearing these people's chattering words, Xue Biao's body trembled, but he didn't know how to respond.

At this moment, Zhuang's voice was suddenly heard from the main corridor: "Uncles and uncles are really good at hating, but unfortunately, I am a girl, so I can't afford these words."

Mrs. Zhuang was supported by a woman, and "shaky" came from the main corridor.

Seeing her appear, several members of the Xue family quickly stepped forward to salute, and then said: "Second sister-in-law, don't blame us for forcing you, it's because the servants in the family are too rampant, and only the second sister-in-law's words still have some weight to them.

We also know that the embarrassment of the second sister-in-law as a woman is that it is inconvenient to deal with those slaves and fellows.How about this, the second sister-in-law will give us the property deeds of the family pawn shop, several cloth shops, and spice shops first, and return them intact after we clear out those shopkeepers and guys who have corrupted the law.

In this way, the second sister-in-law doesn't have to come forward to take responsibility. If the wife asks in the future, you can just say it was the idea of ​​the clan.As for the middle relationship, we have to explain it to my wife in person. "

In Xue's family, Aunt Xue is the only one who can be called Mrs.Since the masters of the Xue family passed away one after another, all the property of the Xue family has also fallen into the hands of Aunt Xue and her son.

Mrs. Zhuang first glanced at Jia Lian who was standing on the sidelines, just watching, then glanced at the Xue family members, and suddenly laughed.

"You uncles, you don't have to hide from me. We smart people don't talk in secret. You have asked for the right to take care of the family property several times. Whether it is for the good of the Xue family or for your own sake, everyone knows in your heart.

However, what makes me strange is, why do you think that I can be the master of these things?
Especially his third uncle, isn't it true that we are different from you, we have not separated from the eldest brother and sister-in-law, and we can still be the master of the house and the family? "

The young man who was called the third uncle by Xue Biao before heard the words and said a little embarrassedly: "Look at what the second sister-in-law said, after the death of the eldest brother, most of the family affairs are decided by the second brother.

Now that the second elder brother is gone, it is naturally the second sister-in-law's decision.

Besides, who doesn't know that the eldest sister-in-law doesn't trust anyone, so she trusts the second brother and you.Now that the eldest sister-in-law is in the middle of the capital, and the second brother is dead, it's up to you to make up your mind about the matter in the south. "

There were three brothers in the previous generation of the Xue family, only the eldest was a descendant, so the family business was naturally inherited by the eldest.

As for the second and third child, because the second child has made a lot of achievements in business and is highly valued by the eldest brother, so after the death of the eldest brother, it is only natural that the second child will hold power and gather people's hearts.

Now that the eldest and second child are both dead, there is only one third child left who is incapable of writing and martial arts, plus a group of clansmen who are envious of the long-term housing industry, so they are naturally eager to move.

In fact, this is also the reason why Aunt Xue moved to the capital with her second daughter.Because these clansmen are really difficult to get along with, and they often use the righteousness of the family to oppress others. It is really difficult for orphans and widows to maintain their own interests without offending others.

Hearing this, Mrs. Zhuang sneered and said, "It's a joke. Since ancient times, it has been said that the state-owned state-law family has family rules, and the elder brother's property has his own sister-in-law and their family to worry about. What does it matter to me? I can't take care of the affairs of my own family. How can I be capable?" Make up your mind.

What's even more ridiculous is, why do you think that my sister-in-law will hand over the house deed and land deed to me?Third child, will you hand over your house deed to someone else? "

The young man said in a deep voice: "Second sister-in-law, don't bluff people. If nothing else, at least the seal of the family business and the key to the treasury were in the hands of the second brother. Otherwise, the income of the family's various industries and Spending, how it works."

Mrs. Zhuang said in a deep voice: "Third brother, you dare to ask for these two things, do you really think that elder sister-in-law and the others can be bullied after elder brother's death?"

"Don't dare. It's just that sister-in-law and the others have been staying in the capital, regardless of family affairs, so I won't let me wait and see the foundation accumulated by Xue's ancestors being embezzled by slaves, right? We are only doing it for the good of the family. ..."

After listening for a while, Jia Lian probably understood.

Sure enough, it was another bunch of shit for fighting for family property.

Generally speaking, it is that the Xue family has too many properties, and the people who can be in charge of the long-term family members die young one by one, so it is not uncommon for the shopkeepers, buddies and others to embezzle ink and ink!
This made the members of the Xue family unbalanced. How could the servants take advantage of this advantage?So they came up to grab it, and both sides had their own strengths, fighting each other and not giving in at all.

But for Aunt Xue and the others, even if they knew that the shopkeepers were greedy for ink, how dare they hand over the property to their fellow clansmen?

After all, the shopkeepers are greedy for ink, and there is a limit, because once they are found out, they will be sent to jail at least, or their lives will be lost at worst.

But if it falls into the hands of the tribe, it will be different, and there is a risk of annihilation of the entire army.

It's like a relative borrowing money from you. If others don't want to pay it back, if you don't tear your face and do a big job, it's really hard to get it back.A noble person like Aunt Xue obviously wouldn't take such a risk.

Therefore, for these people's demands, Aunt Xue naturally perfunctory as much as she could, but she couldn't, so she simply took her children to the capital to hide in peace!

In this way, the members of the Xue family calmed down a little.

It's all right now, the second master of the Xue family is also dead.These members of the Xue family saw the opportunity and immediately picked it out. Among them, the youngest of the Xue family jumped the most.

Because in his opinion, if the eldest brother dies, the second brother can take over.

The second brother is dead, why can't he be on top?

It's just that he is young and has no prestige, and none of the shopkeepers and buddies in the clan take him seriously, so they come to pester him.He can only come here to pester her, after all, Aunt Xue has long hid in the capital, he has no skills, and he dare not pester Aunt Xue.

"Okay, I've already explained the matter clearly to you. The elder sister-in-law is in charge of the matter of the eldest house. If you are sincere for the Xue family, whether you write to ask her or go to the capital to find her in person, as long as you can get her If you agree, even if you take care of all the properties of the Xue family, it is still your skill.

Otherwise, even if you talk about breaking the sky here, it will be useless.

Well, there are still distinguished guests at home today, so I won't keep you here, you all go back. "

The Zhuang family issued an order to expel the guests.

But these Xue family members still refused to return without success, but repeatedly pestered and persuaded, for example, asking Mrs. Zhuang to write to Aunt Xue to make demands.

Because they have already tried to write to Aunt Xue and even Xue Pan in Beijing, but unfortunately, they either got into the sea or were perfunctory.If they had a way with Aunt Xue, there would still be such trouble.

Although the Zhuang family is reasonable, but because she is only a woman, and Xue Biao is only eleven or twelve years old, it is difficult to stand up, so the orphans and widows seem a little weak in front of these well-prepared tribesmen, and they are even bullied. state.

Jia Lian also understood why the Xue family concierge was so vigilant when he first arrived.Obviously, this is definitely not the first time this has happened.

Jia Lian couldn't stand it anymore and waved to the side.Zhang Yong and the others understood, and immediately led people forward and surrounded the members of the Xue clan.

When the unknown members of the Xue family looked at him, Fang Fang stepped forward and said calmly: "Although this Marquis is an outsider, after listening to it for a long time, he understood it.

The co-authors want the management rights of the family property, but are afraid to ask the wife in charge, so they are entangled here, wanting to take advantage of the chaos to snatch the long-term property?
Under the sun, I'm afraid there is no such reason. "

Seeing Jia Lian, who has always been a transparent person, suddenly came to the middle to reprimand them, the members of the Xue family looked ugly, and asked, "Who are you, how dare you meddle in my Xue family's affairs?"

It's not that these people didn't hear Jia Lian's claim, but they didn't think about the Marquis.In this city of Nanjing, there is no such thing as a Marquis. This is too far away for them.

Not to mention, Jia Lian is still so young.

So, some people spoke rudely.

"That's right, since you know it's an outsider, there's no room for you to intervene in my Xue family's affairs!"

"Dare to be disrespectful to Lord Hou, slap your mouth!"

Zhang Yong and others have followed Jia Lian for so many years, and they knew what to do with just one look from Jia Lian.

With a cold shout, Zhang Yong, who was eight feet long, stepped forward with a stride, and faced the youngest of Xue's family who looked weak in comparison, it was a loud and big fight!


Seeing the youngest of the Xue family almost fell to the ground with a loud slap, let alone the Xue family members were stunned, even Xue Biao and the Zhuang family were stunned.

Immediately, Mrs. Zhuang smiled in relief, yes, she was almost deceived by his previous humility and politeness.This is the power and influence that a marquis should have, noble and not to be provoked.

No wonder the sister-in-law was relative to him and an elder, so she didn't dare to make a request to him directly.

Thinking of Aunt Xue's proposal in her heart, Mrs. Zhuang suddenly felt that she should seriously consider it.

Therefore, facing the scene where the Xue family members were stunned but did not dare to act rashly, she quickly said: "This is Lord Zhenyuan of the Rongguo Mansion in Beijing, and also the niece and son-in-law of our wife's natal family. Entrusted by my sister-in-law, I brought a letter from home along the way.

In addition, the elder sister-in-law already knew about the corruption of ink among the shopkeepers and shopkeepers in the clan, and she had entrusted Lord Zhenyuan to help him check and frighten him, so I will not bother you about this matter, please go back . "

Regarding Zhuang's words, Jia Lian raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything.

But the third child of the Xue family, who was originally angry after being beaten, seemed to want to step forward and fight desperately.Hearing Zhuang's words at this time, and looking at the five big and three rough soldiers around him, he shrank his head back in a daze, and just complained: "Since it's from the Rongguo Mansion, why didn't you say it just now, and now you're beating someone..."

The four big families are connected with each other, one prospers and the other loses.It is something that every member of the four major families knows and must know.

Jia Lian glanced at him, "Otherwise, Sanye Xue will go to Yingtian Mansion to sue me? Or, this Marquis asked Yingtian Mansion Yin, Zhier and others to commit the crime of forcibly breaking into a private house and oppressing orphans and widows?"

Xue Laosan dared not speak any more.

Although he is also from the Xue family, he has long been unable to represent the Xue family.Moreover, the difference in status from Jia Lian was too great, so he was a fool to go to court with Jia Lian.

"The Marquis already knows about the matter here, and after returning to Beijing, I will explain everything to your wife.

So, you all stay at home and wait for your wife's decision.If you dare to mess around again, Benhou will arrest you and others to the prison of Yingtian Mansion, and charge you and others of coveting and forcibly occupying the property of the long house. "

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he didn't need to listen to the feedback from these little guys. With a wave of his hand, Zhang Yong and others directly "sent" them out of Xue's house.

(End of this chapter)

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