Chapter 505
The next day, Jia Lian came to Zhen's house as scheduled.

Zhen Yingjia, the master of the Zhen family, paid enough attention to Jia Lian and met him in person in the main hall.

"It's just that I haven't seen him for three years. I didn't expect my nephew to rise to the top. It's not an exaggeration to describe him as famous all over the world. He really is a hero from ancient times."

Zhen Yingjia was a frail, well-dressed middle-aged man, but his temperament was somewhat similar to Jia Zheng's.

In fact, three years ago when Jia Lian went to the south of the Yangtze River to pick up Daiyu to Beijing, when he went to Jinling to look for Xiangling, he came to visit the Zhen family once.

At that time, Zhen Yingjia also met him for the sake of friendship between the two families.But because Jia Lian at that time was just a child of an obscure family, plus he didn't study and had a good reputation for making changes in secular affairs, Zhen Yingjia didn't pay attention to him.

So in a hurry, a few pleasantries will be enough.As for the rest of the Zhen family, they basically didn't see any important ones.

But today is different.

Apart from Zhen Yingjia, Zhen Yingfu, the fourth master of the Zhen family, and Zhen Yutang, the eldest son of the Zhen family, were all accompanying the guests.

This Zhen Yutang is not the son of Zhen Yingjia, but the eldest son of the fourth master of the Zhen family, Zhen Yingfu.The Zhen Baoyu I saw on the street yesterday is Zhen Yingjia's direct son.

Just from this simple detail, it can also be seen that the relationship between the Zhen family seems to be quite complicated, not as simple and clear as ordinary families.

Because Jia Lian has the status of an official, a noble, and even an imperial envoy, the Zhen family has no intention of simply treating Jia Lian as a junior.

After a few polite greetings, Zhen Yingjia asked Jia Lian to sit at the top of the guest seat, and Zhen Yingfu sat opposite him as a guest, but the eldest son of the Zhen family, Zhen Yutang, could only stand beside him.

"I heard that my nephew has done some important things in Yangzhou, and has experienced life and death several times because of it. I don't know, everything is safe now, but what's the trouble?

If there is, my nephew can just say it.Our Zhen family still has a bit of a reputation in the Jiangnan border, if there is someone who can help a good nephew, we will definitely not refuse. "

After chatting for a while, the fourth master of the Zhen family suddenly said with a smile.

Jia Lian cupped his hands, "Thank you Uncle Shi for your kindness. Although I have experienced a little trouble, thanks to His Majesty's blessing, I can barely finish my errand. In a few days, my nephew will be ready to return to Beijing."

"So fast?"

Zhen Yingfu and Zhen Yingjia looked at each other, and then Zhen Yingjia laughed loudly: "Since my nephew has already taken care of everything, we naturally have to congratulate my nephew in advance and go back to Beijing Rong to listen to the awards as soon as possible."

After saying a scene, Zhen Yingjia said again: "Speaking of my nephew's errand, this old man also remembered one thing.

I heard that the royal family of salt merchants who have occupied Yangzhou for more than ten years, because of corruption and perverting the law, disregarding human life, and boldly assassinating imperial envoys, has been ransacked by a virtuous nephew? "

"That's true."

Although it was something that had been confirmed long ago, seeing Jia Lian's indifferent and frank admission in the face of their inquiry, the two masters of the Zhen family couldn't help but feel a little shocked in their hearts, knowing that the rumors were true.Although this Lord Lian is young, he is not a simple character.

Resolute and ruthless, daring to fight and kill, he cannot be deceived by his gorgeous appearance.No wonder even His Majesty always likes to entrust some difficult matters to him.

"That's right. My nephew should also know that our Zhen family has been staying in Jiangnan since the early years of the Supreme Emperor, and has dealt with the aristocratic families in various places in Jiangnan for many years.

The Wang family also had some contacts with our Zhen family in the early years... However, later we realized that the Wang family was acting arrogantly, and rumors of illegal activities were repeatedly heard in our ears, so we gradually cut off contact with him.

Who ever thought it would end up like this today.Although the Wang family is to blame, but the old man is afraid that the Wang family still has some objects that were in contact with our family back then.

Although they are all normal exchanges, if the court finds out, they will inevitably doubt the loyalty of the Zhen family.

So, this old man has an unfeeling request..."

"Uncle Shi, please tell me."

"Since the virtuous nephew is the imperial envoy in charge of this matter, it is conceivable that all the items confiscated from the Wang family have passed through the hands of the virtuous nephew.

The virtuous nephew also knows that our Zhen family has been in the weaving business in the south of the Yangtze River for many years for the Supreme Emperor, and there are many people in the court who are jealous.In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I want to trouble my nephew, if I really copy the things and letters related to my Zhen family from the Wang family...

Of course, we will never let my nephew do anything against the law.My nephew just check it first, and if it is confirmed that it is an insignificant thing, please also ask my nephew to destroy or return it for the sake of our two families. I will be very grateful. "

Jia Lian laughed when he heard this.

He has stayed in Yangzhou for so long, not to mention thoroughly investigating the background relationship of all salt merchants in Yangzhou, at least, the three that he copied must be clear and clear.

He understood why the Zhen family suddenly mentioned this.Because he knew that before the Wang family got involved with the Prince's Mansion, the biggest backer was the Jiangnan Zhen family!

Maybe some people don't understand very well, the Zhen family has no hereditary title, and no one holds important positions in the center, how can He De be the umbrella of the great salt merchant?

In fact, this point can be understood from the words "Taishanghuang" mentioned by Zhen Yingjia just now.

That's right, this Zhen family was the family that was placed in Jiangnan in the early years of the Supreme Emperor to supervise the major weaving bureaus!
All weaving bureaus in various places in the south of the Yangtze River are under the supervision of Jinling Tirenyuan.

The current master of the Zhen family, Zhen Yingjia, holds the official post of "President of the Imperial Envoy Jinling Provincial Institute of Physical Education".

This official position, just from the name, knows that it is specially appointed by the imperial pen.It's not a big deal, after all, it's just supervising the Weaving Bureau, and its grade is only four or five.

But it can't be small, after all, with the word "imperial envoy", it represents the imperial court, the emperor, to be precise, the Supreme Emperor.

As for why the Zhen family was so trusted by the Supreme Emperor and given a "hereditary unreplaceable" official position, this must be traced back to earlier times.Perhaps, one can understand a thing or two from the origin of the title of "Lord of Xiu'an County" on the old lady of the Zhen family that Jia's mother mentioned in Rongqing Hall that day.

In short, being able to have a relationship with the Jia family of the two kingdoms and the Zhen family who have been on an equal footing for a hundred years has enough wealth and heritage.

This point can be seen from the fact that when people mention the Zhen family, they usually refer to the "Jiangnan Zhen family" instead of the Jinling Zhen family.The Zhen family's influence has long been not limited to Jinling City, but has radiated over half of the south of the Yangtze River.

This is why Jia Lian never underestimated the Zhen family.

However, times have changed, and this Zhen family is just like the previous Jia family. Things that were once proud of are gradually dissipating and disintegrating.Today's wealth looks more like a castle in the air, precarious.

This is also the reason why a small salt merchant dared to abandon the Zhen family and attach himself to the Prince's Mansion.

That's right, the relationship between the Zhen family and the Wang family is not like what Zhen Yingjia said, it's that the Wang family is going to the abyss and actively cut off contact, but the Wang family is looking for a new family to cling to when they see that the Zhen family is getting weaker and weaker!
In other words, the Zhen family was "betrayed" by the Wang family.

Among the aristocratic families, they should all hate this kind of behavior, but the Wang family's new cling is the Prince's Mansion.

Therefore, it is very uncomfortable for the Zhen family to want to take revenge, but they dare not act rashly, and can only hold a bad breath in their chest.

Who knows, before the Zhen family could find a chance to take care of the Wang family, the Wang family was actually uprooted by Jia Lian because of the collective death of the salt merchants.At this time, while the Zhen family was enjoying themselves, they were also a little worried, because the relationship between the Zhen family and the Wang family was exposed in the early years, which caused the court to be dissatisfied with the Zhen family.

Jia Lian, the imperial envoy who happened to be in charge of this matter, had been friends with the Zhen family for hundreds of years, so it was reasonable to ask Jia Lian to destroy the evidence of the relationship between the two families on the basis of their relationship.

Seeing Jia Lian's smile, the two masters of the Zhen family couldn't figure out what Jia Lian meant, so they had to wait quietly for Jia Lian to speak.

"Uncle Shi, don't worry about this.

Speaking of which, when the Wang family was searched that day, my nephew did find two letters related to your mansion among all the letters.

But my nephew has read it all, it's just an ordinary letter.The little nephew also thought at the time that one thing more is worse than one thing less. For the sake of the friendship between our two families, I naturally put it away for your house and did not show it to anyone else.

If Uncle Shi is really worried, then my nephew will ask someone to send the letter to your mansion, and let Uncle Shi handle it by himself. "

Zhen Yingjia and Zhen Yingfu were overjoyed when they heard the words, and immediately said with a smile: "If so, I would like to thank my nephew Gao Yi!"

Once this matter of mutual interest was settled, the atmosphere in the main hall became more harmonious and friendly.

Hearing urgent footsteps outside, Jia Lian turned his head to see that it was the Jia Baoyu whom he had seen yesterday rushing to the door for the second time, his eyes quickly swept across his body, and then left and right, a clear look of disappointment flashed Pass.

"evil creature!"

Zhen Yingjia felt that Jia Lian's future was limitless, and wanted to maintain the relationship with each other, when he saw his son being so rude to Jia Lian, he immediately yelled, and after Zhen Baoyu's body trembled in fright, he yelled angrily again: "It's been a long time ago! Send someone to tell you that there is a distinguished guest coming to the door, and tell you to come and accompany the guest earlier, why did you arrive at this time!?"

Zhen Baoyu muttered for a while, then bent down and cupped his hands and said: "The old lady boiled a soup made of gorgon seeds, candied dates and walnuts in the room, and she insisted on eating it. My son didn't dare to shirk it, so it was too late."

Seeing that Zhen Yingjia's anger was stiff and hard to vent, Jia Lian almost died laughing.

This scene is so fucking familiar.

"Come here soon, and pay homage to your elder brother Lian!"

Zhen Yingjia, who didn't want to go against the old lady, had no choice but to stare at Zhen Baoyu with a murderous look on her face, and ordered.

Zhen Baoyu also obediently stepped forward to greet Jia Lian, and when Jia Lian got up to return the gift, he couldn't help asking, "Second brother Lian, why didn't the cousin of the Lin family whom I met yesterday come?"

"Brother Baoyu forgive me, she is weak, she walked around Jinling City for a day yesterday, and she is not feeling well when she goes back, it is really inconvenient for her to go out, so she rested at home."

"What, she's sick? What's the matter, whether it's important or not, can you ask the wise doctor to take a look?"

Zhen Baoyu's expression was tense. Somebody thought he and Daiyu were so close.

Jia Lian could see it, well, not only did this guy copy Jia Baoyu's appearance, but his temperament was even worse than that!

"Nie Zhan, what kind of ghost image are you making, why don't you get out!"

Zhen Yingjia saw that Zhen Baoyu questioned the female relatives of the other family as soon as they met, and showed that "pig brother portrait", she was really angry.If it wasn't for Jia Lian's presence, he almost wanted to jump up and give Zhen Baoyu a kick.

It was because Zhen Yutang pinched his nose and laughed enough to explain to Zhen Yingjia that Jia Lian's cousin looked very similar to his cousin at home, so Zhen Baoyu was "extra caring" Zhen Yingjia's face was a little better.

He came here excitedly, but he didn't see the person he wanted to see, and was repeatedly scolded by his own father. Zhen Baoyu was very depressed, and consciously stood beside Zhen Yutang, without raising his head to speak.

In this way, the atmosphere gradually returned to the previous state.The two masters of the Zhen family kept gossiping with Jia Lian, such as greeting Jia Mu and Jia Zheng, and occasionally discussing some current political issues, which seemed to be a good time for the host and guest.

Not long after, a young servant girl and two servants came to pass the message: "The old lady was very happy to hear that the son of the Rongguo Mansion in Jingzhong came to the door, and asked Second Master Bao to invite the distinguished guest to the Shouxuan Hall."

Both Zhen Yingjia and Zhen Yingfu got up to listen, and then they said to Jia Lian, "Jiaci is getting old, so it's easy to see no visitors. I think I also heard about the heroic deeds of my nephew, so I want to meet him and look forward to seeing him." Don't blame my nephew."

"The elders summoned me, so I dare not refuse. It's just that the younger generation is a foreigner after all, and I'm afraid that the family members of your family will be rude."

"My nephew is too worried, considering the relationship between our two families, it is not enough to describe the relationship between the two families, so why is it so abrupt.

Baoyu, why don't you invite your elder brother Lian in and let the old lady see you! "



After leaving Zhen Yingjia, Zhen Baoyu's spirit is completely different.

He followed the servant girl who had just come to pass on the message, and the older sister and the younger sister were ingratiating and greeting.

Just from the clothes she wore and the attitude of Jia Baoyu and the two servants towards her, the maid knew that she had a high status in the Zhen family, and presumably she was a capable maid beside the old lady of the Zhen family.

She should be used to Zhen Baoyu's flattery, but at this moment she cared about Jia Lian's presence, so she glanced furtively at Jia Lian, then gouged out Jia Baoyu's eyes, and walked away quickly, pretending to be angry.

Zhen Baoyu was bored, then thought of Daiyu again, and came forward to ask Jia Lian about Daiyu.

Jia Lian is also perfunctory.

The Zhen family's house is really not small, but it took a long time to walk from the hall to the so-called Shouxuan Hall.

Moreover, the houses and courtyards along the way are either magnificent, with carved beams and painted buildings, or densely green and elegant.Looking at it as a whole, it is not weaker than Rongguo Mansion at all, and even more exquisite than Rongguo Mansion in terms of details!

This also shows the difference between the Zhen family and the Jia family. Perhaps in terms of "expensiveness", the Zhen family is already weaker than the Jia family at this time, but in terms of "richness", the Zhen family has dumped the Jia family. street.

The residence of the old lady of the Zhen family is the same as Jiamu's Rongqing Hall, full of popularity, and all the decorations are very luxurious, but the courtyard has the style of Jiangnan water town, and it looks more elegant.

Facing the eyes of countless maids and daughters-in-law, Jia Lian followed Zhen Baoyu and the others to a main building with the sign "Shouxuan Hall" hanging high above.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a benevolent old lady with silver hair sitting on the main seat in the middle, holding a white jade cane in one hand, looking up at him.

Jia Lian knew that this old lady was the county lord of Xiu'an who was famous in the old capital in Jia's mother's mouth.In the world, apart from the royal women, there are few who can have a more noble status than her.

Strictly speaking, even his marquis status is still under the county lord.

"Junior Jia Lian, pay my respects to the old lady, and to the head of Xiu'an County." Jia Lian lifted his feet two steps forward, bowed and bowed his hands in obeisance.

The old lady was taken aback when she heard the words, then she shook her head and smiled, "It's been many years, no one has called Laoshen this title, it's hard for you to know."

"The younger generation's grandmother, when they were at home, often mentioned the old lady, saying that the majesty of Xiu'an County was the most enviable object in the hearts of many young women, so the younger generation was lucky to know."

"Hehehe, the eldest lady of Shihou's family is not a soft-spoken person. She can say good things about me behind my back? I don't believe it."

Having said that, the old lady still looked very happy, she smiled and asked: "How is your old lady's health recently, but she is still strong? Among the old sisters who grew up together, there are not many left. I am Always miss her."

"Thanks to the care of the old lady, my ancestors are still in good health. They eat well and sleep soundly every day. When they seem to be fine, they can chat and laugh with their granddaughters at home. They are very comfortable."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Mrs. Zhen's eyes showed a little nostalgia, and then she sighed: "She is a lucky person."

Having said that, he stopped suddenly.

However, Jia Lian guessed from the attitudes of the two old ladies when they mentioned each other that the relationship between the two former aristocratic daughters might not be as harmonious as the relationship between the two families.

It's true, the contacts between families, and the friendship between the head of the family, but they can't be completely equated.

Presumably, as long as they are not completely hostile to each other, it will not affect the family's contacts.As for competing with each other, even a little dislike, it won't have much impact.

When Mrs. Zhen was silent, Jia Lian just stood still with his hands down, without any reckless movement, let alone looking around.Because there is nothing interesting to him, and he is not Grandma Liu, how much curiosity does he have for such an extremely wealthy family.

But his demeanor fell in the eyes of Mrs. Zhen, so she couldn't help but secretly nodded.After looking at Jia Lian again, she nodded her head and praised: "Although I have long since stopped asking about worldly affairs, I have heard people talk about your reputation several times.

When I saw her today, I was sure that the rumors were true, and she was indeed personable and talented.

You Jia's family has a lot of blessings. "

"The old lady's reputation is too high, and the younger generation is ashamed."

The old lady Zhen shook her head, as if she had realized it later, and introduced Jia Lian to the two women who had been standing beside her for a long time.

But it was only Zhen Yingjia and Zhen Yingfu's wives, and Jia Lian had seen them all.

Then the old lady Zhen said: "I'm old, I can't stand the wind, it's chilly outside. It's rare for you to come to Jinling, and I also have a lot of things I want to ask you about your old lady, why don't we go into the inner hall say."

As Old Madam Zhen said, she had already stood up, put her maid's arm around her, and was about to go inside.

This time, not to mention Jia Lian, even the two wives beside the old lady were surprised.

The old lady was curious about what her relative's grandson looked like, so it was not surprising to ask her to come in and have a look.

But it's fine to just take a look in the main hall, isn't it a bit inappropriate to call it in the inner hall?
After all, although Jia Lian is a grandson, he is completely a grown man, and he is a tall man, so he enters the inner hall...

Doesn't the old lady know that at this very moment, almost all the female relatives and ladies of the Zhen family have already gathered in the inner hall, all wanting to come and have a look.

This time they went in, they had to be frightened and fled in all directions.

But the old lady Zhen didn't explain to them, and they didn't dare to disobey the old lady's wishes, so they could only look at Jia Lian one more time, thinking, maybe this Jia Lian's demeanor and appearance have surpassed the old lady's eyes, and let her I don't think it's a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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