Chapter 519
Jia Zheng was mainly worried about Jia Lian's participation in the audit. After all, he was an official in the imperial court and knew some news.

Just when the discussion of these matters was beginning to take shape, Mother Jia sent someone to pass it on again, asking the two of them to talk at Rongqing Hall.

So the uncle and nephew got up from Meng Po Zhai and went to Rongqing Hall.

Mother Jia obviously had something to tell them, because apart from a few women and maids in the inner hall, only two wives, Xing and Wang, were there.

After exchanging greetings, Mother Jia asked Yuanyang to bring Jia Lian a cup of tea.This scene made Mrs. Xing think about it, because according to Yuanyang's status beside Jiamu, she didn't need to serve tea to others, let alone a grandchild.

Jia Lian also respected the etiquette of the big family, and was about to get up to pick it up, but Jia's mother pressed her hand and said, "Sit down, Lian'er, and your wife and I have something to talk to you."

Jia Lian raised his brows, and if he realized something, he would not be polite. He sat with a teacup in his hand, showing that he was listening.

Mother Jia didn't look anxious, she exchanged a glance with Mrs. Wang, and finally said slowly: "I heard from the people who followed you, you brought all the property of the Lin family to the capital?"

"Well, this is also done according to my uncle's wishes. But I dare not say that it is all of them. There are still quite a few that have not had time to take care of them. They have sent people to watch from the south."

Mother Jia hesitated for a moment, "What does his family say specifically?"

Jia Lian thought that Jia Mu and others would go around the corner, but he didn't expect to be so straight to the point.It's good, save some tongue.

"It's hard to say exactly how to say it. All in all, except that the house is smaller than ours, and the farmland is less than ours, everything else is not much worse than ours."

Jiamu and Mrs. Wang frowned.They thought that with Jia Lian's temper, they would not be easy to accommodate, but they didn't want Jia Lian to be so vigilant and didn't even want to tell them the number, but just used such vague terms.

Mrs. Wang's expression was a little hasty, Jia Lian couldn't get along with them.Not to mention that they have already asked people who followed Jia Lian to the Lin family and had seen the situation of the Lin family, but they said that Jia Lian sent people back to Jia's mansion in advance to move the "wealth" on the boat of the Lin family building to the small courtyard of the Lin family. Things can't be hidden from them.

Those numbers are really breathtaking.

Although she was anxious, Mrs. Wang was not stupid. Instead of speaking rashly to make Jia Lian disgusted, she frequently winked at Jia Mu.

After all, in terms of status, only Mother Jia is qualified to intervene in this matter.

"Lian'er, we all know that before your sister Lin and her father died, they made arrangements for their family's property. Half of it was left to your sister Lin, and you kept the other half...

Girl Lin's dowry, of course, cannot be moved. What your wife means is that the family situation is not as good as it was before, and now even the preparations for the mother-in-law are a little tight.So I want me to ask you, see if I can take out some silver from the half in your hand, and prepare it for the empress to save her relatives.

Didn't you always advocate that this important event should not be sloppy?Don't worry, your wife said that when the situation at home improves, the money will be filled back immediately. "

Mother Jia said, and took a look at Jia Lian, "Don't frown, you mutter in your heart that we are greedy for money. I have my own coffin book, which is enough. If it wasn't for important family affairs, I wouldn't say this. It should have been something you were thinking about."

Mother Jia sighed as she spoke.It's not that she is completely against her will. She herself is not short of money, but when other people in her family can't stand the lack of money, she tends to stare at her and plot against her.

If it wasn't for this consideration, no matter how well Mrs. Wang and the others tried to be reasonable and emotional, she wouldn't want to say this.

Because she knew that Mrs. Wang was right, if the two of them told Jia Lian, they would definitely not get any money.The family has been dealing with each other for so many years, and they are more or less aware of Jia Lian's temper.

Seeing that Mother Jia brought her up, Mrs. Wang was embarrassed to sit still, and said with a smile: "The old lady is right, it's us who failed to live up to our expectations and ruined the family business passed down from our ancestors, and tired her out." The elderly are worried.

Fortunately, now that you have Lian'er in the family, you can not only take good care of Feng girl and the others, but also take care of the family, so our family is about to prosper..."

First flattering Jia Lian, Mrs. Wang continued: "It's not easy for me and your master to talk about it. It's because the family is short for the time being, so Lian'er, look... If you don't worry, I'll be with you." It’s fine for your master to write down the papers for you on behalf of the mansion.”

Mrs. Wang looked at Jia Lian with as sincere an expression as possible, but she was a little eager in her heart.She had indeed inquired about it. When the family's servants helped unload the boat and load the car, the money was moved to the Lin family box after box!

As long as Jia Lian can lend this money, not only can the family's predicament be solved, but even the money previously borrowed from Ningguo Mansion and other places can be paid.The family will be able to restore their former wealth and luxury immediately.

As for the repayment of the money... I didn't dare to think about not paying it back, but Jia Lian and Daiyu haven't even married yet. When their son grows up and starts a family, it will be a matter of the year of the monkey. What will happen then is not certain Woolen cloth!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Wang immediately turned her eyes to Jia Zheng, hoping that Jia Zheng could also help.

It's a pity that Jia Zheng just held the tea bowl from the beginning to the end, sipping it one by one, as if he was distracted.

When Jia's mother and Mrs. Wang were talking, Jia Lian also listened carefully, and laughed when she saw that they had finished speaking.

He shook his head, "My wife is joking, they are all a family, and what is said is not documented.

Of course, I also know the situation at home.Speaking of which, I was the one who advocated the whole family to build a family-friendly garden for the concubine and sister..."

Hearing this, Mrs. Wang looked happy, and Mother Jia also showed relief.

"However, my wife's suggestion is probably inappropriate."

Jia Lian glanced at Mrs. Wang whose face changed suddenly, "First of all, uncle trusts me, so he entrusts this property to me to take care of the Lin family.

In fact, I do not have the power to control the money.If today I break my promise and lend this money to our family for private use, not to mention that my nephew has become a person who does not keep his promise, I am afraid that others will say that our Rongguo Mansion is not loyal and only greedy. The family of money.

What's more, I'm afraid they will scold us behind our backs. "

Jia Lian was smiling, as if she didn't know how sensitive the three words "eating a poor family" are.

The expressions of Jia Mu, Mrs. Wang and others all changed.Jia Zheng couldn't sit still anymore, he twisted his buttocks.

Gein Jia Lian was right.Daiyu is the only one left in the Lin family's lineage, which is considered unprecedented. At this time, if the Rongguo Mansion is suspected of embezzlement of the Mo Lin family's property, it is not a proper act of exterminating the family!

This kind of thing, no matter which dynasty or generation it is in, is a shameless act that is absolutely shameless for the world.Not to mention, for Rongguo Mansion, which is proud of its founding feats.

The three of Jia Zheng felt that Jia Lian was too ruthless, and in order to reject their proposal, they even said this.

There is no way to get angry. After all, the three of them don't want to, and they dare not get this name.

This is a typical do-not-say thing.

Looking at the expressions on Jia Mu and the others, Jia Lian thought it was a little funny.

In fact, Jia Lian was not surprised at all that they would have this idea.

He has never concealed the huge amount of wealth on the Lin family's fleet, and even moved back to the Lin family with great fanfare.

He intends to let everyone know that the Lin family has a lot of property.

Because, this is in his favor.

He has done such a grand event in Yangzhou, and copied several salt merchants. Even if he is upright, has a clean sleeve, and remembers all the accounts clearly and clearly, some people will still doubt whether he is making money from it...

This is impossible.The key is, can others find definite evidence!
So, since it doesn't matter if you take it or not, why not?From the beginning to the end, Jia Lian considered how to take and how much to take.

Fortunately, Jia Lian is not greedy at all. Money, after all, is enough.

So he only took a little change.

Coupled with the cover of the Lin family's inheritance, even if someone finds out that he suddenly became "rich", it can be completely blamed on the fact that he married a rich daughter-in-law.

In this case, if you want to investigate him, you have to start from the Lin family.To check the Lin family, you have to prove Lin Ruhai's guilt first...

But Jia Lian knew that Emperor Ningkang was both ashamed and regretful of Lin Ruhai, a loyal and capable minister.Before there is any definite evidence, anyone who dares to convict Lin Ruhai, who has dedicated himself to dying, must be tired of life.

Such a favorable time, place and people, if he really dare not take it at all, that would be an act that even Jia Lian himself would look down on.

Therefore, when he deliberately disclosed that the Lin family was very rich, it is no wonder that Mrs. Wang and the others, who felt that the family did not have enough money, would not make up their minds.

After choking them casually, Jia Lian immediately said: "Although the property of the Lin family must not be touched, the wife does not need to worry too much.

It just so happened that I did an errand for His Majesty this trip, and His Majesty was happy, so he rewarded me tens of thousands of taels of silver.

I thought, Feng girl and the girls and I can't use so much money, so it's a pity to leave it at home for nothing.

How about this, I will ask someone to bring 3 taels of silver to the official, and keep it as the expense of the imperial concubine's sister's family visit, so, okay? "

Now that he is a marquis, rich, and the right to speak in the family, it's time to get it back.

The economic base determines the right to speak. When Jia Zheng and others were encouraged to build gardens, it meant to consume their "confidence".

Now that they have worked, they are rich, and the family needs to support themselves, who would dare not listen to him?Even if Jia Mu and others rely on the old to sell the old, and there are hundreds of slaves under them, they will know who is the Allah and who to listen to in order to live a good life.

Therefore, it is not entirely Jia Lian's generosity.

The 3 taels of silver is just the beginning. In the future, whenever the family is short of money and needs to ask him once, his right to speak will be raised once.

Until, even Jia Mu dared not disobey his will, it was not difficult.

So, there is really no need to separate the family. Detaining them at home and waiting for orders can not only join in the fun, but also get some surprises and flattery when they have achievements, which is also very good.

Sure enough, the eyes of Mrs. Wang and others who originally thought that Jia Lian was indifferent, lit up again.

One is that 3 taels is definitely not a small amount, and it can do a lot of things.

The second one was surprised by Jia Lian's tone. What does it mean that the emperor rewarded him with tens of thousands of taels of silver when he was happy? They were either officials or imperial orders. How could they not know that the emperor is so generous?

Mother Jia thought for a while, and immediately slapped the fence on the couch, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, let me say that Lian'er is a good person. Your wife is right. With you in our family, we are destined to prosper." Understand."

Mother Jia has already spoken, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Xing will inevitably sell some rainbow farts.

Mrs. Wang also said that when the mansion became more prosperous in the future, the money would also be returned to Jia Lian, and Jia Lian waved her hand indifferently.

When the atmosphere calmed down a bit, Jia Zheng still couldn't help asking: "Lian'er, it's true that your majesty rewarded you with tens of thousands of taels of silver. How could your majesty reward you with so much silver?"

Mrs. Wang and the others also looked over curiously.Mrs. Wang regretted in her heart that she should have desperately brought together everyone's income and distributed it among the officials.

If this is the case, today there is no need to spend so much talking and losing so many smiling faces.

"I don't know why His Majesty rewarded me with so much silver. It is probably because my nephew was assassinated twice when he went to Jiangnan this time, so he specially extended his favor."

Jia Lian's flat tone and words changed the faces of Jia Mu and the others who were already smiling.

They didn't know about Jia Lian's assassination. Jia Lian didn't tell Daiyu, and Jia's mother and others had no way of knowing, so they hurriedly asked what happened.

Jia Lian also just explained briefly, so Jia's mother and others were a little silent.

Sure enough, nothing good happens for nothing.Others are also envious of Jia Lian's achievements today.

Jia Zheng looked at the indifferent Jia Lian with some distress, and suddenly sighed in his heart.

Now he doesn't see Jia Lian as a junior at all, and he is even a little convinced.

In the past, Jia Lian was promising, but because Jia Lian was a "martial arts man", he still felt that it was due to the shadow of his ancestors, plus some courage and luck.

Now he has nothing to say.This time, Jia Lian did what a civil servant would do. He asked himself, if he was the one who was ordered to go to Yangzhou this time... Let alone doing things properly, he felt that he seemed a little afraid of even going into this muddy water. !
So I have to feel that in terms of ability and energy, he is inferior to his nephew.

After discussing the business, Jia Zheng left.

After Jia Mu also cared about Jia Lian's trip to the south of the Yangtze River, she asked Jia Lian to go back and rest.Even Mrs. Wang personally explained that the family had prepared a family banquet for him to clean up the dust, and told him not to forget to come on time.

These two women who used to have the most say in the Rongguo Mansion, and even the entire Jia family, treated Jia Lian with a surprisingly good attitude at this time.

Not far from Rongqing Hall, Madam Xing's voice was suddenly heard.

"Lian'er, wait."

Looking back, it was Mrs. Xing who hurried over with her maid.


"Haha, don't be too polite. I haven't seen you for a few months, Lian'er, you look thinner. You must have suffered a lot outside. Pity my son..."

Mrs. Xing's teary eyes were distressed, and she held her hands in her hands, as if she wanted to come up to comfort Jia Lian to show her kindness.

Jia Lian suddenly felt a chill, and quickly turned around to avoid it, "Madam, if you have anything to say, just tell me, my son just came back today, and I'm a little tired, I want to go back to rest earlier."

"Uh, that's it, it's actually fine, I just care about you... Besides..."

With that said, Mrs. Xing leaned forward and said: "Just to remind you, don't be fooled by the second wife and the others. No matter how poor the family can be, they are just envious of you. You are good, you have worked hard, don't give up How can you use the money you earned from your life for nothing? If you don’t feel sorry for me, I will feel sorry for you..."

Jia Lian laughed and said: "My wife doesn't need to feel sorry for me, these are nothing. This time I came back from the south, and I also prepared some gifts for my wife, and I will ask Feng girl to bring them to you later.

In addition, if the wife is short of something on weekdays, just tell Feng girl, we should honor you, and there will be no shortage.

If the wife has no other orders, the son will leave first. "

"Hehehe, okay, go slowly."


(End of this chapter)

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