Chapter 540 Marksmanship
In the flower room of Sister Feng's Children's Hospital, spring is in full swing.

Ever since Qin Keqing teased Jia Lian with her words, it was doomed that things would not go well.

In the flower room filled with the fragrance of flowers, on the soft and low couch carefully arranged by Sister Feng, after being stabbed solidly by the gun, Qin Keqing lay softly in Jia Lian's arms, enjoying the tenderness.

As for Jia Lian's posture of looking down at the beauty in his arms, he is naturally full of body and mind, and happy.Qin Keqing brought him a lot of feelings between the beds that no other woman could give.

The graceful and graceful pavilion, the elegant appearance, the tactfulness and dexterity of Daiyu, and the bright and charming Baochai, just from the external conditions and charm, it is beyond the reach of thousands of women in the world.Not to mention, so far only Jia Lian has been able to tell a thing or two about his various means and all kinds of romantic affairs after he took off his skirt and hairpin.

Therefore, even Jia Lian was a little nostalgic for this, and spent several months trying to win over Sister Feng so that Sister Feng would be willing to call him to be used by him.

"Uncle's marksmanship is really good, it's easy to use~"

Qin Keqing snuggled into Jia Lian's arms, originally a soft and plain hand was gently caressing Jia Lian's chest, but suddenly remembered the joke before, she immediately raised her head and leaned into Jia Lian's ear, sighing in satisfaction.

Jia Lian was also excited when he heard this, which is one of the manifestations of Qin Damei's style.Even if other women are satisfied, they are mostly ashamed to say it out. Only she, in front of Jia Lian, not only dares to express her romantic feelings, but also tries every means to tease him, causing him to have all kinds of strange emotions.

It can be said that if another man could get this beauty to serve him like this, he would be willing to die on her body.

He patted Qin Damei's jade buttocks, and Jia Lian hugged her soft jade body tightly, and suddenly said: "By the way, I haven't asked you yet, did you take Feng girl down?" ? From my point of view, Feng girl doesn't seem like someone who likes to play tricks like that..."

Jia Lian spoke out the question that had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

Ever since Qin Keqing induced Sister Feng to compete with her, Jia Lian had doubts.

As Sister Feng's married husband, Jia Lian still has a deep understanding of Sister Feng's temperament in the bed.

Conservative is a broad generalization of her.The specific performance needs to be subdivided, for example, if she is reserved and not proactive, for example, she can't do it if it is too difficult and too shameful, and she even refuses to cooperate. Jia Lian needs to be half-coaxed and half-forced.

What's more, apart from Ping'er, she can hardly accept that other women stay on the bed when she is in love.

Even Xiangling and Qingwen, who had long been used to serving the couple in the same room, would not allow the two of them to go to bed unless necessary, and could only wait quietly on the wooden floor of Babu's bed through the gauze curtain.

Qingwen and Xiangling are like this, let alone other maids.

She didn't even let the little maids serve her personally when she took a bath, except for Ping'er to rub her back occasionally.Although, when she took a shower, she put on a lot of ostentation.

This is the kind of Sister Feng, after she found out that she and Qin Keqing were in the same pot that day, she was only panicked for a short time, and then she accepted it. She almost didn't make too many protests, and she acquiesced to Qin Damei's side by her side, even on her body Cheng Huan.

At that time, Jia Lian was puzzled, and later cheated Sister Feng. From Sister Feng's reaction, he had basically confirmed his guess.I think there must be some little secrets between these two women, but I don't know how specific they are.

The real seeing is believing, or later, at the invitation of Sister Feng, Qin Keqing "reluctantly" came to help a few times.

At first, the two women pretended to be strangers, and Sister Feng didn't even want to stay in the house.Later, Jia Lian made some small tricks to get Sister Feng involved.

When the body and mind are relaxed, the worries will naturally be less.With fewer worries, there will be more flaws in words and deeds.

Jia Lian saw with his own eyes that Cheng Huan's beauty Qin went to kiss Sister Feng, but Sister Feng didn't resist, as if she was used to it.

Jia Lian was surprised at the time, after all, in his opinion, Sister Feng probably wouldn't like this.

Although surprised, the cunning Jia Lian didn't ask any questions immediately, even he just pretended not to see it.Under his connivance, the two beauties became less defensive, but Jia Lian discovered a few other small details that they dared not tell outsiders.

Until today, when Sister Feng was away, Jia Lian was in the mood to ask Qin Keqing.

When Jia Lian asked her how she captured Sister Feng, Miss Qin Damei was a little dazed for a while, but she was very talented in this way, and she realized what Jia Lian asked in almost a moment.

She giggled.

She is not Sister Feng, so she is not afraid of being known by Jia Lian.The reason why she pretended to be in front of Jia Lian before was just to cooperate with Sister Feng's performance. She knew that Sister Feng had a good face, and she didn't dare to let people know that she had done any disgraceful things, even if it was Jia Lian!

"What did the second uncle say, why did you take down Aunt Feng? He has no right to take down Aunt Feng. No matter whether he is in front of Aunt Feng or in front of his uncle, he always keeps a low profile, and has always been obedient and obedient. Otherwise, there's no need to come and go as soon as you call, let the two of you take turns bullying..."

Regarding Qin Keqing's mischief, Jia Lian didn't say much, and then spanked her twice as a warning.

Qin Keqing's face suddenly turned red, she looked at Jia Lian resentfully, and then said with a grin: "Uncle is talking about the fact that he and the second aunt are more intimate than others... giggle, well, thanks to the second uncle , if it wasn't for my uncle who often travels far away, leaving my second aunt alone to guard the vacant room, how could he have the opportunity to sneak in? Uncle wouldn't even be jealous of others?"

Qin Keqing looked at Jia Lian's expression while speaking.Although she guessed that Jia Lian would not care too much about such things, but having said that, she still wanted to test Jia Lian's thoughts.

Jia Lian just snorted softly, pinched Qin Damei's chin, and jokingly said: "I can't tell, you are very resourceful."

"It's all for you. If it weren't for this, how could I have the opportunity to lie in the arms of my second uncle with peace of mind like now. I'm afraid that I would have been worried that one day my second aunt would know about it, and then her Hold grudges till death. She has always respected her second aunt, and she was unwilling to do so, so she made such a bad move.

For the future of the three of us, he has done his best. Uncle doesn't say he feels sorry for him, but also makes sarcastic remarks. The second aunt is right. Uncle is really a heartless man! "

Jia Lian chuckled, he believed in Qin Dameiren's explanation.

Even the motive is easy to explain, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, no matter how cautious they are, if they have a tryst in Tianxiang Tower for a long time, Sister Feng will find out sooner or later.

At that time, I don't know how much it will affect the relationship between the couple, but Sister Feng will definitely not forgive Qin Keqing.

And Qin Keqing probably didn't want to lose her friendship with Sister Feng, so she found another way. Unexpectedly, it made her succeed?

So Jia Lian said with a smile: "Then after you got married, did your Aunt Feng bully you? For example, what shame did you ask you to do?"

Qin Keqing smiled when she heard the words, looked at Jia Lian charmingly, and replied: "Do you think that Aunt Feng is you, who knows how to bully others? Aunt Feng is such a decent person, she won't let people do those things..."

Qin Keqing knew what Jia Lian wanted to hear, so she winked at Jia Lian and added, "He intends to serve and make up for Aunt Feng, but Aunt Feng won't let me, so we just move our hands, and at most we can kiss each other. …Uncle wants to know anything else, just ask, he will tell you everything, hehehe~"

Jia Lian could fully understand Qin Keqing's words and found it funny.Originally, when he asked this question, he was just curious about what Sister Feng would look like with her back on his back, whether there would be a second side and so on.

But according to Qin Keqing's reply, it seems that it is within his expectation, and there is not much to explore.

In my heart, I also admire Qin Keqing, who was able to pry the heart of Sister Feng, a natural straight girl.

Because Jia Lian is very sure that Sister Feng must not like women.

Xiangling and Qingwen in her room, and Ping'er under her command, which of these three women can't be called stunning in appearance?
Among the three women, which exquisite jade body has she not seen before?Under such circumstances, if she had the slightest inclination in this regard, she would have wiped out Jia Lian's three beauties long ago.

However, in this regard, she has always been honest with Ping'er.

It can be seen that Qin Keqing's success lies entirely in her own charm and means.Or maybe, Sister Feng also likes Qin Keqing who combines beauty and charm, and doesn't like pure and upright people like Xiangling.

After several observations, Qin Keqing was completely sure that Jia Lian really didn't care much about this kind of thing, so she turned over on Jia Lian and said with a smile, "Then uncle wants to know how he took down Aunt Feng." Is it?"

"Oh?" Jia Lian's curiosity was really aroused by Qin Keqing.

"Then uncle, just turn over and lie down."

Qin Keqing smiled mildly, removed the pillow Jia Lian was leaning on, then pushed Jia Lian to turn over, and finally lifted her smooth jade legs, directly straddling Jia Lian's thighs, and with both hands, pushed Jia Lian's shoulders.

She is tall and slender, and she only wears a brand new light green apron specially worn, covered with a tulle, so she rides on Jia Lian, massages back and forth with her palms, the rhythmic beauty of her delicate body and jade arms, and The elegant beauty of transparent tulle across the skin reflects each other, which is touching.

It was also fortunate that Jia Lian was lying on his stomach and enjoying the beauty's massage and service, and he was not allowed to look back. Otherwise, I am afraid that the soft and fragrant couch arranged by Sister Feng herself would feel like Jia Lian's perfect marksmanship like the great beauty Qin.

However, although Jia Lian couldn't see him, the beautiful scenery was not in vain, and all of them fell into the eyes of Xiang Ling outside the room.

Xiangling had actually been here for quite a while, and after asking her mother, Feng Shi, to help guard the Moon Cave Gate, she came over slowly.

The reason for the delay is that so far she has not served Jia Lian with a fourth woman besides Sister Feng, Ping'er and Qingwen.

Feeling shy, and seeing such a glamorous scene again, her face was naturally flushed, not knowing whether she should go in or not.

But she knew she had to go in.Second Mistress's orders are like a mountain, she has already missed a wave, if it is because of her negativity and sabotage that Grandma Xiaorong becomes pregnant, she will feel guilty to death without Second Mistress scolding her.

After thinking about this, she finally entered the room step by step, and came in front of Jia Lian and the two of them.

Naturally, Qin Keqing saw Xiangling immediately, and a bright light flashed in her eyes.She is no stranger to the maid next to Jia Lian, not only because of Xiang Lingsheng's tenderness and quietness, which is lovable, but also because the appearance of this little girl is really born out of her!
So he smiled and nodded with Xiang Ling, but his hands kept moving, still trying his best to activate Jia Lian's meridians, bones and muscles.

"Uncle, press the back, turn it over."

Jia Lian obeyed Qin Keqing's instructions, and when she got up, she saw Xiangling standing aside, with her head down, not knowing what to do.

Shaking his head and smiling, he thought that Xiangling would obey Sister Feng's order and would not come here today.

"What are you doing standing there, come up and help me out."

Although Qin Damei's service made him very comfortable, but he couldn't neglect his obedient Xiangling.

Xiangling said "oh", and wanted to get on the bed.

Qin Keqing, who had just turned Jia Lian over, laughed, "Silly girl, are you going to come up like this?"


"Take off your clothes, like me. Don't worry, it's not cold in this room, it will be hot when you move~"

Seeing Xiangling's simplicity, Qin Keqing joked on purpose.

Although it was also the first time serving Jia Lian with Xiangling, she was not as shy as Xiangling.They are all the women of the second uncle, so naturally they want to serve the second uncle together.

Although Xiang Ling felt that Qin Keqing was shameless, seeing that Jia Lian didn't object, she could only take off the clothes one by one as she said.

She was not as well-prepared as Qin Keqing had prepared, and she also prepared a tulle to cover her body, so she could only take care of Jia Lian as usual, with only trousers and a chest wrap left.

She also used to wear a bellyband, but now that she has grown up, in order to avoid bumps, she usually wears a chest wrap like Ping'er and others.

Putting away the clothes and putting them on the side shelf, looking back to see the clothes all over the floor, Xiang Ling, who loves to be neat and tidy, was a little embarrassed, and was about to pick them up and put them away.

But just as she bent down, she suddenly heard Qin Keqing's contented murmur on the couch, and when she looked up, Xiangling was stunned.

Grandma Xiao Rong is so, so... coquettish, she is so anxious, she started eating before they are served?

Flushed, she glanced at Qin Keqing, who was holding Jia Lian's chest with both hands and dancing with a stick. Xiang Ling took a deep breath, lowered her head, picked up Jia Lian's clothes, and put them aside.

"Her don't put it away, you can try it on."


Xiangling held up the thin clothes in her hand, felt the smoothness of the material with one hand, and pointed to herself with the other.

Jia Lian, who had already moved the two pillows back up, nodded to the stunned Xiang Ling.This girl is so cute, I really don't know what kind of style she will be wearing Qin Dameiren's gorgeous dress.

Xiangling always obeyed Jia Lian's words. Although she didn't understand Jia Lian's intentions, she still bent down and picked up Qin Keqing's clothes from the inside to the outside, and put them on one by one.

Qin Keqing watched all this with cold eyes, and naturally couldn't understand Jia Lian's thoughts very well.

Therefore, Jia Lian gave Jia Lian a blank look, but he didn't have the heart to say anything at all. He lightly lifted his jade hips and continued to fight with Jia Lian.

However, when Xiangling really put on her clothes completely, even she herself couldn't sit still, her stomach convulsed.

Just because Xiangling put on her clothes and obediently stood in front of the couch under Jia Lian's beckoning, the appearance of Xiangling at this time really overlapped with her own appearance in memory.

She was stunned for a moment, took the opportunity to rest for a while, and finally had the strength to smile at Jia Lian: "Looking at her appearance, she really looks like my long-lost sister.

When I get out, I will ask Aunt Feng to see if she has lost a daughter before. "

Qin Keqing also knew that she was brought back by Qin Bangye from the Yangsheng Tang when she was a child, so she loved Qin Zhong so much, and the purpose was just to repay Qin Bangye's great kindness in nurturing him.

Qin Keqing was just teasing, but the innocent Xiangling quickly said: "No, my mother has already said that she is only a daughter like me..."

In a word, both of Jia Lian who said it laughed.

Seeing Jia Lian looking at her for a while, and Xiangling for a while, Qin Keqing couldn't help nodding, the smile on her face was hard to hide, she didn't know that Jia Lian was extremely happy.

She herself became happy, thinking that with Xiangling around, her position in Jia Lian's heart must be more stable.

Therefore, after Xiangling was recruited to bed by Jia Lian, he suddenly snatched Xiangling from Jia Lian.

"Didn't Second Uncle be curious, how did they take down Aunt Feng? There was no one before, so naturally I couldn't demonstrate to Second Uncle in person. Now that she is here, Second Uncle might as well see for himself..."

After finishing speaking, Miss Qin didn't wait for Jia Lian's reaction at all, she put her arms around Xiangling's waist, imitating Jia Lian kissing her in Xiangling's frightened expression, without giving Xiangling any room to resist, and bowed her head domineeringly up.

Xiangling's face was similar to hers, especially now that Xiangling was still wearing her clothes. Now, seeing Xiangling face to face, Qin Keqing was in a daze for a moment, feeling as if she was kissing herself!
She is still like this, let alone Jia Lian's feelings underneath.

Jia Lian also never expected Qin Damei to be so open-minded. Seeing Xiangling's helpless look, like a girl from a good family who was bullied by hooligans, he couldn't help laughing.

He lifted his butt and reminded Qin Damei, telling her not to go too far and scare his baby.

Qin Keqing did this on purpose to please Jia Lian, and when she noticed that Jia Lian had changed, she let Xiangling go.

Seeing Xiangling looking at her bitterly and bitterly, Qin Keqing didn't care at all, she raised her arm and put it in Xiangling's arms. After Xiangling subconsciously supported her, she said softly: "Sister has no strength. Okay, can you help my sister?"

It was not the first time for Xiangling to do auxiliary work, because she could understand Qin Keqing's meaning, she subconsciously nodded and agreed.

Then I realized that this woman kissed me without asking what I meant, shouldn't I be angry?But looking at Qin Keqing, she ignored her at all, and started enjoying herself with peace of mind.The tenderness between the eyebrows and the sweetness in the eyes, the soft singing in the mouth and nose, are all so elegant and exciting, I thought, maybe this is the kind of woman's style that the second master said.

I don't know when I will be able to be like Grandma Xiao Rong.Probably, maybe I will never be able to do it myself.

(End of this chapter)

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