The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 564 The person who can give you an official position

Chapter 564 The person who can give you an official position
"I heard that when your father granted you the position of deputy commander of the Shenji Battalion, you issued a military order, which will be effective within three years?"

Walking with Jia Lian on horseback, Princess Zhaoyang asked with a smile.

"There is such a thing, but it's not a military order that I took the initiative to issue, but His Majesty ordered me to see results within three years. If not, just take off the black veil on my head."

"Oh, seeing Erlang's relaxed expression, and testing the gun here again today, I think it has achieved results?"

Jia Lian laughed.

When Princess Zhaoyang saw it, she immediately cupped her hands in congratulations: "I knew that nothing would trouble Erlang. Although I don't know about firearms, I also know that their power is extraordinary, but I think this firearm has been around for hundreds of years. If it can be reformed easily, the previous generation and this dynasty will not treat it as a tasteless one.

I really want to see the day when this firearm can be widely used in the hands of Erlang and become a sharp weapon on the battlefield. "

Ever since Princess Zhaoyang fell in love with Jia Lian, she tried every means to study Jia Lian, and knew all the strange things about Jia Lian.

This is also an important reason why Jia Lian was able to attract her so much, otherwise, how could she consider herself a little girl in front of Jia Lian?

She has practiced martial arts since she was a child and also read books. Although she is not proficient in firearms, she also knows that things such as artillery are terrifyingly powerful in sieges and positional warfare, and can play an incomparable role with ordinary weapons.

Therefore, she actually had doubts in her heart, but because of all the past, she was willing to believe that Jia Lian could do things that others could not.

Comparing the two, it is already obvious which is better. "

After the four rows of 12 people finished shooting, the scene was a little quiet for a while.

"Very good. Where is Vice Captain Liu?"

They are Jia Lian's soldiers, and their military appearance and discipline represent Jia Lian's face.Since there are distinguished guests here, they naturally cannot fall into Jia Lian's name.

Jia Lian glanced at her and said seriously, "Who is she? She is the person you dream of, who can give you an official position."

Liu Xianglian has been proficient in martial arts since she was a child, whether it is swordsmanship or bow and arrow, so she is very hesitant about the practicality of muskets.

Most people understand what Jia Lian means.

Many people showed a thoughtful look.

If you rely on this method, take ten or 20 people as a row, repeat the number of rows, and shoot them separately. After you are proficient in practice, after the last row is shot, and the first row is almost filled with ammunition, you can start the second round of shooting, and so on. Do cover firepower so that the enemy will be terrified before they reach the formation, and they will confuse themselves, so that the enemy will break without attacking. "

Even Liu Xianglian and the others, who did not know her identity, found that the leading woman was able to walk alongside Jia Lian, and she looked like a stroller, so she knew that she must have extraordinary origins.Seeing his horse stationed on the sidelines to watch, everyone immediately put away their laziness, and quickly stood in a few rows beside them, even their expressions became solemn.

Satisfied, she obediently shut up.

Many people looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling unbelievable.Weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds have been handed down for thousands of years in history, and they have all been tested by history. Although they have their own advantages and disadvantages, they have never been completely replaced by each other.

Jia Lian was very satisfied with Liu Xianglian's summary, he said: "The shortcomings you mentioned do exist, and I also admit that the current level of firearms of our Great Wei is not enough to replace ordinary knives and guns.

Needless to say, the craftsmanship of this musket is not mature enough, and there is a lot of room for improvement, and the art of horseback riding and shooting has been developed for thousands of years, and it has long been impossible to improve.

No one spoke, facing Jia Lian's unquestionable gaze and words, even those who had doubts put aside their doubts, and their eyes became firm.

Jia Lian shook his head secretly, Princess Zhaoyang, as long as she has no experience in two lifetimes, standing on the shoulders of countless giants, condescending, he will easily bow down under her pomegranate skirt and be willing to be driven.

But Jia Lian didn't accept Princess Zhaoyang's rainbow fart, and said with a smile: "It's not what I thought, it's the theory of the predecessors, it's just that it hasn't been taken seriously."

Seeing that Liu Xianglian, who was usually praised the most by Jia Lian, all admired her, the others naturally put aside their contempt.Those who were assigned muskets even subconsciously grasped the muskets on their bodies, fearing that others would try to snatch them.

In particular, the theory of letting soldiers line up and shoot in turn just now is like a stroke of genius, and it can solve the problem of slow reloading of firearms and ammunition. This kind of idea, probably only Erlang can come up with. "

If this is the case, she will follow her with all her heart, and she is willing to do so.

Princess Zhaoyang smiled sunnyly, "Yes, the imperial grandmother always said that I am sweet-talked and can coax people... But Erlang is the best at coaxing people. He has been coaxed by you, so he is so far away. Baba came to find you."

But this Marquis clearly told you that in the near future, all the skills you are proud of, no matter whether it is swords, guns, swords or halberds, these conventional weapons will be completely replaced by firearms! "

As soon as Jia Lian said this, there was a little commotion among the more than fifty soldiers.

How could it be possible to let him make compromises for himself?

According to Jia Lian, Princess Zhaoyang is definitely one of the ceiling-level figures of intelligence and EQ in this era.

Successfully arousing the attention of the guards to the musket, Jia Lian asked everyone to train separately, and turned to Princess Zhaoyang.

Jia Lian said with a smile: "Liu Erlang has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and his archery skills are superb, needless to say.

They have been complaining that the speed of refilling ammunition for muskets is too slow, but if they shoot in this way, it seems that this biggest shortcoming can be effectively solved!

Jia Lian glanced at her and felt that this question was just right.

And among you, there are very few who can do it.

She had long seen the third sister You, who was like the stars and the moon, but she didn't care.Jia Lian did not have the idea of ​​keeping all his women in captivity in the house, that would be selfish and inferior.

At the beginning, she fell in love with Jia Lian's unique wisdom, which even her imperial grandmother admired, so she thought, if Jia Lian can get rid of its disadvantages and make full use of its strengths in such ordinary things, then Jia Lian can be said to be a god descended from heaven. People, even those leading coquettish figures in the past dynasties are hard to compare.

"Last column, aim and shoot!"

Liu Xianglian's eyes showed the look of being taught, and she bowed and retreated.

Now, let me first let you see the real usage of muskets against the enemy in battle. "

I didn't tire of it, so I had to bring her here today for a little fun. "

"Zhaoer, take a few people with you, and send the third aunt back first."

Seeing Jia Lian, she was quite satisfied, so after the scene was silent, Fang Lang said: "I know that many of you are unwilling to practice shooting skills, and if it wasn't for the order of my lord, you might not want to come here today. .

The second is that after shooting once, it takes too long to prepare.

When Third Sister You heard Princess Zhaoyang call her "Third Younger Sister", she didn't know her well, so she obviously tacitly agreed to have a relationship with Jia Lian, so she felt even more displeased, but she couldn't figure out the identity of the other party, which is not good Said, just kept silent and didn't speak.

The shooting gap between the four rows of 12 people just now didn't seem to be too long.

At this time, Third Sister You, who was standing by the side and unwilling to be a little transparent, interjected: "Then what if the enemy is not afraid of death and does not mess up their own positions? In my opinion, the range of this musket is only two Three hundred paces, if you are a cavalry soldier, I am afraid that you will not be able to shoot two rounds, and they will rush over."

Princess Zhaoyang naturally saw Third Sister You long ago.There is no way, such a beautiful girl stands out from the crowd in the school field, and it is difficult not to let her see it.

"Oh, so that's the case, I didn't know, but it made Erlang laugh. However, this brilliant theory has not been taken seriously, it is the mistake of the predecessors, and now being restarted by Erlang, the prestige of firearms will surely return to the battlefield.

Jia Lian said: "Before, you were worried that it took too long to reload the musket and ammunition, and the enemy might rush over and kill them in the gap.

At this time, the aim of the musket was poor because of the craftsmanship, the bullets were poor, and the barrel and body of the gun could not be airtight. Naturally, the trajectory of the bullet after it was ejected from the chamber was easily deviated.But Jia Lian is not going to explain this to them in detail, he just needs to let them know that firearms are terrible on the battlefield and let them pay attention to it.

Most of Zhang Yong and the few people who followed Jia Lian to Wala had seen Princess Zhaoyang face to face, so even though Princess Zhaoyang was wearing ordinary men's clothes at this time, they recognized it at a glance, and they were all shocked.

Many people glanced at the muskets carried by their partners. They really couldn't believe that this black guy could completely replace them? !
Could it be that on the future battlefield, generals and soldiers will fight with such slow and heavy guys in their arms?That was too funny.

Liu Xianglian and other knowledgeable people began to nod after thinking about it, "If you follow what Lord Hou said, this musket is really useful!"

On the contrary, Wu Youquan and other firearms craftsmen next to him were all excited.If this is the case, wouldn't it be easy for those who are now committed to researching and improving firearms to be famous in history? !Jia Lian doesn't care what the people below think now, he just needs to instill these ideas, keep those who can accept it, eliminate those who can't accept it, and replace it with others, that's all.

Jia Lian bowed his hands to express his gratitude, and Princess Zhaoyang rode away with a smile.

Being able to form a number in person is a career that should not be underestimated in any era.It can also be seen from this that Jia Lian has plans long ago. Princess Zhaoyang said in her heart that Jia Lian has been preparing, and she should speed up her pace.

Princess Zhaoyang gave a thumbs up, expressing her admiration for Jia Lian's calmness and long-term planning.

Although Jia Lian knew that Princess Zhaoyang was magnanimous, she couldn't let this ignorant little girl be offended, so she explained to Princess Zhaoyang that "you're too young to be sensible" and asked Aqin to send Third Sister You back to the carriage. .

Princess Zhaoyang clapped her hands and praised: "Although I knew Erlang was talented, I was still amazed by Erlang's brilliant theory.

However, I hope that you can face up to and even pay attention to the firearms in your hands.

"As a general, you should judge the situation at the right time and make the best use of the situation. If you really encounter an enemy who is not afraid of death, you can make the queue staggered, and put spears and heavy shields behind. After shooting, retreat into the formation one by one to protect yourself."

Even in front of Sister Feng, although he has been trained many times, it seems to be difficult, but in fact he is more than capable.It was only in front of this woman that he was often stretched, fearing that a careless mistake would fall into the lower ranks.

At least for Sanjie You, a commoner girl, it was crushing across the big class.Therefore, it is not uncommon for Third Sister You to feel that Princess Zhaoyang is "proud".

Princess Zhaoyang was like a mirror in her heart, and she didn't hinder Jia Lian, and even said bluntly: "I think Erlang still has matters to deal with here, why don't I just walk around in this racecourse first, and after Erlang has dealt with other matters, you How about the two of us chatting over wine again?"

Jia Lian said without changing his face: "This is the sister of my parents' sister-in-law, the third in the family, because she was also good at martial arts since she was a child, so she begged several times to follow me to the school grounds.

Jia Lian smiled slightly, said this sentence in an extremely confident tone, then lightly clamped his horse back, and came to the gun test field alone.

When the gunshot above their heads sounded, the three of them were startled, and the ammunition bags in their hands almost fell off.

"Oh, is that right, how do I see this little sister, she looks quite hostile to me, hehehe, third sister, right? If there is anything that offends me, please tell me clearly."

Liu Xianglian and the others looked surprised. At this moment, if they still can't understand the real usage of Jia Lian's so-called musketeer formation against the enemy, they are considered stupid.

Third Sister You was dissatisfied with being sent away, she opened the curtain, looked at Jia Lian and said angrily, "Who is that woman, she looks so proud, hmph..."

"On behalf of all, tell us what you think of these muskets."

Since Princess Zhaoyang returned to the capital, she opened up the Chang Princess Mansion, and the officials, palace people, and servants under her command don't know how many, and naturally they have become more and more dignified.

But this musket, the victory lies in that it can kill the enemy on the battlefield without using excellent shooting skills.

Jia Lian didn't expect that Princess Zhaoyang would come here today, otherwise how could she bring Third Sister You here.

"Don't worry, this day will not be far away."

Facing Jia Lian's order, Liu Xianglian thought for a while, and said, "My lord, I feel that these muskets are higher than ordinary stone bows in terms of power and range. However, the shortcomings are also obvious. The aim of the projectile is very poor. If the two are facing each other, it may be difficult to hit each other.

Even on the battlefield, people are afraid of death.If you know that you have the shortcoming of "long gaps", you can naturally rush to kill them all at once, but if your firepower is continuous, and the enemy will watch the comrades around you fall one by one, they will be heartbroken and there will be no more battles. agree.

Facing such a woman, one has to show enough soft and hard strength to make her return to her heart.

And this musket, without selecting a shooter, can do it. On the battlefield, it can kill enemies in large numbers.

It's just that Jia Lian has a lot of trust in muskets, so he didn't reveal it.

She even felt that it was Princess Zhaoyang who was protesting against her, and she felt that they had already guessed each other's identity!

On the contrary, if his woman really has unique abilities in certain aspects, he is actually willing to give her freedom within his ability.

Jia Lian turned around, smiled seriously at Princess Zhaoyang and said, "Someone said, Qingran, are you good at talking?"

Third Sister You stuck out her tongue.She just saw that the few women brought back by Jia Lian had a good temperament and a sense of crisis, so she asked the question because she was unwilling to have no sense of existence, but she didn't expect Jia Lian to answer her seriously.

You know, even among the soldiers of the frontier army, archers who can shoot and kill the enemy from eighty paces away are rare.

Liu Xianglian responded.

If it wasn't for Jia Lian who said this, I'm afraid they couldn't help but want to make ridicule.

It's just a pity that today's school inspection results should be seen by His Majesty. In this way, Erlang can not only get a job, but maybe he can get more attention, right? "

Jia Lian said: "Although the improvement of firearms has made some achievements, it is not enough to attract your majesty's attention. I am going to wait for a breakthrough in a few key areas before asking your majesty to inspect it. At that time, your majesty will be asked to form a musketeer army in one fell swoop. It’s not impossible.”

After all, except for a very small number of talented players, it takes a while for ordinary archers to bend their bows and set their arrows to aim and shoot.

So he ordered three personal soldiers to go out, and then ordered three personal soldiers in turn, lined up in four rows, and asked them to load ammunition. After they were all finished, he ordered: "The first row, aim at the target in front of you and shoot!" .”

The present opportunity cannot be let go...

"I'm humble."

In the end, sometimes they couldn't launch successfully, but Foreman Wu said that this can be improved. Foreman Wu and the others have already taken back those muskets that are prone to duds, saying that they are taking them back for research. "

"So, if you still want to follow me and make contributions in the battlefield, everyone must learn how to use firearms skillfully.

The three of them pulled the trigger upon hearing the order. Just as they were wondering whether they had hit it, they suddenly heard Jia Lian ordering them to squat down and refill the elixir, and then ordered the second row to shoot.

Where does she understand much, she doesn't even understand what a horse refusal is.

Suddenly seeing the only girl who was on the gun test ground before, approaching Jia Lian, Princess Zhaoyang immediately raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile: "Who is this little sister from Erlang, she is so cute."

This is the request of the Marquis. If you can't do it, you can apply for disarmament and go home now. "

No matter how generous a woman is, I'm afraid she won't be able to see her lover and other women. Therefore, Jia Lian naturally won't keep Third Sister You here to continue making trouble for him.

Third Sister You was not stupid after all, she immediately remembered what she had said to Jia Lian before, she was so shocked that she immediately covered her mouth.

God, the long... long... long princess? ? !

There's no way, a girl from a run-down country gentry's family will be so heartbroken when she suddenly sees the legendary prince and grandson, especially if she doesn't seem to respect him very much just now.

Therefore, Third Sister You didn't dare to stay here any longer, and ran away as if fleeing.

(End of this chapter)

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