Chapter 590

On the second day, Mother Jia really took Grandma Liu to visit the Grand View Garden.

Perhaps for the sake of excitement, Mother Jia sent someone to pick up Shi Xiangyun from the historian's house the night before, and invited Aunt Xue to come over for a light meeting.

There is no need to elaborate on how many jokes and excitement will be caused when a group of pampered, wealthy and noble wives and ladies gather together to visit the garden with an old country woman.

It's just that after noon, Sister Feng, who has been serving most of the day, finally got a chance to go home and change clothes while Jia Mu and others were taking a nap in the garden.

It happened that Jia Lian came back.

"Why did you come back earlier today, have you eaten?"

Sister Feng asked Jia Lian with a smile while helping Jia Lian into the room.

Hearing that Jia Lian said that he had used it outside, and that Daiyu invited him to visit the garden together today, Sister Feng couldn't help saying: "It's a good thing that she called you, but if it was me, I'm afraid that Lord Hou would not bother to pay attention to it. It can be seen that People are always different.”

Jia Lian sat down, took a sip of the tea that Ping'er handed over, and Fang looked up at her: "I said Second Mistress, you have to speak with your conscience. You can tell me, when you have something to do, I can come back earlier Didn't you come back earlier? The reason why I told you that Sister Lin invited me is because I didn't want to hide it from you. If you are so eccentric again, next time I will just use words to perfuse you."

Sister Feng was a little embarrassed by Jia Lian's words, of course she could understand what Jia Lian meant, and she was just jealous out of habit.

Sitting beside Jia Lian, she leaned over and smiled and said, "I just said that casually. Look at the embarrassment of Lord Hou. Those who don't know think I have committed a big crime."

A smile covered up the previous words, "Okay, let's stop joking, and I have a serious question for you."

As she said that, Sister Feng asked about what she had heard about Jia Lian's arrest of a group of clan children in Jinpin Pavilion yesterday.

It turns out that although Sister Feng is under the jurisdiction of Jia Lian, she is not allowed to meddle in foreign affairs.But there was little she didn't know about the affairs of the two mansions.

I didn't hear the news yesterday because I was too busy. After Jia Lian went out today, she heard about it not long after. She had been thinking about asking Jia Lian when he came back.

Because it was rumored by outsiders, and it was evil. Now, she can only feel at ease about what happened to Jia Lian, only what Jia Lian himself said.

When Jia Lian heard the question, she didn't hide it from her, and explained a few words casually, mainly to tell her that there was nothing serious, so that she could feel at ease.

But Sister Feng was very concerned and worried about such important matters. If she was not careful during the questioning, Jia Lian also talked about Princess Zhaoyang's entry into the lord's house.

Therefore, Sister Feng didn't care about the children of the clan or not, she just looked at Jia Lian, her pair of willow-leaf hanging eyebrows spread to both sides in a very vivid image, and there was an indescribable sense of scrutiny in her bright eyes.

Facing Sister Feng's expression like this, anyone with a bad mood must show timidity.But Jia Lian was okay, drinking tea in silence, and he stopped talking even if Sister Feng didn't ask.

After a long time, Fang heard Sister Feng sigh quietly: "The relationship between Lord Hou and the princess must be very good. I heard that when Lord Hou sent her out of the fortress, she was almost taken away by the barbarians. Fortunately, Lord Hou She led the cavalry to rescue her, and she must be very grateful to Lord Hou. Otherwise, how could she be willing to promote the two maidservants beside Lord Hou, and send such a good maid to Lord Hou..."

Jia Lian turned around, only to find that Sister Feng's ostentatious expression had disappeared, and there was only a little loneliness and bleakness.

Jia Lian's heart trembled slightly, and he knew that Sister Feng must have guessed something.It's true, as his pillow, as long as Sister Feng has a heart, she can always see something strange from the clues in daily life.

Not to mention, the relationship between him and Princess Zhaoyang is far from being extremely cautious.As Sister Feng said in her words, only Aqi and Aqin's identities as the guards of the Princess Mansion, and Hu Yuanyao, the princess's personal maid, are enough to show that Princess Zhaoyang treats him differently.

For others, it can be explained by his life-saving grace to Princess Zhaoyang, but for Sister Feng, I am afraid it is a bit reluctant.

So Jia Lian took Sister Feng's slender and smooth jade hand, held it in the palm of his hand, looked into her eyes, and replied seriously: "You and I are married couples, people who have sworn oaths in front of the parents of heaven and earth. No matter how good it is, after all, I can't get past you.

I know you are a smart woman, and I know the doubts in your heart.But you should also know that sometimes, there are some things that even your man cannot completely control.

So for your question, I can answer you truthfully, but the result may not be as you wish.But even if you don't ask, I can assure you that you are my Jia Lian's wife in this life, and this is a fact that no one can change.

If you believe me, don't doubt me.If you don't believe me, it's useless even if you ask the bottom line. Do you understand the reason? "

Listening to Jia Lian's words, Sister Feng's eyes gradually became moist, and tears gradually flowed down.

In fact, she had expected the relationship between Jia Lian and Princess Zhaoyang since Jia Lian was ordered to escort Princess Zhaoyang out of the border.

After all, there are so many civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty, who can't be sent, but Jia Lian?
This premonition was confirmed by a series of subsequent news and phenomena.

I didn't ask before because she knew in her heart that it was useless to ask.If it is as she guessed, what can she do?

Fight the princess?That is impossible.At the beginning, she didn't even see the face of the princess, but because of the queen mother's intention to marry her, she almost completely collapsed. Even to this day, the influence of that incident on her still exists, but those who gossip about her , probably only dare to talk behind their backs.

But how could she not know that she was able to come out of the near collapse, and even have the glory of today, not because of how strong she is, but because of her man, who would rather resist orders to keep her and protect her... …

As a woman, she has no power to resist when faced with power.

Therefore, she never thought that she could fight with the high-ranking princess.She was even more unwilling to give up, so she wisely chose not to ask too many questions, and she was afraid that Jia Lian would be annoyed by asking too many questions.

Today, the relationship between her and Jia Lian has become more and more profound. After knowing each other, she mustered up the courage to try it out.

Unexpectedly, Jia Lian was so thorough, he knew the elegant meaning after hearing the string song, and immediately gave a practical answer.

So she cried and cried and laughed again.

This heartless stinky man even hinted that she shouldn't ask any more questions!As everyone knows, what the stinky man said has almost clearly told her that things are exactly as she expected.

At this time, she relaxed instead, raised her hand to wipe away her tears, and said with a smile: "What is unreasonable, I don't understand what you are talking about. I only ask you, you really..."

With that said, Sister Feng glanced at the room.Ping'er, who is sensible, retreated to the door of the room to patrol as early as when he heard that the couple's words involved privacy.

So Sister Feng said bluntly: "You are serious, are you with her?"

Now that the matter has come to this point, there is no question, so I must make it clear.Anyway, it looks heartless, and it doesn't mean to be annoyed.

Facing Sister Feng Qiuzhen, Jia Lian sighed slightly and nodded.

Although she already had a very clear answer in her heart, when she got Jia Lian's answer, Sister Feng still couldn't help but tilt her head suddenly, so as not to expose her fragility to Jia Lian's eyes.

But she didn't know that there were tears in her eyes, and when she shook her head, the tears fell like broken pearls in front of Jia Lian's eyes, disturbing Jia Lian's heart.

He hurriedly embraced Sister Feng, who seemed to be broken, and comforted him: "Okay, don't be wronged, it's my fault. You can hit me a few times, or bite me, don't worry about it."

Jia Lian knew that Princess Zhaoyang put too much pressure on Sister Feng.At the beginning, Princess Zhaoyang, who had nothing to do with her, had dealt a dimension-reducing blow to her, but now that she knew that she was really entwined with her, of course she was afraid.

Sister Feng didn't move at all and let Jia Lian hug her. The more she was like this, the more worried Jia Lian was.Couldn't help holding her face up to see what happened.

"What are you doing, you're so embarrassing."

After being stared at by Jia Lian holding her face for a few seconds, Sister Feng became shy, her eyes averted, and she twitched.

Seeing that she was still shy, Jia Lian felt relieved.Knowing that she had to leave time for Sister Feng to think for herself at this time, she didn't say much, and hugged her, her legs were still shaking slightly as if coaxing a child. For a moment, let him stop shaking.

Immediately, Sister Feng turned over and looked at Jia Lian, "She is a dignified princess, is she willing to just follow you so vaguely?"

Jia Lian frowned, thought for a while, and told Sister Feng some details that she hadn't told Sister Feng at the beginning.Including how Princess Zhaoyang was trapped and besieged, how he led the troops to rescue her, and most importantly, he and Princess Zhaoyang were forced to wander in the desert for a month.

Sister Feng naturally understood that the problem happened at that time.Lonely men and widows, handsome men and beautiful women, in the vast desert, it is quite normal to achieve good things.

It wasn't very surprising, she had already guessed that the two of them must have met when they went to the Western Regions.After all, before going to the Western Regions, the unconscionable risked offending the Queen Mother and refused to marry.

That's a good thing to say.If the two of them got married before the queen mother bestowed the marriage, then even if she re-promised without conscience, she would have already left...

After a self-deprecating smile in her heart, her pressure suddenly increased again.Because according to Jia Lian, the princess and him are still "a couple in need", because even she has never had the experience of living and dying with Jia Lian. Isn't this the kind of heroic tenderness that is praised in dramas?

After thinking about it, she met Jia Lian's gaze and said seriously: "Although I have never met this Princess Zhaoyang, but as a woman, I know that no one is willing to follow a man so vaguely, let alone her Such status.

How about this, you marry her back home, I will make way for her, and recognize her as my sister. "

Seeing the difference in Jia Lian's eyes, Sister Feng showed her iconic playful eyes, and then softened: "I'm not joking with you, and I'm not cheating on you. There is a reason why I am willing to abdicate and become a junior."

"I know you have great ambitions, and you only want to restore your Jia family's lintel, and I have always hated that I can't help you on this point.

Well now, if you marry her and have her help you, it will be much easier for you to realize your wish, and when the time comes, I will be able to follow suit.I, Wang Xifeng, don't have anything else, but I still have some insight and knowledge, so you can just rest assured and marry her in.

It just so happens that I didn't give birth to a son for you, maybe she was born rich and might be able to give birth to a son. In this case, you can be regarded as a successor, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds? "

What Sister Feng said was pretending to be relaxed.But Jia Lian still saw the sad and suppressed tears in her eyes.

At this moment, Jia Lian fell in love with this woman so much that he held her tightly in his arms and kissed her beautiful hair.

Buried her head in Jia Lian's arms so that no one could see her, Sister Feng had nothing to worry about. She wept and choked up and said, "I'm serious, this is the best result for us. It's not that I, Wang Xifeng, are worthless , so easy to admit defeat, you also said that she is the most favored eldest princess of the Tian family, not only is there a queen doting on her back, but the two saints also love her very much.

Now that she is fascinated by you, she is willing to listen to your words and not move me, the stumbling block, for the time being.When she recovers one day, or if you neglect her and make her resent, she will not be so easy to talk to.

When the time comes, I will be caught by her how and what time.What if she attacks you because of resentment? "

At this moment, Sister Feng is not only a gentle daughter-in-law sobbing in her husband's arms, but also a wise man.

She sees so clearly that the relationship between Jia Lian and Princess Zhaoyang will be a big disaster sooner or later.Even if they were able to hide it all the time, there is no guarantee that Princess Zhaoyang will not complain after a long time.

For people of that status, once resentment arises, the consequences will be dire.Among other things, if she said a bad word about Jia Lian in front of the queen mother, the emperor and others, Jia Lian would be condemned to death.

Compared with the reluctance and grievance in her heart, Jia Lian's safety and future are too important to Sister Feng.

Jia Lian also heard the seriousness in Sister Feng's tone, which shocked him very much.For a long time, in his heart, Sister Feng has always been a bit big-chested and brainless... Well, it's not a big deal.

In short, she is a little girl who doesn't know much about the general situation and can only rely on his suppression to keep her peace.

He even felt that maintaining a good relationship with Sister Feng depended more on his ability to tolerate her.Now it seems that he is still a bit arrogant. If Sister Feng did not love him so much in her heart, his indiscretion in the field of women would be enough to become the cause and effect of conflict or even opposition between the two.

There was some shame in my heart, and I couldn't express it. I could only put my arms around Sister Feng, and whispered in her ear: "Feng'er, thank you... But, this matter is not as simple as you think. Now even if I want to It's not so easy to marry her in. Who do you think I am, Jia Lian, the princess of the Tian family, if you want it, you don't want it?

All in all, you don't have to worry about this matter, you have to trust me.Not only do you have to believe that I won't let you down, but you also have to believe that I can handle this matter well. "

As Jia Lian said, thinking of those disobedient heroines in the TV dramas of later generations, at this time they always like to pretend to be smart and make trouble behind the back of the hero, and warned: "I can tell you in advance, don't be moved by yourself and do stupid things. Don’t take the initiative to find her. If you have any thoughts in your heart, you can tell me first. As long as you tell me, whether it’s right or not, I won’t be angry. Even if you want to see her, I can help you arrangement, do you understand?"

Sister Feng was thinking in her heart what she should do to help Jia Lian solve this hidden danger, but after hearing Jia Lian's repeated exhortations, she said angrily, "I know, mother-in-law and mother don't look like a man!"

While taunting, he saw that Jia Lian's eyes were wrong, thinking that he would go to the garden to serve his life later, so he couldn't mess around, so he hurriedly said, "Okay, since you said that, I really want to see this in person. What does a man's princess look like, are you really capable, let me meet her? And you have to promise that she won't bully me?"

It's easy to say but it's really hard to do it. Jia Lian still finds it a bit difficult. After all, he really doesn't know what kind of attitude Princess Zhaoyang has towards Sister Feng.Don't wait until then, it won't be good to deliver food to your door...

But in the face of Sister Feng's rare playful appearance, how could Jia Lian have the nerve to break his promise in person, so he said loudly: "Okay, it's fine for you to meet. But as you said, in order to prevent her from bullying you, I have to pay attention. Take it easy and listen to my arrangement."

When Sister Feng heard the words, she didn't say anything more. She called Ping'er back and went into the back room to change clothes.On the contrary, Jia Lian still stayed where he was, thinking about how to arrange the best way for these two to meet.Hey, these two women are not easy-going, I really don't know what kind of scene it will be when they meet.

(End of this chapter)

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