The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 610 Cousin in Red, Qinger

Chapter 610 Cousin in Red, Qinger

Sitting by the bed, Jia Lian looked at his beautiful wife sleeping soundly, felt a little pity in his heart, and reached out to stroke her soft hair.

Suddenly, I felt the fragrance coming from my side, and a pair of familiar plain hands rested on my shoulders, "Second Mistress is really tired today, and she drank too much wine, Second Master, please let her sleep well for a while."

Jia Lian nodded, and smoothly hugged Ping'er in his arms, hugging her head and hands tightly, feeling the beautiful concubine's beautiful body.

Ping'er looks upright on the outside, but inside she is a kind and interesting woman.Knowing that Jia Lian intends to ask for tenderness, she lays her body limply in Jia Lian's arms, and panting slightly in accordance with Jia Lian's movements.

Such a reaction from her made Jia Lian unable to take it lightly, because he turned her beautiful face around, admired her for a while, and then bowed her head to taste her fresh lips and teeth.

After a long while, Jia Lian let go of her, bowed his head and chanted, "'I remember Xiaoping first met, and the double heart word Luo Yi. The strings of the pipa said lovesickness. At that time, the bright moon was there, and it returned under the colorful clouds'...Have you heard this poem? "

Ping'er's bright eyes attracted Jia Lian, there was a little doubt in his eyes, but then he shook his head slightly: "Although Ping'er has never heard of this poem and doesn't know its meaning, Ping'er knows that the second master's recitation of the poem is true. It sounds good, I want to listen to it again..."

Jia Lian was speechless, thinking that these women were very smart, even he was sometimes teased by them.

Speaking of which, he has always felt indebted to Ping'er Jia Lian, because compared to other women, he spent too little on her.On the contrary, he got too much tenderness from Ping'er.

This woman is beautiful, good-natured, and considerate, and never jealous. It can be said that she is a real treasure-level woman.He, Jia Lian, was also lucky to have it.

Ping'er, as docile as a cat, looked up at Jia Lian's expression. She didn't know what Jia Lian was thinking at the moment, but from Jia Lian's fingers twitching between her lips, she could "know the elegance of the stringed songs".She pursed her lips very cooperatively, and realized that Jia Lian really took advantage of the trend to probe in, and she completely understood.

She tilted her head slightly, making sure that Sister Feng on the couch had fallen into a deep sleep, so she spit out Jia Lian's troublesome fingers, then lightly raised her delicate buttocks, knelt down on the footstool deftly and familiarly, bent her head in front of Jia Lian's knees, and lightly opened her lapel for Jia Lian bring.

Suddenly she felt something strange, she sniffed her nose slightly, then raised her head and gave Jia Lian a white look, the meaning in her eyes was very clear: "My master steals food and doesn't wipe his mouth, luckily he was discovered by others, if the second grandma finds out, then it will be a shame." Oh no."

Regarding this, Jia Lian raised his eyebrows and did not express anything, and Ping'er did not speak, nor did he mean to dislike him, but was very gentle, and personally did the finishing work for Jia Lian.


Outside Sister Feng's children's hospital, Xiren led her cousin slowly walking.

"Second Master, you have seen it before. He is tolerant and will not easily blame his servants. Although Second Mistress is strict, as long as you remember what I told you, make fewer mistakes and watch your words more, she will not disagree with you." You count."


After entering the courtyard, he reported his intention to the maid standing at the door of the main room, and the maid immediately went into the room to report.

But after a long while, the little maid came out and led them into the house.

Xici Room is the place where Sister Feng usually meets guests. Naturally, she decorated it very extravagantly, making Xiren's cousin, who stepped into such an expensive place for the first time, very cautious, and could only follow Xiren to kneel and salute.

"Get up."

On the soft kang, Jia Lian looked at the two little sisters in front of him with a smile on his face.

These two cousins, born with their own advantages and disadvantages, stand together like a pair of delicate and beautiful flowers with twin stalks, which is a bit seductive.The most important thing is that the cousin who attacked her today came wearing red clothes, she really fits in red, even if she is carrying a package at this time, it is difficult to hide her beauty.

Instead of staring at the shy little girl, Jia Lian turned to ask Xiren: "Why did you bring her into the mansion so quickly? Your uncle, aunt, and aunt agreed?"

"We are all from poor families, and it is our good fortune to be favored by the family. My mother discussed it with my uncle and aunt yesterday, and they are willing to send her in to serve the second grandma. Now that it is agreed, come in late It's better to come in early, it will be easier for her to recognize the door with me leading her, so my uncle and aunt packed up for her early in the morning and let her enter the house with me."

Jia Lian nodded, then looked at the cousin in red, "What's your name?"

The cousin in red raised her head and glanced at Jia Lian quickly. Maybe it was because Jia Lian's appearance was too deceptive and her voice was too sweet. Maybe it was because of her meeting yesterday. When facing Jia Lian, she felt less restrained, just shy. He replied: "Slave Liu Xinqing..."

"You believe in Liu?"


Her surname is Liu, Xiren's surname is Hua, these two sisters have good names.

"Since you have entered this courtyard, you will be a member of this courtyard from now on. As long as you abide by the rules of the courtyard, you don't have to worry about other things. If you have any questions, you can ask others, or you can ask your cousin, she is the most That's right, you must learn more from her."


"By the way, from now on, your name will be Qing'er, so it's easier to remember."

Most of the masters will choose a simple and easy-to-call name for all the maids who enter the mansion. Liu Xinqing has heard this from Xiren a long time ago, so she has no objection.

After explaining a few words casually, Jia Lian said to Ping'er, "Take her down and resettle her."

Hearing this, Ping'er glanced at Liu Xinqing.Even though Jia Lian had talked to Sister Feng in the morning, and Sister Feng had explained how she would arrange for this girl, but now seeing this girl's pretty and tender appearance, she couldn't help but doubt Jia Lian's intentions.

So he said: "We don't have any extra rooms in the courtyard, why not let Qing'er share a room with me. Otherwise, we can only place her in the East Courtyard to live with the little maids."

Sister Feng's Children's Home originally didn't have many rooms, so many maids and servants have been added in the past two years.If these people need to live in the mansion, they are basically arranged in a small courtyard on the east side, which is closer.

"Your room is not big, let her live in the East Courtyard like everyone else."

Jia Lian rejected Ping'er's proposal almost without thinking.It's not really because Ping'er's room is small, on the contrary, Ping'er lives in the side room, which is just a little smaller than the main house.

But the penthouse is usually the place where concubines and Tongfang live. If he really adopted Ping'er's opinion, he would have something to say about Sister Feng's custody later.

Thinking about it this way, Jia Lian had every reason to suspect that Ping'er was digging holes for him on purpose.But because of Ping'er's expressionless complexion and the presence of other people, Jia Lian couldn't do anything to her.

Ping'er was ordered to take Liu Xinqing down to resettle, and Xiren wanted to follow, but Jia Lian beckoned suddenly.

There were only three of them in the room, and she didn't dare to pretend not to see them, so she could only stop obediently.

On the other hand, Ping'er didn't know if he had noticed something, before going out, he stretched out his hand and lowered the curtain between the living room and Xici room, and then led the well-behaved Liu Xinqing to the east courtyard.

As Sister Feng's right-hand man, Ping'er took the job of arranging a servant girl very easily, so she brought Liu Xinqing back in a short time.

Just at the door, I ran into Jia Lian who was about to go out.Xiren also followed behind him, with his hands down and his head down. If he didn't know, he would definitely think that she was Jia Lian's maid.

Ping'er asked: "It's so late, is Second Master still going out?"

"Tomorrow's business cannot be delayed, I have to go outside to see how they are preparing."

Ping'er nodded quickly after hearing this, after all, he was attending the Taishanghuang, such as the birthday ceremony, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Is everything settled for her?"

"The residence is tidied up, but the second grandma is already asleep today, so we can only do it tomorrow when she signs the contract."


Jia Lian left after asking a word, and Xi Ren also stayed behind.It was the first day for the cousin to enter the mansion. As a cousin, she naturally had to guide her well so as not to make mistakes due to her unfamiliarity.

Suddenly Pinger lowered her head and stared at her, her heart skipped a beat, and she was about to explain, but Pinger had already looked away, and said softly to Liu Xinqing: "Your first day in the mansion, you don't have to be on duty tonight, Go back and rest. Remember to come to the courtyard before tomorrow, and I will arrange specific things for you then."

Seeing Ping'er enter the courtyard, Liu Xinqing relaxed, and stuck out her tongue at the attacker: "Cousin, this sister Ping'er is really as you said, she is a nice person, she just told me a lot, I've written it all down. I've made a decision. If there's anything I don't understand in the future, if your cousin is not here, I'll ask her."

Xiren was very pleased that his cousin could realize this so quickly.She has known Ping'er since she was a child, so she naturally understands Ping'er's character, and was about to teach her some ways to survive as a servant girl in the Rongguo Mansion, when she saw her cousin approaching her suddenly, and put her head closer, staring straight at her voila.

Xiren was not used to being so close to people, and was about to scold her, but saw her cousin raised her hand, put her ring finger on her mouth, and then began to say coquettishly: "Cousin, you just ate crispy cheese, did you give it to me?" Shall I save some? I'm hungry too, have they prepared a midnight snack for us in their house?"

As she spoke, she put her finger in her mouth and licked it, but after all, it was too little, and she didn't taste any flavor.

Xi Ren stared blankly at her innocent and ignorant cousin who looked at her expectantly, and suddenly blushed.She nodded and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to have some snacks..."

(End of this chapter)

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