The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 614 The birthday banquet starts, the storm

Chapter 614 The birthday banquet starts, the storm
On the side of the water pavilion, after the prince left, the third prince also turned back to the central water pavilion, and did not try to win over Jia Lian as the prince had guessed.

On the contrary, as soon as he left, many disciples of Xun Qi came over to make friends with Jia Lian.

Among the younger generation of non-clan children, Jia Lian could basically be said to be a leading figure if the King of Beijing was not around.

And the king of Beijing Jing was sent out of Beijing by Emperor Ningkang half a year ago, and it is said that he is on a hunting tour on behalf of the emperor.

But for Jia Lian, it is difficult for him now to have a real heart-to-heart relationship with these young children.This is a matter of mentality. After all, he was in the Hall of Worship and talked with many of their fathers and grandparents on an equal footing...

At the second quarter of the first lunar month, the birthday banquet is ready and ready to start.

All the princes, ministers, and princes lined up outside the main hall of the Chonghua Palace to enter the banquet.

Because too many people came to celebrate the birthday, low-ranking officials could not enter the hall at all, and could only enjoy the open-air banquet outside the hall, accompanied by the wind and snow.

Jia Lian was lucky, and was arranged to enter the palace, and the position was not too late, in the middle.As soon as he sat down, he found a kid in his teens next to him, but Jia Lian didn't dare to ignore him at all. Immediately after sitting down, he bowed his fists to the opposite side, and the other side nodded and smiled very politely.

"Hey, fifth brother, let's switch places!"

"This...isn't so good, the master said: Seniors and young are in order. How dare I be the leader of the emperor's brother..."

"Change it as soon as you are told, there is so much nonsense."

Received a caring slap from his elder brother on the head, the young fifth prince had no choice but to raise his buttocks aggrievedly, and moved forward a seat.

The fourth prince sat down on the snatched seat. Seeing Jia Lian looking at him with a smile, he seemed to be laughing at him for bullying the younger. He said angrily: "This kid just needs to be beaten. He is so young, he has learned a lot. Corruption, not as cute as when I was a child. It's all because of the old stubborn gang in the study room, who taught my good emperor brothers astray, and I have to find a way to clean them up when I go back."

The fourth prince was talking nonsense at first, but when he said this, his eyes suddenly became serious.

Back then, he was also the one who was tortured in the study room. At that time, he was a student and didn't dare to make trouble with the bachelors, but now that he has "graduated", can he take revenge...

Seeing this, Jia Lian silently turned around and poured herself a glass of wine.He could already imagine that if this heartless bastard really took advantage of the darkness to thwart the bachelors who went to the study room, he would kneel in the south study room the next day to be criticized.

"Jia Lian, when will your firearms battalion be set up? How about I go to your place to be a deputy general? To be honest, I am very interested in that 'Zhenyuan Cannon'. Believe me, as long as you let me in, I can definitely improve it and make it more powerful."

"Also, don't forget about me when your new warship is built. Then we will go out to sea to kill Japanese pirates. Damn, I've grown up so much, I haven't been on a boat yet..."

Hearing the chattering words of the fourth prince next to him, Jia Lian could tell that the fourth prince seemed to recognize him as the boss.In the past, when this guy talked to him, he was somewhat arrogant, but since when, it has completely disappeared.

Not only is it gone, but I still like to cling to him.

Casually perfunctory the fourth prince, Jia Lian aimed at the center of the hall.It's just that in the hall at this time, a group of dancers and musicians have filed in to perform atmospheric performances before the banquet for the ministers in the hall.

But after a few glances, Jia Lian's interest dropped greatly.Without him, the appearance of these court dancers is quite different from that of Shen Pan'er and the four daughters in his family. The difference is that there is a large number of them. After two rounds of performances, there is no repetition.

It seems that the gang of salt merchants did not deceive him back then, they were indeed the beauties picked out for him.

"The emperor, the empress dowager is here."

Following the eunuch Gao Hang's voice, Wu Le Ji withdrew, and all the princes and ministers in the palace withdrew from their seats one after another. They knelt in the lower left corner of their seats in unison, kowtowed and sang: "Your servants welcome you~~"

Hearing the deafening sound echoing in his ears, Jia Lian couldn't help complaining in his heart.He finally understood why the ministers in the previous TV series congratulated the emperor on his birthday, and the congratulations were so neat.

Can it be untidy?There are scripts. Long before entering the palace, the etiquette eunuchs took turns conveying the agenda and specific arrangements of the birthday banquet to the ministers. Who would dare not to memorize it?Make a mistake on this scene and the consequences could be serious.

Yaque was silent, and after a long time, I heard a deep and powerful voice from the top: "Get up."

"Thanks to the Supreme Emperor, I wish the Supreme Emperor good fortune and longevity, and the dragon's body is in good health. I wish my great Wei country will last forever, and the country will last forever..."

After a series of praises, nearly a thousand princes and ministers inside and outside the hall got up one after another, returned to their seats, and sat upright.

And at this time, Jia Lian had the opportunity to look towards the top of the hall.

Sure enough, in front of the main hall, there were people sitting on the two dragon chairs, one high and one low, one upright and the other vacant.

Emperor Ningkang had already sat on the low dragon chair at some point, and beside him, the virtuous and indisputable empress was also sitting upright on the side.

And on the wide dragon chair at the top, it is obvious that an emperor and a queen are also sitting.The Empress Dowager is naturally still as beautiful as a phoenix, she doesn't need extra decorations, she just sits upright on the peak representing the highest power, and the endless light shines on people who dare not look directly at it.

Jia Lian quickly turned her gaze to the... old man next to her?

The old man looked a bit ordinary, kind-hearted, slightly stooped.If it weren't for the loose and majestic dragon robe on his body, and his relaxed eyes that casually glanced at the countless princes below, I'm afraid no one would believe that he is the current Supreme Emperor and the longest reigning emperor since the founding of the Great Wei Dynasty. emperor.

The first time I saw this former supreme Jia Lian, his eyes were squinted, and no one knew what was going on in his heart.

Suddenly, Jia Lian took a look and keenly discovered that there was clearly a short chair on the left side of the dragon chairs of the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager.This short chair is still empty, and I don't know who dares to come to the birthday banquet after the Supreme Emperor, Emperor Ningkang and others?
Like many ordinary state banquets, before the banquet begins, someone needs to give a speech.

When Chao Shoufu obviously took on this important task, he stood tremblingly in the middle of the hall, knelt down, took out the manuscript from his sleeve, and began to give a speech full of emotion.

First, he expressed congratulations to the Supreme Emperor on behalf of the imperial court and ministers of civil and military affairs, and then he praised the merits and virtues with long and gorgeous rhetoric.

It means that under the blessing of the Supreme Emperor, and under the diligent administration of Emperor Ningkang, the country of Great Wei was peaceful and the people were safe, the things were rich and the people were prosperous, the country became stronger and stronger, and the people's lives became more prosperous and more comfortable.

If it's just like this, it's fine. After expressing these things, he changed the subject and started reporting the government affairs to the Supreme Emperor again...

When he got here, Jia Lian was confused.This chief assistant must be out of his mind. The Supreme Emperor is tired of being an emperor, so he abdicated to enjoy leisure behind the scenes. It is rare for people to live a long life today. Isn't it inappropriate for you to use these "bad things" as an example?
But Jia Lian looked around and found that the civil and military ministers present seemed to be used to it.Even Emperor Ningkang at the front, Jia Lian couldn't see the change of expression on his face from a distance.

Instead, he glanced at the Supreme Emperor, and he really didn't like it. When the first assistant breathed a sigh of relief, he waved his hand and said: "Okay, don't read it anymore, you step back."

The first assistant blinked, as if he still had something to say, but he didn't dare to disobey the emperor's wishes. After bowing and saluting, he returned to the first row on the left with the support of the eunuch.

Just when everyone thought that this was the end of the process and it was time to start the meeting, an old man in his sixties suddenly stood up among the civil servants' seats, came to the main hall with arrogance, knelt down, and said loudly: " Report to the Supreme Emperor, the old minister has a book to play!"

His voice caught everyone's attention.Why do I suddenly feel that I am not here to celebrate my birthday, but as if I am here for the morning court.

Emperor Ningkang looked at the old ministers in the hall calmly, and said calmly: "Today is the birthday of the Supreme Emperor, Mr. Xiao Ge should not disturb the Supreme Emperor's pleasure with the government affairs. If there is anything important, you can come in person after the banquet Talk to me about it. It's the Supreme Emperor's birthday banquet now, as a veteran minister, Xiao Ge shouldn't even be ignorant of this bit of etiquette."

If the situation is normal, even if there is any urgent matter, hearing the emperor say this, he will definitely retreat tactfully.

But this old Xiao Ge seemed abnormal, he didn't seem to hear the displeasure of Emperor Ningkang's words, and replied respectfully: "Return to Your Majesty, if it is an ordinary matter, the old minister will not dare to disturb the Supreme Emperor. But this matter is related to me. The stability of the country and society in the Great Wei Dynasty is related to the survival of the ancestral temple, but the veterans have to respectfully ask the Supreme Emperor to make a decision."

Inside the hall, it became unusually quiet again, strangely quiet.

Even the dullest person wants to realize something unusual.

According to the truth, the stability of the country and the country and the survival of the ancestral temple should not be the business of Emperor Ningkang, the current emperor?How did it come to Xiao Jing's mouth, but it became "I have to respectfully ask the Supreme Emperor to make a decision"?
The implication is that Emperor Ningkang still has no control?I don't know how big this is!

Emperor Ningkang stared at the kneeling man for a long time, but he didn't speak, but even from a long distance, Jia Lian could guess that the big boss himself was in a bad mood.

But Emperor Ningkang did not argue with Xiao Jing in the end, he stood up and faced the Supreme Emperor, and asked another topic with cupped hands: "Dare to ask Father, why did you not come to Father's birthday banquet today? "

Following Emperor Ningkang's question, many ministers noticed this problem.

That's right, why didn't Concubine Li show up today?This is indeed a bit strange.Because according to the practice of the past few times, Li Taifei, the emperor's birthday, will be present.

Although Concubine Li is called a concubine, everyone knows that she is actually another empress dowager. After all, her own son ascended the throne and became emperor.

In previous dynasties, Concubine Li was definitely the Queen Mother of the West Palace.It just seems that this Concubine Li lacks in virtue, which is deeply disliked by the Supreme Emperor, so she has never been given this title.

The Supreme Emperor looked calmly, "She is not feeling well, I let her rest in the bedroom."

"But father, when my son went to pay his respects last night, he didn't notice anything unusual about mother and concubine."

"You mean, I'm lying?"

"I dare not..."

Seeing that Emperor Ningkang was subdued, the Supreme Emperor didn't bother to argue with him, he looked to the left and right, and ordered: "From now on, my birthday banquet only needs the empress dowager's company, so let's withdraw."

Following the words of the Supreme Emperor, the eunuchs behind them stepped into battle and carried away the empty short chair next to them.

Seeing this scene, not to mention Emperor Ningkang, even the many ministers below trembled, guessing in their hearts what the Supreme Emperor meant by this move.

Is it simply that he doesn't want Concubine Li to attend his birthday banquet, or is it something else?If you just don't like it, then it makes sense. After all, a king deserves a mother. Concubine Li is more expensive than a mother, so she is not a queen mother. She has a wrong name. It is normal to be removed.

Removing Concubine Li's position seems to be an insignificant matter to the Supreme Emperor, and there is not even a slight change in his face.

Turning around and seeing Emperor Ningkang still standing in front of him stupidly, he was displeased and said, "Are you still not backing down?"


Emperor Ningkang retreated back to his seat silently, and the empress next to him saw that his complexion was not good, and quietly stretched out a hand to put on his sleeve.

After this episode, everyone's eyes returned to the kneeling Xiao Jing again.

The Supreme Emperor also looked at him, and said indifferently: "Just say what you want to say."

Xiao Jing was not disturbed by the incident at all, his expression was the same as before, he looked so upright and aloof.

"Returning to the Supreme Emperor, since the Taizu established the Dingjiang Mountains, he has widely conferred meritorious officials, lightly corroborated and poorly endowed, in order to strengthen the country. Taizong and Mu Zong followed suit.

After the Supreme Emperor succeeded to the throne, he also upheld the ambition of the Taizu, cared about the world, treated the heroes leniently, and was loved all over the world.As a result, all able-bodied people in the world are vying to serve the court and be loyal to the Supreme Emperor. In this way, in exchange for decades of stability in the Great Wei Dynasty, there will be no more wars at the border, and the people will live and work in peace and contentment.

However, there are some people in the court today who forget the ambitions of their ancestors, belittle meritorious ministers, slander and confuse them, and want to take action to shake the foundation of our great Wei! "

Xiao Jing's voice was very high, his tone was full of righteousness, and what he said touched people's hearts.

The people who can sit in Chonghua Hall this time are basically those who are in the center of the Great Wei Dynasty.Only hearing Xiao Jing's words, they immediately realized what Xiao Jing was going to say.

After all, apart from the grand birthday of the Supreme Emperor, only the newly established "Field Clearing Mu" can be regarded as a national event, and only it is worthy of Xiao Jing's chaotic regime that shakes the foundation of the Great Wei!

Emperor Ningkang's mood, which had just been appeased by the empress, suddenly went into a riot.He tightened his eyes, fixedly staring at the upright Xiao Jing.

Dog thief, how dare you! !

"Xiao Jing, you don't want to spout people. Who is going to slander you? Who wants to mess with the government?!"

Hubu Shangshu stood up from his seat and glared at Xiao Jing.

Xiao Jing snorted coldly and said: "Whoever disregards the ambitions of the great ancestor, disregards the stability of the great Wei's country and society, and insists on clearing up the land, whoever is slanderous and deceives the superior, who wants to make a mess of government!"



The old eunuch beside the Supreme Emperor keenly observed that the Supreme Emperor frowned, and immediately shouted sharply.

Xiao Jing then ignored the Secretary of the Household Department, he continued to kowtow to the Supreme Emperor: "To the Supreme Emperor, since the change of dynasties, the soldiers who have fought against the country, and the civil and military officers who patrol the sky on behalf of the sky, are the foundation of a country's stability.

If there is no bloody fight by the soldiers at the border, the country will be peeped by foreign enemies, and the country will be in danger.

If there are no civil and military officials who are loyal to their duties and patrol the four directions on behalf of the emperor, the enemy will rise from within without knowing it, and the country will surely perish.

Both of these are the foundation of the stability of the country.And the way to govern the country is nothing more than "reward for meritorious service, and punish for demerit".Now, because the imperial court wants to increase the national treasury revenue, it forgets the ancestral precept of Taizu's scornful tax and poor taxation, and easily deprives the farmland and real estate rewarded to meritorious ministers.

How can such hasty actions last long?Just ask, if the bloody soldiers can't keep the land they bought with their lives, and the loyal officials don't have farmland to maintain the livelihood of the clan, and everyone is in danger, why should the soldiers use their lives and how can the officials be loyal?

Therefore, the old minister implores the Supreme Emperor to issue a decree to revoke the policy of "clearing land and clearing mu" that has not yet been promulgated by the imperial court, so as to return the world to a bright future! "

"What a bright world!"

Emperor Ningkang laughed angrily when he heard this.

"According to what Elder Xiao Ge said, if I insist on implementing the policy of clearing up the fields, I will be destroying my foundation in the Great Wei, won't I?"

"The old minister has no such intentions, and His Majesty just believed in the slander. As long as the policy of clearing up the land is revoked in time, it is not too late."

Emperor Ningkang wanted to kill this person straight away, and he didn't mean to be false with him at all. He sneered and said: "Let's not forget that I have never had the intention of taking back the property of the meritorious minister. It is said that people who own a lot of land in the world, Are they all ministers who have made great contributions to the country? You say that the soldiers who fought bloody battles, and the civil and military officers who are loyal to the duty, these are all recognized. Could it be that in the state capitals of the world, except for those country gentry officials who dominate one side, they have also become members of the country's dynasty? No meritorious service?

Or do you not know that most of the world is taken into the private pockets of these people by various visible and invisible means? "

As he said that, Emperor Ningkang looked at the princes and ministers in the hall, and said in a serious voice: "I never thought of getting anything back from you, just like what Elder Xiao Ge said, most of you are meritorious officials of the country. You deserved all the rewards given to you by the imperial court, or after the heroic ones.

However, I will absolutely not tolerate those tyrannical and evil gentry who rely on power, buy and sell by force, and wantonly annex the world's land, causing people to be displaced and damaging the foundation of our Great Wei.This time, the imperial court's policy of clearing up the fields is to let these people show their true colors and have no place to hide!

You and others think, is this a policy that benefits the country and the people, or is it a disorderly government? "

Seeing that Emperor Ningkang's few words tended to persuade more people, Xiao Jing hurriedly shouted: "Your Majesty's words are wrong! Even the local gentry and clan that His Majesty despises are the important foundation of our Great Wei.

My great Wei has been cultivating life and health for a hundred years, and there are tens of millions of people.However, counting the official records of our Great Wei, regardless of whether they are outside Beijing, no matter how big or small, the total number of civil and military officials is only one hundred thousand!One hundred thousand is compared to tens of thousands, how can the disparity be measured?However, all the prefectures and counties in the world are still able to maintain stability and stability. Isn't it the local gentry and clan that the court and the government rely on?

If there were no such innumerable local clans in the world, abiding by the laws of the court and government orders, governing and restraining their own clansmen, how could the court govern tens of thousands of people?
As His Majesty said, the purpose of clearing up the land this time is to find out the powerful and evil gentry in the locality, but how can His Majesty find out which are the powerful and evil gentry who are doing harm to the locality, and which are loyal? A member of the imperial court?
If not, once the imperial government's decree is promulgated, at least it will make the clans that are truly loyal to the imperial court feel insecure and chill, and at worst it will cause turmoil. How will His Majesty deal with himself then?Therefore, the old minister asks His Majesty to think twice and revoke the policy of clearing the land. "

It has to be said that Xiao Jing's remarks made many people who thought the same as him secretly nod.

In fact, since the imperial court discussed the matter of Qingzhang Tianmu, the vast majority of people have opposed it.This is not just because their own interests are involved.

A stable country is a chain of interests from top to bottom.Every time a dynasty changes, it can basically be said that it is because the stability of this chain is completely broken, and the sustainable operation of the country can no longer be maintained.

Now the imperial court suddenly said that the land should be cleared, and that everyone should expose the land property they own, and then pay taxes according to the national law... Even if there are parts of unknown origin, they may be severely punished by the national law...

How can this be tolerated?

It is conceivable that once this policy is promulgated, even if it cannot overthrow the country of the Great Wei, it will inevitably be a big earthquake from top to bottom for the entire Great Wei.

Many people can see the risks in it.

Can Emperor Ningkang and his supporters see it?Not necessarily, perhaps what they value more is that after the earthquake, there will be great achievements for generations to come.

Emperor Ningkang looked at Xiao Jing gloomyly, Xiao Jing did not look at him, but looked up earnestly at the Supreme Emperor whose expression did not change much from the beginning to the end.

Emperor Ningkang seemed to have reacted, and he also looked at the Supreme Emperor.It's just that what's different from others is that his eyes are more complicated and earnest.

(End of this chapter)

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