The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 619 Re-entering Weiyang Palace

Chapter 619 Re-entering Weiyang Palace

After Zhen Yuhuan left, Jia Lian raised his head, glanced indifferently at the princess in front of him, turned and left.

Her identity is there, at least on the surface, a courtier can't do anything to the concubine.

However, this does not mean that Jia Lian is afraid of her.On the contrary, Jia Lian felt pity for this domineering woman in his heart.

I heard that Xiao Jing is the prince's father-in-law, that is to say, he is the grandfather of the woman in front of him.

Although Jia Lian couldn't see it with his own eyes, he could guess with his eyes closed that today Xiao Jing, the prince's father-in-law and the core leader of the prince group, took the lead at the emperor's birthday banquet and dealt a heavy blow to Emperor Ningkang .

Let's not talk about Xiao Jing's own considerations for this kind of death behavior, but it must be a huge blow to the crown prince's position in Emperor Ningkang's heart.

It's even better now, just after Xiao Jing finished, his granddaughter completely disregarded the overall situation and pushed the daughter of the Zhen family who was invited to Beijing by the empress into the water.

It is conceivable that it would be fine if nothing happened today, but if Zhen Yuhuan really had troubles, not only would the marriage between the Prince's Mansion and Jiangnan Zhen's family no longer exist, but the face of the queen as a matchmaker would also be completely wiped out!
It can be said that this kind of stupid thing that can break the prince's two arms at once, but some women in the city will not do it, at least they will not do it openly.But this princess did it!
It reminds me of the incident that the crown prince helped guarantee the Zhou family's 1 taels of gambling capital, but when it was sent to Rongguo Mansion, the people under it took [-] taels privately.For a long time, Jia Lian had a bad opinion of the prince.

On the surface, there is nothing wrong with the prince, but why are the people around him always holding him back?

I don't know whether to sympathize with him for meeting pig teammates, or to call him incompetent: he can't even restrain the people around him.

But no matter what, these are the reasons.As the saying goes, when there is an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.

Jia Lian didn't know whether the crown prince's snow mountain would be crushed by these snowflakes, he didn't care very much, but he was sure that if the crown princess kept acting like this without repentance, her end would be very miserable.

Although Jia Lian thought so, the Crown Princess didn't think so.

Even when Princess Zhaoyang said that she would sue in front of the queen mother, she was not too afraid.In her capacity, not to mention simply teaching Zhen Yuhuan a lesson, even if she accidentally killed that "humble" woman, she would not be afraid.

She is the crown princess, the future mother of the country, and comes from a famous family. Grandpa is a first-rank minister in the current dynasty. She shouldn't lose her life for the daughter of a mere fourth-rank official, right?

Therefore, when she saw Jia Lian wanting to leave, she thought Jia Lian was afraid, and immediately exclaimed, "Want to run? No way!"

"You dog slaves, what are you still doing in a daze? Why haven't you arrested this man who broke into the Forbidden Palace and handed it over to the inner court!"

Hearing what the princess said, the eunuchs who watched the situation from a distance thought about it and came forward in a group.

"I see who dares."

Princess Zhaoyang stood beside Jia Lian, seeing the movement around her, she gave a cold shout, and all the eunuchs stood where they were.

It is true that the crown princess is noble, but the status of the eldest princess is no lower than that of the crown princess, and she was once the young master of Weiyang Palace.Even now, the people in Weiyang Palace dare not disobey her orders.

Therefore, in the face of the Crown Princess and the Eldest Princess, the eunuchs could easily make a choice, let the Crown Princess scold and scold, and just stand by and act as pillars.

Princess Zhaoyang glanced at the concubine with disgust, turned her head and said to Jia Lian, "The clothes on Marquis Zhenyuan's body are also wet, you should change your clothes before leaving the palace to avoid contracting the cold."

Jia Lian thought about it.To be honest, in this weather, wrapped in wet clothes, it is false that it is not cold.

It's just that he relies on himself as a martial arts practitioner and has a strong body.He thought that after leaving the harem, it would be no problem for him to go to various offices in the palace as him and just ask for clothes in exchange.

"Do you have something here that I can wear?"

Princess Zhaoyang smiled and said, "Of course I don't have the clothes worn by men, so I can only feel sorry for Lord Hou and try on the uniform of the servant."

Hearing that Princess Zhaoyang wanted him to wear eunuch's clothes, Jia Lian frowned, but did not refuse.

Just when Princess Zhaoyang ignored the Crown Princess and was about to take Jia Lian to change clothes, and the furious Crown Princess was about to send someone to call the inner court guards, the old maid beside the Queen Mother came over.

"The Empress Dowager has an order to invite the Crown Princess, Her Royal Highness, and Marquis Zhenyuan to Weiyang Palace for questioning."

Princess Zhaoyang said: "Marquis Zhenyuan's clothes got wet in order to save people, so please forgive me and introduce him to a change of clothes."

"No, let's talk about it after seeing the queen mother."

Jia Lian knew that the Queen Mother must have heard about the incident here, so he told them to go over.Since it was a confrontation in court, what could be more convincing than the wet clothes on his body?
As for trespassing on the Forbidden Palace, if he didn't want to expose his relationship with Princess Zhaoyang, he might have to admit it.There was no way, when Jia Lian heard the cry for help, she knew it was the voice of Zhen Yuhuan's maidservant, so she didn't have time to worry about it.

The old nanny said earnestly: "In that case, everyone please."


It was the first time for Jia Lian to pass through the main gate of Chonghua Palace today, but it was not the first time for Weiyang Palace.

Moreover, it is very lively here today, most of the edicts and family members who entered the palace to celebrate the birthday of the Supreme Emperor gathered here.

It was still the familiar sleeping hall, and the difference from when the queen mother forced him to marry Princess Zhaoyang was that the bead curtain was hung on the front, but today the curtains were drawn on both sides.

Through the curtains on both sides, you can glimpse the figures of many noble ladies inside.

On the top, besides the queen mother and queen, there are two beautiful women sitting on the other side.

One of them was actually Yuan Chun, and the other was a woman in palace attire. According to her seat and age, Jia Lian guessed that she should be Concubine Wu Gui, the birth mother of the third prince.

"Queen, you have to decide for your son..."

Before seeing the ceremony, the princess who had just entered the palace threw herself at the empress, looking at her appearance, as if she had been wronged by the heavens.

"Just now, Erchen was walking in the back, and happened to meet the younger sister of the Zhen family. Erchen thought that she was the side concubine chosen by the queen mother for the prince, and the future sister of Erchen, so he was very happy, so he went up to talk to her. Take your word for it.

Who knows, the younger sister of the Zhen family didn't know whether she was too happy to see Erchen, or because she was too thin and was blown by the wind, and suddenly fell off the Furong Bridge.Fortunately, there is Furong Pond below.

Erchen panicked and was about to find someone to rescue her.

Who would have thought that Jia Lian would rush out suddenly, framing me indiscriminately and saying that I pushed the sister of Zhen's family down.Queen Mother, this is the Forbidden Palace, this Jia Lian unexpectedly appeared out of nowhere, he dares to murder his son-in-law!

Later, Qingran also came, and she didn't help me, she even helped a foreign minister to speak.Queen Mother, you must be the master for your children..."

The crown princess who entered the Weiyang Palace did not have the previous domineering attitude, she threw herself to the queen's side, weeping and turning things upside down in a few words.

As for Jia Lian's name, it's not difficult for her to know when she hears the old lady addressing her as Marquis of Zhenyuan.Even if she doesn't know it herself, her subordinates have heard of it.

Jia Lian felt a chill in his heart.No wonder so many women died under the Gong Dou in the TV series in the previous life.

It turns out that the truth of many things is really not important, what is important is the performer, and more importantly, the person who upholds justice on the stage.It is conceivable that if the people on the stage want to show favoritism, even if the people below have all kinds of grievances, they will have nowhere to complain!
It's just that Jia Lian doesn't believe that today's queen mother and queen will favor the princess.So everything she does can only be a clumsy performance by a clown.

Sure enough, the Empress calmly pushed away the hands of the Crown Princess holding her arm, and said flatly: "The Empress Dowager is here today, so let the Empress Dowager decide what the truth is."

When the princess heard the words, something bad flashed in her heart.The queen mother is young and doesn't like to be disturbed by others, so even if she is a princess, she won't see her often. She feels that she has no friendship with the queen mother, and she looks at the queen mother with a fawning look.

The queen mother said: "Qingran, tell me, what happened?"

"Back to the Empress Dowager, the wife's words were not true. According to what Zhaoyang saw at the time, it was indeed the sister-in-law who pushed Miss Zhen's family into the Furong Pond.

On this point, apart from Zhaoyang and Marquis Zhenyuan, there are also the maids around the emperor's wife and the personal maids around Miss Zhen's family who can testify. "

"You are talking nonsense..."


Although the Empress Dowager usually ignores the affairs inside and outside the palace, but her identity is there, and if she reprimanded her softly, the Crown Princess would not dare to do it again.

"Marquis Zhenyuan, what do you say?"

"Reporting to the Queen Mother, Her Royal Highness is right. If the Queen Mother doesn't believe it, you can ask Manxue, the maidservant next to the righteous sister, to talk back, or confront the princess face-to-face after the righteous sister has changed her clothes."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, the queen couldn't sit still, she immediately asked, "How is Yu Huan?"

"Empress, although Yimei Chen is fine for the time being, she was overly frightened. Besides, her body is already delicate, and if she falls into the water in such a severe cold season, even if nothing happens at this time, I'm afraid it will cause great hindrance to the future."

As soon as Jia Lian finished speaking, there was a strange movement behind the curtain.Jia Lian took a look, probably Mrs. Zhen's family was among them.

The queen heard it too, she looked very bad, and glared at the princess.She clearly explained her interests and interests to her, and she also agreed well. She didn't expect that she would cause such a big trouble after meeting her for the first time today!

Hatred is not enough to describe the queen's mood at this time.

Seeing this, the Crown Princess felt guilty, knowing that she couldn't hide it from the Queen and others, so she simply bypassed this incident, pointed at Jia Lian and shouted: "He, that's him. How could he suddenly appear in Weiyang Palace as a foreign minister? Could it be that he was with him? People in the harem are having an affair, and today, taking advantage of the Supreme Emperor's birthday, I came here to have a private meeting with my lover? I also ask the empress mother and the emperor's grandmother to investigate carefully..."


The Empress Dowager's complexion finally sank, she looked at the Crown Princess, and asked back: "Are you talking about people in my palace, or are you talking about my palace?"

As soon as these words came out, the queen's complexion changed, and she quickly winked at the crown princess.If the queen mother can't answer this question well, it's going to be a big deal, right?
Said that the Queen Mother had an affair with a foreign minister?Not to mention the crown princess, even she, the queen, can't bear such a big crime.

The Crown Princess is not an idiot at all, upon hearing this, she hurriedly said: "No, no, the Empress Dowager misunderstood, I was talking about the palace, the maid, no, not the maid of Weiyang Palace, but another palace..."

The princess was also stuttered by the queen mother's sudden words.


The Empress Dowager glanced at Princess Zhaoyang, and then said: "The Marquis of Zhenyuan was summoned by my palace to enter the inner palace.

Today at the birthday banquet, the Supreme Emperor ordered Zhenyuanhou to compose a poem, and Zhenyuanhou composed a song "Song of Songs" on the spot, which made the Supreme Emperor Longyan very happy.

Bengong was also very relieved, so he was called in, ready to praise him a few words, and offer a little reward on behalf of the Supreme Emperor.

The Marquis of Zhenyuan was ordered to enter the palace. How come you said that he had an affair with the palace people. What are your intentions? "

Jia Lian was a little surprised by what the queen mother said, and looked up at the bright and beautiful queen mother, not understanding why she said that.

The concubine was also dumbfounded, and subconsciously said: "But, if the queen mother summoned him, why didn't he dare to say when I asked him before? Also, the maids around me said that they saw him from the west courtyard of the central palace. The one who climbed over the palace wall, and Qing Ran also..."

The princess was a little hesitant after all, what she actually wanted to say was that Jia Lian had an affair with Princess Zhaoyang.Because her maid saw it, Jia Lian and Princess Zhaoyang both climbed over the wall before.

But he was afraid that speaking out would make the Queen Mother even more angry.

Jia Lian said: "Back to the Empress Dowager, the humble minister came down to Weiyang Palace under the guidance of the palace servants, and met Her Royal Highness on the way. Because the princess thought about the merits of the minister's escort, she condescended to chat with the minister for a few words. There was a cry for help, and the minister climbed over the wall to save people.

Although the matter was urgent, the minister violated the palace ban after all, and asked the Queen Mother to punish him. "

Having said that, everyone has almost sorted out the cause and effect of the matter.

Yuan Chun stood up and said: "My second younger brother is young, please let the queen mother treat him lightly for the sake of saving people. In such a cold day, his clothes are still wet, please let the queen mother allow me After he takes it down and changes into clean clothes, he will come back to wait for the Queen Mother's instructions."

Seeing Jia Lian's wet body, Yuan Chun was worried for a long time.When the Crown Princess accused Jia Lian of trespassing into the Forbidden Palace, although she didn't know the reason, she prepared a reason for Jia Lian to escape.

She just said that she missed her younger brother, so taking advantage of the convenience of the birthday banquet, she invited him into the palace to meet him.Who knew that Jia Lian did not trespass privately, but was summoned by the Queen Mother.

At this time, seeing that the matter was almost finished, she was afraid that Jia Lian would be frozen, so she immediately came out to intercede.

Not to mention Yuan Chun, just Jia Lian's appearance at this time, wearing a wet robe, his hair was also wet, dripping faintly, and the water drops did not cover his clean and dust-free face. I don't know how many women in the hall were secretly worried.

"Fengzao Palace is too far away from here."

The queen mother glanced at Jia Lian, and called to the side: "Su Quan."

"The slave is here."

"Take Zhenyuanhou down and change into a clean one, and then bring him here."



(End of this chapter)

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