The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 623 Entering Beijing

Because of the birthday banquet, Jia Lian also had no time to care about the bright waves and dark waves in the top power center of the country.

After he left the palace, he didn't stop for a moment. He walked all the important hills of the Imperial Army that he hadn't visited in the morning, and then went to the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to handle the relevant procedures for the establishment of the Firearms Battalion.

By the time he returned home, it was already dark.

"Second Lord, Second Lord, the old lady told you to go see her after returning home. The master also told me, please go to Meng Pozhai."

Jia Lian nodded in response to the butler's message, but did not immediately leave for the courtyard.Hand over the love horse to the boy to take away, and he goes to the study.

Jia Yu, Jia Yun, Xie Jun and others have long been waiting here in Jia Lian's study.

After explaining some recent arrangements to these confidantes, Jia Lian looked down at Jia Yu and Xie Jun.

Needless to say, Xie Jun is a commander of the Xicheng Bingma Division, and he is also the most convenient person in the Bingma Division in the past few years.

And Jia Yu is a child of the [-]th house in the south of Jia's family. He once served as the general manager of the Xishan Camp in Jinling, and was later seconded by him to Beijing. Now he is temporarily working in the Beijing camp.

"Jia Yu, Xie Jun."

"I am humble!"

Jia Yu and Xie Jun, who were named, clasped their fists in salute at the same time, with a look of anticipation in their eyes.

Jia Lian did not disappoint them either. He nodded and said, "The Marquis has already reported to the Ministry of War to transfer the two of you to my Firearms Battalion. Jia Yu will be the commander of the Firearms Battalion, and Xie Jun will be the Qianhu."

When Jia Yu heard this, they both showed joy and excitement.Among them, Xie Jun immediately knelt down to pay homage and said, "Thank you for your great kindness, Lord Hou, and I wish to die for Lord Hou with all my heart!!"

Seeing him like this, Jia Yu hesitated for a moment, and imitated him kneeling and saluting to show his loyalty.

Jia Lian laughed and asked them to get up.

After Xie Jun got up, he greeted Jia Yu with a smile and said, "Subordinate, I pay my respects to Mr. Du Si."

In Xie Jun's eyes, Jia Yu would not only be his immediate boss, but also Jia Lian's clan brother. It was rumored that Jia Lian had been transferred from the south to the capital on a special trip. It can be seen that the relationship was hard, so he naturally needed to curry favor.

Jia Yu faced this with a smile, and at the same time couldn't help but sigh in her heart that her original decision was not wrong, and she really relied on the big tree to be an official.

Take this Xie Juan as an example, he was only a rank-[-] conductor before, but because he was appreciated by Brother Lian, he was promoted two ranks in a row and became a rank-[-] thousand household.

But thinking about herself, Jia Yu also laughed.He is not the same, in less than a year, he has miraculously become the chief of the imperial guards from a small general in one place, and he himself feels very dreamy.

Seeing the two of them congratulating each other, other people in the study cast envious glances at them.

Jia Lian waved his hand and said: "Now that the firearms camp is newly established, the first step is to build a military camp. Benhou has already selected the camp, but Benhou has to go to Tianjin Wei recently by order, so he has no time to do it himself, so Benhou is not here. Within a short period of time, the two of you will, on behalf of the Marquis, fully assist Master Su Keguang to complete the construction of the camp of the Firearms Battalion."

Su Keguang was the former commander of the Shenji Camp in charge of firearms, and this time he was also transferred to the Firearms Camp by Jia Lian.

As the saying goes, one person ascends to the sky when he attains the Tao, but now that his official status is getting bigger and bigger, the people under him will naturally follow suit.However, although he has great autonomy in the preparation of the firearms battalion, Jia Lian will not carry all his private goods.

Some official rules still have to be followed. For example, Su Keguang, who was transferred to the Firearms Battalion as the captain, is a good transfer, and no one can say anything.

After giving Jia Yu a copy of the construction drawings of the Firearms Camp that he personally designed, and letting them ponder over them, Jia Lian looked at Jia Yun, Sun Zairen and several other big shopkeepers in the study.

Although compared with the two matters of the firearms battalion and the new warships, the business affairs that Jia Yun and others are responsible for seem less urgent, but after all, it is also one of his plans for future forces, so before leaving Beijing this time, naturally Make enough arrangements.

Fortunately, with the support of his abundant funds and manpower, both restaurants and food stores are running very well, and the overall situation is showing a new atmosphere day by day, so Jia Lian doesn't need to spend too much energy on asking.

Sending away these people, Jia Lian sat in the study for a while, and was about to get up and go back to the main courtyard, when Zhao'er came up and whispered, "Second Master, that kid named Sun has entered Beijing!"

Jia Lian's footsteps stopped, and a cold look appeared in his eyes.


Because Jia Lian had something to do in the afternoon, he couldn't get out, so he didn't go to the palace to meet Jia Mu and others.

Of course, Mother Jia and the others didn't call him for such trivial matters. The reason why they were anxious to see him was because of what happened in Weiyang Palace today.

In the eyes of Jia Mu and others, the Crown Princess is the future queen, the mother of a country, and the person who can control their life and death, and they must not be offended.

But today, because of him, the Crown Princess was punished by the Empress Dowager and the Empress. They were all afraid that the Crown Princess would bear a grudge against him because of this, especially if it would implicate the Jia family.

and so……

On the way home from the Rongqing Hall, Sister Feng saw Jia Lian's complexion, so she hesitated and stepped forward and said, "Otherwise, let's prepare some generous gifts as the old lady and the others said, and go to the Prince's Mansion to pay her for it." It's..."

While talking, he found that Jia Lian's complexion became more and more wrong, and he quickly said: "You are a man, it's normal if you can't bear this face, otherwise you don't have to go, I can go alone. You know me, and it's okay to accompany people with smiling faces. The most proficient, maybe the Crown Princess will see my sincerity, and her anger will be relieved, so that the old lady and the others will not be worried."

Jia Lian looked back at the bright and beautiful girl in front of her, but she spoke cautiously. There was a hint of love in her eyes, but her face was still stern, and she said a few words: "If you dare to go, your legs will be broken."

Sister Feng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled knowingly.She knew her man, and she always had her eyes above the top, and she would take the soft but not the hard, so he naturally disdained to accept such cowardly and embarrassing suggestions like Jia Mu and others.

But with the idea of ​​sharing Jia Lian's worries and easing Jia's mother and others, she still wanted to try to comfort her.

"One more thing is worse than one less thing. After all, she is a princess with a noble status. What am I? It doesn't matter if I make a smile in front of her, or be made things difficult by her. As long as I can calm her down, I will not embarrass you in the future. It's worth it."

No one likes to make amends, especially Sister Feng.The reason why she persisted was because she and Jiamu and others generally felt that the princess should not be offended.

Since Jia Lian's fame has grown and his rank has risen step by step, she has realized that there is almost nothing she can do to help Jia Lian.For a long time, Jia Lian has been fighting for fame and fortune alone.

Although it is the order of the world for a male lead outside and a female lead inside, she, who has been sitting and enjoying what she gets, always feels a little uneasy in her heart.

Now it happened that this happened, and Jia Lian still couldn't reach an agreement with Jia's mother and others, so she thought, if she could come forward and solve this trouble, wouldn't it be good for Jia Lian, for Jia's family, for herself, Three benefits?
In the future, she, Mrs. Hou, will also have more confidence.

Jia Lian who was standing in front of him didn't know if he could tell whether Sister Feng was thinking, he suddenly raised his hand, and caressed Sister Feng's face under the gaze of Sister Feng's quietly wide-open eyes.

"What are you? As long as you are still my Jia Lian's wife, then you are the most precious woman in the world. No one can make you kneel for no reason, not even the princess."

Jia Lian caressed his sweet wife's face, and then turned to pinch her face, deliberately exerting some force, intending to make her understand his irreversible intention.

"I have my own concerns about this matter. You don't need to think it is right. If you are disobedient and make me unhappy, it's not just as simple as a spanking."

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he turned and left.

The crown princess has a noble status and cannot be offended?Oh, offended him, Jia Lian, I'm afraid she may not be able to secure her position as the crown princess.

Of course, Sister Feng didn't know the madness in Jia Lian's heart, she only looked at Jia Lian's figure walking away, and his words echoed in her ears, suddenly a deep shyness appeared on her face, this shyness was reflected by the faint moonlight , looks more delicate than flowers.

Uselessly cast a blank glance at Jia Lian's back, then looked at the surrounding maidservants, shattered their playful and envious eyes with a soft hum, and then followed Jia Lian's footsteps.

After returning home, after a simple intimacy, Sister Feng continued to be busy with her usual restless style.

There are quite a lot of rewards from the Empress Dowager, almost filling up Xici's room.Sister Feng loves money and good things. Although she has some criticisms about the Queen Mother, she has no opinion on the things that the old man rewarded her.

After bathing, Jia Lian saw that Sister Feng was still counting the goods happily, and even he didn't have much time to talk to her, so she took Xiangling girl alone to see Daiyu in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

Daiyu looked fine today, and when Jia Lian came in, she was busy with her favorite object—the red-billed green-feathered parrot he gave her.

In the corner, the little...big squirrel that lost its partner was lying on the ground alone, looking lazy.

Daiyu was feeding the birds, when she turned her head and saw Jia Lian, she first glanced behind Jia Lian, and then said, "When did you come back?"

"In the evening, I dealt with some trivial matters, so I came over to take a look while I was free."

Jia Lian sat casually by Daiyu's desk, and kicked the edge. She was not imprisoned in a cage, but she was not afraid of human fat balls at all.

Seeing the heavy touch, Jia Lian became more and more interested, couldn't help but take a second look, and then couldn't help laughing.

To be honest, it was the first time for Jia Lian to see such a round squirrel.After all, squirrels are famous for their dexterity by nature, but now they can be raised by Daiyu so sensual that they don't even bother to move when lying on the ground, which shows that Daiyu's ability to raise pets is also unique.

Daiyu keenly noticed Jia Lian's actions, she frowned, and immediately said, "What are you kicking it for? It just ate and it's digesting food."

Lying down to digest food?Jia Lian shook his head and couldn't help asking, "What did you feed it?"

"It's nothing, just seven or eight walnuts, two handfuls of groundnuts, oh, and some melon seeds, which I asked the maids to peel and feed to Jingjing, but she snatched a lot of them!"

There was some complaint and dissatisfaction in Daiyu's tone, maybe she didn't want this greedy squirrel to eat so much, so fat that she lost her childhood spirituality and cuteness.

Jia Lian smiled, and then glanced at "Miss Jingjing" who was receiving Daiyu's food, and tilted her head to look at him from time to time.I hope this parrot can resist Daiyu's food temptation, otherwise, wouldn't it be more ridiculous to have a parrot that is too fat to fly?

Daiyu could see Jia Lian's ridicule, because Jia Lian had teased her before, if she could raise Yujiao so fat, why couldn't she make herself fat too?
Bah, she doesn't want to be fat, and she can't be fat!

Looking at Yujiao's round body lazily lying at Jia Lian's feet, Daiyu felt a little embarrassed.In fact, she herself doesn't understand why Yujiao is getting fatter and fatter. She has raised many small pets since she was a child, and there is no one that can grow like it.

It can be seen that this is not the fault of her master, but that it is too greedy.

Skipping this point, Daiyu asked, "Where's Sister Yuhuan?"

Jia Lian knew that she had asked this question a long time ago, so he smiled casually: "There is something wrong with her family, so she can't come to our house for the time being. But she is very reluctant to part with you, and even asked me to say sorry to you."

Daiyu was silent for a while when she heard this, and said Leng Qiuqiu: "You don't need to coax me, I know something must have happened. When the old lady and the others came back, their faces were not right when they mentioned the Zhen family, just waiting for us to ask, The old lady and the others refused to say more, nor did they let us ask more questions."

As she said that, Daiyu looked at Jia Lian seriously: "What happened to their family?"

Daiyu didn't care much about the Zhen family, but she cared a little about Zhen Yuhuan, the little sister she had only met for a few days.

Jia Lian didn't find it strange to hear what Daiyu said.The matter involved the Crown Princess, Jiamu and others kept it secret, it was normal not to let the juniors know.

But he didn't have any worries about it, seeing that Daiyu had guessed it, he no longer concealed it, and simply told Daiyu what happened in Weiyang Palace today.

After hearing this, Daiyu's face turned pale. Obviously, for the pure and kind Daiyu, she couldn't understand why a woman could be so bad and push others into the water in such a cold day.

She was even more worried about Zhen Yuhuan, she knew that Zhen Yuhuan was as delicate and soft as her, how could she be tortured after this?

Finally, under Jia Lian's comfort, she was sure that Zhen Yuhuan was fine, so she felt relieved, and then wondered: "Why did the princess want to bully her?"

Hearing this, Jia Lian glanced at Daiyu first, and then said slowly: "What else can I do? Probably because I don't see Sister Yuhuan's beautiful appearance like Sister Lin's, and I feel that I've robbed her of the limelight, so I secretly gave birth to it." Jealousy, that's the trick behind the scenes."

Jia Lian was not prepared to tell Daiyu the truth.He thought that Daiyu has always been sensitive. If he knew that the queen and others were going to give Zhen Yuhuan to the prince as a side concubine, which would arouse the jealousy of the princess and push her into the water, I am afraid that Daiyu will end up here and there. It would be bad if I dare not cross the bridge with Sister Feng... (End of this chapter)

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