After bringing Zhen Yuhuan and Shi Xiangyun back to the mansion, let them meet Jiamu first.

Needless to say, Shi Xiangyun is Jia's mother's direct nephew after all, even if she sometimes feels that she is not sensible enough, she loves her after all.

As for Zhen Yuhuan, Jia's mother also expressed enough liking.She has always liked these good-looking juniors, but it's a pity that she originally thought about making Zhen Yuhuan her granddaughter-in-law.

After visiting Jia's mother, Jia Lian handed over Zhen Yuhuan's second daughter to Sister Feng, and asked her to take her into the garden and settle them down.

After noon, when Sister Feng came home, she found that Jia Lian hadn't gone out yet, but was lying on the couch in the Xici room in a light robe, with her head resting on Ping'er's legs, and Ping'er was massaging herself. Acupuncture points on the head, and the well-behaved Xiangling was beating his legs at the feet, looking very comfortable and lazy.

When Sister Feng saw it, she couldn't help curling her lips, and satirized Ping'er: "I told you to fetch something, but you still ordered others to come. It turns out that you got stumped here."

If it was before, Ping'er would still be worried when she heard Sister Feng speak like this, but now she understands that Sister Feng's words are just a few words that are uncomfortable in her heart.So she looked as usual, and while continuing to massage Jia Lian's acupuncture points gently, she replied: "Second Master said he was tired, and asked me to massage him, so I had to ask Xiaohong to send the things to grandma."

Sister Feng snorted, twisted her neck, and walked to Xiangling's side.

Xiangling, who was always slow in responding, raised her head and looked at Sister Feng. She didn't react until Sister Feng squinted at her, and hurriedly got up to get out of the way.

Sitting on the edge of the couch, Sister Feng leaned over and asked, "Have you arranged everything outside?"

As she said that, Sister Feng's hands with jade fingers and green onions also rested on Jia Lian's calf, and she was very careful.

Jia Lian noticed that his legs were not very skilled, so he opened his eyes for a while, then closed them again, and nodded with a smile on his face.

Speaking of which, Sister Feng rarely served him like this.It's true, she herself jumps up and down all day long, as if she is so tired, how can she have the energy to serve him again.

"Is it true that you will leave later? It's cold right now, and the Chinese New Year is still more than a month away. Anyway, the emperor didn't urge you. Can't you go after the new year?"

Sister Feng is now more and more obedient to Jia Lian, and Jia Lian is more willing to tell her about the outside world, so she has a clearer understanding of Jia Lian's affairs, but she is not willing to part with Jia Lian and is doing the final persuasion to stay.

It's just that Jia Lian didn't mean to waver at all, and immediately shook his head and denied it after hearing the words.

Noticing that there was no movement in the leg, Jia Lian opened his eyes and found that Sister Feng was sulking as he expected, but her face was sullen and her mouth was pursed, which was far from being noble and gorgeous as usual, and she was a bit of a black girl. Yu's childlike attitude.

Jia Lian was delighted to find that Sister Feng was more and more like a beautiful wife.So I patted the buttocks at hand, changed into a comfortable position, and said with a smile: "Why are you angry, I am going this time mainly to check the situation over there first, to see the location of the harbor or something, maybe use Be back soon."


Sister Feng immediately became happy.

Jia Lian smiled and ignored her.He did not lie to Sister Feng. The establishment of a navy is not a matter of a day or two. In particular, he also wants to imitate the regulations of later generations to build it. This must be a protracted matter.

Therefore, his current focus naturally still wants to form and train the firearms battalion.With a combat-capable army in hand, you have the confidence to go wherever you go.

Soldiers?After all, those officers and soldiers are not much better than the government servants.

After confirming that Jia Lian was not lying, Sister Feng immediately served Jia Lian courteously again.Just pressing and pressing, she felt uncomfortable.

First of all, when the man is in love with his concubine, there is an eyesore Ping'er in front of him.Secondly, at this moment, Ping'er was sitting on the couch, holding Jia Lian's head. As the master, she had to sit on the edge of the couch and put Jia Lian's legs on her back. From this point of view, Ping'er looked like a master, but she became Like minions.

So he said to Ping'er: "My wife said in the morning that she wanted to transcribe the Diamond Sutra, and I said that I happened to have a copy here. I already found it and put it on the cabinet in the back room. You can send it to your wife."

Ping'er didn't doubt that he was there, so he obeyed his orders.

Sister Feng succeeded in her plan, but before he could fully enjoy the two-person time with Jia Lian, someone from outside spread the word: "Second master, someone from the second sect has sent a message that Mr. Feng from General Shenwu's mansion is asking to see you."

Jia Lian sat up when she heard the words, but Sister Feng asked, "Master Feng?"

"It's Feng Ziying."

"What did he come to see you for?"

Jia Lian said he didn't know either.To be honest, among my peers in the capital, there are not many people who have good friends with Jia Lian.

There were quite a few friends in the previous life, but most of them looked down on Jia Lian, and they gradually lost contact with each other.And since he himself was "punished" by the emperor to go to the border with grain that year, his status and status have soared, and it is difficult for anyone of his generation in the capital to be able to talk with him on an equal footing.

But this Feng Ziying can be regarded as one of them.

So don't neglect, pack up and prepare to go out.Before going out, I remembered something and said to Sister Feng: "The old lady said before that the weather is getting colder and colder. Sister Lin and the others are weak. It is inevitable to go out from the garden to eat every day without being exposed to the wind. It is better to be alone in the garden." The small kitchen also saves them the pain of running back and forth every day.

Let me leave this matter to you. "

Sister Feng smiled and said: "I knew I was born to suffer. Your good sisters and sisters are here, and they all need me to take care of them. Not to mention, now you also push the errands entrusted to you by the old lady. It can be seen that you told me to worry less and take care of my body on weekdays, but it was all empty words, empty words, how could you really care about me."

Jia Lian ignored this, squinted at her, turned around and left.

East across the courtyard, Jia Lian saw Feng Ziying in the outer study.

Today's Feng Ziying is slightly different from what Jia Lian saw in the past.One must know that Feng Ziying was originally a top-notch figure among the young generation in the capital, not only was she of good character and appearance, but she also practiced martial arts since she was a child, so she was a real general.

It's just that in recent years, Jia Lian's momentum has been too strong, and he has suppressed all the young men in the capital, including Feng Ziying, without distinction.

Today's Feng Ziying has changed from her suave attire in the past. She is wearing a plain black robe, a black jade belt around her waist, and dark leather boots on her feet. She looks shrewd and capable.

They are all old friends, and Jia Lian didn't show any courtesy to him. He simply exchanged greetings and asked him why he came.

Who knew that Feng Ziying, who has always acted freely and generously, hesitated, and then asked: "I heard that Lian's second brother is going to Tianjin Wei soon?"

"Well, there is such a thing. Your Majesty ordered me to go to Tianjinwei to build a seaport and build a warship. I have already decided on an itinerary..."

Before Jia Lian could say anything more, Feng Ziying became serious and asked, "I wonder what kind of person Lian's second brother thinks Ziying is?"

Jia Lian was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Brother Feng is good at literature and martial arts, he is a rare young talent in my dynasty."

When Jia Lian was talking, Feng Ziying kept staring at Jia Lian, seeing that he was not reluctant, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then clasped her fists and said: "Then, if Ziying wants to follow the example of Liu Xianglian and Liu Xiandi and follow Lian's second brother, I don't know Lian's second brother." Is brother willing to take him in too?"

Jia Lian didn't speak for a while when he heard the words.

In fact, Jia Lian had a feeling from Feng Ziying's first question.Just listening to what he said seriously, Jia Lian was still a little surprised.

After thinking about it, Jia Lian asked, "I don't know why Brother Feng came up with such an idea?"

Before the words came out, Feng Ziying felt a little embarrassed.Now that the words had been spoken, he calmed down and said bluntly: "Since ancient times, it has been said that good men have ambitions everywhere. Now that Ziying is [-] years old, she is trapped in this square inch of Beijing all day long, guarding her father's family business all day long." Drunk and dreaming.

Ziying has long been tired of this kind of life, so she has recently reported to her father that she wants to join Lian's second brother's account.

As long as the second brother Lian doesn't give up, Ziying is willing to follow the second brother Lian to the death, willing to do the work of a dog and a horse! "

With that said, Feng Ziying got up, knelt down on one knee and bowed to Jia Lian with military etiquette.

Seeing this, Jia Lian raised his hand to help him, but he couldn't lift him easily.

Facing Feng Ziying's serious and resolute appearance, Jia Lian didn't say what he was thinking, he just shook his head and sighed: "It's not that I don't want to accept Brother Feng, but if Brother Feng wants to make contributions, with Brother Feng's family background, with Brother Feng With the prestige of the old general, it is not easy to find a position for Brother Feng in the army, why bother to lower your status and come to me?"

Feng Ziying seemed to have known about Jia Lian's question a long time ago, so he solemnly clasped his fists together: "Second brother Lian is right, speaking of arrogance, if it is purely for the purpose of being an official, with Ziying's family background and martial arts, it is really not too difficult.

However, after all, Ziying has been with the second brother Lian for so many years, and has witnessed the heroic appearance and grand ambitions of the second brother Lian with her own eyes. If she is still willing to follow the family arrangement and go to a leisurely place to do some meaningless things, she will suffer slowly. Seniority, or just waiting for promotion, working with a group of mediocre people, is it not a disappointment to youth, and there will be no face to meet such a hero like Lian's second brother in the future!

Second brother Lian’s remarks on the future battlefield, as well as the idea of ​​firearms and the construction of a new type of navy, Ziying knew from Zhang’s second brother and others. Ziying even studied the “four-stage” musket battle proposed by Lian’s second brother. Ziying was shocked when she first saw this method, knowing that according to Lian's second brother's vision, firearms will definitely be able to dominate the outcome of the battlefield in the future!

That's why Ziying decided to give up following the crowd, determined to follow Lian's second brother, and help Lian's second brother to fulfill those great ambitions! "

The more Feng Ziying talked, the more excited she became.His words are serious, and the admiration for Jia Lian in his words is also from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, when Jia Lian rose to prominence, Feng Ziying was like some other people, admiring her on the surface, but she was full of energy in her heart, a desire to compete with Jia Lian.

This is normal.But as Jia Lian showed more and more things that were ahead of the world, even ahead of the times, especially his own status, he had reached a height that they could hardly reach.

At this time, even if you want to refuse to admit defeat, you know that you are deceiving yourself and others.

The only difference between Feng Ziying and ordinary people is that after admitting defeat, he did not turn into jealousy in his heart, but began to study Jia Lian instead.As he accepted more and more things from Jia Lian, the youthful arrogance in his heart slowly transformed into admiration and admiration for Jia Lian.

Otherwise, as he and Jia Lian are both princes and grandsons, it is impossible for him to shamelessly come to Jia Lian to ask for an official.

You know, back then Liu Xianglian was just a down-and-out kid, even if he wanted to join the army, he was too embarrassed to directly recommend himself!

Feng Ziying really felt that it was better to hang out with Jia Lian than follow the family arrangement, at least Jia Lian seemed more energetic here.Of course, it's more promising...

Feng Ziying's words seemed to embarrass Jia Lian, he hesitated and said, "Now that I am favored by His Majesty, I am indeed short of manpower to help... However, Brother Feng made such a hasty decision, can your lord really agree?"

As soon as Feng Ziying heard Jia Lian's words loosen, she immediately said: "My father, there is no need to worry about the second brother Lian. To be honest, it has not been a day or two since Ziying had this idea, and she even told her father the day before yesterday. know.

After my father heard about it, he had no objection.It's just that Ziying still has a bit of self-praise in her heart, knowing that after Lian's second elder brother takes action, there must be countless people around her who will volunteer to help and recommend themselves rashly, lest Lian's second elder brother will look down on her, so this delay has been in vain until today. "

As Feng Ziying spoke, his eyes showed self-mockery, but his eyes kept paying attention to Jia Lian's complexion.

Jia Lian suddenly laughed, "In this case, it is Jia Lian's luck to have the help of a talented person like Ziying!"

While laughing, Jia Lian bent down to help Feng Ziying up, "It's just that I have so many things in my hands now, I'm afraid I won't be able to arrange a suitable position for Ziying in a short time..."

"As long as I can stay with Second Brother Lian...and serve by Lord Hou's side, I would be willing to be a soldier."

Jia Lian said with a smile: "With Ziying's ability, if she really only wants to be a soldier by my side, even if Ziying is willing, others will say that I, Jia Lian, have betrayed talents.

How about this, Ziying’s family has a long history of education and excellent martial arts skills, and the firearms battalion in my hand is newly established, and there is a shortage of instructors for training. Why don’t I hire Ziying as the instructor of the firearms battalion for the time being, how about teaching officers and soldiers martial arts? "

"But listen to Lord Hou's arrangement!"

Hearing that Jia Lian arranged for him to be the instructor of the firearms battalion, Feng Ziying felt a little ashamed.

In fact, his goal at the beginning was also the Firearms Camp, saying that he would follow Jia Lian to Tianjin Wei was just a turning point.He knew that Jia Lian's firearms battalion was newly established, and many people would come to Jia Lian for positions in it.

If he behaved like this when he came, Jia Lian must have looked down upon him, thinking that he also came for the status of the imperial army and a bright future.

In fact, what he valued more was the future combat effectiveness of the Firearms Battalion.He had seen Jia Lian's modified musket through channels, and was shocked by its power. After accepting Jia Lian's set of theories, he thought of joining it.

Why don't the men take the Wu hook and collect the fifty states of Guanshan.After becoming a general, it is impossible for Feng Ziying not to think about making contributions in the battlefield and honoring the lintel of the family.And if you want to make achievements on the battlefield, an army with strong combat effectiveness and the ability to destroy the enemy is undoubtedly the greatest guarantee.

In Feng Ziying's view, Jia Lian's firearms camp has this potential.

Since Jia Lian transformed the firearm, he has publicly explained the relevant theories and ideas to Emperor Ningkang and others more than once. As long as Feng Ziying is interested, it is not surprising to find out about these.

Feng Ziying was delighted when her wish came true, while Jia Lian was also very happy.

First of all, with so many years of friendship, he knows that Feng Ziying is indeed a talented person.Speaking of martial arts, except for archery, which he is somewhat certain of, Jia Lian knew that he was no match for other skills such as swords, spears, swords and halberds.

After all, Feng Ziying practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he was only a half-way monk.

Secondly, Feng Ziying is not like Liu Xianglian, who is just a partial brother of the Liguo Duke's family, and his family is in decline.

Feng Ziying is the eldest son of General Shenwu's mansion, and is the first heir.It can be said that Feng Ziying's service under his tent is basically equivalent to the fact that General Shenwu's mansion has taken refuge in him. This is also a real expansion of his power.

Not to mention, with Feng Ziying opening the river, other Jun Yan who were also embarrassed by their faces before may also be stimulated to come to him.In this way, over time, his strength will increase greatly.

As for whether he has the ability to accept these people...

First of all, military officers are different from civil servants, and there is not such a strict selection and promotion system.Most of Wei's military officers came by recommendation and favor. As for martial arts... It's not impossible, but it may not be possible to meet once in ten or eight years, it all depends on the emperor's mood.

What's more, his firearms battalion was newly established, and the organizational system was not perfected all at once.With the development, it is normal for him to want to add some positions.

Not to mention, the Jia family already had a relatively large voice in the Ministry of War, and it would not be too difficult to make other arrangements for them to spread their branches and leaves.

That is to say, Jia Lian is currently looking for talents, it can be said that Han Xin has ordered troops, the more the better.

And as long as he remains a holy family, there will definitely be more and more people who want to follow him.Just to say one thing, serving him can serve the emperor more directly, and even if he values ​​it, maybe he can be directly recommended to the emperor, which is enough to attract all "underappreciated" people.

After chatting with Feng Ziying for a while, Jia Lian personally sent him out.This may also be the last time. In the future, his status will be determined. He, the "Master", does not need to, and should not personally send him out again.

Sending Feng Ziying away, Jia Lian suddenly remembered something, and Jia Lian turned to look at Liu Xianglian.

Liu Xianglian was watching the figure of Feng Ziying riding away, and when he saw Jia Lian's gaze, he hesitated for a moment, and asked, "What's your order, Master Hou?"


Jia Lian smiled, "I'll go to Dongfu, you don't have to follow."

After speaking, he walked towards Ningguo Mansion alone. (end of this chapter)

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