The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 637 I guess Mr. 2 won’t come.

Chapter 637 I guess the second master won’t come back
Early the next morning, people gathered at the gate of the camp.

Aunt Xue walked out with Tongxi's support and saw a majestic Jia Lian who was already riding on the horse, with a look of unnaturalness on her face.With a brief nod, he silently got into the carriage.

Jia Lian rode forward, leaned on the side of the carriage and said, "My nephew and his bodyguards can ride fast horses and arrive in Beijing in less than half a day. Because time is tight, my nephew will go ahead, but I will leave a team of people behind." , let them escort my aunt back to Beijing."

The carriage was silent for a moment, and the people inside seemed to be thinking, and then Aunt Xue's faint voice came: "For the sake of your brother Pan's life, I really feel sorry for bothering you to come all the way back... I'll just follow your arrangement." Well, be careful on the road, don’t be in a hurry.”

Looking at the closed car curtain, Jia Lian smiled, ordered Zhao Sheng to lead a group of people to stay, and then rode away with the others.

In the carriage, two maids, Tongxi Tonggui and Aunt Xue were sitting together.As the delicate and frail servant girls, they did not have the energy to follow the carriage unless they were in a hurry.

Facing Aunt Xue who was sitting across from her, they were both very curious. They didn't know what method Aunt Xue used to persuade Jia Lian to return to Beijing last night.After all, they were all present at the night banquet last night, but it was clear that Jia Lian really didn't want to go back at that time.

The two looked at each other for a few times, and it turned out that they felt the same way and felt that they were closer to Aunt Xue.After all, when she first learned that she was "seducing" Jia Lian, Aunt Xue only inquired about the process and did not punish her at all, which shows her tolerance for her.

"Madam, how did you get Mr. Hou to agree to return to Beijing to rescue me?"

Aunt Xue turned her head when she heard the sound, her spirit was much more relaxed than when she arrived.Facing the two personal maids with obvious doubts in their eyes, Aunt Xue looked at them with calm eyes.

Just when the two little girls thought that Aunt Xue would not explain to them, Aunt Xue sighed, turned her head away, and said sadly: "It would be a blessing if I could save your uncle's life this time, but it's just I'm sorry for you girls..."

After saying that, without waiting for the two maids to ask questions, she turned around again, looked at the second maid and said seriously: "You two have been with me for many years. Tell me, Miss Lin in their mansion was raped by her father. Is it luck or misfortune to entrust it to the Marquis before his death?"

Tongxi and Tongxi looked at each other. Normally, given their humble status, they would not dare to comment on such matters.But now it is obvious that Aunt Xue is talking openly to them. This is the best opportunity to get closer to the master and enhance the friendship between master and servant.

So the two of them said to each other:

"Of course Miss Lin is lucky. Miss Lin was originally very pitiful. She didn't have a mother at such a young age, and Master Lin also passed away early. If it weren't for their old lady and the Marquis to take care of her, I don't know what would have happened.

It is said that Miss Lin is now the most favored girl in their house. Even the three original girls in their house are completely outshone. "

"That's right. I heard that the Marquis loves Miss Lin the most. No one in their house dares to make Miss Lin angry, not even the Second Master Bao! With the Marquis protecting him like this, he will wait for the Marquis's death. After the period of filial piety is over, if you marry Miss Lin, she will definitely be very happy."

After listening to the words of the second maid, Aunt Xue said quietly: "I hope that you girls will also be so lucky and receive such love and care..."

Hearing this, Tongxi Tonggui quietly opened his eyes wide and his pupils slightly dilated, as if he had heard some shocking secret.

Although Aunt Xue didn’t finish everything she said, as long as they were not stupid and kept in touch, they would all understand what Aunt Xue meant!
"Madam, what do you mean, you want to give our girl to the Marquis...?"

Aunt Xue glanced at them and said nothing more.But this silence is enough to explain the problem.

They both looked at each other with joy and dignity, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.But they reacted quickly. No wonder the Marquis changed his attitude and agreed to return to Beijing to rescue the uncle. With their girls' character, even the Marquis would find it difficult to refuse, right?
I just don’t know, if the girl really marries the Marquis, will she be a good concubine, or a noble concubine like Miss Lin...

No wonder my wife came back so late last night. It turned out that she was discussing such an important matter with the Marquis.

Seeing the understanding looks on the two maids' faces, Aunt Xue breathed a sigh of relief.In fact, she didn't need to tell them such an important thing, but she knew that people were very curious. If she didn't give them a convincing reason, who would know what these two damn girls were thinking behind their backs? How many things to come.

"Don't spread this matter to anyone else yet."

With a faint instruction, Aunt Xue turned her head, not planning to talk to the girl again.She was still a little confused.


Naturally, Aunt Xue's departure from Beijing overnight could not be hidden from the Rongguo Mansion.

Early that morning, the Rongguo Mansion sent someone to Xue's house to inquire. After thinking about it, Baochai felt that the matter must not be hidden, and there was no need to hide it, so she bluntly told Aunt Xue that she was going to Tianjin Guard.

After receiving this news, the Jia family was naturally a little dissatisfied.Isn't this relying on family ties to beat the snake with a stick?But thinking of Aunt Xue's eagerness to save her son, it was hard to say anything.

Wang Xifeng was naturally a little unhappy at first.Since Xue Pan's accident, she has been trying her best to help. Not only did she help to find out the news inside and outside, but she also passed the news to Jia Lian in order to see if Jia Lian could save Xue Pan.After all, Xue Pan was his cousin. Although she didn't like this person very much, she thought that Aunt Xue and Baochai would be very sad if Xue Pan lost his life.Just like her despair when the Queen Mother and the Princess tried to steal her man and threatened to punish her for lending money and harming others.

From this point onwards, she is very willing to help the Xue family.

But now the Xue family ran to Tianjin Guard without fighting her after saying hello, obviously trying to coerce Jia Lian to return to Beijing to help, so she had reason to be angry.

After all, she was her dear aunt, and she felt sorry for her situation. She just let it go after being unhappy for a while. Looking back, she felt that it would not be a bad thing if Aunt Xue could really invite Jia Lian back to Beijing.

Sometimes Wang Xifeng herself feels that she is somewhat contradictory.At first, Jia Lian was just hanging around all day long, and she disliked him for being unmotivated and like a waste. Now that Jia Lian is focused on his official career, she hopes that Jia Lian can spend more time with her at home...

After lunch, Wang Xifeng lay lazily on the couch, hugging the civet cat, stroking its smooth and beautiful hair with distinct stripes, and asked Ping'er, a female worker next to her: "Girl Ping, what are you talking about, aunt?" Can we invite your second master back? Counting the time, it’s time for her to go to Tianjin Wei."

"Yeah. If we had traveled faster, we should have arrived last night."

"You haven't said yet whether your second master will come back!"

"Not good."

"Huh?" Sister Feng sat up, "Why can't you tell me something?"

Seeing Wang Xifeng's questioning, Ping'er knew that she had nothing to do but miss Jia Lian.After thinking about it, Ping'er asked, "Did Aunt Xue go to Tianjin Wei alone, or did she go with Miss Xue?"

"Of course I went alone. Baby girl is still at home! Maybe my aunt was worried and asked her to wait for news at home."

Ping'er nodded: "Then I guess the second master won't come back."


Sister Feng didn't follow Ping'er's logic for a while. After asking questions subconsciously, looking at Ping'er's calm and indifferent expression, she slowly understood the connection between Ping'er's words.

"Ha ha."

Sister Feng sneered and waved to Ping'er.Ping'er hesitated for a moment, but did not dare to disobey, so he put down his work and went over.

"You little hooves, you're the only one who's smart, right?" Sister Feng stretched out her hand and pinched Ping'er's arm, then kicked her as a sign of sanction for Ping'er's disrespectful remarks.

Ping'er turned around and smiled, not afraid of what Sister Feng would do to her.The two of them grew up together. Although their names are master and servant, their love is like sisters.

Especially with Jia Lian's help, after the master and servant served Jia Lian intimately, the relationship reached an indescribable state.Now they both understand in their hearts that they can't live without each other. If they separate, they will suffer two harms, and if they join forces, they will benefit both.

Ping'er is cautious and self-disciplined, and Sister Feng sincerely recognizes each other. The relationship between the two is unbreakable.

After scolding Ping'er, Wang Xifeng laughed again: "But what you said is right. With your second master's love of women and sex, coupled with the appearance of Bao Yatou, all you have to do is make a small face in front of him. He shed a small tear. Is there anything else that he couldn't agree to?
He can only be cruel to me, and this is not allowed, and that is not allowed..."

Seeing that Sister Feng was scolding Jia Lian again, Ping'er shook his head and smiled, then turned back and prepared to continue working.Just as Fang Jiang sat down, he heard Xiaohong calling loudly from outside: "Second Grandma, people outside said that the Second Master is back!"

Before he finished speaking, Ping'er saw Sister Feng standing up suddenly.The cat that was originally in Sister Feng's arms was thrown to the ground mercilessly, let out a cry of "meow", and then quickly jumped into the corner.

"It seems that you, little hooves, guessed wrong."

Sister Feng stood still, then raised her eyebrows mockingly at Ping'er, and finally went out happily to meet her husband.

 Some plots are inconvenient to describe, so everyone can make up their own minds based on their favorite plots.If you are interested, you can join the VIP group on the profile, and I will make a small comment here.

(End of this chapter)

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