The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 65 Warning to Sister Feng

Chapter 65 Warning to Sister Feng
A few days later, in the burning warm bedroom, Wang Xifeng wiped Jia Lian's face clean with a handkerchief, touched the scab-like face that became smooth again, and finally took a long breath, saying: "But It’s good, if you don’t take a closer look, there is nothing wrong with it.”

Jia Lian had many scars on Jia Lian's body, but what Wang Xifeng cared about most was the scar on Jia Lian's face. After all, a face is a person's appearance.Seeing such a wide scar on Jia Lian's face a few days ago, she felt distressed.

Jia Lian smiled and grabbed Wang Xifeng's hand with one hand, and took her slender waist with the other, and brought her into her arms, and lowered her head to kiss those delicate red lips.

Seeing this, Ping'er, who was holding a water basin beside him, wrinkled his nose slightly, turned his mouth up, showing a contemptuous look, and turned his eyes away.

These two people are getting more and more shameless!

"I hate it~" Wang Xifeng finally opened Jia Lian's troublesome hand, and pushed Jia Lian with a blushing face.

Jia Lian didn't even think about scoring twice, so he took the robe from the rack and put it on by himself.

Only then did Wang Xifeng come over to help again, and asked, "Going to the Zhang family again today?"

Seeing Jia Lian nodding, she complained a little: "I don't know what's so good about that Zhang's house, so it's worth you to go, even if the wound on your face didn't heal, just go there in a hurry, aren't you afraid that people will laugh at you?"

joke?As everyone knows, he just wanted to pass with the scars on his face on purpose, and he just made a special trip to show the old man.

How did Wang Xifeng know that the old man's attitude towards him had changed rapidly each time he came to the door these few times, compared with the attitude at the birthday banquet, it was a world of difference.

Even Zhang Suna, who had always been carrying his husband, began to complain in front of him that this grandson was almost closer than his own grandson.

Without explaining to Wang Xifeng, Wang Xifeng only thought that Jia Lian was more and more fond of being mysterious, and she didn't care about it after a smile, so she took the belt from Ping'er and tied it on Jia Lian herself.

It's just that when I bent down, I felt a little dizzy for no reason, and I also felt a little twisted in my stomach, so that my body swayed.

"What's the matter?" Jia Lian asked, holding her arm.

"It's okay, it's probably because there are too many things these days. The income from various villages has been delivered one after another, and I have to be busy returning to the account, freeing up the warehouse for placement and distribution, and it is really busy."

Wang Xifeng said with a smile. Seeing that Jia Lian hadn't spoken, she continued: "After this incident is over, we will start preparing New Year's gifts for each mansion. This is another big event. After we're done, we need to prepare for the sacrificial ceremony and New Year's goods." There are also the expenses of each house during the New Year's Eve, and I don't know when I will have the leisure like you, and I can go out to visit relatives at any time."

When Wang Xifeng said this, he was actually complaining in front of Jia Lian, confessing his achievements, but Jia Lian just glanced at her and said, "Do you know how Zhuge Liang died?"

Wang Xifeng was taken aback: "How did you die?"

Immediately, he remembered the drama that he had seen, and his eyes immediately became unfriendly: "You mean I will be exhausted like him?"

Jia Lian nodded: "It's true that he's exhausted. I think you're far behind him. You're stupid."

Wang Xifeng blushed slightly, and said angrily with dissatisfaction: "You... for your family's affairs, I have suffered to death. For you, you think I am willing to take care of your family's mess!"

"It's really for me?"

Jia Lian seemed to laugh a little.

He admitted that the housekeeper was a little tired, after all, the big family had so many things to do.But like Wang Xifeng, she controls everything by herself, and doesn't let go of any corners. She is clearly greedy for power and likes to enjoy the pleasure that power brings her.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to overdraw his body.

In the original book, it was because of this that after giving birth to Sister Qiao, she was unable to give birth to a child. She finally conceived a boy, and had a miscarriage due to fatigue.

Of course Wang Xifeng would not admit this. Even if she knew it in her heart, she could only raise her head and say stubbornly at this moment: "Otherwise? Look at the people in your family, which ones are easy to get along with? Ask yourself, are you willing to give up?" Those who are in charge of things are the elders in the family. If I hadn't helped you take care of them, how could you be so chic? You don't remember my kindness, and you still scold me..."

Wang Xifeng felt aggrieved as she spoke, as if she was about to cry.

Seeing Wang Xifeng falling into self-movement, Jia Lian was not moved at all.

It was only when she saw that she was about to cry that she raised her face and wiped back the tears that were about to shed. Wang Xifeng also stubbornly shook her head in acknowledgment.

Jia Lian laughed and said, "Look, you're still crying if you tell me about you. If other people see Tangtang Lian's second grandma, it will be big news."

Wang Xifeng stared at him with teary eyes.

Then Jia Lian hugged her again and said, "Do you think I'm scolding you? I remind you because I feel sorry for you.

You are relying on your own health now, but you don’t know how to cherish it, what will you do if you lose money in the future?
Besides, it should not be said, we are here to help the housekeeper, the head wife in this mansion is not you in the first place, even if you have to be troubled, this person should not be you.

It's good for you, take care of other people's affairs as your own, and do everything yourself, put your heart and soul into it, what are you trying to do? "

Being hugged by a man, Wang Xifeng lost all anger, and blushed again, but refused to accept: "What did you say, the master and wife trust us to call us housekeepers, how can there be no reason for not doing our best, it's like you are hiding , then what does this family look like?"

"Couldn't you just follow the example of your wife and hand over to the people below to do whatever you need to do, you just need to be a coordinator."

"Look at what you said. It can be seen that you are used to being lazy. Everyone thinks like you, so there is no one to do anything. If so, there are still people who are lazy and slippery. If I do the same, they will Isn’t it against the sky?”

Ordinary persuasion is ineffective for Wang Xifeng, this lady is very smart, she understands everything.

So Jia Lian touched her belly and said with a smile: "Then you say, is it more important to take care of the house, or to take care of your body and give birth to a son for me?"

"Screw you……"

Wang Xifeng's face turned red immediately, and she was about to struggle to get out.

Jia Lian's occasional behavior always easily breaks through her shame, but it makes her want to stop.

Of course Jia Lian didn't let her go, the girl felt good in her arms, "Think about it, it's been more than two years, and your stomach hasn't moved at all, don't you fear that if you go on like this, you'll be empty, Can't you give birth in the future?"

When Wang Xifeng heard the words, he was shocked immediately, and then looked at Jia Lian cautiously: "Are you blaming me for this?"

"No, I blame you for what you did. Anyway, if you can't give birth, it's the same for Qingwen to give birth to her when she grows up. Treat it like your own son."

Such unreasonable words made Sister Feng grit her teeth with hatred.

She broke free from Jia Lian's bondage, went to sit on the side, and said angrily: "In that case, from now on, I won't care about the family affairs, just stay at home to take care of myself, and don't go anywhere, right? "

Jia Lian walked over, sat next to her and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll tell my wife later. Seeing about the issue of children, she will definitely not refuse."

Sister Feng looked at Jia Lian, couldn't tell if he was joking, and finally gave up, saying: "Okay, I suddenly said I don't care. Even if the old lady and the wife are not suspicious, won't they complain that I am frivolous? Besides... "

Wang Xifeng glanced at the empty doorway, and said in a low voice: "Didn't you say that you will fight for the family business here in the future, and you still ask me to serve the old lady well? If I have the advantage of a housekeeper, how much will I pay?" I can help you a little bit, if you leave these things behind and ignore them, don’t talk about them, just say that we still stay here justifiably, are you willing to go back to your old man? "

Rongguo Mansion is now divided into two parts. Whether it is population or wealth, it is much stronger than Dongkuayuan, so she is not willing to go there.

The same is true for Jia Lian. Before Jia She died, he definitely didn't want to move back to Dongkuayuan. Therefore, this is why he had to win over Jia Mu and others for the time being.

As for Wang Xifeng, of course he didn't ask her to give up the housekeeper, he knew that Wang Xifeng would definitely not let go of the pleasure of being in power here.

I just didn't want her to fall into this kind of trap, so I touched Wang Xifeng's face and said, "Take good care of yourself. When you should be smart, you should be smart. Don't be too serious. You should too." Think about it carefully, according to the previous situation, if you still can't give birth to a son, and you don't allow me to take a concubine, who will be cheaper in the end...or in other words, who is most likely to benefit in the end?"

Wang Xifeng felt aggrieved, no one ever disliked her for being unintelligent, this was what she was most proud of.

If it wasn't for her man, if he hadn't grown so much now than before, she would have scolded her first.

Anyway, he calmed down and followed Jia Lian's words, but he still couldn't figure it out. Jia Lian reminded: "The title of the family can still be passed on for several generations."

Wang Xifeng's eyes widened immediately, "You mean Baoyu? No, you're talking about the wife, who wants to seize our title? How is this possible? Even if the Elder Master is gone, wouldn't there be you? How could it be possible? , you think too much..."

"What if something happens to me?"

Wang Xifeng's chattering words stopped suddenly.She suddenly felt that she used to be really immersed in the wealth and honor of her family and couldn't extricate herself.

She never thought that such a friendly family could be just an appearance.

First, my seemingly stupid husband said that he wanted to compete with his uncle's family for the ownership of the main courtyard.Then I was told that my own aunt, and aunt, was probably also coveting the title of their house, and even for this reason, deliberately tricked her into being the housekeeper, in an attempt to ruin her body and make her man have no successors...

Wang Xifeng felt a little unacceptable.

But after thinking about it, it seems that what my man said is not completely based on speculation.She remembered that Mrs. Wang didn't care about everything, but asked her to do everything well, and she let her drive away people in Jia Lian's house one after another, without any words of reprimand...

Looking at Wang Xifeng's appearance, Jia Lian knew that she was thinking seriously, so she didn't intend to provoke her any more.

To be honest, with these words, he is not completely sure that Mrs. Wang really has such thoughts.After all, Mrs. Wang has always been a bodhisattva up to now, and she has never done anything evil to him and his wife.

But guarding against others is indispensable, not to mention that there is indeed a huge conflict of interest between him and Erfang!

He stood up, patted Wang Xifeng on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Take care of your body, as I just said, you don't have to think too much.

In addition, I think you seem to have some stomach discomfort just now, in the afternoon, find a doctor to have a look, maybe there will be unexpected surprises. "

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Wang Xifeng was distracted by Jia Lian.

Jia Lian whispered to her, "Since the day I came back, I've worked so hard to sow the seeds. It's time to test whether I've harvested or not."

"Ah...! I'm going to kill you..."

Wang Xifeng cried out in surprise, and pushed Jia Lian away, standing up at a loss, but not daring to look at Jia Lian.

Jia Lian laughed, then turned and went out.

 Let’s make an update tonight, I’m going to write about foreign affairs tomorrow, so I’ll sort out my thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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