The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 661 Class 3: You are already stunningly beautiful

After settling on Baochai, Jia Lian felt extremely happy.

Just as he said to Baochai, as of tonight, he has a strong feeling that his life can be fully satisfied.

What does this feel like?It was as if all the projects he had secretly planned and worked on for many years were realized one by one. It made him feel as if he had no goals in life.

His state of mind was easily noticed by the two female guards beside him.

Ah Qin stepped forward with a lantern, shone it in front of Jia Lian's face, and said with a smile: "My master is in such a good mood, could it be that he was in Miss Xue's room just now...?"

Jia Lian didn't answer, but just turned her head over and kissed her passionately while standing on the avenue.

Aqi glanced aside, then took a step forward and stood up.Suddenly she saw a bright light in front of her and the girl's voice, and she coughed twice.

In fact, she didn't need to remind him, Jia Lian and his wife also heard the sound.

After being released, Ah Qin thoughtfully raised his sleeves and wiped the corners of Jia Lian's mouth, then consciously retreated behind Jia Lian and straightened his expression.

"Hey, is it Brother Lian?"

The girl walking up the path from Qiushuangzhai was obviously Xiangyun.

Jia Lian couldn't help but smile when he saw her running towards him quickly, with the little maid holding a lantern chasing after her.

"It's so late, where are you going?"

"It's really Brother Lian. I heard from Third Sister that Sister Bao has returned to the garden, so I went to see her specially.

Humph, Brother Lian, you are so partial.You clearly know that I have the best relationship with Sister Bao, but you took the second sister and the third sister to Sister Bao's house without taking me with you! "

The childish voice in her mouth made the smile on Jia Lian's face even bigger. He explained that he hadn't seen her at that time. If he had seen her, he would definitely take her with him. Then he smiled and said: "It just so happens that your sister Bao is not asleep yet. You have to go and see her." Just let her go. Just be careful not to fall."

"Oh fine."

Shi Xiangyun and Jia Lian bowed, and then called their maid Cui Lu to the direction of Dazhu Mountain.

After this interruption, Jia Lian was not in a hurry to go home. Instead, he turned and walked to Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

Xiaoxiang Pavilion remains quiet.

But with the arrival of Jia Lian, it immediately became more lively.

Daiyu was still in a beautiful state, curled up alone on the warm bed and reading a book with pillows on her head.

When he saw Jia Lian entering the house, he also ignored him.

But Jia Lian knew that this was Daiyu's temperament. If she had nothing to do with her, she would be very polite and follow the rules of etiquette.Once the relationship is good, it's okay. The tea is placed there, you can drink it whether you like it or not.

But Daiyu dared to do this, and Zijuan and other maids did not dare to neglect, and they still quickly brought a cup of tea. Jia Lian just let it go, and then sat down on Daiyu's fragrant Kang.

Daiyu, who was almost bounced up by Jia Lian's heavy strength, glanced at Jia Lian angrily, turned over, without putting her hands on the book, and asked: "I heard that you took your second sister and Tan Yatou to your aunt's house to pick up Sister Bao. Back to the garden?"

"Well, what happened?"

"It's nothing."

Daiyu's question seemed to be in vain, and she stopped talking after asking.

Seeing this, Jia Lian waved his hand behind.Seeing this, Zicuckoo and Xueyan wisely exited the room.

But Daiyu happened to catch a glimpse of this scene, and she immediately became annoyed, and asked with some caution: "Why did you drive them away?"

"You don't want to do anything. You just don't want them to hear our conversation, can't you?"

Daiyu shrank her thin legs, frowned, and warned for a long time: "You are not allowed to do this!"


Jia Lian smiled, kicked off his shoes, sat cross-legged on the kang, faced Daiyu and asked with a smile: "There is no reason for this. When did I do this?"

Daiyu was too lazy to explain and gave you a clear look.

The fairy's smiles and frowns were always captivating, which made Jia Lian, who was originally careless, feel a little bit narrow-minded.

He leaned forward more and more, almost pressing on Daiyu's body lying on her side, and threatened: "I don't like being wronged the most. Since Sister Lin doubts me like this, she must do something random to avoid being charged in vain. .”

With that said, he stretched out his hand to scratch Daiyu's itch.

"Ah... Bah, stop it, you're so annoying..."

Daiyu's denunciation and plea for mercy did not win Jia Lian's mercy.Jia Lian, who knew Daiyu was most ticklish, leaned forward more and more, using both hands to sweep around Daiyu's body.

Soon, the delicate and frail Daiyu couldn't bear to resist, and collapsed on the kang as if resigned to her fate. Her watery eyes stared at Jia Lian silently, to see how Jia Lian could bear to bully her under her gaze.

Sure enough, soon after she gave up her resistance, Jia Lian stopped.

But she didn't let go entirely out of pity, as Daiyu imagined, but because he was deeply attracted by Daiyu's appearance at this time.

Lin Daiyu, a fairy from the outside world, possesses unique beauty.Now she was lying limply on the kang. Her hands and legs, which looked extremely delicate, were spread out at will, and a few white knots were exposed through her sleeves and trouser legs.

Her cheeks were red, her eyes were blurred, she was panting, and there was an unspeakable sense of brokenness in her beauty, which deeply touched Jia Lian, who was leaning on her body.

At this moment, he discovered that he did not have the same thoughts as other top beauties, wanting to possess the beauty beneath him at all costs.

What's more, it's a feeling of wanting to be cared for.

I don't know if she saw Jia Lian's thoughts, but Daiyu's eyes began to change.

Jia Lian, who knew Daiyu very well, knew that in the next second the girl would scold him for letting him go.

Jia Lian, who didn't want the other party to speak and ruin the feeling in front of him, raised his hands, grabbed Dai Yu's small hands and pressed them above his head, then lowered his head and pressed his lips on Dai Yu's small mouth, blocking the other party's scolding words. In the mouth, it turns into a "wow" sound.

It is clear and sweet, fresh and delicious, with a slight resistance.

The struggle stopped for a moment, the whining stopped, and the room fell into extreme silence.

After an unknown amount of time, Jia Lian raised his head and looked at Fairy Jiao under him with some confusion.But I saw that the fairy daughter's eyes were tightly closed and her eyebrows were furrowed, as if she was nervous or gibbering.

The slightly opened thin lips were still stained with some wet marks left by him just now, making them look bright and vivid.

Daiyu at this moment is pure and full of charm.Jia Lian was even very sure that if he used all his strength at this time, including coaxing and deceiving, he would be able to completely win over this little girl.

But he didn't take any action in the end. Instead, after making a joke, he flicked Daiyu's pretty nose and asked with a smile: "Why are you closing your eyes and not talking?"

Daiyu's eyelids moved slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes. Just as her dark pupils gathered their energy, she stared at Jia Lian's face, and then a sharp light suddenly appeared!
But seeing Daiyu fly up with a kick, she didn't care whether it was coming down the third route or not, and struck at Jia Lian. Then she took the opportunity to withdraw her little hand, turned over, sat up, hugged the pillow and hid at the end of the kang, feeling shy and embarrassed. Staring at Jia Lian angrily.

"Why do you, Lin Daiyu, want to murder your husband?"

Jia Lian asked, covering his lower body with his hands and already curled up on the kang.

Seeing this, Daiyu panicked a little and poked her head out from behind the high pillow: "Really, kicking?" "What do you think?"

Jia Lian casually rolled over on the kang, then rolled to Daiyu's side, resting his head in Daiyu's lap, staring at her with a resentful look on his face.

Daiyu almost believed it, but when she saw this, she remembered that she had been deceived by Jia Lian many times.If you think about it with your own strength, even if you really hurt him, it would definitely not be serious!
So he straightened his face and cursed without emotion: "Bah, you deserve it, who told you to bully others!"

After cursing, I didn't know what I thought of, and my face turned red at a visible speed.

Damn second brother, I must have been so embarrassed just now...

Daiyu felt deeply guilty for her poor performance under Jia Lian's bullying.

Jia Lian lay on his back between Daiyu's legs, looking at Daiyu with a smile.The only pity is that from such a perspective, he can completely see all of Daiyu's beauty without any obstruction to his vision.

"I don't care, is it okay for you to hurt someone?"

"What do you want?"

"How about you rub it for me?"

"..." Daiyu subconsciously turned around and looked at the place where Jia Lian was covering her hand just now, stunned.

It wasn't until she caught Jia Lian's expectant and teasing gaze from the corner of her eye that she reacted and said immediately: "Don't even think about it!"

After speaking, he pushed Jia Lian's head with both hands, pushing him away and looking away.

Xu Shi was still angry. After a while, he turned back, glanced sideways at Jia Lian, and cursed softly: "Bad guy~!"

God knows what it felt like to hear such a gentle scolding sound that sounded like anger but also resentment in Jia Lian's ears.

At that moment, Jia Lian felt that his nerves were a little lighter, and a cool breath rushed straight to the sky.It was a feeling of being shocked from the outside to the inside, from the heart to the soul!

Perhaps, this is the unique charm of Lin Daiyu, a fairy from another world.

Jia Lian sat up, looked at Daiyu for a few times, then hugged her again and sighed: "Sister Lin, sister Lin, do you know that you have really captured my heart."

Daiyu is on guard against Jia Lian bullying her again.When she heard Jia Lian suddenly say this, her eyes moved, and then she said: "Really, I think I'm not the only one who has fascinated you.

What court lady, little actor, etc., who wouldn’t fascinate you! "

Jia Lian was a little surprised. Why did he hear so much dissatisfaction in Daiyu's tone?
Then he smiled and said: "Where did Sister Lin hear some rumors and spread the news about me? Don't you know the origins of Sister Pan'er and the others clearly?"

Conscience of heaven and earth, for so long, I have never touched them.

Sister Lin, don’t you still believe me?After all, I can hold back being Liu Xiahui even though a fairy-like beauty like Sister Lin is like me. Based on this alone, Sister Lin shouldn't doubt my determination, right? "

"Bah, bah, you're full of nonsense!"

Although she was rude, Daiyu was still convinced by Jia Lian's statement in her heart.She said: "Not to mention the rest of them, what about the one named Jiang Yun? People in the house have spread the word that she is a slave wife on the surface, but in fact... she is actually yours!

He said that if this were not the case, you would not have allowed your subordinates to beat up both of your wet nurses, and it would be useless even for your wet nurse to seek justice..."

Jia Lian was still confused at first, but after hearing Daiyu's words, he immediately understood.

Well, these people in the house have nothing to do all day long, and the gossip is on him?
Not surprising.When the Zhao brothers were deposed, at least in the eyes of outsiders, he was obviously favoring Zhaoer and others, and he was "helping managers but not relatives".

It is not an exaggeration to speculate on the underlying reasons behind this.

Jia Lian just didn't expect that the gossip of these people would reach Daiyu's ears.
It seems that he still underestimated Daiyu's gossip mentality and ability to receive gossip!

He didn't pay too much attention to it, he just smiled and asked: "The people below are doing nothing. Sister Lin, do you believe what they are saying?"

Seeing Jia Lian being so calm, Daiyu's doubts were gone.

Pursing her lips, Daiyu continued: "Let's forget about this matter. What about the little actor in Lixiangyuan? Someone saw you teasing others at the gate of the garden that night, and said..."

"say what?"

"You know what you said!"

Seeing Daiyu turn her head away, looking annoyed and ashamed, Jia Lian sighed inwardly, she is indeed famous for her popularity!
He heard that Daiyu was talking about him teasing Ling Guan that night.

It’s hard to imagine how such a trivial thing reached Daiyu’s ears.

At the same time, Jia Lian couldn't help but feel funny.Daiyu didn't know when, from the little girl who was [-]% fond of her and [-]% admired, she became more and more like a little girl in love.

Isn't this just like how a girlfriend in later generations would check her cell phone and question her boyfriend after getting bad information?
Jia Lian was happy to see such a change, because it meant that Daiyu had completely placed him in the position of her lover in her heart.

So he said with a smile: "Sister Lin is talking about that senior official."

Daiyu snorted slightly, with an expression that said I really didn't accuse you wrongly.

It turns out that Daiyu came back from greeting Jiamu today. After entering the garden, she happened to hear the servant woman guarding the garden gate chatting there.

She didn't care much at first, but who knew those people were talking about who Jia Lian's favorite woman was.

Some people say she is Sister Feng, some say she is Lin Daiyu, and some say she is the girl Gu Qingyi who moved to Tianxiang Tower in Ningguo Mansion...

Someone said: "In my opinion, our second master Lian still likes Miss Lin the most. Not only does he like her, but he has reached the point of 'loving the house and the bird'!"

Just like Qingwen in that courtyard, she is charming and clever, with a domineering personality and a chicken-like attitude.If her features weren't similar to Miss Lin's, would Mr. Lian dote on her like that?I heard that Mistress Lian didn’t dare to do anything to her in that courtyard!
There is one more thing I want to tell you, please don’t spread it randomly.

The night before yesterday, when Mr. Lian went out from the garden..."

The woman told the story vividly about the night when Jia Lian left the Grand View Garden and bumped into the little actor in Lixiang Garden, focusing on Jia Lian's praise of the portraits of Na Lingguan and Dai Yusheng.

According to the mother-in-law, Lingguan must have fallen under the eyes of Second Master Lian, and she may become an aunt in the house in the future, so that everyone can be more discerning, and be sure not to offend anyone if they see her in the future...

Jia Lian didn't know how much Daiyu knew specifically, so he just smiled and said, "I can't say it's teasing. I just often heard people say that she is somewhat similar to Sister Lin, so I happened to meet her and took notice."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Daiyu did not angrily complain about comparing her to an actor.After all, this is no longer a topic for one or two days.

Ever since Daiyu met Zhen Yuhuan, a little sister who was almost exactly the same as her, she no longer felt anything when she met someone who said that so and so looked like her.

Just not wanting Jia Lian to muddle through at will, she still hummed: "I think you don't just pay attention to a few points, I'm afraid you may have other ideas!"

Looking at the jealous Daiyu, Jia Lian laughed and said, "Even if you do, you can't blame me, right?"

Daiyu glared at Jia Lian with frowning eyes and cursed, "I knew you were a greedy and lustful person!"

In the past, Daiyu could not utter these words, but now that she was bullied to pieces by Jia Lian, she was able to utter such words angrily.

Jia Lian didn't feel ashamed at all. Instead, he held Daiyu in his arms with a smile and explained: "You really can't blame me. Who told my sister Lin to be as beautiful as a fairy? Women in this world, if they have three kinds of ministers, they will She is already stunning in the world.”

Daiyu, who was struggling slightly, suddenly became quiet.

After a long time, she gently leaned her head on Jia Lian's chest and said slowly: "Second brother, do you know that you will always coax Yu'er like this? No matter what Yu'er said or did to make you unhappy, you will always Don't let Xiu Yu'er know, otherwise, Yu'er will be broken..." (End of Chapter)

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