The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 664: Downgraded to Level 1

"Grandpa Huang, my imperial sister has made great contributions to the imperial court! She finally came back from the Northern Desert after going through many hardships and dangers. You can't treat her like this. It's too unkind."

In front of the Chonghua Palace, the fourth prince shouted loudly, which made the eunuchs around him turn pale as they tried to persuade them: "Oh, your fourth prince, little ancestor, please stop shouting..."

The fourth prince didn't care about them. Perhaps he was afraid that the Supreme Emperor in the palace wouldn't hear him, so he shouted louder and louder.

He went to Weiyang Palace earlier, originally planning to accuse his imperial sister of being cunning.But they also knew that their imperial sister and Jia Lian wanted to get married to their son, but were opposed by the Supreme Emperor.

He didn't think anything of it at first, and he wasn't optimistic about the marriage between his imperial sister and Jia Lian.

It was just that when I saw the dejected look of my imperial sister in Weiyang Palace, I couldn't bear it, so I ran to Chonghua Palace to help my imperial sister and persuade the Supreme Emperor to take back her life.

The idea is good, but the courage is small.

He had just put forward his idea in front of the Supreme Emperor and received a sideways glance from the Supreme Emperor. He was so frightened that he couldn't speak. The Supreme Emperor dismissed him with a few words.

But when he walked out of Chonghua Hall and couldn't see the Supreme Emperor, he became more courageous again.

Thinking that I couldn't be so unreliable, I immediately turned around and knelt at the door of the hall, expressing my thoughts to the Supreme Emperor from a distance.

His efforts were finally in vain.

The hall slowly opened an opening, and an old eunuch came out.

The fourth prince recognized the old eunuch and quickly silenced himself, showing a well-behaved look.

The old eunuch laughed and said: "The Supreme Emperor said that the fourth prince is playful and neglects his true duties. He ordered you to come to Chonghua Palace every hour at [-]:[-] and study for four hours..."

When the fourth prince heard what the old eunuch said, he was immediately startled.

God, whenever he sees the Supreme Emperor, he becomes extremely frightened. If he goes to Chonghua Palace to study every day, he might as well kill him directly!

And after kneeling for such a long time, he also knew that the Supreme Emperor would not listen to him anymore, so he would not be able to help his sister but would involve himself instead.

So before the old eunuch could finish what he said, he quickly interrupted: "No, Mr. Feng, please stop talking, I understand."

As he spoke, the fourth prince stood up with his hands on the ground and said loudly to the palace: "Grandpa Huang, it doesn't matter where I study. You love peace and quiet, and your grandson doesn't dare to disturb you every day. I'd better study at home.

Well, Grandpa Huang, I'm fine. I'm going home to study. I'll see you another day. "

After saying that, he casually cupped his hands to the old eunuch, turned around and ran away quickly.

Running out of the gate of Chonghua Palace in one breath, the fourth prince patted his heart after surviving the disaster.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw Jia Lian and his elder sister coming hand in hand not far away. His face suddenly darkened and he walked towards them fiercely.

"Jia Lian, it's all your fault. At this time, you still dare to bring my imperial sister here, do you know..."

The fourth prince wanted to vent his anger on Jia Lian, but when he met his elder sister's eyes, he couldn't say the rest.

He sighed softly and moved out of the way.

On the contrary, Jia Lian stopped and asked in surprise: "Why are the Fourth Highnesses here?"

"Why am I here? Of course I'm here to help my elder sister and my unborn nephew plead with Grandpa Huang!

You two also came to see Grandpa Huang to beg for mercy, right?I advise you not to waste your efforts. No one can disobey what the Emperor has decided!
Humph, it’s not your fault. If you had honestly agreed to marry my imperial sister, then...humph. "

The fourth prince now looks displeased with Jia Lian horizontally and displeased with Jia Lian vertically.

Princess Zhaoyang was originally displeased with the fourth prince's squinting look, but when she heard that he was here to plead for her, her heart suddenly softened.

She knew the fourth prince's temperament and was most afraid of meeting his elders.She was very touched to be able to come to Chonghua Palace alone for her business today, even if it didn't seem to work.

So he withdrew his stern eyes from him and looked at Jia Lian: "Otherwise, let's go back. He is right. In all these years, no one has ever been able to disobey the Emperor's wishes.

His old man was originally against us. If we went to plead for mercy again, we would only offend him. "

Princess Zhaoyang was actually most worried about Jia Lian offending the Supreme Emperor.

No matter how you say it, she and the fourth prince are also the grandsons and granddaughters of the Supreme Emperor, and they are descendants of blood.Even if the Supreme Emperor was angry for a moment, he would not do anything to them.

But Jia Lian is different. If he really hates the emperor, his future is not guaranteed, but his family and life are at stake.

Jia Lian could see Princess Zhaoyang's worries. He held her hand and said, "It's up to God to make things happen. If I give up on you and the child in your belly without doing anything today, I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Moreover, if I don't even have the courage to fight for it today, I will also be sorry for Qingran's sincerity towards me. "

When Princess Zhaoyang heard this, her eyes immediately became moist, and she looked at Jia Lian affectionately.

This scene made the fourth prince who saw it jump in his heart.

It's over, it's over, my imperial sister is over, she was completely captured by this bastard Jia Lian!
The fourth prince wanted to jump up and give Jia Lian a kick.But he also knew that if he dared to make any move, he would definitely be kicked away by the obsessed imperial sister, so he did not act rashly.

Jia Lian didn't know that the fourth prince had so many dramas in his heart. His heart was indeed a little heavy at the moment.

Although he was able to deal with Emperor Ning Kang with ease, that was because he had enough contact with Emperor Ning Kang and had already figured out his habits.

But he can be said to be very unfamiliar with the Supreme Emperor.

The real meeting was at the birthday banquet of the Supreme Emperor last year.Other impressions of the Supreme Emperor come from side information collection.

The most important thing is that the matter between him and Princess Zhaoyang can be said to be inconsistent with etiquette among the people, let alone the heavenly family!

Emperor Ning Kang and others, for the sake of their kindness, turned a blind eye and closed one eye, and the past was over.

But if the Supreme Emperor opposes it based on etiquette and the face of the Tian family, it is really justifiable.Let alone object, even if he and Princess Zhaoyang were severely punished, the world would have nothing to say.

Therefore, he was really not sure about this meeting.

Letting go of Princess Zhaoyang's hand, Jia Lian straightened his clothes and walked to the gate of Chonghua Palace.

The guard on duty raised his knife indifferently, signaling him to stop.

Jia Lian knelt down on the spot, kowtowed and said in a serious voice: "Jia Lian, the grandson of Jia Daishan, the first-class Duke of Rongguo, would like to see the Supreme Emperor."


It was rumored that the Supreme Emperor and Jia Daishan had a sworn relationship, so Jia Lian specifically asked to see him as Jia Daishan's grandson, hoping that the Supreme Emperor would remember him as an old friend.

Time passed by, but the Supreme Emperor did not receive him.

He also did not receive Princess Zhaoyang.The one who came out of the palace was Wang Fu, the eunuch whom Jia Lian was somewhat familiar with.

Wang Fu led a group of eunuchs and maids, wandering out of the Chonghua Palace and walked up to Jia Lian, with their nostrils pointing to the sky.

When he found that Jia Lian didn't even raise his eyes to look at him, he slowly looked at Princess Zhaoyang who was also kneeling beside him, and the expression on his face became somewhat calmer.

After clearing his throat, Wang Fu said: "The Supreme Emperor has decreed that Princess Zhaoyang will act recklessly and tarnish the face of the Tian family. Starting today, she will be banned from the Weiyang Palace and will be strictly disciplined by the Queen Mother."

When Jia Lian and Princess Zhaoyang heard this, their hearts sank.

Unexpectedly, the Supreme Emperor didn't even give them a chance to defend themselves, and just punished them.

The fourth prince who was standing nearby and watching from afar also became anxious at this time and jumped out quickly: "This is unfair! It is clearly Jia Lian's fault. My imperial sister was bewitched and abducted by him. Why did Grandpa Huang punish her instead?" !”

Wang Fu obviously had a lot of respect for the fourth prince. When he saw the fourth prince stabbing him, he booed and said: "Your Highness, please be patient. The Supreme Emperor does not really want to punish the eldest princess.

The Supreme Emperor said that as long as Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess can repent, the ban will be lifted at any time..."

As he said that, Wang Fuyi glanced at Princess Zhaoyang's belly pointedly.

At this glance, not to mention Jia Lian and Princess Zhaoyang, even the fourth prince understood.

Princess Zhaoyang's face suddenly became sad.Knowing that the Queen Mother did not lie to her, this was really what the Emperor meant.

It’s just that she doesn’t understand why the Emperor’s mind cannot accommodate her child.After all, the child in her belly also carries the blood of the Tian family!
Could it be that in the eyes of the Supreme Emperor, the face of the Tian family is really so important that there is no humaneness at all?

But why can they tolerate the imperial grandmother and even the imperial father...

"Your Highness, Princess, let's go."

A group of palace maids led by two old nuns walked out from behind Wang Fu. They said to Princess Zhaoyang expressionlessly.

Princess Zhaoyang stood up slowly and looked at Jia Lian sadly.

Jia Lian felt equally uncomfortable at the moment.

This is imperial power!
One sentence can determine a person's fate, life or death, making them unable to resist or dare not resist.

Even he, a world-famous hero and a young marquis who is envied by countless people, is no different.

Facing Princess Zhaoyang's look for help, what could Jia Lian say and do?
He knew that the Supreme Emperor had even banned Princess Zhaoyang, so there was no way he would not be punished.

Sure enough, Wang Fu had turned to look at him and said calmly: "The Emperor's decree is that the second-class Zhenyuan Marquis Jia Lian deceived the princess of the current dynasty and tarnished the princess's reputation. It is really audacious.

After his meritorious service, he also made many extraordinary achievements for the imperial court, so he was given a light sentence and was demoted to the third class of Zhenyuan Marquis to serve as a warning to others.

If you don't repent, you will be severely punished. "

"Master Zhenyuan, do you understand?"

After saying that, Wang Fu saw Jia Lian lowering his head and saying nothing, and said slowly: "Master Marquis, don't be ungrateful. The Supreme Emperor is very kind to you.

If someone else had committed such a serious crime, it would be a minor offense to have his body and head removed.

Mr. Hou, you should be grateful that you have a good ancestor. If it weren’t for the sake of old Mr. Rongguo, this time, tsk tsk..."

Wang Fu shook his head, his expression mocking.

In fact, he had no beef with Jia Lian, he just simply disliked Jia Lian.

Maybe it was because Jia Lian didn't give him, the eunuch in charge of Chonghua Palace, enough respect before, or maybe he saw that Jia Lian didn't like him either.

In short, everything went smoothly for Jia Lian in the past, and he did not dare to show off when he was favored.

Now seeing Jia Lian in trouble, he naturally wouldn't hesitate to step on him.

It’s human nature to hold high people up and downplay low ones.

At this time, Jia Lian had no time to argue with a eunuch. He said to Princess Zhaoyang on the side: "You go to see the Queen Mother first. I will come to see you later."

Princess Zhaoyang nodded and said hurriedly: "Don't be reckless..."

This time, the Supreme Emperor was merciful. He gave Jia Lian a stern warning, but he only demoted him to one rank. It was obviously mostly a warning.

He was afraid that Jia Lian would further anger the Emperor and ruin his future.She knew that Jia Lian had great ambitions, and she couldn't bear to let Jia Lian ruin his great prospects because of her.

Jia Lian smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I understand."

Princess Zhaoyang felt relieved, looked at Jia Lian one last time, raised her legs and left.

The palace maids supervising law enforcement quickly followed.It is also obvious that the Supreme Emperor only warned Princess Zhaoyang and did not give up completely. Otherwise, these people who came under the order may not have this attitude.

Jia Lian ignored Wang Fu all the time, which made Wang Fu feel slighted.As soon as the fourth prince and Princess Zhaoyang left, he immediately said in a sinister tone: "Why, Lord Marquis has never accepted the order to thank you, is he trying to resist the order?"

Jia Lian glanced at the person in front of him indifferently. This person already had a way to die.

"My father-in-law is overly worried. Jia Lian accepted the order to express his gratitude, and asked my father-in-law to pass the news on his behalf, saying that Jia Lian risked his own life to remonstrate."

Regardless of whether the Supreme Emperor was looking at Jia Daishan or because he was useful to the court, the punishment of holding him up high and putting him down gently was true.

This shows that the Supreme Emperor is not really angry.

As he said himself, under the current situation, if he could not see the Supreme Emperor and gave up his face-to-face confession, he would really be sorry for Princess Zhaoyang's deep love for him.

In other words, you must die clearly.

"Marquis Zhenyuan must know how to be content. This time the Supreme Emperor has shown you extra mercy. Don't push yourself too far. The Supreme Emperor will not see you."

"It is up to the Supreme Emperor to decide whether he will see you or not. I also ask my father-in-law to be considerate and considerate. Jia Lian will definitely remember your father-in-law's kindness and he will surely repay it in the future."

"Huh, since Marquis Zhenyuan won't listen, then just kneel here."

Wang Fu snorted coldly, turned around and left, obviously not intending to help Jia Lian.

Jia Lian didn't care. He straightened the clothes in front of him and kneeled in front of the empty Chonghua Palace gate.

... (end of this chapter)

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