The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 672 Marriage Ceremony

Suddenly, someone in the courtyard shouted that Jia Lian was back. Qingwen immediately ignored Xiangling and ran out, leaving her behind.

When I came to the main room, I saw Jia Lian's figure.

"Why did the second master come back so early today?"

Qingwen smiled cleverly and stepped forward to undress Jia Lian while saying thoughtful words.

Xiangling's possible rebellion gave her a sense of crisis, and she couldn't wait to consolidate her position in Jia Lian's heart.

"Second Master, in a few days, my son will be born..."

Jia Lian silently turned around and looked at the shy and silent Qiao Bi next to him. Although his heart was slightly moved, it was not visible on his face.

"Oh, you've turned a year older so soon."

Jia Lian's carelessness made Qingwen anxious, and she quickly hinted: "Yes, but this is Ji Ji's birthday, and it is different from the past..."

"It's different. How about this? I will definitely choose a good gift when the time comes. How about it as your hair extension gift?"

Qingwen's delicate facial features suddenly frowned, and her face showed an unhappy look.

But thinking that Jia Lian was very busy, he might have forgotten what he had said for a while, so he patiently reminded him: "I don't want your gift. I forgot that you promised me..."

"What did I promise?"

Qingwen is more beautiful than Furong and has a slim figure. Even with her pursed lips and frown, she is pleasing to the eye. Jia Lian likes to tease her when he has nothing to do.

Qingwen was sad. As the first legitimate concubine in Jia Lian's house, it has been four years since she entered the house!

In the past four years, Ping'er and Xiangling have both been favored and become Jia Lian's women. Only she, the first elder, is still a virgin.

Although from Jia Lian's words, I knew that this was not a sign of dislike for her, but a sign of love and affection for her.

But as a concubine, why can't I get real favor?

Therefore, after Xiangling was hired by Jia Lian last year, she had a verbal agreement with Jia Lian. After she reached the age of hairpin, Jia Lian officially hired her.

Now almost a year has passed, who would have thought that Jia Lian has completely forgotten about it!

Jia Lian saw Qingwen lowering her head and stopped changing his clothes. When I bent down and took a look, I saw tears in her bright eyes. I felt both funny and distressed at the same time.

He quickly held her in his arms and comforted her softly: "Okay, okay, when did I really forget what I promised you?

Isn't it just for you to be like Xiang Ling and let me take over your body?

Really, where has my usual cleverness gone? I can see that I am teasing you on purpose, and you are still crying because of this!

Are you so eager to become my woman? "


When Qingwen feels wronged, her demeanor is almost the same as Daiyu's, and she also spits.

She twisted in Jia Lian's arms and gave up after finding that he was holding her tightly. Just listen to her faintly say: "It's not that the second master doesn't keep his word, he has been lying to others for so many years."

After hearing what Qingwen said, Jia Lian realized that whether he should accept Qingwen or not was just a trivial matter for him, but for Qingwen, it was of great importance.

Also, no matter who you are, if you wait four years for something, you will probably become obsessed with it.

Even an honest girl like Xiangling had volunteered herself in Jiangnan. In this way, Qingwen is already a very obedient girl with strong willpower.

So he held the little girl in his arms and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I won't lie to you this time. How about I give myself to you as a gift when you have your baby?"

Even though she asked for it, Qingwen immediately became ashamed when she heard Jia Lian say this.

When he looked up, through Jia Lian's shoulder, he saw Xiang Ling leaning at the door of the room, looking at the room with interest!

Judging from her appearance, she didn't know how long she had been standing there.

Qingwen felt extremely embarrassed when she thought of Xiangling looking at her when she asked Jia Lian for help!

After all, Xiangling was her close sister who had shared the joys and sorrows with her for many years. She had experienced humiliating things when they served Jia Lian together, so she quickly adjusted her mentality, glared at Xiangling and said, "What are you doing there? Why don't you come in and serve the second master?" Change clothes!"

After saying that, he pretended that nothing happened and said to Jia Lian: "Look, sir, Xiangling girl is getting more and more lazy."

Jia Lian also looked at the door of the room. After several glances, he was sure that the person in front of him was still Qin Keqing, not Xiangling.

Looking at Qingwen's appearance, she clearly didn't recognize Qin Keqing's identity. Others wouldn't find it strange if they couldn't recognize Jia Lian, but for Qingwen, a good sister who got along with Xiangling day and night, it would be a bit inappropriate not to be able to tell whether Xiangling is real or fake.

It can be seen that Qingwen looks smart, but in fact she is also simple-minded.

"I originally wanted to come in and serve the second master, but seeing that sister Qingwen, you have something important to talk to the second master, I was too embarrassed to come in and disturb you.

Hee hee, congratulations to you, Qingwen, you're about to get your haircut. "

Qin Keqing deliberately lengthened the accent in the word "jiji". Apparently she had indeed listened to Qingwen's previous request for favor, and now she said it deliberately to embarrass Qingwen.

Qingwen also heard it, and suddenly felt that the majesty of "eldest sister" was not guaranteed, so she glared at Qin Keqing, said the next word and ran out.

Seeing her disappearing into the room, Qin Keqing came over to tie Jia Lian's belt, looked at Jia Lian, blinked twice, and suddenly smiled: "When I heard people in the house talking about it before, they didn't believe it. Unexpectedly, the second master I really didn’t use Qingwen!

She is so beautiful, I feel pity for her. How could the second master hold back for so many years? "

Jia Lian walked to the kang and sat down. He looked at Qin Keqing who was full of curiosity and sighed in his heart.

In this era, there seems to be no concept of copper smelting, or the tolerance level is extremely high. As long as a woman is over ten years old, it means she can marry and serve a man.

As for how much this is, it doesn't seem to matter.

To Jia Lian, even girls as young as hairpin or Pogua are still a little immature. But he was willing to keep her, but he couldn't wait for the girl, so there was nothing he could do.

"According to my guess, there must be something special about Qingwen's body that makes the second master reluctant to use her too soon..."

Qin Keqing walked to Jia Lian and said with a smile. Seeing Jia Lian's eyes move, Qin Keqing deepened his speculation, and couldn't help but continue: "I really want to see with my own eyes what is so unique about her that makes the second master so rare for her."

Speaking of this, Qin Keqing came to Jia Lian's side and whispered: "Otherwise, when the second uncle takes her in, let someone else serve her in the house, right?

Speaking of which, I am very familiar with these two beautiful girls beside my second uncle, Xiangling, but I have never seen Qingwen like when she was serving my second uncle.

Second uncle, why don’t you just satisfy my curiosity..."

Even though Qin Keqing was dressed in Xiangling at this time, as long as she didn't deliberately pretend to be Xiangling, her seductive aura would be revealed unimpeded.

Moreover, Jia Lian even felt that Qin Keqing in this situation was even more touching.

Perhaps this is the power of role-playing.

He pulled the beauty's body and gave her a deep slap on her buttocks. Then, before Jia Lian could make the next step of punishment, Sister Feng and a large number of her men came back, causing a lot of commotion in the courtyard. Loud noise.

Qin Keqing quickly stood up and straightened her clothes.    …

After lunch, Jia Lian sat on the kang and said to Sister Feng: "When are you going to change her back? It's okay for her, but Xiangling girl may have problems if she stays there for a long time."

Sister Feng laughed when she heard this and said, "Send it back? Are you willing to do it?"

Jia Lian was silent.

Seeing this, Sister Feng smiled and said: "Sister-in-law You over there is a smart person, even if she sees the clues, she will definitely not make it public.

I finally thought of this way to change her over. I also wanted her to stay with me for two more days. "

Sister Feng really just wanted to use a new way to make Jia Lian happy at first, but after she accomplished this, she found it quite interesting, so she was not in a hurry to change back.

She and Qin Keqing have always had a good relationship. She is busy on weekdays and it is not convenient for her to go to Ningguo Mansion often. Qin Keqing is quite free, but because of Jia Lian's presence, Qin Keqing doesn't come to the house often to talk to her.

Now, let's use Xiangling girl to replace Qin Keqing. Not only can the two get along day and night, but they can also use each other as a maid!

The key is, she can see that Jia Lian really likes her idea.

What's more important is that Qin Keqing really has no evil intentions at all, and has never shown any signs of striving for favor and superiority. The reason why she let Ping'er get involved last night was actually very simple...

Her own belly was not up to expectations, and Qin Keqing would definitely not allow her to get pregnant. Under such circumstances, it would be much safer to let Ping'er take over a share of the rain and dew.

Sister Feng now sees it more clearly.

This time it was just good luck, the child in the princess's arms might not be able to stay. But she can't always be so lucky. Next time, and the next time, there might be another woman who threatens her to be pregnant with Jia Lian's eldest son!

Compared with this, Ping'er's pregnancy was the most beneficial to her.

Although this girl Ping'er was stubborn and unwilling to get pregnant before her, at least she had to show this attitude and not let Jia Lian think that it was her selfishness that caused him to have no heir.

Since Sister Feng is not in a hurry to change the person back, Jia Lian will naturally not force it.

It happened that Ping'er walked in, and he gave another order.

"It's Qingwen's birthday in a few days. Ping'er, if you're tired, help her decorate the west wing to make it more festive."

Jia Lian's words made Ping'er think deeply.

As the most prominent people in the courtyard, she and Qingwen Xiangling, Sister Feng would simply arrange birthdays for them every year out of kindness.

There was no need for Jia Lian to specifically explain these matters. More importantly, Jia Lian also specifically mentioned that it should be held in the west wing where Qingwen and Xiangling live, and it should be made more festive.

This made her, who often followed Sister Feng on errands, think of another level.

Ping'er was already sharp enough, but Sister Feng who was sitting on the kang was even sharper than her. Almost as soon as Jia Lian opened his mouth, she reacted and teased: "Why, are you finally willing to use your precious girl?"

Seeing that Jia Lian didn't speak, Sister Feng smiled again and said: "It should have been like this a long time ago. God knows how many injustices I have suffered because of this girl's body.

Yesterday, when an old lady called me over, she scolded me, saying that I was controlling you and not letting you touch the maids and wives at home, so I let you go outside...

How could she know my grievances! Now I'm fine, I don't have to bear this reputation anymore. "

"It's just... she's just a slave girl. When did the Marquis accept her instead of accepting her, and work so hard? Are you not afraid that Ping'er and Xiangling will be jealous if you praise her like this?

When you hired them, you weren't so particular. "

After Sister Feng finished speaking, she looked at Jia Lian with raised eyebrows.

Faced with Sister Feng's deliberate provocation, Jia Lian said: "It's not considered a compliment. When the old lady gave her to me, there was no one serving in my house, so she was considered the first one.

Now that several years have passed, it is time to give her a title.

It's just that I'm still in mourning, so it's not easy for me to do any rituals, so I just wanted to take advantage of her having a baby to make it more festive, so that her hard work in serving me all these years would be worthwhile.

As for Ping'er and Xiangling, after they get married, I will definitely hold a special marriage ceremony for the three of them. "

Although Ping'er next to him was not jealous, he still couldn't help but be moved when he heard what Jia Lian said.

As a maid of the first wife, she is almost the lowest level of concubine. Her biggest wish is to be able to stay safely by Jia Lian's side and not be disliked by her master.

She never thought that she would get any formal favor from Jia Lian.

Qin Keqing next to him was also moved at this time. The second uncle said that he wanted to hold a wedding ceremony for Ping'er Xiangling...

Does this mean that as long as she dresses up like Xiang Ling, she has a chance to marry him legitimately and let him uncover her head?

Qin Keqing lowered his head and silently thought about the feasibility of this matter.

Sister Feng didn't notice Qin Keqing's expression. She kept looking at Jia Lian and Heping'er.

Seeing the look Ping'er looked at Jia Lian at this time, she knew that she was a villain in vain.

The stinky man is still so good at coaxing girls.

Pouting her lips, she stood up and said, "The second wife just asked me to go to her room after dinner. I'll go first."

Ping'er and Qin Keqing were about to follow, but Sister Feng said to Qin Keqing: "You don't have to go. Our second master loves you. If you leave with me, what will he do? You should stay here with him for me. "

After saying that, he gave Jia Lian a meaningful look and walked away, shaking his charming waist.

Sister Feng and Heping'er left, leaving Jia Lian and Qin Keqing alone in the room.

Qin Keqing's face was a little embarrassed, probably due to Sister Feng's words before leaving. Or perhaps, being good at amorous feelings, she had anticipated what might happen next.

Jia Lian actually wanted to do as Qin Keqing expected, to carry her to the couch and treat her tenderly.

This woman is naturally easy to seduce men's desires.

But Jia Lian held back. He didn't want Sister Feng to look down upon her.

If when she came back, he happened to be holding Qin Keqing in his arms and misbehaving in bed, wouldn't he be following her joke before she left?

So he also stood up and said, "I'm going to take a walk in the garden, will you follow me?"

Qin Keqing was stunned for a moment, then immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"You can't show your flaws in front of others, is it possible?"

"Second Master, don't worry, Xiang Ling will be fine." Qin Keqing blinked, thinking that using Xiang Ling's identity to follow Jia Lian around would be very interesting. (End of chapter)

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