Outside Fengluan Pavilion, facing Princess Zhaoyang's speech, the Supreme Emperor did not speak, but Concubine Li couldn't help but yelled loudly:


Concubine Li stood on the Emperor's Dragon Banquet, her eyes wide open with anger, and shouted to the palace maid who had disturbed the Holy Emperor earlier: "Tell me, what did you see before?"

The palace maid looked pale and pale, but under the intimidation of Mrs. Li, she still said quickly: "Slave, I saw the Queen Mother entering Fengluan Pavilion, and later, I saw the Marquis Zhenyuan also go in..."

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone was shocked.

Princess Zhaoyang frowned and said calmly: "She must be dazzled. When I slipped out, the imperial grandmother was still in Weiyang Palace, how could she come here. And I have stayed here for so long, I have never seen the imperial grandmother, how could she see it!"

"If there is one, you will know if you search it!"

Concubine Li felt secretly resentful. This Princess Zhaoyang is clearly the princess of her royal son, but she doesn't regard her as her closest blood relative as her grandmother, and protects that bitch at every turn!

But he has endured it for so long and worked so hard to plan today's incident. How can he let the other party escape easily?

Although she didn't know why Princess Zhaoyang appeared here, she firmly believed that the Queen Mother was still in the attic. Because Fengluan Pavilion looks peaceful, but in fact, she has arranged her own people all around to keep the place under surveillance!

Therefore, as long as the Queen Mother is found out in front of the Supreme Emperor, no matter how they argue, she will have a way to prove the other party's charge of having an affair with a foreign minister.

Concubine Li's arrogant behavior disgusted the Emperor, but at this time, the Emperor's doubts and suspicions were even heavier.

Therefore, after giving a look to the old eunuch Feng Cheng beside him, the Supreme Emperor took the initiative to walk down the Long River, away from Concubine Li, and came to Jia Lian.

"Tell me, what happened?"

"I am guilty. I entered the forbidden palace without permission to see the eldest princess. I violated the instructions and warnings of the Supreme Emperor on that day. I ask the Supreme Emperor to punish me.

But all this has nothing to do with Her Royal Highness the Princess. Please ask the Supreme Emperor to punish this small minister. "


The Supreme Emperor sneered, and suddenly looked at the palace maid who was guarding the door of Fengluan Pavilion before, "Tell me something."

Qin Mi, who had been kneeling in front of the steps, kowtowed and said, "I don't know anything. I was just ordered to bring Marquis Zhenyuan here, and the others don't know anything."

"By orders, by whose orders?"

Qin Mi hesitated for a moment and said, "It's the Queen Mother..."

Princess Zhaoyang said: "The emperor banned me from the Weiyang Palace. My granddaughters knew that if I directly ordered them to do things, they would not dare to agree, so they could only pretend to pass on the emperor's grandmother's decree.

The granddaughter was convicted. "

How could Mrs. Li watch Princess Zhaoyang's sophistry? She also walked up to him and asked Qin Mi: "Tell me, did the Queen Mother personally order you to bring Marquis Zhenyuan here?"

Qin Mi looked up, and Princess Zhaoyang was also looking at her at this moment.

Facing the other party's calm look, Qin Mi's heart was completely filled with fear, and he buried his head, not daring to reply to Mrs. Li's words.

On the other side, the eunuch beside the Supreme Emperor had already led people into the attic to search around. The leading eunuch went to Feng Cheng's ear to explain something, and Feng Cheng leaned into the ear of the Supreme Emperor.

After hearing this, the Supreme Emperor was noncommittal. Seeing that Concubine Li was still questioning the palace maid, he said coldly: "Princess Zhaoyang has a private meeting with foreign ministers. She has no moral character and is trying to deprive her of the position of eldest princess.

If you continue to disobey the Holy Order, you will be severely punished. "

Princess Zhaoyang hurriedly said: "My granddaughter will remember it. But Grandpa Huang, as my granddaughter said, this is all due to her willful behavior and has nothing to do with Marquis Zhenyuan. I also ask Grandpa Huang not to punish him again. Granddaughter begs you."

Princess Zhaoyang raised her head and looked at the Supreme Emperor with a pleading expression.

Jia Lian also quickly confessed and asked the Emperor to punish him and not to embarrass Princess Zhaoyang.

On the other side, Concubine Li's confidant walked up to her and said worriedly: "My Lady, the people we arranged behind Fengluan Pavilion are all gone..."

Mrs. Li's heart trembled. She probably guessed why Princess Zhaoyang appeared here.

Angrily, she kicked Qin Mi. Naturally, Concubine Li would not let Princess Zhaoyang cover up the matter.

After all, she only had this chance. After this time, the bitch was on guard, and she had no chance.

Then in a few years after I am born, I will watch helplessly as that bitch continues to sit in the position of Queen Mother, and will she be filial to my son?

Seeing that the Supreme Emperor was about to close the case, Concubine Li quickly said: "The Supreme Emperor Mingjian, they are simply lying. How could Zhaoyang alone transfer all the eunuchs and maids around here?

This place is so far away from Weiyang Palace. If the Queen Mother has really been here, someone must have seen it. Please order the Supreme Emperor to summon everyone from Weiyang Palace to the Royal Garden today for interrogation. We will definitely be able to get to the bottom of this matter! "

Seeing Mrs. Li still refusing to give up even after things got to this point, Princess Zhaoyang felt a pity in her heart.

Maybe the Queen Mother is right, only a thousand days can make a thief, but there is no thousand days to guard against a thief.

This time, I really can't let her go.

Facing Concubine Li's suggestion, the Supreme Emperor just looked at her coldly and said after a while: "I have my own arrangements for this matter."

After saying that, the Supreme Emperor glanced at Jia Lian, and without saying a word, he turned around, got on Long Chu, and left directly.

Although the Supreme Emperor left, Feng Cheng stayed behind. Not only did he take Qin Mi and the palace maid who reported the news away, he also issued an order to seal off the imperial garden and arrest all relevant personnel.

Obviously, the Supreme Emperor did not believe Princess Zhaoyang's statement.

"This is a forbidden palace after all. If you have nothing else to do, please leave the palace." Feng Cheng walked up to Jia Lian and said politely.

Jia Lian glanced at Princess Zhaoyang and received a reassuring look from her.

So she nodded, then stood blankly next to her, with an unwilling look on her face, Mrs. Li cupped her hands to signal her, then turned and left.


Weiyang Palace, when the Emperor walked in, the Queen Mother also came to greet him.

The Supreme Emperor did not make any move until he led the Queen Mother into the inner room and chased away all the idle people. Then the Supreme Emperor calmed down and said, "Tell me, what happened in the Royal Garden today?"

"I wonder what the Supreme Emperor is talking about? I have been staying in the palace today and haven't gone anywhere. Did something happen?"

The Emperor stared at the Queen Mother, but nothing could be seen from the Queen Mother's face.

"You don't have to worry. Tell me the truth. Why did Zhaoyang and Jia Lian appear in the Imperial Garden? And why, Li Lingrong and others insisted that you were also in the Imperial Garden?"

A look of panic appeared on the Queen Mother's face. After a while, she shook her head: "I don't know what the Emperor is talking about, Zhaoyang? What happened to Zhaoyang and Jia Lian? Could it be that they have made you angry again?" "Hmph!"

The Supreme Emperor slapped the case and said coldly: "Do you think that I am too old to protect you, so you are not even willing to tell the truth in front of me?"

The Queen Mother was so frightened that she quickly stood up with aggrieved face: "Your Majesty, please calm down."

Seeing this, the Supreme Emperor said softly: "You can't hide today's matter even if you want to. There are countless people involved in such a big matter. As long as I arrest them all and interrogate them one by one, I'm afraid I won't be able to solve it." The truth about halal?

Now that you dare not tell me the truth, are you just like other people, separated from me? "

Upon hearing this, the Queen Mother was moved and knelt down.

"I know how the Emperor treats me. It's just, it's just..."

The Queen Mother's eyes filled with tears, and she cried: "I have been favored by the Supreme Emperor these years, and it is common for others to be jealous. I don't want to tell these private things to the Supreme Emperor, just to make you angry.

As long as the Supreme Emperor knows about this concubine, I have never done anything to disgrace the Supreme Emperor, and I will never dare to do anything that goes against personal ethics or harms the face of the Tian family. "

The Supreme Emperor looked solemn and said without any emotion in his tone: "Is it Li Lingrong?"

The Queen Mother immediately opened her eyes, seemingly a little shocked, and then nodded helplessly.

"Since the Supreme Emperor has guessed it, I don't dare to hide it anymore."

"Since the beginning of the year, Mrs. Li has seemed to be a completely different person. Not only has she become a lot kinder, but she has also taken the initiative to make good friends with her, and she comes to talk to her every few days.

Chen Concubine was happy in her heart, thinking that she had finally let go of her prejudice against him and was willing to accept him.

So today, she invited my concubine to enjoy the flowers in the garden, and she went without thinking too much.

Who would have known that after drinking the bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus wine that she had someone bring to her, I felt dizzy and fell asleep not long after.

When I woke up, what I saw was Zhaoyang.

It turned out that Zhaoyang was bored in the palace and sneaked out to look for me. But I happened to hear...I heard that people in the Dowager Palace were conspiring to harm me.

Therefore, Zhao Yang sneaked into Fengluan Pavilion to rescue his concubine.

Zhaoyang was very angry and wanted to take me to you for justice.

But I thought that Concubine Li was the emperor's biological mother after all. If this matter spread, it would not only be a huge blow to the Tian family's face, but also the emperor would find it difficult to deal with himself in the future.

Therefore, together with Zhaoyang, the concubine secretly escaped back to Weiyang Palace and left Zhaoyang in Fengluan Pavilion. When Mrs. Li leads the Supreme Emperor to Fengluan Pavilion, she will let Zhaoyang and the two bear all the sins.

Only in this way can this disaster be eliminated.

I am stupid and could only think of this way to deal with it at that time. He also asked the Supreme Emperor to give Zhaoyang a lighter punishment because he had suffered the consequences for his concubine.

The Supreme Emperor also knows that this girl Zhaoyang has been without her mother since she was a child. Although she is a little willful, she has a good nature.

Wuwu, if it hadn't been for her this time, I'm afraid...I'm afraid I would have to die to apologize..."

Seeing the Queen Mother kneeling in front of him and sobbing as she recounted the beginning and end of the incident, the Emperor's face was as gloomy as water.

Finally, he helped the Queen Mother up and comforted him: "Don't worry, I won't punish Zhaoyang again. After you choose her consort, let her go out of the palace. And..."

The Supreme Emperor stood up with a murderous look in his eyes: "I will give you an explanation for this matter."

After speaking, the Supreme Emperor left Weiyang Palace.

After sending the Emperor out, the Queen Mother returned to the inner hall with a cold expression.

Having been with Mrs. Li for more than ten years, she has long known what kind of person she is. How could she believe that she would "turn back the prodigal son" and regret it once?

Therefore, from the moment she started deliberately trying to please herself, the Queen Mother knew in her heart that the other party was going to do something bad again.

What happened today was not surprising at all, she had even been prepared for it.

Just as Concubine Li was able to bribe people around her to lure Jia Lian into the palace, she had also placed her confidants around Concubine Li, and her methods were much more sophisticated than the other party's.

Therefore, Mrs. Li's plan of paralyzing her and then using insidious means to frame her simply didn't work from the beginning.

The reason why there was such a big commotion today was just that she took advantage of the situation and took a counterattack.

She had also thought carefully about how to fight back.

If he were to go directly to Fengluan Pavilion, he would be waiting to confront Concubine Li face to face. Although based on the evidence she had and the roughness of Concubine Li's actions, it was entirely possible to convict Concubine Li in front of the Supreme Emperor, and there was no way around it.

But in that case, the fact that she was stunned and in the same room with a foreign minister had already happened.

Even if it turns out that she was framed, it would be bad for her, Jia Lian, and anyone else.

Therefore, confronting someone face to face is an inferior approach.

Even if she behaves too obviously like Mrs. Li, the Emperor may think that she did it on purpose.

Having been with the emperor for many years, she is well aware of the emperor's suspicion.

It is much safer for him to guess some things by himself than to tell him personally.

Now, she seems to be shrinking back and seeking perfection, but she can leave an impression in the hearts of the Supreme Emperor and others that she abides by magnanimity and protects the overall situation.

And it will not arouse the suspicion of the Supreme Emperor.

The only pity is that in this case, if the Supreme Emperor also adopts a calm attitude, he cannot put Concubine Li to death.

But this was not important to the Queen Mother.

To her, Mrs. Li had long been nothing. If it weren't for the fact that she was Emperor Ning Kang's biological mother and did too much to offend Emperor Ning Kang, she would have driven him into dust long ago.

In fact, if the other party hadn't been provoking her, she wouldn't even bother to fight with him.

This time, it's just his own fault. (End of chapter)

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