The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 683 Such a good night

It's quiet at night and the long street is vast.

The luxurious carriage moved slowly on the stone-paved road, making a creaking sound.

In the carriage, Sister Feng stretched her waist and couldn't help but snuggle into Jia Lian's arms.

When she noticed that Jia Lian's arm around her waist tightened, she felt happy and sighed sweetly: "Oh, there are so many rules in the palace. The death of this old concubine has made us exhausted. "

When Jia Lian, who was leaning on the car wall and taking a nap, heard the sound, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "Why, you feel tired too? In the past, you didn't do all the big things at home by yourself, and you didn't have to stay up all night. You wished you could do it all by yourself.

Are you tired now? "

"This is different. At home I only have to give orders, but in the palace I have to act like a quail.

There are many people in the palace. I am not afraid that if I accidentally do something, say the wrong thing, and make people laugh, it will not be your reputation that will be damaged. "

Wang Xifeng's voice at this moment sounded like that of a spoiled little wife coquettishly coquettishly coquettishly talking to her husband.

If the stewards and ladies-in-law in the mansion heard this, they would all be shocked.

Is this still the living King of Hell with triangular eyes?

Jia Lian, of course, also clearly felt this change in Sister Feng, and was very happy in his heart.

Not bad, not bad. His years of painstaking guidance and transformation are worth it. This bitch is heading in a pleasant direction.

Seeing that Jia Lian didn't speak, Sister Feng said again: "Now I just go to the palace every morning and evening. I heard that the court has issued a notice:

All officials in the capital, big and small, have issued orders both internally and externally that when the period of mourning expires, they must accompany the Holy Spirit to the Xiling Tomb to carry out the funeral. Unless there is an edict, neither can it be prevented nor delayed.

Although I have never been to Xiling, I heard from Mrs. Gaoming that the coming and going would take more than half a month at least, so don't hold yourself back to death. "

Jia Lian heard this and asked, "What, you don't want to go?"

"No, it's so far away... The most important thing is that you don't go..."

Jia Lian smiled and said, "In that case, why don't I ask for a favor for you? Just say that you are sick and can't follow the emperor to Xiling. I think there are so many orders here, and you are not missing one. His Majesty will grant permission." "

Sister Feng's eyes lit up, she sat up from Jia Lian's arms, raised her head and asked, "Really? Is it possible?"

Before Jia Lian could answer, Sister Feng hesitated again.

"If I don't go, the old lady, the eldest lady and the second lady..."

"Our family has been favored by the emperor to carry out the funeral for the concubine, so it's not like no one will go, right?

So if I give you a favor, Your Majesty will not blame you too much. But if even the old lady and the eldest lady claim to be sick and refuse to go away, even if His Majesty believes it or not, other mansions will be in trouble if they find out. "

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Sister Feng immediately said: "Forget it then. If I don't go, who will take care of the old lady and the others."

"Isn't there a sister-in-law from Dongfu?"

Sister Feng still shook her head.

Let's not talk about the fact that Youshi is separated from them by a house. Let's just say that she claimed to be sick when she was fine. She could not hide it from the emperor, but also from Jia Mu and others.

When the time comes, Jia Mu and others will definitely have a lot to say about her.

Although her current status is not comparable to that of the past, she does not want to cause trouble.

Anyway, there were so many imperial orders inside and outside the capital, and she was not the only one to suffer.

It only lasts for a month, and it will be over soon.

At this time, she suddenly felt a little envious of Jia Lian, who could stay in Beijing openly and honestly due to his business.

Seeing that Sister Feng refused his proposal even though she was moved, Jia Lian smiled without any reluctance.

In fact, he didn't want Sister Feng to cheat on her at this time.

This time Mrs. Li seeks benevolence and gets benevolence, and seeks death and gets death. Although her death was more than justified, because she died at this stall, during a sensitive period when the conflicts between the Supreme Emperor and Emperor Ningkang accumulated, everything became complicated and confusing.

Jia Lian was keenly aware that Emperor Ning Kang was filled with overwhelming resentment.

Otherwise, he would not have made this decree.

In the past, even if an emperor or empress died, the palace would not place such a special emphasis on requiring all officials and imperial edicts to accompany her to the funeral unconditionally.

It is foreseeable that except for the necessary personnel to maintain the operation of the capital, no idlers will be allowed to stay this time.

If he cheats and cheats at this time, God knows whether he will be remembered by Emperor Ning Kang and find an excuse to do it in the future.

Therefore, it would be best for Sister Feng not to agree to his proposal. Even if she is really moved, he will try to make her realize the pros and cons and let her choose again...

Sister Feng never thought that Jia Lian's proposal was simply "hypocritical". She was also happy for Jia Lian's thoughtfulness and doting on her.

Just as the carriage wheels were turning for a long time, they finally arrived at Ningrong Street.

Sister Feng gathered her energy and prepared to get out of the car, but she saw that Jia Lian seemed to have thought of something, grabbed her, looked at Ping'er sitting next to her, and said, "Tonight, you can sleep with Ping'er."

Sister Feng's beautiful red eyes suddenly opened slightly, she looked at Jia Lian with a smile, and said with a smile: "Oh, are you going to have a lover tonight?"

This is Sister Feng, she is tender and affectionate when she is happy, but when she is serious, her own sharp points are exposed.

Fortunately, the Jia Lian at this time was not the Jia Lian back then. Not only was he not afraid of being stabbed by it, but he was fully capable of wrapping up her spikes and smoothing them out.

Jia Lian looked at Sister Feng without fear and said, "It's Qingwen's birthday today. I originally planned to rest in the west wing. If you don't agree, then forget it."

A simple move of retreating to advance made Sister Feng's smile freeze.

Smash it, slap it, Sister Feng, who felt it was boring, said angrily: "Well, it's rare that Lord Hou shows mercy, he finally plans to clean up that little hoof, how can I dare to stand in the way?

If you talk to me in front of the old lady later, God knows what kind of scolding I will suffer.

You don’t have to bite me. Now what do you want to do? How dare I stop you?

As long as you are willing to discuss it with me in advance, you think you think highly of me.

So don't talk about just resting in the West Wing for one night. Even if you are tired of us two, resting in the West Wing every day from now on is also the Marquis's right. How dare I say anything? "

When Jia Lian saw this, he didn't argue with Sister Feng. He just pulled her soft body into his arms, kissed her forehead, and said softly: "You still say that I am a scorpion, but you are not one yourself.

We have experienced a lot since I made the decision.

I think I have proven my sincerity to you, so I am not afraid to show the real me in front of you, even if this image of me is not so bright and majestic.

Because I know that no matter what kind of person I am, as long as I keep my love for you unchanged, you will tolerate and accept me like all the wise wives in the world.

Your performance in recent years also makes me believe that you can indeed do this.

So I insist that since you and I are married, we should be in love with each other.

If you are just joking, that's it. If you really doubt me in your heart, you are worried that I will get bored and abandon you. Not only will you belittle your dedication to me over the years, but you will also live up to my love for you. "

Jia Lian said these words without thinking, and the more he said it, the more uncomfortable he felt. He felt as if he was possessed by Jia Baoyu.

But in this situation, he felt that only such disgusting love words could comfort Sister Feng.

After all, today is the first case. If he can't handle it properly, how can his backyard be peaceful if Daiyu and Baochai come in one after another in the future?

This is because in the long run, we must not use force to subdue Sister Feng at this time. We must understand with reason and move with emotion.

No matter what Jia Lian was thinking, Sister Feng was really confused and disoriented by Jia Lian's confusing words.

At this time, she once again hated herself for not reading more books, so that she could not understand Jia Lian's words at such a critical time.

But thinking about it, they should all be touching love words.

Sister Feng's face was red, and her heartbeat was beating fast. She could not remember the three points of resentment she had just felt.

My heart has melted for a long time, and I just wish I could stay in this man's arms like this for the rest of my life, listening to him occasionally say such heart-tugging words.


Just when Jia Lian outsmarted Sister Feng, his courtyard and the west wing were already empty.

Bao Dai and others couldn't wait any longer and left one after another.

All the maids in the rooms were all gone. Only Qingwen, Xiangling, and their respective maids barely made up a table. But his interest has waned.

"Second Master and Second Grandma are back!"

A shout exploded in the room like thunder on the ground.

Qingwen's heart suddenly accelerated.

I wanted to rush out of the room, but my butt felt like it was sticky and I couldn't move it.

So she said to Xiang Ling who looked at her in surprise: "If the second master wants to take a bath tonight, you can take care of him. I won't go because I don't feel well."

Not feeling well?

Xiang Ling naturally didn't ask this question. She already realized what she was talking about, nodded thoughtfully, and then took her follower Huixiang out.

"Sister Qingwen, are you really feeling unwell?"

After there were only two people left in the room, Tan Yun opened his big Kazilan eyes and asked curiously.

It's strange. When Qingwen was playing cards just now, she was still so full of energy and vigor, but suddenly she felt uncomfortable?

Qingwen glanced at her.

The little girl Jia Lian rewarded her with. Everything else was good, but she didn't have a bright mind, and she wasn't as capable as Xiangling's Huixiang girl.

If she hadn't seen how cute she looked and listened to her words, she would have been replaced by someone else.

"I was sweating just now. Go and fetch me a basin of hot water, and then fill up the water in the tea stove. Then go back and rest."

"Oh, my dear Sister Qingwen!"

After sending the little girl away, Qingwen couldn't help but worry about gains and losses again.

Second Master, you should still remember what you promised her...

This time, I probably won’t lie to her again!

Hum, if the second master coaxes her again this time, he will never ignore him again.

Thinking of this, Qingwen stood up and began to think about how she should present herself in front of Jia Lian in the best possible way if she waited for Jia Lian to come over.


Jia Lian certainly did not forget to promise Qingwen.

Although he felt that this naturally beautiful little girl could be raised as a child.

But the little girl complained several times that his bowl of water was uneven, so he had no choice but to comply.

After a simple bath, Jia Lian did not go back to the main room. Instead, he only wore a thin robe and stepped onto the corridor of the west wing.

"Second Master..."

At the end of the corridor, under the light, the young girl looked so shy and endearing.

She raised her head and glanced at herself, her beautiful eyes seemed to hold a thousand words, but she was too shy to speak them out.

Jia Lian stepped forward and asked, "Why don't you stay in the house?"

"I, I'm waiting for you..."

Qingwen couldn't finish a sentence, and her voice was as low as a mosquito or a fly, inaudible.

In fact, after she prepared everything, she was afraid that Jia Lian would break his promise and gain weight, so she specially stood on the porch to keep a lookout.

At this time, seeing Jia Lian coming seriously, I was both happy and worried.

In short, the complexity of a girl's heart is not much weaker than the enemy in battle.

However, what Jia Lian likes to see the most is the shy appearance of the girl.

Yin smiled and said: "Oh, wait for me, what are you waiting for me to do?"

Qingwen's face turned redder, which was not very obvious in the night.

"I like the little rabbit that my second master gave me very much..."

Wang Gu spoke to him stiffly.

"Really, then do you like little rabbits more, or do you like men more?"

Qingwen was stunned for a moment, then glared at Jia Lian angrily and said, "I like rabbits a lot, but the second master is the worst."


Jia Lian burst into laughter.

After paying his respects in the morning, he went out of town for a trip, and happened to meet a countryman carrying unsold rabbits home.

He thought that most of the little girls at home liked cute little animals, and Qingwen was no exception, so he decided to buy a pair and bring them back as a haircut gift for Qingwen.

It actually shows more intention than giving her gold and silver.

At this time, Jian Qiaobi was dressed neatly, and beneath her exquisite face, there was an air of girlishness that could not be concealed. He stood three steps away from the other party, but he seemed to be able to smell the fragrance of youthful virginity.

So he smiled and opened his arms, just like when the other person was a little girl and asked the other person to jump up and hug him.

Qingwen understood Jia Lian's intention in an instant, and she glanced nervously at the main room.

The strange thing is that Jia Lian's laughter just now was so free and unrestrained, and there was no reaction at all in the main room.

Not only in the main room, but also in the entire courtyard at this time, except for the moonlight, no one else could be seen. Even her good sister and partner, Xiang Ling, didn't know where she was.

The entire compound was eerily quiet.

The shyness subsided a little, and Qingwen walked step by step to Jia Lian, but instead of jumping on Jia Lian like before, she gently threw herself into Jia Lian's arms amid Jia Lian's full smile:

"It's windy outside. Second Master, let's take him into the house..."

But Qingwen's behavior made Jia Lian feel that this girl has really grown up and is now shy.

I still remember that she was only eleven years old when I brought her back from Jia Mu's courtyard.

At that time, Qingwen, although delicate and intelligent, had a girlish heart.

Not only did she speak ill of Sister Feng in front of him, she also dared to wrap her legs around his waist and give him a fragrant kiss.

Everything seemed like yesterday, and in a blink of an eye, the girl turned into a graceful girl.

The appearance is still the same, but now, there is no need for the other party to jump on him.

Jia Lian lowered his head and easily left a kiss on the girl's forehead. Then, with the girl's eyes looking either shy or expectant, he picked her up across the waist and walked into the door of the west wing step by step...

After a while, Xiang Ling, who had tidied up the bathroom, also came back.

She walked into the door quietly, then stood behind the door between herself and Qingwen, stretched her head and looked in for a long time.

After confirming that her guess was correct, Xiang Ling turned around and sat on her small bed, dazed for a while, then got up and locked the door.

She didn't dare to blow out the candles to attract the attention of the people in the room, so she left the candles on. She quietly took off her clothes and got into bed to prepare for a good sleep. Then when she got up tomorrow, she would see if Qingwen would be the same as she was before and whether she could leave. Moving way.

But it didn't take long for her to realize that she was wrong, very wrong.

Regarding herself and others, she thought that Qingwen would be like her, if not quiet when being favored, her voice would be low and unpleasant.

who knows……

How can I sleep here?

Xiang Ling tossed and turned under the quilt for a long time, and finally resigned to her fate, sitting up like a zombie, looking at the flickering lights on the cabinet with dull eyes.

...(End of chapter)

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