Chapter 84 Rumors
Jia Lian followed You Shi all the way.

He roughly understood what the young woman in front of him was thinking at this moment.

In fact, he thinks You Shi is a very nice and decent person.

Although he teased him when he was young and ignorant, he just couldn't hold back his restlessness.

He also saw Jia Erbao slipping into Wang Xifeng's arms, damn it... If it weren't for the fact that he was still a child, he would have to be beaten up!
Therefore, You Shi's actions, even in Jia Lian's view, are justifiable.

After all, Jia Zhen was such an unscrupulous and full-fledged husband at the stall. She was just cheating psychologically, which was considered very serious.

In fact, he had been eager to try Youshi for a long time, but he was always uncertain about Youshi's psychology, so he didn't succeed, and he felt very itchy.

Youshi, seems to be the type that Yuanshen likes the most.

According to Jia Lian at this time, Youshi's beauty was indeed of the highest quality.

The skin is very white, without blemishes, and the facial features are correct and beautiful. Although it is not very amazing at first glance, it belongs to the kind of beauty that becomes more delicious the more you look at it.

In addition to her tall figure, exquisite figure, and plump buttocks, when she walks, she shakes and shakes, with a full sense of beauty.

Jia Lian looked at her and nodded secretly. This kind of beauty is no worse than that of the rich sister-in-law over there, and she even wins a lot in style.

"Yindie, I just saw that the eldest lady did not bring a hand stove, you go back and get my gold-plated hibiscus."

Hearing that Youshi sent back the last maid beside him, Jia Lian couldn't help touching his chin.

Oh, interesting...

The winter wind was blowing, and on the long and quiet stone road, there were only him and You Shi walking hand in hand, one behind the other. An invisible and charming scenery gradually overshadowed the lonely winter scenery.

Finally walked to the foot of Tianxiang Tower, where the terrain is long and narrow, except for tall buildings, there is no way to see anything.

You Shi turned her head and glanced at Jia Lian, her face was like a peach blossom, her eyes were full of spring water, fluttering as if affectionate, yet unintentional when shaking.

She walked slowly, and she could walk out of this narrow area and walk to an open place in seven or eight steps.

Suddenly, he felt a strong force coming from his waist, and then he crashed into a young and powerful embrace.

That power was a bit brutal and overbearing, and it forced her into a room of unknown purpose in Tianxiang Building.

In the darkness, the woman seemed to be in shock, she hurried out of Jia Lian's arms, and asked, "What is Second Uncle bringing me here for..."

When she said it, even she herself felt hypocritical and blushed.

"There is one thing I want to discuss with my sister-in-law."

"What's the matter~"

You Shi glanced at the half-closed wooden door, thinking that if he ran out, would he catch him and forcefully behave rudely to him?

"About Brother Jane..."


You Shi raised his head impressively, looking at Jia Lian for no reason.

"I don't know if sister-in-law has heard the rumors in the mansion recently?"

"What rumor?"

You Shi didn't understand, with so many people in the two prefectures, someday those people would forget to chew their tongues?There are countless rumors about Jia Zhen, the bastard who turned the Ningguo Mansion over, and there is nothing worth paying attention to.

If you really want to talk about rumors, it is Jia Lian who is more willing to eat melons.

For example, what was unclear between him and Jia Amnesty's little aunt a few months ago, and for example, yesterday he beat Prince Duan's son, so he was arrested by the emperor and sent to the palace. I don't know how the emperor reprimanded him of……

Jia Lian didn't know whether Youshi really didn't hear about it, or pretended not to understand, so he could only speak bluntly: "There are rumors in the two houses that Brother Zhen is coveting Rong's daughter-in-law..."


When Youshi heard this, all charming thoughts were immediately forgotten, and he looked up into Jia Lian's eyes in disbelief.

Although she has no status in front of Jia Zhen, she is Jia Zhen's justifiable wife, the head grandmother of Ningguo Mansion, and the mother of Jia's family.

My husband covets his daughter-in-law?
This kind of thing will undoubtedly do great harm to her, and of course it will also do great harm to Jia Rong, but that kid has never wanted decency and dignity, so it goes without saying.

Therefore, even though this kind of rumor has spread in a small area of ​​Jia's mansion, no one has dared to spread it to Youshi's ears so far.

"Don't talk nonsense, these are shameless words from those bastards, they are so inappropriate..."

You Shi was very angry. After all, if Jia Lian hadn't talked nonsense, once such rumors spread, the master of the palace would lose all face!
The corners of Jia Lian's mouth twitched. In this world, he really doesn't need to be a son of man.He and that old fellow Jia She had reached the point where they were about to face life and death, so of course it was impossible for them to have even the slightest bit of father-son affection.

"I've heard about this matter, as long as my sister-in-law asks someone to inquire, I'm sure I'll find out.

I'm just curious, is this incident groundless, or is it true? "

When You Shi heard what Jia Lian said, she basically believed it, and for a moment she didn't know what to think.

As the head grandmother of Ningguo Mansion, since the new daughter-in-law entered the house, Jia Zhen's extraordinary care and love for her, Youshi naturally saw it in her eyes and remembered it in her heart.

To be honest, she never doubted that Jia Zhen had other thoughts in her heart.

However, she was his own son's daughter-in-law after all, and even You Shi felt that Jia Zhen was just thinking about it at most, and it was absolutely impossible for her to do such a crazy thing seriously.

Now even Jia Lian has heard of such rumors, so it can be seen that it is not just one or two people talking.

You Shi is a person who is dull on the surface and has calculations in his heart, but he is well versed in the way of being wise and protecting himself, and puts himself on the back of things that have nothing to do with him, that's why people think she is incompetent.

She knew that where there is no wind, there are no waves, and since such rumors started, there was no guarantee that there were some signs of the truth.

Seeing Youshi lost in deep thought, Jia Lian didn't disturb her.

It was his impromptu idea to tell You Shi about this matter.

The rumors were indeed spread by him on purpose.

In view of Qin's special status, no matter what, she cannot be allowed to die!
It's true that Jia Zhen is a bastard, but as a third-rank general, he must show some face, right?In the original book, because his adopted nephew was so beautiful and their relationship was too "close", others suspected that they were male plus male after generation!When the rumors started to spread, he hurriedly settled Jia Qiang in another courtyard, which showed that he hadn't reached the point of being completely unscrupulous.

At least, before his father Jia Jing died, he still had concerns.

Therefore, Jia Lian doesn't care if Jia Zhen has taken action against the Qin family now, let him out the rumors first, as long as he wants to save face, he has to worry a little bit, and he will pay attention to avoid suspicion in the future.

What's more, even with his hard work, he could find out about the uniqueness of Qin's identity, so Jia Zhen must know it too, even more than he does.

When his dirty thoughts are not exposed in front of others, he may have a fluke mentality and dare to attack Qin.

Now that Jia Lian has made his thoughts public in advance, he will definitely know, and the royal family may also know.Under such circumstances, as long as he is not completely demented, I believe he will not dare to do anything to Qin Shi again!

This is also Jia Lian's current thought, the simplest and most effective way to deter Jia Zhen.

As for the impact of the rumors on the Qin family, there must be some impact, but as long as the Qin family is still innocent, it is still within the acceptable range.

It's better than the one who chooses to commit suicide after Jia Zhen wins her hands and has no face to face the world.

Now that Jia Lian told You Shi about this, he just wanted to add another insurance policy.

Even if Youshi can't control Jia Zhen, as her mother-in-law of Qin's, as long as she wants to, she can effectively cut off the connection between Jia Zhen and Qin's.

Therefore, Qin Shi's identity was revealed to You Shi.

"You mean, Rong's daughter-in-law may have royal blood?"

You Shi was really shocked again.

As a concubine, she was really not qualified to come into contact with the top secrets of the Jia family, and Jia Zhen would definitely not tell her.

But as soon as Jia Lian said it, she remembered it. No wonder the Qin family was obviously just the daughter adopted by the petty bureaucrat Qin Bangye from the Yangsheng Tang, but she could make Ningguo Mansion marry her as the eldest mistress.No wonder, on the day Rong'er married her daughter-in-law, so many noble people who shouldn't have come...

"Although it's just a rumor, once this matter gets out, it will not only have a great impact on the reputation of sister-in-law and brother Zhen, but it may also bring great trouble to our Jia family.

Therefore, I also ask my sister-in-law to pay more attention in the days to come, so that Brother Zhen must pay attention to avoiding suspicion. As long as there is no real evidence, the rumors will naturally disappear after a long time. "

You Shi nodded again and again, and said to Jia Lian, "Thank you for telling me such an important matter, and I will pay attention to it."

After saying this, the scene fell silent for a while.

Only then did Youshi remember that she and Jia Lian's uncle and sister-in-law were alone in this narrow room.

He also remembered that Jia Lian suddenly dragged her into such a dark room just to tell her about Jia Zhen and Qin's affairs, and he couldn't help feeling resentful for a while.

According to Jia Lian's habits, shouldn't he be the one to get her when he pulls her in?
Even if he wants to talk about business, he will talk about it after the "business" is done... Could it be that he is really old and not as attractive as those girls in his teens, so he has no interest in him?However, I am full of calculations, and now I am only 25 years old...

"If Second Uncle Lian has nothing else to do, then let's go out. If we stay here for a long time, others will be suspicious."

You Shi gave Jia Lian a quiet look, and suggested that it was time to go.

Unexpectedly, Jia Lian stretched out his hand to hug her again, took a deep breath between her neck, and then praised: "Sister-in-law is still so charming..."

You Shi was ashamed, and just when she was thinking about how to reject Jia Lian, she heard Jia Lian say again: "But I am no longer an ignorant young man. Now I am not capable of protecting my sister-in-law's safety, so what Dare to easily destroy the innocence of sister-in-law?

Wait for me, when I can achieve the same status as Big Brother Zhen one day, at least let him be afraid of me, then you will be mine. "

As Jia Lian said, she kissed Youshi on the forehead, then let go of her, and strode out of the room.

 Regarding Qin's identity, since the original book did not clearly state it, it means that it can be played freely.

  Everyone can disagree with this statement, but there is no need to debate. Debate means that what you say is correct.

(End of this chapter)

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