Chapter 123
At eleven o'clock at night, Eto Law Firm.

The locked glass door was opened, and a figure walked into the law office.He didn't turn on the lights at the front desk, but he walked towards the director's office in the dark as if he was already familiar with the road.Standing in front of the door, he directly took out the key in his pocket, turned the key in the lock, pushed the door open and entered.

With a bang, the light came on.

But the figure turned out to be Beiyuan.At this time, he still smelled like a barbecue restaurant.Beiyuan scanned the director's office with his eyes, and slowly sat down on the office chair.Ever since Miyagawa came to Eto Law Firm, he has also been working outside, and usually the director's office is simply locked.Only open it when there is only one person in the law firm.

As for what he is doing inside, no one else knows.

Bei Yuan picked up a cup, brewed a cup of black tea, and took a sip to get rid of the meaty smell in his mouth.Just now, the leisurely look of eating with Miyagawa at the barbecue restaurant is no longer there, and the expression on his face has become a little indifferent.He raised his head and looked intently at the wall in front of his desk.

But I saw that there were nearly two hundred photos on the wall. The characters in these photos were all wearing expensive clothes, attending important occasions, and some even officiated at the ribbon-cutting ceremony. In these photos A person who looks at him knows that he is either rich or expensive.

These materials were collected by Kitahara before Miyagawa.Before, in order to pry out the huge relationship network of Kawamoto Expressway, Kitahara specifically asked Miyagawa to find out all the information on the opening ceremony, ribbon cutting ceremony, or groundbreaking ceremony of all expressways under Kawamoto Expressway. Find out as much as possible about every important person in attendance.

The photos pasted on the wall swayed slightly with the cold wind blowing in from outside the room, and the important figures on them were nailed with red and blue nails respectively.There are also rubber bands hanging on these nails, binding the nails of different characters together, as if showing a relationship diagram of characters.

These nails, rubber bands, and some connecting wires seemed to form a huge spider web at this time, swaying gently, and looked a little cautious at night.

Only the spider webs are full, but there is no trace of the spider king.

There were a few darts on the table, and Bei Yuan stretched out his hand to play with these darts.The sharp thorns of the dart reflected the lights in the office, giving off a faint chill.This was bought by Beiyuan specially before. He usually practices dart throwing in the director's office when he has nothing to do.The dart boards hanging on the side walls have already been pierced with scars.

Beiyuan's eyes kept sweeping through the photos on the wall in front of him, and then locked on to the first target. Suddenly, he raised his hand, but saw that at this moment, the bones and tendons at the knuckles floated up, followed by the disabled As soon as the shadow appeared, the throwing movement in his hand had not yet been seen clearly, and the dart in his hand flew out instantly.

With a "bang", white dust splashed directly on the wall.

The first photo pinned by darts is a man in a suit and gold-rimmed glasses. He looks about 40 years old, with a gentle look. In the photo, he seems to be participating in a traffic opening ceremony, getting up Holding Kotarou's hand.This man is called Hirata Chiaki, and he is the director of the Shinjuku District Meizheng Judicial Appraisal Office. Previously, there were many cases of traffic accidents that damaged the guardrail of the Kawamoto Expressway, and most of the judicial appraisal amount of the damage value was made by Hirata Chiaki.

It is estimated that the director Hirata Chiaki should be the one who taught Kawamoto Expressway to use the trick of altering to hide the judicial appraisal.

Bei Yuan's eyes then slid over the director of the judicial appraisal office, and then landed on the center of the spider web composed of rubber bands and lanyards.

In this kind of photo in the center, unexpectedly, it is a young man in his 20s. He has two sharp eyebrows on his face and piercing eyes, giving people a very smart and eye-catching feeling.However, it is such a man in his early twenties who actually attended more than 100 opening ceremonies of highways under the Kawamoto Expressway, and also presided over the ribbon-cutting of many opening ceremonies. Disproportionate status, standing directly side by side with Kotaro.

On the table in front of Beiyuan, there was a resume. The form was very new, as if it had just been completed.The photo on this resume is the young man on the wall in front of him.

Kurosawa Sanji, 26 years old, Secretary of the National Assembly Secretariat.

Kitahara silently stared at the man in the photo.Obviously, such a man, a mere Congressional secretary who doesn't even have an official rank, can become a guest of great importance to Kawamoto Expressway, and he can know that there is someone behind him with his toes.This guy named Kurosawa should be someone's spokesperson.

However, who is this person?
Bei Yuan raised his head again, staring at the huge spider web on the wall in front of him.All the indistinct relationship networks behind it, and the intriguing glances, came to an abrupt end after they were all brought together by this congress secretary named Sanji Kurosawa...




Tokyo, Chiyoda District, an unknown club.

In a hidden room, from the gap in the curtains, one can vaguely see the magnificent National Assembly Hall in the night.Under the illumination of night lights, the magnificent dome stands tall like a magnificent pyramid.In the room, the dim light gave the entire scene of the room a faint yellow halo.The room is like a small office with a desk.

Behind the desk, a figure was leaning on the office chair, with his back to the two people in the room. He was holding an ivory globe in his hand. He seemed to be greatly moved by this beautifully crafted but extremely cruel artwork. interest, kept spinning back and forth to play.

When he was enjoying himself, the figure leisurely sang an oriental nursery rhyme:
"O crow, why sing."

"Because it's on that high mountain."

"Take a look, go and have a look, it's on a high mountain in the distance."

"There are seven cutest children waiting for her to come home."

The somewhat hoarse, old voice came from behind the chair, clearly singing a nursery rhyme.However, at this moment, it sounds like a parent is threatening the child in the middle of the night.The figure's casual playing movements, as well as the humming tune, exude an oppressive aura that makes people breathless, as if the whole room is like a sponge that has been squeezed at will.

At this time, there were two people sitting on the two expensive leather sofas in the room.

Kurosawa Sanji swallowed on the sofa, cold sweat was already breaking out on his forehead.Even though he has been serving the big man in front of him as a subordinate for a long time, every time they meet, the mountainous sense of oppression is like putting a noose around his neck and tightening it tightly.

Kurosawa was wondering whether to interrupt the elegance of the big man in front of him, because he had bad news to bring.After a while, the voice of the figure humming gradually became weaker. Kurosawa hesitated again and again and said, "Mr. Congressman. This time, the first echelon contractor of the "Infrastructure Renewal Strategy Act" will be changed. Kawamoto Expressway was Initiating a class action lawsuit, I am afraid it will be set aside."

The figure sitting on the office chair continued to play with the ivory globe, and responded casually: "Oh? That's it. That's a pity. It's a pity that the old man of the Kawamoto Group has no luck to accept these allocations."

Afterwards, the figure seemed a little curious, and asked, "That law firm initiated it."

"It was Eto Law Firm at first. Now it has been contracted by Sakai Law Firm and Nishimura Law Firm." Kurosawa replied.

The moment the word "Eto Law Firm" was pronounced, the movements of the hands of the figure with a strong sense of oppression suddenly paused, as if he had heard some unbelievable news. The astonishment brought by it was not easy to digest, and the figure took a while before he opened his mouth and said, "Is that Jiang Teng's Jiang Teng Law Firm?"

"Yes, Mr. Congressman. This matter is unbelievable. Since Eto left, the debt of the accident is said to have been taken over by a university student from Tokyo who just graduated a few years ago. Maybe the debt of [-] million yen weighed on this A college student who just graduated is about to drive him crazy. He did not know where he received a traffic accident case, seized the materials in it, and filed a blackmail lawsuit against the Kawamoto Expressway. But...but, he did not expect the court It actually supported his request."

"Jeto is really a coward. It's just [-] million yen and I won't do it." The figure said leisurely, "What is the name of that young man who is still in Jiangto's law firm?"

"It's called Kitahara Yoshiichi." Kurosawa replied.

The room suddenly became a little quiet.Feeling this almost suffocating sense of oppression, Kurosawa wanted to turn over the news quickly, and then said: "Mr. Congressman, the General Hotel is almost completed recently. The owner of the hotel has already arranged a banquet, and he is waiting for Mr. Congressman to make a decision." It's a date."

"Okay, I see." The figure said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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