Chapter 395
Dan Yu felt that her body had completely froze, and the faint hot air from her neck pierced a rusty iron hook directly into her flesh and blood, completely immobilizing her body.She even lost the courage to look in the mirror, and only dared to scan the ground with her eyes.

Thinking back to the ten minutes in the past, I was actually staying in the same room with a stranger, and the feeling of shuddering immediately surged up.At that moment, Niwa was filled with news about violence against women living alone.She usually lives alone in Tokyo, so she is naturally very cautious, but now she is facing ambush by strangers in a seemingly safe hotel, which is completely beyond her imagination.

"Bang, bang, bang." Niwa's heart beat violently.

The light in the bathroom cast the shadows in the room on the high-grade tiles, and there was a vaguely visible figure standing behind Niwa.The female reporter's shoulders were trembling slightly, and her face was extremely pale.It seemed that in a few seconds, a cruel and savage man would grab her by the hair from behind and hit her on the back of the head with a wrench.

This is not her fantasy. In her past career as a reporter, she was indeed beaten with a wrench.

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.


After a full half a minute, Niwa didn't know why the person behind her still didn't move. She took a tentative step, but the moment she took the step, the sole of her foot slipped and she lost her balance.She subconsciously reached out and grabbed the shower curtain next to her.The metal shelf above broke with a "click", and a row of toiletries fell into the bathtub with a "bang".

Niwa fell heavily into the bathtub, unprecedented pain invaded her body, she opened her eyes and saw that the bathtub behind her was empty.

"Huh?" Niwa was stunned for a moment.

The entire room was unusually quiet, only a faint "humming" sound could be heard.Directly above the bathtub, a bathroom heater has been turned on, and the fan blades vibrate slightly.The hot air inside sprang out and flowed toward the room.

Could it be that the breath-like airflow I felt just now is the wind and heat in the bathroom?Niwa stretched out his hand and touched the back of his neck lightly, his heart that was beating violently just now became slightly relieved.Niwa clutched his body and managed to get up from the bathtub, but when he looked back at the bedroom outside the bathroom, his heart beat violently again.

The lights in the room were turned off at some point, and only the faint light of the laptop shone in the room.The hotel bedroom, which was brightly lit just now, has now become pitch black.A gust of wind came from nowhere, and with a "swish", the threatening letter on the sink fell to the ground.

The threatening letter told Niwa a cruel fact, even if the person who made the threat was not in the bathroom, he might be hiding in a corner of the guest room.

Niwa swallowed, wrapped his body tightly with a bath towel, rushed to the door of the hotel room, and pressed all the light switches with a "snap".

In the dark room, light reappeared.However, Niwa didn't dare to stay for a long time, she leaned against the door of the hotel room, put on her shirt and trousers, and didn't even dare to take the time to put on her underwear.

At this moment, the closet in the guest room, behind the heavy curtains, under the big bed, and the big cabinet in the bathroom, maybe somewhere, there is a person that I don't know.If a person can break through the security of the hotel, come to his room and drop a threatening letter, then he can undoubtedly hide in the room and wait for his arrival quietly.

With a "click", Niwa put on her clothes and reached out to open the door of the guest room, so as to ensure that when she shouted loudly, the surrounding guest rooms could hear her.

Immediately, Niwa quickly walked to the desk with the door open, lifted the laptop, documents, and satchel, and fled out of the guest room as if flying.

This hotel can no longer be stayed.

Niwa ran to the elevator quickly, desperately pressed the elevator button, and at the same time turned around to see if anyone was chasing him out of the guest room.This fear of being threatened has already occupied her brain.Suddenly, the image of a wrench reappeared in Niwa's mind.

Once upon a time, she was caught in a local hotel and slammed on the head with a wrench for reporting on a hazardous gas leak at a chemical plant.At that time, she was hit on the head and bled, and that was the closest she came to death in her career as a reporter.Fortunately, there was no fracture of the skull, and I walked back from the gate of hell.

Since then, however, Niwa has had recurring nightmares about wrenches and frequently has painful hallucinations of being beaten on the head.

A psychiatrist once diagnosed himself with a rare form of stress syndrome.

With a sound of "ding", the elevator door slowly opened, and Niwa immediately entered the elevator car.However, just after pressing the 'L1' key, the female reporter suddenly discovered that she hadn't brought out her mobile phone.

At this time, I don't know if it was the threatening letter in the guest room, which once again stimulated Niwa's heart.She only felt the blood vessels in her head twitch suddenly, followed by severe pain rushing to her head.The surrounding scenery gradually blurred, and the elevator was twisted and twisted like a rag, turning into a pair of wrenches.

a bit.


Three times.

It was as if a pair of wrenches were actually hitting her head hard.


it hurts.

It really hurts.

The previous mental disorder broke out again, Niwa covered his head, showing a painful expression, and sat down on the elevator directly.Why?Why does my head hurt so much!Why does it hurt so much!Like a wriggling long worm directly burrowing into his brain, Niwa grabbed his hair, feeling the abnormal nerve pain, and his whole body was on the verge of collapse.

Why…… hurts so much...

On the back of Niwa's hand, blood vessels protruded, showing the pain the female reporter was suffering at the moment.

Suddenly, a "ding" sounded, and the floor number "13" appeared on the screen next to it.The elevator door opened again, only to hear a burst of greetings from outside.

"Investigator Yuki, then I'll send it here." A male voice came over, "I look forward to a happy cooperation in the future."

For some reason, this male voice seemed a little familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere.The moment the male voice appeared, it was as if the conductor in the symphony gave a signal to stop, and the illusion around him suddenly collapsed and returned to the real scene.The weird wrench disappeared, and the pain in his head also miraculously stopped at this moment, leaving only the feeling of throbbing blood vessels.

Niwa raised his head, and although he hadn't seen it many times, a figure with a deep impression came into his eyes - Yoshiichi Kitahara, the plaintiff's lawyer in the Kawamoto Expressway case, was standing in front of him.The moment he saw him, Niwa's beating heart suddenly seemed to be calmed down.Like the Nara deer running around in the forest, they found a place to hide.

Beiyuan waved his hand to say goodbye to Yuuki, just when he thought he was ready to go back to his room to have a good rest, the elevator door opened slowly, and a disheveled, pale-faced female reporter sat slumped inside.The reason why Beiyuan knew that she was a reporter was because the moment he saw her face, he recognized her. It was the female reporter he had met in the Kawamoto Expressway case—Niwa Marina.

Fate produced some kind of wonderful meeting at this moment, at this moment—lawyer, reporter, auditor, people of three professions met on this elevator at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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