Tokyo Barrister: Start the law firm bankruptcy

Chapter 484 Academic Promotion Association

Chapter 484 Academic Promotion Association

A few days later, at 9:57 am.

Kyoto University, in front of the Great Hall.

The majestic and solemn auditorium has the feeling of a towering western church. It can be said to be one of the few buildings with a distinct overseas style in the quaint campus.At the door, a group of middle-aged people in formal suits were already standing.There are men and women among them, and the common feature is that they exude a majestic aura.People who knew them would naturally show surprised expressions, because the vast majority of these people are high-level executives at Kyoto University who usually don't see each other.

It is difficult to see the real faces of these people in the usual board meeting, but at this moment they are standing neatly in front of the auditorium door, like elementary school students, as if waiting for someone.Could there be someone bigger than them coming on campus?Many passers-by spectators have stopped in unison.

Not far from the crowd, there were a few people dressed as reporters who had already set up their cameras, ready to capture important moments.On the farther trail, there are university administrators from time to time talking to the receiver hanging by their ears, as if confirming the itinerary of the important person who is about to come here.

Takeuchi was also standing among the crowd at the entrance of the auditorium.

Today's collar is a bit tight on my neck, which is not very comfortable.

The vice-principal held out his hand and adjusted his tie again.

Today, the important guests to be greeted are people from the Academic Promotion Association.

The Society for the Advancement of Science, an organization that holds almost all of Toyo's scientific research funds, is simply a titan who controls the fate of the world to the academic world.Every day at the Office of the Promotion Association in Tokyo, there are countless people from universities and scientific research institutions from all over the East stepping through the threshold.This organization called Society for the Advancement of Science is the heart of Toyo Scientific Research.

And these few days are the itinerary for the Academic Promotion Association to conduct inspections at Kyoto University.

This office of the scientific research community rarely pays a special visit to a certain university.

Normally, these universities would not be able to visit the Zhenxing Association, let alone the Zhenxing Association took the initiative to come to the door.

This is an unprecedented opportunity for Kyoto University.

Of course, this is even more of an opportunity for Takeuchi.

Takeuchi knew better than anyone else the significance of the Academic Promotion Association's visit here.According to the information that Takeuchi has obtained, the promotion committee's schedule at the university these days will also have the purpose of examining his qualifications as a candidate for the promotion committee.This had to make Takeuchi take an unprecedented high level of attention.

Takeuchi is very clear that Kyoto University is currently in the midst of wind and rain.

Although the Fujimura plagiarism incident at the beginning of this year has attracted the attention of the society to a certain extent, in fact, a series of academic misconduct incidents have been exposed earlier than this.In one laboratory of Peking University, a resigned researcher exposed the fraudulent data of the research group, and another team had the audacity to deceive the editors of international journals and forge the email addresses of anonymous reviewers in order to realize the operation of self-review.

To be honest, each of these matters is a heavyweight scandal when singled out.

However, these were all covered up by Takeuchi.

Takeuchi has the confidence to dare to do so.During his tenure, the total number of university papers published by teachers soared by more than two times, directly leaving the University of Tokyo far behind, and monopolizing the throne of the scientific research circle in the East.The acquisition of scientific research funding has doubled.In the past, Toyo University, which could only follow Westerners to do some research step by step, has also begun to gain a foothold in the forefront of the academic world and make its own voice.Kyoto University hosts up to 35 academic conferences with international influence every year, which has completely surpassed Germany and France in terms of quantity, and is almost on par with well-known universities in England.This is an unprecedented achievement.

Of course, there is another thing that Takeuchi may not be able to control.

That is the production and research enterprise.

The audit process of the Accounting Inspection Institute is still unknown.

After the researcher in Ogawara's research group was acquitted, he didn't know what the prosecutor's office was going to do next.

Takeuchi is actually sure that he will enter the Promotion Association.Because he has climbed to the top of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.This academic revitalization meeting specially chose the time when the university was investigated because of the production and research enterprises. In a sense, it was a silent support and statement for the university.

Takeuchi's reforms at the university have also been the focus of the revitalization society.

To a certain extent, if the vice president is really elected to the Promotion Association, even though he will leave Kyoto University, the reforms he brings may be implemented to universities or scientific research institutions throughout Toyo.Whether voluntary or forced, these universities and institutions have more or less implemented Takeuchi's scientific research policy of "no support for idlers", introducing cruel academic promotion games and age ceilings into the campus.

Takeuchi was familiar with the revitalization society's style.As for the qualifications of committee members, they care more about not making mistakes than being excellent.Therefore, the focus of these few days is to tell the big figures of the Academic Promotion Association——

Kyoto University has always had zero tolerance for academic misconduct.

Kyoto University has always had zero tolerance for scientific research corruption.

Only Xiang Zhenxing will show this attitude of overcoming obstacles, then the big shots there will definitely favor him.In the reception meeting and so on, it is these two points that I want to preach.Dispel the rumors that Kyoto University is covering up academic misconduct and scientific research corruption under the high pressure of indicators.

While Takeuchi was daydreaming, suddenly a horn sounded not far away.

There were only a few students standing at a few corners, holding banners and microphones, protesting loudly against the rarely seen high-level gathering places.Several of the students were waving flags, like soldiers on the battlefield, shouting the slogan of charging and killing the enemy.I only heard the faint voice from the microphone:

"University is not officialdom!"

"Teachers are not bureaucrats!"

"Give me back the Pure Land of Beijing!"

"Promote my independent spirit!"

Takeuchi frowned in displeasure.It's these ignorant students again!When will it be troublesome!The vice-principal recalled the situation when Professor Ochi confronted him at the school affairs meeting a few days ago.The mood suddenly changed for the worse.He said angrily to an administrative director beside him:

"What's going on! Didn't the security guard drive them away! Let them run wild here!"

The administrative director's face turned pale immediately, and he hurriedly ran all the way, talking into the walkie-talkie while running.Immediately, in less than 5 minutes, a team of security guards appeared on the school road and walked towards the students.There were also two security vans from the University Security Department parked directly in front of the students, separating them from this important occasion.

"Takeuchi step down!"

As soon as the microphone sounded like this, there was a piercing "Zi" sound. Obviously, the plug-in cable of the speaker was unplugged by the university security.

The early spring sun shines on the crowd.Suddenly, the administrative staff in the distance became a little nervous, and they didn't know what to say into the Bluetooth headset.

In less than a moment, several black Mercedes-Benz appeared on the campus road in the distance.Although these black cars were driving at a very slow speed, they exuded an extremely powerful sense of oppression.Like a scythe chariot in an ancient triumphal ceremony, the sharp wheeled scimitar just refracts the sun's rays, which is enough to remind people of the terrifying scene of it crushing human flesh and blood.Since the crowd in front of the auditorium noticed these black cars, the discussion in the crowd disappeared immediately.They all knew that people from the Academic Promotion Association were coming!
The leading Mercedes-Benz drove on the campus road where motor vehicles are usually prohibited from entering, and slowly stopped in front of the auditorium.

With a bang, a female administrative secretary stepped forward to open the car door for the distinguished guest.

Takeuchi swallowed his saliva, immediately took a step forward, and said loudly, "Welcome to the Academic Promotion Association to visit Kyoto University!"

(End of this chapter)

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