Chapter 529 Collective
"The plaintiff Mikiko's selfish attitude is undoubtedly revealed in this behavior!" Takezawa stood in the middle of the court and reprimanded sharply, "We in Dongyang have always been a country that advocates the collective. The interests of the whole are higher than the interests of the parts. It is clear that the project paper involved in the case is the joint result of all the scientific research team's efforts. However, just now, the plaintiff's attorney claimed that Mikiko used her own research results. What I want to ask is, does this claim affect other members of the scientific research team? Is it fair?!"

"The plaintiff's attorney claims that the severity of this behavior is smaller. So is it true?!" Takezawa took a step forward.

Just now, Bei Yuan made a sensational performance in court.

I want to win everyone's sympathy.

Now, Takezawa must fight back in the same way.

She could only hear her voice continue to say, "The achievements of the collective belong to the collective. The project papers condensed by everyone's dedication are the crystallization of collective efforts. Modern science is becoming more and more developed, and various fields are becoming more and more subdivided. No People can become generalists in the field. In the past, one Newton, one Einstein can change the whole picture of the entire discipline, and it has long been a history. Today's science is a science that emphasizes sincere cooperation. The science of progress and fruit only with strength!"

"Under such circumstances, Mikiko's stealing of collective achievements is even worse than plagiarizing a single scholar. Because she desecrated the collective achievements and denied the efforts of all members. Such extreme evil Why shouldn’t you accept the punishment from the university for your behavior!”

Takezawa's voice is also full of emotional tension.

Between the ups and downs of her tone, Mikiko seemed to have become a heinous sinner.

It seems that it is time to step onto the execution platform at this moment and accept the trial from the fire.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the courtroom seemed to change again.The observers who had been somewhat sympathetic to Mikiko just now seemed to have changed their stance.The words and phrases among lawyers can really manipulate people's hearts like a doll's wiring.

"Let's not talk about whether lawyer Takezawa's grand theory about collective interests and local interests is correct." Beiyuan sneered slightly, "Science has never been a subject. If you are a good man, you can pass through the world safely."

"Science is a brutal intellectual competition. If you understand it, you understand it. Those who don't understand it may not be able to step into the threshold throughout their lives."

"Attorney Cai Zhuzawa has always emphasized that the thesis is a collective achievement and a joint achievement. But the question is whether the contributions of each other's members are really integrated so thoroughly that they cannot be distinguished. This is like two people who are equally There is a shareholder of a company. But is the shareholding between them common and indistinguishable? Obviously not. Maybe one person holds 30% of the shares and another person holds 70% of the shares. The shares between them only distinguishable."

"Similarly, for the project papers involved in the case, whether the so-called collective results and collective cooperation by lawyer Takezawa really reach the point where it is impossible to distinguish between each other's contributions. I think this needs to be put on a question mark. In fact , it can be seen from the email records shown by the plaintiff’s attorney just now. The subsections of the paper involved in the case were indeed written independently by my client Mikiko.”

"Under such circumstances, even if it is a so-called collective achievement, the contributions of different members to the paper can obviously be distinguished from each other. For this, I, Mikiko, still use my own contribution to the project paper!"

Beiyuan launched a counterattack from the divisibility of the paper contribution.

Indeed, as Takezawa said, the papers involved in the case are collective achievements.

However, Kitahara made a rebuttal by grasping whether the contributions of various members can be distinguished from each other.This again complicates matters.

The divisibility of paper contributions... Takezawa gritted his teeth lightly.The excitement of the grand narrative she had constructed just now was punctured in an instant by the lawyer from Beiyuan opposite with such a simple detail question.Not reconciled, really not reconciled!

Of course, Takezawa would not give up easily. After she pondered for a while, she immediately said: "I would like to draw the attention of the plaintiff's attorney! Although the plaintiff Mikiko is a member of the scientific research project, her role as a member is still subject to the presiding professor and the person in charge of the project." Command. The design, ideas, experiments, etc. of the specific project papers are still involved in the joint participation of relevant professors and other members. Yes, maybe Mei Xizi really wrote part of the paper independently. However, the relevant content is actually in the project leader It is carried out under the guidance and arrangement of the research team. The relevant experimental ideas, paper design, etc. are still the ideas and contributions of others. As a member of the research group, Mei Xizi only obeys the relevant arrangements and completes the corresponding scientific research tasks.”

"From this point of view, Mei Xizi's so-called independent writing and independent creation are just appearances. From a real point of view, her writing of relevant chapters is a macro arrangement of the entire project. Even if Mei Xizi wrote some chapters independently, it cannot I think that some of the relevant paper contributions belong to her alone. I repeat, the papers involved in the project are the results of the collective! Collective labor! The crystallization of the collective!"

Takezawa raised his voice further.

Especially the tone of the word "collective" is placed heavily on it.

In this way, the natural moral high ground is even more occupied.

How would the lawyer across the street respond?

How else to refute? !
Takezawa's breathing has sped up slightly due to the high-intensity mental confrontation.However, this time, she believes that it is absolutely impossible for the plaintiff's lawyer to stand up again.

However, the next second——

The voice of the male lawyer sounded again.

The voice seemed to be mixed with jokes and ridicule.

The plaintiff male lawyer picked up the project paper involved in the case again, pointed to the author information note on it, and said: "Collective contribution? If it is really the collective contribution claimed by the defendant's attorney, then—why the project involved The author of the paper only records the relevant participating professors, assistant professors, and lecturers, but does not include the students who participated in the experiment. Yes, there are no students not only in the column of the author, but also in the acknowledgment section in the notes of the paper. Attorney Takezawa , What you call a collective, is the collective of the professors, or the collective of the students?"

"When you need dedication, you are the collective."

"And when it comes time to harvest, you are not collective."

"Lawyer Takezawa, is that what you want to express?"

(End of this chapter)

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