Tokyo Barrister: Start the law firm bankruptcy

Chapter 537 Kyoto University's Assassin

Chapter 537 Kyoto University's Assassin
A few days later, at 9:[-] am.

Sakyo Ward District Court, Tribunal No. 607.

Compared with the previous two court sessions, more high-level university officials appeared in the front rows of the auditorium this time, and even the school directors showed up in person.Some secretaries of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology officials who appeared in the first court session did not attend the second court session. Now that the third court session is in session, the eyeliner of these big shots has once again focused on the lawsuit.The reporters sitting in the last row were more engrossed than last time.

The second trial brought up the issue of the signature of the papers of Kyoto University's internal scientific research projects, as well as the situation of squeezing doctoral students as cheap labor.What problems inside this top university will be exposed in this trial?Almost all eyes in the Kansai region are on this top-ranked university in the East.

Beiyuan sat on the plaintiff's seat, leaning on a chair, staring at the materials on the tabletop, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the tabletop from time to time.He is still thinking.Thinking about Mayu Chida's testimony.At present, everything about Chida is heard from Mikiko, and there is no evidence to support it.

When I received the application from Kyoto University for Chida to testify in court, I was also slightly taken aback.I don't understand why Chida will testify in court.Then I found Mikiko to confirm.According to Mikiko's feedback, when the expert group conducted the interview with her, it was conducted directly in the classroom of the Department of Biology building, and there were several doctoral students sitting in the corner studying by themselves.At that time, Chida was also in that classroom.So she was able to hear the content of the expert team's investigation of Mikiko.

Therefore, it is expected that Kyoto University will let Chida come out to testify about the process of the expert team's investigation of Mikiko, explaining what the expert team said to Mikiko.

However, apart from Chida, Kyoto University has applied for a total of two witnesses to testify this time.

The other witness is Mikiko's mentor Muraki.

In addition to the investigation by the expert group, Muraki also had a private conversation with Mikiko, which was also about the withdrawal of the paper.It is estimated that the content of Muraki's testimony should be related to the content of Mikiko's separate conversation.

At this time, the trial has not yet begun.Some people in the gallery chatted in low voices.The constant murmur was as disturbing as the low hum of an air duct.The light coming through the door of the trial seems to be refracted by glass, making people feel dizzy when they see it.All the people and scenes seem to be deliberately making people feel uneasy.

Bei Yuan pinched the center of his eyebrows slightly, and continued to think about the current situation.

Now that Kyoto University has brought out two witnesses, it seems that they want to complete their work in one battle.

He came here with the desire to completely end the battle in today's trial.

In the last trial, I successfully let the court hear the substantive issue of whether the thesis constituted plagiarism.Now, the substantive issues of the case have been played.Then you can only play program cards.

That is to say, the process of claiming that Kyoto University revoked Mikiko’s doctorate was illegal, so the decision to revoke the degree should be revoked.

There is only one card.

This also means that one's own offensive line will be accurately predicted by the opponent.

Different civil cases or criminal cases have some delicate and complicated legal mechanisms, which will leave a lot of space and leeway for lawyers.However, there are only those statutory situations in which administrative actions can be revoked.It is easy for the opposing lawyers to guess their own offensive line.

It is estimated that the two witnesses were to block the plaintiff's attack line today.

This feeling is very bad.

Beiyuan stretched his shoulders, and the joints made a soft snapping sound.

The hole cards have been used up, and the attack route is completely under the control of the opponent.At this time, his situation was quite similar to that of Hannibal, the famous general of Carthage.Although Hannibal led a surprise army into the Italian peninsula, Rome was caught off guard.However, after being caught off guard, this was the only way to go.In the narrow peninsula, all the marching routes are under the control of Rome. If they continue to fight the war of attrition, they can only lose a lot.

What a group of troublesome opponents, Bei Yuan frowned slightly.

At this moment, Takezawa and Asakurahiko were already sitting behind the dock.Asakurahiko's expression is calm and relaxed, as if everything is in his hands.He looked at the plaintiff's seat opposite, and since the second trial, he also changed his tactics.Asakurahiko's original plan was to fight steadily and step by step.As long as you don't make mistakes, winning this lawsuit is a way to get something out of your pocket.

Of course, due to the pressure of public opinion on the university due to the second trial.In particular, it also involves a major scientific research project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.Therefore, the big shots behind it put pressure on them secretly.This kind of pressure could not help but spread to Takezawa and Asakurahiko.It also forced them to give up the cautious strategy of step by step in the past.Now, they decided to take the initiative to attack boldly, to put Beiyuan and their lawsuits on the spot without leaving any hope.

And the two witnesses who are going to testify are weapons that are enough to destroy the plaintiff.

Asakurahiko smiled slightly.He knew very well that at this moment the plaintiff was absolutely figuring out what today's witness testimony would be about.But unfortunately, all of this is useless.The witnesses who are going to appear in court have been carefully trained by him and Takezawa.

And more importantly, before the testimony, there are court investigations to continue.

What the witness will say depends on what the plaintiff says in the subsequent trial.

Wherever they attack, our witness testimony reinforces it.

Asakura Yan took a look at the chaotic court scene due to the large number of observers.Although in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Law, witnesses are not allowed to attend the trial before testifying.However, the law only stipulates that witnesses are not allowed to attend the trial, and it does not stipulate that others cannot tell witnesses about the status of the trial.So what does it matter?

Asakurahiko saw that the lawyer named Kitahara on the opposite side seemed to be still thinking, and he couldn't help laughing slightly.

No matter how much you think about it, it's useless.

No matter how hard you think about what today's witnesses will say, it's useless.

Because your plaintiff's lawyer will never imagine that what today's witnesses will say depends entirely on what your plaintiff's lawyer said.Whenever your plaintiff's lawyer says something, our witnesses will testify that something will happen next, and if you say something north, the witness will say something south.On the one hand, it is the report of the expert group, and on the other hand, it is supplemented by the testimony of witnesses. In this way, Kyoto University has an absolute advantage in the probative force of the evidence.

Today's trial will be a showdown without suspense.

The corners of Asakurahiko's mouth could not help but curl up a bit.

"Stand up, the judges are seated!" The clerk's voice sounded, and the third trial was about to begin...

(End of this chapter)

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