non-famous actor

Chapter 1228 1239, broken waist

Chapter 1228 1239, broken waist
[500 million RMB!

Director Sun Hao, please put 500 million RMB in cash in a green suitcase, and put it at the bus stop sign on Tianmushan Road at 7 o'clock tonight, next to the green trash can.

Of course, you can choose to call the police, or let the bodyguards kill me, but before you act, I suggest you think about the consequences.

As long as my friend doesn't get a call from me to report that I'm safe at 7:15 tonight, then I guarantee that the whole world will know that you and Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman are having sex tomorrow morning. 】

"Boss, what is written in this letter?"

When Sun Hao was reading the letter, Qin Chuan stood beside him and never left.

"Oh, nothing?
It was in Taiwan that a media friend said that he was threatened by your wife Jin Yuji when he was filming me, and then he hated me, saying that he wanted revenge. "

In front of Qin Chuan, Sun Hao had no secrets to speak of, so he handed the letter to Qin Chuan while talking.

"Old Qin..."


Qin Chuan read the letter with a glance.

"The fat man hasn't come back when he was old. Tonight, you go there with an empty suitcase by yourself. If you find someone going to take it, you can beat him up. Be careful, just let him suffer some flesh and blood injuries."

"Well, then what?"

For Sun Hao's orders, the current Qin Chuan is fully implementing them.

"And then..."

Sun Hao stroked his chin and thought for a while.

"Two days ago, I saw a message asking for help on the Internet, saying that there was a black-hearted brick kiln owner in Runan, Henan Province, who specially caught some mentally handicapped people from the street to work in the factory. These mentally handicapped people couldn't eat. Well, not sleeping well, and being beaten all day.

Now, since this reporter named Lai Baoqian likes to take sneak shots so much, you can get him a few pinhole cameras, and let Wang Jiangang drive him into those black brick kilns in Runan.

Remember, when throwing him in, tell Lai Baoqian that he will live if he handles this matter well and attracts the attention of the whole society; otherwise, next time buddies will throw him into the black coal mine. "


Qin Chuan readily agreed, but he didn't leave after speaking.

"What's the matter, old Qin?"

"This reporter threatened you in the letter, saying that he would expose you."


Sun Hao waved his hand, indicating that Qin Chuan can go to work.

The three major... in China are now the four major portal websites, and my buddies are all major shareholders. Are you afraid that he will expose this news on the Internet?

Of course, he can also choose to expose it on the paper media, but buddies can make up stories. Believe it or not, as soon as the news comes out, buddies immediately let all the actors of the "Avatar" crew go on a trip to experience life in that small forest.

We went there at night to experience life, and all the actors went there, not some entertainment paparazzi called "Che Zhen".


After the close-up shots of Liu Ye, Nicole Kidman, Qin Hao, Chen Minghao and others were finished, it was time for lunch.

While the crew was having lunch, many directors who came to visit and study the crew of "Avatar" protested collectively.

"Director, we have a tight schedule and heavy tasks. We came here to study in time. How about you help me out and shoot some scenes with specific scenes in the afternoon?" Kim Ki-duk said.

"Yes, yes, Haozi, we are here to visit and study, and we have also seen your high-tech equipment. Now we want to see some specific things, such as literature and drama, and the communication between people." Yang Dechang said road.

"Director, everyone is right. In fact, that's what I think. After all, in the "Avatar" crew, what we are more curious about is the colony base you invested heavily in to build the human colonization of Pandora at the Cangkou Airport?"

The colonial base... Sun Hao still can't let them see it, after all, some facilities are not perfect yet.

Although the colonial base is not open to the outside world, Sun Hao can still shoot other things, so after lunch, the crew and the directors who came to visit and study went to Studio No. [-] of the Oriental Movie Metropolis.

The content of a temporarily re-shooted scene is actually not complicated. It is a battle between the scientists against the mercenaries who escaped from the base.

"Fan Jiuyi, when you knock someone down, you have to act more feminine. Also, take off your clothes and wear a vest, it's a bit sexier."

"Good director, you can do whatever you say." From the beginning, Fan Jiuyi, who experienced life with Nicole Kidman and Leslie Cheung at the Changchun Air Force Flight Academy, is quite charming at the moment.

According to Sun Hao's instructions, Fan Jiuyi took off the military jacket she was wearing outside to reveal a white vest, but the low-cut vest couldn't conceal her plump breasts at all.

Now, some crew members were already whistling, but Fan Jiuyi was generous, not only didn't feel shy, but smiled and posed a few posses with a pistol, her expression was stern, plump and enchanting, but she also had a sassy temperament.


Sun Hao sighed, which man can bear this?No wonder Yu Dong has been talking about a broken waist recently, a broken waist.

"Well, yes, although I took off the military uniform. But the white vest is paired with green military trousers. It looks even more heroic."

After the compliment, Sun Hao turned around and said to Zhang Yi, who came to play the extras, "Old Zhang, when Fan Jiuyi hits you, make me a dead body."

"Ha ha……"

There were mostly men at the scene, and everyone knew what they knew. After Sun Hao finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter.

At this time, Xu Jinglei's voice sounded in Studio No. [-].

"Everyone is in place, check the equipment, recording, photography, lighting."

"Lighting group, turn up the lights a bit more!! Don't shake!"

After all the teams were ready, Sun Hao started the official shooting.


Fan Jiuyi pushed a food cart outside the cell.Zhang Yi, the guard inside, clicked a few times on the touch keyboard after seeing it, and opened the door.

In order to embody high technology everywhere, the No. [-] studio is now equipped with many electronic products developed by Damai Technology, such as full touch control screens, such as fully transparent tablet computers...

Entering inside, Fan Jiuyi complained: "I don't think these steaks should be wasted on these traitors."

Zhang Yi remained unmoved, and said stiffly, "Let me check."

Then just look down and check the dining car.

At this time, Fan Jiuyi approached without any trace, took out a gun and directly pointed the muzzle at his head: "Get down!"

When Zhang Yi was completely lying on the ground, Fan Jiuyi took a pistol and punched it down, and Zhang Yi made a small resistance and passed out.

Seeing this, the three people in the cell were pleasantly surprised.

"Are you here to save us?"

Fan Jiuyi said: "Max!"

When another chubby man heard the sound, he rushed in, swiped his card on the cell door, and quickly pressed a few passwords, and the cell door opened.

"OK, it's over, the next scene."

They are all capable actors, so they basically made no mistakes. Although Fan Jiuyi and Zhang Yi slightly changed their lines and actions, Sun Hao looked better than before, so he didn't call for a stop.

(End of this chapter)

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