non-famous actor

Chapter 348: Chapter 345

Chapter 348: Chapter 345

Xiamen, Xiang'an

Five miles to the east of the county seat, there is a village called Rooster Tower. Standing at the head of the village and looking north, there is a large factory covering an area of ​​500 mu.

【Shenglong Paper】

The name of the factory is domineering, but it is a pity that due to serious environmental pollution, it has already been forcibly shut down by the government, and this stoppage lasted for four years.

The villagers in the Rooster Building thought that was all there was to it. After another three or two years, when the factories and office buildings inside were dilapidated, everyone should demolish them and move them to make room for replanting.

Unexpectedly, in the twelfth lunar month of last year, a group of foreigners who spoke bird language came here, not only sold the paper-making equipment in the factory as waste products, but also sold the four golden characters "Shenglong Paper Industry" from the door. It was buttoned down on the wall, and then replaced with boldface [Damai Technology]!
Damai Technology..., what does Damai Technology do?
The villagers who have good things have inquired for a long time, but they have not found out why.

Everyone just knows that as soon as the Spring Festival is over, there will be two red buses, sending people inside again and again...

Where do these people come from?
do not know!
What are these people here for?

Not sure!
Curiosity is human nature.

Since then, whenever the villagers of the Rooster Building pass by the entrance of Damai Technology, they will always stick their heads out and look into the factory area, just to see what the factory does.

Time flies quickly, coming and going, and it will be May Day soon.

On April 4th, several villagers in Rooster House were watering the fields when they suddenly saw foreign devils, whom they hadn’t seen for a long time, lined up automatically under the leadership of a handsome young man. Standing at the gate of Damai Technology.

"Hey... what are they doing?"

"I do not know!"

"Last time, when the leaders of the district came, they didn't seem to put on such a battle, did they?"

"Maybe the leaders of the city are coming?"

"Well, it should be!

However, my daughter-in-law’s younger brother’s daughter-in-law’s aunt’s cousin works in our province. It seems that he has heard from others that if this barley technology develops, the 5000 mu of land in our village will be expropriated by them. I don’t know. True or False! "

While several villagers sitting in the field were chatting, a black off-road vehicle drove quickly from a distance...


Flying from Yinachuan to the capital, Sun Hao did not transfer directly to Hong Kong Island with Han Shanye, Xie Tingfeng, Yang Shoucheng, and Jiang Wen, but arrived with sisters Li Bingbing and Li Xue who had been waiting at the Beijing International Airport for a long time. Xiamen.

Li Bingbing came to visit his friend Ren Quan, while Sun Hao brought Li Xue to do business.

The prototype of the mobile phone Maimang 1 jointly produced by Damai Technology and the French company Sagem has been completed a few days ago. Sun Hao came here today to see what the mobile phone looks like.



"I still want to act in a movie. I wonder if you still have suitable resources?" Li Bingbing is very tenacious. As long as you don't agree to the same question, she can ask it many times.

"next year!"

Maybe it was because of being annoyed by her, or maybe because of Li Xue's face, Sun Hao finally agreed to her in the car.

"Oh... what type?"

Seeing that the hard work finally paid off, Li Bingbing was happy.


"Action..." Li Bingbing became more interested now.

"Director, can you talk to me about the general plot of this action movie?"

"I haven't figured it out yet."

"Tch, liar, I know that you always make decisions before you act. Often this year's filming plan has not been completed, but next year's movie script has already come out."

Raising his hands, Li Bingbing, who was sitting in the back row, leaned closer to Sun Hao, and was about to hug his arm and act coquettishly, and asked carefully, what movie was it?
But at this time, the place arrived, and Ren Quan was already waiting at the gate of the factory.

"Hello, Mr. Sun!"

Sun Hao pushed the door to get out of the car, and Ren Quan stepped forward.

"Hi Brother Quan, thank you for your hard work."

"No, no, I really like this kind of life."

"Hello, Mr. Sun, I'm Chirac, the production line manager of Sagem in France, and I'm in charge of the new product development of Damai Technology."

The old man next to Ren Quan had a very pleasant appearance, with only two locks of hair growing on his bald forehead, but these two locks were still combed meticulously by him.

Sun Hao held back his laughter and replied in French:
"Mr. Chirac, the development of new products... seems not right. Obviously this production line has been used in France for two years, and even the production molds for the outer packaging of the products are from a few years ago."

"Uh..." Chirac opened his mouth in surprise.

"Mr. Sun, do you speak French?"

"A little bit!"

Sun Hao smiled and began to shake hands with other French people one by one.


The silver body is a bit heavy in the hand, and there is an antenna on the upper left, which looks quite thick...

Walking in the factory area of ​​Damai Technology, Sun Hao looked at the mobile phone in his hand while letting Ren Quan introduce the situation in the factory.

"Mr. Sun, at present, there are more than 600 employees in the company, of which 550 are skilled hands, all of whom I recruited with high salaries from two mobile phone companies Bird and Kejian."

"Mr. Sun, according to Chirac's estimate, if our production line can run at full capacity, it shouldn't be a problem to produce [-] mobile phones a year."

"Mr. Sun, to be honest, Maimang 1 is actually an OEM machine. Our side is just making mobile phone casings and adjusting the wiring. It's really not difficult."

"Mr. Sun, currently our company has two difficulties. One is to obtain a mobile phone production license from the relevant state departments, and the other is to sell."


After wandering around half of the factory area, after Ren Quan and Chirac introduced all the existing problems in the factory, Sun Hao smiled lightly and said:
"I'm an outsider when it comes to electronics, so I can't tell you anything.

But as the boss, after I promise to solve all the problems facing the company, I would like to make the following requests:

First, we must try our best to test the resistance of Maimang 1, and strive to fall from a height of three or four meters, and the mobile phone should still be usable.

Of course, this phone is best used to smash walnuts.

Second, Koreans invented MP3, you know it?I ask you to find a way to put it into our mobile phones, that is to say, our mobile phones must support song playback.

Third, the sound quality of the external speakers of this mobile phone, that is, the speakers, is almost okay, but the energy must be strong. It is best to play songs here, which can be heard at the gate of the factory area. "

Sun Hao's words were simple, and he stopped after talking about these three things.

"Mr. Sun, to be honest, it seems that we can't meet your request!" Chirac, who was in charge of technology, spoke quite bluntly at this time.

However, Sun Hao stretched out his right hand to him.

"Mr. Chirac, it is not easy for you to travel thousands of miles to China A. Here, I can sign an agreement with you on behalf of Damai Technology. If you can meet the three requirements I mentioned.

Then, every time one of Maimang 1 is sold, I will give you a commission of five francs, and the minimum sales volume is 40 units. "


"The agreement can be signed immediately!"

As soon as Sun Hao finished speaking, Chirac jumped up on the spot.

"Brothers, it's time to work, the boss of China A has new requirements."

(End of this chapter)

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