Wu Sheng Lu Mingfei of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 135 Daredevil Susie and Brother Snoopy

Chapter 135 Daredevil Susie and Brother Snoopy

No wonder there are strange claw marks found in the previous keys.

They also speculated that this was a sign of Qianmian's degeneration to Deadpool, and some body organs had been transformed into Deadpool, such as scales growing on the body surface and alienation of hands into claws.

Not at all.

It's no wonder that the executive department's search for Qianmian has always been fruitless on this premise.

Because they were wrong from the beginning.

The one who killed the four Executive Department commissioners was Deadpool.

Some doubts were resolved.

But more doubts came to mind.

Why is it Deadpool?
Analyzing the front buttons, it is not difficult to see that Qianmian has a meticulous thinking ability, and with Deadpool's rotten jelly-like brain, it is impossible for him to kill people serially and still get away with it.

So, can Qianmian still control Deadpool?
Didn't it mean that Deadpool would only submit to dragons?
Also, where did these deadpools come from?

Countless thoughts appeared in Chu Zihang's mind.

Such as the crazy numbers on the Wall Street Stock Exchange on weekdays.

But Chu Zihang didn't have enough time to deal with them one by one like a securities analyst.

Because, Deadpool is here.

Yushendao Murura drew a ray of scorching sun-like light in the darkness.

The mirror-like blade reflects pairs of golden pupils.

Holding both hands, Chu Zihang strode forward and bumped into the dead waiter who was rushing head-on. Murasame's blade collided with the dead waiter's deformed claws, and sparks like burning steel from the welding torch splashed out.

The sparks fell from the intersection of the two, fluttering and fluttering like a waterfall of light.

Chu Zihang and Deadpool looked at each other.

This is a face that can only appear in nightmares.

Black bones stick out of the body, like twisted roots of a hundred-year-old banyan tree. In the long course of evolution, the smooth skin and beautiful face of human beings have disappeared, and all the so-called signs of beauty have disappeared. The ugly face caused by the face.

Even the belfry eccentric created by Hugo in the Notre Dame de Paris, compared with the Deadpool that Chu Zihang is facing at the moment, probably can be called a naive expression.

They are coming.

Chu Zihang thought.

The boy seemed to hear the bang of the heavy rain again.

Deadpool, Deadpool.

There was no expression on Chu Zihang's face.

But those burning golden pupils have already betrayed the boy's mood at the moment.

Chu Zihang stepped forward, and the frenzy-like power was transmitted upwards from the soles of his feet. Xiong Jian's thighs and elevator-like abdominal muscles fully absorbed the frenzy, brewed it, boosted it, and finally transmitted it to Chu Zihang's arms.

He slashed obliquely.

A misshapen arm was thrown high, spattered with blood.

Deadpool suffered from pain and let out a long whistle of a spy.

Chu Zihang changed his tone.

Turn around and raise the knife.

The black executive trench coat fluttered.

He parried Deadpool's attack.

But it's not over yet.

more and more.

More Deadpool came like a tidal wave.

Chu Zihang glanced.

He saw that, on the periphery of these rushing monsters, there were still some deadpools with golden pupils shining, looking at the three of them from a distance.

They are like a pride of lions on the African grasslands, Chu Zihang and the others are antelopes being hunted.

The lesser lion is the pawn of the horse, charging into the battle and consuming the physical strength of the prey.

The powerful lions will wait and see calmly. They are secretly sharpening their minions, waiting for the prey to show fatigue, even if it is just a little bit. The old and spicy lions can accurately seize the opportunity to send their sharp claws into the heart of the prey, and then thirst for victory. of blood.

Don't think that Deadpool's brains are rotten and they are easy to deal with.

They're just not human.

Don't forget why there is such a creature as Deadpool.


They are creatures crawling under the dragon's bloodlust.

Perhaps for the rules that humans follow, reason, thinking.

They don't know anything.

But kill again.

How to play with prey, get pleasure from killing, and the method of satisfaction.

Deadpool couldn't be more clear.

Moreover, all Deadpools are hybrids with a bloodline that crosses the critical blood line, that is, a dragon blood concentration exceeding [-]%.

Among the three people present, including Chu Zihang, one was considered to be an elite of the mixed race.

But is there any bloodline beyond the four cities?
Maybe only Chu Zihang.

Or maybe he didn't come either.

Let's put it this way, even if an ordinary mixed-race encounters a Deadpool, the outcome is not optimistic.

What's more, they have more than fifty dead servants here.

"hold onto!"

Susie shouted on the other side of the headset.

"Support will arrive soon!"


Brother Snoopy swung his big sword and slapped Deadpool who was flying towards Chu Zihang's side.

"Hurry up, you are my senior, I really can't support my old arms and legs."

As he spoke, he put on his hands, held up the great sword, and put it down again.

The dead waiter was sliced ​​off most of his body by this man's sword.

The foul-smelling internal organs were scattered all over the floor.

The senior brother pulled out the big sword stuck in Deadpool's hip with all his strength.

He clicked his tongue.

"This bone is really fucking hard!"

"Hey, hey, that's too exaggerated!"

Han Ye yelled at Brother Snoopy while dodging in embarrassment.

"Didn't you say it was a prop!"

"Who's prop can kill a dead waiter with one knife!"

Brother Snoopy swung his big sword round and helped Han Ye shoot a Deadpool flying.

"A fuss."

He gasped.

"Whoever said props can't hack Deadpool!"

"Have you seen the Xingye movie?"

"A headless gun can kill people!"

Han Ye gave a thumbs up.


Too bad it's too dark.

All three of them lit up their golden pupils, and only then could they barely see some outlines in the dark.

Brother Snoopy and Chu Zihang, one in front of the other, protected Han Ye inside, repelling the incoming Deadpool wave after wave.

It was also because it was too dark, so no one saw it. The brother's body surface had the color of bronze, with rough texture and hard texture.

Ling Ling: Bronze Throne.

Once the word spirit is activated, the hybrid can gain enormous power, and the body surface will turn into a bronze color, but after a long time, the muscles and bones will be broken by the violent word spirit, which is a kind of ability and the price is the same Amazing eloquence.

Brother Snoopy had a hard look on his face. The exaggerated big sword in his hands was like a child holding a branch, but the child swung the branch at most to knock down the grass leaves on the roadside, but he was different. The weight of the big sword itself With the increase of the bronze throne, whether it is held horizontally or slashed, it can exert the power of cracking stones.

After all, before he met that woman, he was also an elite commissioner of the executive department and a favorite student of Professor Schneider.

"It's amazing."

Han Ye said.

"That's right, I told you, I'm strong, okay?"

Brother Snoopy was triumphant.

He moved his throat and swallowed the surging blood.

But the blood streaks oozing from the bronze texture on the body surface had no time to wipe it off.

The price of the bronze throne is already beginning to be felt.

In the final analysis, Yanling is the authority of dragons after all.

As mixed races, although they got involved in the words, they didn't get the body of the strongest dragon.

As mortals try to approach the sun.

It can only invite death, don't do what he thinks.


Mortals also become the sun.

Han Ye sighed.

"No matter what, I can't just watch."

"It's too much to justify."

He lowered his head, lowered his eyes, and his face was more beautiful than ordinary girls, showing many complicated emotions.

There is hatred, there is pain, there is anxiety, and there is calmness.

He took off his gloves.


What kind of hands are those!

No nails!
In their place are steely claws.

As for the skin, it is covered with blue scales.

The weirdest thing is that from the fingertips to the wrist, there is such an ugly appearance.

just like……

just like……

Just like Deadpool!
And when it came to the wrist, it suddenly changed back to normal white and delicate skin, like a baby, like a girl.

Han Ye looked at his hands sadly.

He flexes his fingers.

The green scales and sharp claws glow coldly, like the protagonist in the gothic movie Edward Scissorhands, sitting alone in the attic in the lonely moonlight until dawn.

''What are you doing here!

Brother Snoopy noticed Han Ye rushing.

He cried out anxiously.

"Come back, don't die!"

But it was still too late.

As if Han Ye didn't hear, he bumped into a Deadpool head-on.

Brother's pupils shrank, but in the next second, the imagined scene of Han Ye flying upside down did not happen.

It was Deadpool who screamed.

in the dark.

Deadpool's scales that can collide with Murasame and emit sparks.

After touching Han Ye's hands, or claws.

As if leather met sulfuric acid, a white mist rose up, making the sound of sizzling, and melting.

Brother Snoopy froze for a moment.

"You are..."

"Deep blood, deep blood, very common words, don't say you don't know."

Han Ye said with a smile.

"Deep blood?"

Brother muttered.

"I've never seen such outrageous deep blood."

Putting doubts aside, he swung his big sword, mainly horizontally, shooting the deadpools who were attacking one by one into the air.

Chu Zihang was in charge of harvesting, ending Deadpool's life with precision like a scalpel.

Now that a Han Ye has been added, he can play a role similar to Chu Zihang. With two assassins, the situation suddenly opened up.

But the pressure on the three of them did not decrease but increased.

"That should be my illusion!"

Han Ye said.

"If you're referring to the fact that Deadpool is killing more and more."

The senior brother's voice sounded a little desolate.


Han Ye's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

He felt enormous pressure.

The dead waiter, which is rarely seen in the past, is actually like an ant here, and it can't be killed no matter how hard it is.

"Where is this more than 50 bulls?"

Han Ye sighed.

"I think there are almost a hundred of them."

one hundred……

Susie wore earphones, and tapped the steering wheel with her index finger irritably.

"Okay, good luck."

Outside the car window, a man in a traffic police uniform held a pen and paper and nodded to her.

Susie hummed, and as soon as she stepped on the accelerator, the big truck roared away.

The traffic policeman glanced at the trunk of the truck and clicked twice.

"what happened?"

The companion asked curiously.

"That girl is weird."

Let the traffic police touch it.

"It's the first time I've seen such a good-looking person as a truck driver."

"You're not right."

His companions made fun of him.

"Human girls rely on making money, so nothing is in the way of you."

"Who stipulates that good-looking people have to become models and stars, and everyone has the right to choose a career, right?"

"Go, go, go!"

The traffic policeman raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"You're amazing, you're right, it's okay if I'm wrong!"

The companion hummed triumphantly.

"By the way, what did the girl carry? This load is not light."


The traffic police said strangely.

"I saw that the whole car is full of steel bars."


The companion was also shocked.

"Such a good car for transporting steel bars!"

"Hey! It's really the first time to see you!"

After hanging up continuously, Susie finally accepted Professor Schneider's call request.


Schneider growled as soon as it was connected.

"Did you hear me!"


"I order you to come back!"

The girl manipulated the steering wheel steadily, with a calm face.

It's just that the wild action of her stepping on the accelerator exposed her mood at the moment.

"I'm sorry, Professor."

Susie said.

"The president needs support."


Schneider slammed his fist on the table.

The missing trachea and oxygen cylinder made a wheezing sound.

"Do you know what you're doing!"

he scolded.

"I am certain."

A moment of silence.

"tell me."

Schneider's tone was cold and stiff.

"How many swords do you carry?"

Susie didn't hide it.

She reported truthfully.

"A compartment."


"I finally know how much steel bars can be loaded in a truck."

Susie smiled lightly.

Schneider on the other end of the call couldn't help laughing.

If it is not too late.

He really wanted to rush to China and use his oxygen car to help the vice president of the Lionheart Society sober up.



Where is this steel bar!
The correct name should be as Schneider said earlier.


Perhaps in the hands of normal people, it is really just an ordinary steel bar.

But Susie is not a normal person.With her power of speech and magnetic manipulation, no matter how ordinary steel bars are in this girl's hands, they can all show the power comparable to that of Shushan Sword Immortal.

Taking someone's head from thousands of miles away is as easy as picking something out of a bag.

Of course, Susie's domain is not as huge as Qianli.

But the steel bars magnetized by her hands can indeed show the power similar to flying swords.

Chu Zihang is the embryo killer among embryo killers, an absolute violent machine, which is almost the consensus of Kassel students.

There are also some teachers and students of certain classes who have enough knowledge of Chu Zihang's speech, and the high-risk and powerful power further confirms his reputation of killing embryos.

However, few people know that the lady secretary who followed behind Chu Zihang and stood silently in the shadow of the boy is in essence a more terrifying killing machine than Chu Zihang.

Let me describe it like this.

If Chu Zihang is a sword that cuts everything.

Susie is the Dongfeng Missile.

Her speech is too terrifying.

Especially in a country that bans hot weapons.

Susie's value has increased exponentially.

There was no need for Cassel to go to great lengths to bring in guns and ammunition.

Suzy alone is enough. .

And all she needs is steel bars that can be found everywhere.

"If I remember correctly."

Schneider did not have the pride of his students to kill the Quartet.

His tone was more like witnessing a fool rushing towards the cliff without hesitation.

"In the last speech report, the upper limit of flying swords you can control is eight."


Susie answered in the affirmative.

"Glad our would-be decapitator remembered the ceiling of her abilities."

Schneider's tone was low.

It is not wrong to say that they are preparing to beheaded. This is a secret that only less than five people in Kassel know. Susie is different from Chu Zihang. The latter is a hero under the sun. Susie, she is The secret party's true blade.

"Then, our dear lady who is preparing to beheaded must also remember what will happen once your sword exceeds the upper limit."

"I will die."

Susie said.

It was as calm as saying that I had milk and toast in the morning.

"I thought you forgot."

Schneider said.

"Your sword in the carriage will kill your own life while killing Deadpool."

"So come back."

"Trust Chu Zihang."

"What he can do is just like the previous few missions. He narrowly escaped death and was covered in bruises. The god of death was already smoking on the bench at the door of the ward. That child could also cut through the god of death with a single knife and survived."


Susie said.

"Deadpool has a hundred heads."

A longer silence followed.

Nobody knows Deadpool better than the folks at Executive.

They knew just how terrifying this half-breed depraved creature was.

It is almost a legend now that pure blood dragons are hard to find.

It is Deadpool who poses the biggest threat to the commissioners of the Executive Department every year.

On wisdom, on lineage, on technology.

How could the dangerous half-breeds of stragglers be compared with the elites of the executive department.

But Deadpool is different.

Every Deadpool is a hybrid whose bloodline has crossed the critical blood line.


Among them are the former elites of their executive department.

Even if they are fallen, they have lost the ability to use speech.

But the powerful body that is close to that of a dragon is enough to make the commissioners below A level despair.

Not to mention, as Susie said.

Chu Zihang and the others faced Deadpool.

There are a hundred heads.

This is no longer a matter of despair or despair.

This is despair itself.

"Then think again, Susie."

Schneider hasn't given up yet.

"Even if you arrive."

He said.

"Is it in time?"

He was the Minister of the Executive, the chief of all the half-breed elite, and the general.

A soft-hearted person cannot be a good general.

Even for his most optimistic disciple.

And the most promising disciple ever.

If the two have been declared beyond salvation.

At the very least, he wanted to keep another beheaded man who was thinking about dying.

Executives can no longer lose both the hero and the beheader at the same time.

Once such a disaster has happened is enough.

"In time, Professor."

Susie said.

"Either I rescue the president."

"Either let Deadpool bury him with him."

She smiled softly.

"No matter which one, it's too late."

Schneider fell silent.

He slumped in the chair helplessly.

"Damn it."

he said in a low voice.

The sound was soft like a sigh.

There is also the icy wind from the Greenland Sea in this sigh.

"I should have seen it earlier."

"You and Chu Zihang."

The man sighed again.

"I shouldn't have put you in a group."

"It seems that, except for launching operations, all tasks of the executive department will be banned from the couple's team."

"No, Professor."

Susie said softly.

"We're not together."


The girl probably heard the sarcasm in the man's laughter.

She smiled and said.

"I like him."

"It has nothing to do with him."

"That's it."

Schneider sounded like a late-night radio empathy jockey.

"Did the confession fail? The child didn't accept it?"

"No, I didn't confess."

Schneider became interested.

"Oh, no confession."

He speaks earnestly.

"But if you don't confess."

"You probably don't even count as dying for love."

"I didn't expect the Minister of the Executive Department to say such things."

Susie teased.

She is getting closer and closer to the unfinished building.

Life has also begun the countdown.

"Don't look at me like this now."

Schneider laughed.

"Six or seven years ago, I was also a man who loved red wine and roses."

"The professor must have been charming back then."

At this moment, the conversation between Susie and Schneider sounded like a little girl caught in adolescent love troubles chatting with her kind grandfather. The grandfather talked about the past when he was young, and the two laughed easily.

Visible ghosts.

Where are the love troubles of adolescence.

This little girl is driving to death with a carload of swords on the gas pedal.

It's dead.

"If you have a chance, come back and show you my previous photos."

Schneider said in the tone of a grandfather coaxing a child with candy.

"I dare say, there is no need for Chu Zihang's mission at all."


Susie was like the little girl who smiled in surprise when she saw candy.

Soon, her smile lightened again and became faint.

"It's a pity, I probably don't have a chance."


Schneider said.

"What a pity."

He kind of wants to drink.

It had been six years, or seven, and he hadn't had a drink.

I really want to get drunk.

"My homeland has some customs of the afterlife."

Susie said.

"Professor, if you don't mind, you can burn the photo to me."


Schneider murmured.

"What is the world of death like?"

"It's going to be cold."

"Brother, just ask!"

Brother Snoopy, oh, I probably can’t call him that anymore.

The naive white dog pajamas had been torn into strips of a beggar's attire, soaked in the blood of Deadpool and himself, with a hole here and a hole there, so miserable.

Another wave of Deadpool was repelled.

The senior brother leaned on the big sword and panted for breath with his tongue out.

The three of them were besieged by the dead servants. At this point in the battle, both senior brother Han Ye and Chu Zihang were exhausted.

Deadpool, there are more than 30 heads.

If it weren't for the posture of these monsters playing with their prey, Chu Zihang and others would have died in battle.

"How long will it take for the support our schoolgirl mentioned?"


Chu Zihang's voice couldn't hide his weakness.

"Please hold on, it will take another 10 minutes."

The senior brother looked up to the sky and sighed.

"10 minutes!"

After sighing, he thought of something again, so he hurried to see Han Ye.

"Well, brother, can you do that move a few more times!"

Han Ye rolled his eyelids.

He knew what the man was talking about.

That was a punch he used his strength in martial arts.

The situation was extremely urgent at that time, the formation of the three of them was crumbling, and a powerful Deadpool suddenly joined the battle. Before the senior could react, he was almost caught out of his heart.

Han Ye was in a hurry, so he used all his strength, rushed to the side of his senior brother at a speed far faster than before, and blasted the dead waiter's head with a punch.

It's a pity that he has just cultivated strength, and he has no experience in how to use it. He poured it all out at once, and the strong is strong, but his body was suddenly empty, and it took a minute or two to recover.

"Want to come again?"

Han Ye waved his hand.

"Just kill me."

He sighed when he said this.

''It would be great if my brother from that road was here, he is so powerful, these dead waiters are definitely not enough to kill him.

so strong. ""

The brother was amazed.

Deadpool is at it again.

Chu Zihang held Cun Yu.

Big drops of sweat slid down the hair.

Some flowed to the neck and mixed with the scarlet blood.

Do you want to use that?
he thinks.

The power gained at the price of this pair of eternal golden pupils.

Since the first time the record in the Lionheart Club summed up that taboo technique.

Apart from the principal, even his mentor, Professor Schneider, didn't know the real reason for the formation of the pair of golden pupils.

Schneider only thought it was Chu Zihang's extraordinary talent.

But his talent is only at the level of a mixed race.

I want to swing my sword at the gods.

He needs, stronger power.

"That, junior brother."

Brother's voice sounded.


Chu Zihang turned his head.

The big sword came head-on.

Chu Zihang's body reacted before his brain.

Raise your arms to block, gather your body, roll on the ground, and remove the force of the impact.

Something else fell to the side.

Chu Zihang glanced at it.

It's Han Ye.

An indescribable sense of familiarity overwhelmed the boy.

That stormy night caught up with him.

Shadows, blood, death.

Chu Zihang looked forward in a hurry.

The figure of Brother Snoopy.

Like that man.

He showed his thumbs up, turned his head, and grinned.

This laugh is really super silly!
"Senior brother."

the man said.

"Look back, tell my family that I owe a debt and run away."

"Just let her hate me. That should be enough. Forget it soon."

Chu Zihang stared blankly at this scene.

The river of time drowned the boy.

That rainy day overlapped with this moment.

He saw the man holding a great sword in both hands.

The words of the bronze throne cracked every inch of the skin on his body.

The man smiled boldly.


he shouted.


 PS: It’s a lot late, the main point is that this plot is not suitable anywhere, so I wrote it down, and I will try to be on time tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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