Wu Sheng Lu Mingfei of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 168 Spirit Vision and Don't Die

Chapter 168 Spirit Vision and Don't Die
Lu Mingfei was very calm, he just looked at the chaotic examination room with great interest.

In the dormitory last night, that fellow Fingal leaked the content of the 3E exam very consciously without him asking.

After the pedigree rating test begins, the school will play a piece of explosive music, and the real problem is hidden in the rhythm of the music. It is an obscure dragon language, a frequency that far exceeds the limit of human spirit and body reception. Only Only hybrids with dragon blood flowing in their bodies can hear and understand.

At the same time, the dragon language broadcast will temporarily activate the dragon blood of the hybrid species, causing them to produce the phenomenon of spiritual vision. During this process, candidates will write down the dragon language they understand on the blank test paper. The more Long Wen you understand, the more complete and accurate it is.

Afterwards, it is convenient for the Kassel school to conduct a pedigree rating based on everyone's performance.

The above is the truth about the 3E exam reported by Finger.

He also tried to give Lu Mingfei a standard answer for reference, but Lu Mingfei refused.

If it is said that the college entrance examination still has a special meaning to Lu Mingfei, it represents the end of a stage of life and the opening of a new chapter.

The 3E exam is really just a formality.

Although Lu Mingfei's self-positioning is a pure warrior.

He also practiced hard every day.

But it is undeniable that there is dragon blood flowing in his body.

From the day of Kyushu's return, he had already activated the dragon's blood when he stood on the sky pile for the first time on the rooftop.

At the same time, I also got a strange speech spirit from the little devil.

After Chu Zihang's pre-school tutoring, Lu Mingfei also asked him to take the periodic table of speech and spirits summarized by the mixed race. Both of them are basic tools in their respective fields, and they are the necessary knowledge that every student should be familiar with.

After getting the periodic table, Lu Mingfei was still surprised for a while. It was different from what he had imagined. The table was full of bumps and holes, with one blank here and one blank there. There are more than 100 speech grids in total, and almost one-fifth of them are blank. .

According to Chu Zihang's explanation, those belong to undiscovered speech spirits. As for why the corresponding serial numbers have been left behind without discovery, this has to be mentioned in the study of speech spirit measurement, dragon genealogy, and the application of speech spirits. And some other words that Lu Mingfei didn't understand, it probably means that although the mixed-race scholars haven't determined what the blank speech spirit is, but according to the calculation, it can be determined that there should be a speech spirit in this place, so let's save it for now The location will be filled in later when it is discovered.

It has to be said that researchers of dragons and humans do have a lot in common. The perfection of the periodic table of elements was a similar process. Scientists determined this table based on calculations, but at least half of the elements in it only exist in theory During that period of time, the academic circles had a lot of fights over this, and later the corresponding elements were discovered one by one, proving that the periodic table was accurate.

Leaving aside the incompleteness of the periodic table of speech spirits, Lu Mingfei is more concerned about his own speech spirits than discovering new speech spirits and making him famous in the academic world of mixed races.

do not die.

But he searched over and over several times, not to mention the three words "don't die", he didn't even find the words similar to the description.

Could it be blank words?
But this is not true. Scholars of mixed blood speculate that the model of the language spirit comes from the four monarchs. For example, Chu Zihang's Yanling Junyan belongs to the bronze and fire department. The expression form of the language spirit has obvious characteristics. distinguish.

But Lu Mingfei's "Don't Die" did not.

He couldn't accurately attribute his speech spirit to which department.

He can neither breathe fire nor cause earthquakes, nor can he summon storms or master extreme speed.

Or is it a speech spirit outside the lineage of the four monarchs?
Lu Mingfei thought.

It's a pity that the last time he used Yan Luo's outer power to force him not to die, the bronze mask fell apart and could no longer be used.

Today's him has no eloquence, but lacks the driving force or personality, which is somewhat a pity.

The PA system starts playing Michael Jackson's "Beat it."

The explosive music makes people's blood spurt.

Lu Mingfei felt familiar. Many years ago, probably in the first year of high school, there were boys who played this song and then spacewalked. They also imitated the superstar's appearance and shook their heads with the rhythm. Not to mention they were quite handsome.

I didn’t expect that the concert for the 3E exam would be this one. Lu Mingfei thought that the school would choose Beethoven’s symphony based on Kassel’s aristocratic academy. Maybe the teacher who wrote the question has a young heart.

Lu Mingfei thought of the vast Mediterranean Sea above Professor Manstein's head.

Well, maybe someone else picked the tune.

Such as invigilating students and the like.

The superstar shouted hoarsely on the radio, and he shouted "Avoid! Avoid! Avoid!"

But dude, with your volume and tone, it is estimated that not only will that person not dodge, but he will also use a submachine gun to fight you desperately.

Lu Mingfei couldn't help laughing when he thought of the friendly conversations in his hometown about "What are you looking at" and "What are you looking at?"

The boy at the front desk turned his head.

"As expected of an S-rank!"

With tears in his eyes, Qilan looked at Lu Mingfei adoringly.

"Your calm is impressive."

"Dude, you're crying."

"I am looking forward to your Kyushu."

Qilan smiled reservedly.

Lu Mingfei realized that although this person was looking at him, his eyes had already drifted away, lost focus, passed through Lu Mingfei, passed through the walls of the examination room, and even passed through the barriers of time and space. some great moment.

A divine look appeared on Qilan's face.

He opened his mouth.

Speak a long string of obscure words with a dignified gesture.

Those are syllables that ordinary humans simply cannot hear, let alone comprehend.

Long Wen.

Lu Mingfei was stunned.

It is obviously a syllable that has never been heard before.

But the moment he heard it, he naturally realized something.

This sentence is saying.

"Praise Your Majesty!"

Lu Mingfei came back to his senses. He saw Qilan covering his mouth with one hand, his face flushed with excitement, while the other hand was holding a pen, twitching nervously and leaving complicated and incomprehensible patterns on the white paper of the exam. .

He is answering the question.

Lu Mingfei looked around.

At some point, the examination room was full of demons dancing wildly, reminiscent of the Japanese ukiyo-e with the theme of ghosts from hell. It seemed terrifying and incomprehensible, but there was some inexplicable religious meaning hidden in it.

A slender girl danced lightly. She jumped on tiptoe on the desk, then stopped suddenly and began to spin. The white skirt was like a blooming flower.

But what is creepy is that the dancer's posture is as if there is an invisible figure in front of him, who is hugging her waist, and the girl looks at her with affectionate eyes.

Some people jumped onto the podium and opened and closed the blackboard to scribble pen and ink.

Someone shuffled back and forth like a walking corpse.

Some people sat silently and looked sad.

Those who didn't know thought it was a mental illness to exchange illnesses.

Lu Mingfei thought.

Of course, in the scene of the Feng coal mine, besides Lu Mingfei, there was one other person who remained normal.

Lu Mingfei cast his eyes away and was stunned for a while.

No, it cannot be said to be normal.

Although Zero was still sitting upright, looking at her posture, she seemed to be embracing something invisible.

She also fell into spiritual vision.

There is a huge and profound emotion in the girl, is it loneliness or helplessness, like a person who fell into the ice in the deep winter, Lu Mingfei forgot where he saw such a sentence, the so-called despair, It was when you were swimming in winter and you were about to float up, you found that the water was frozen.

"What did you see?"

Lu Mingfei murmured.

"Brother, do you want to know?"

The little devil asked him with a smile.

I don't know when this child appeared. He was sitting on the window sill by himself, with his hands resting on his back, his calf shaking and shaking. When he saw Lu Mingfei looking over, he showed a big smile.

"Brother, do you want to know?"

he repeated.

"what do you know?"

"They are."

The little devil nodded his chin.

"Their vision."

Lu Mingze stretched out his hand gracefully.

Under the fine bangs are a pair of soft golden pupils.

He smiled.

Calling Lu Mingfei crisply.


said the younger brother.

"Together we will."

Lu Mingfei didn't hesitate, he put his hand on it.


The elder brother's big hand covered the younger brother's small hand.

The whole world is holding its breath.

Lu Mingze jumped off the window sill, interlocked fingers with Lu Mingfei, and walked forward slowly.

"I have seen such a metaphor, saying that everyone is a book, which is used to describe the richness and length of life."

"But that's not actually accurate."

"If you have to use a book to describe it, a person's life memory includes all his past, at most it is just a catalog."

"And this person's subconscious, including his memories before birth, is the real content guided by this catalog."

"I know, it's like the tip of the iceberg."

"As expected of my brother."

Lu Mingze smiled gently.

"Then let's start with him."

The two walked straight towards Qilan without turning or evading. Just before they collided, Lu Mingze made a movement to push the door. Qilan's body, who was writing quickly, suddenly became illusory, like a flower in a mirror and a moon in the water. The two brothers walked into the water and the moon.

"This is……"

"Is it similar to the method you used to enter my spiritual world that day?"

"Brother is the most powerful, you can see it right away."

A colorful world twists and turns around.

When the two stepped on the ground again, they were already in the dark hall.

The bronze ground and the bronze pillars are as high as a hundred meters, like a kingdom of giants or gods.

Lu Mingfei glanced around curiously.

I saw countless figures shrouded in black robes crawling, their foreheads firmly pressed against the bronze ground, and they made a gesture of devout prayer.

Looking around, until the distance that can't be seen, the kneeling figure is like a sea tide, such a magnificence is beyond words, just staring.

"Look, brother."

said the little devil.

"Look at the sky."

Lu Mingfei looked up.

That is……

Countless gigantic, sinuous creatures occupy the skies.

Find any Han Chinese and ask him what a dragon is, and you will surely get such an answer.

It has horns like a deer, head like a camel, eyes like a rabbit, neck like a snake, belly like a mirage, scales like a fish, claws like an eagle, palms like a tiger, and ears like a cow.

This is the dragon.

But at this moment Lu Mingfei saw such a dragon.

The majestic Bronze Hall opened its dome, and countless dragons roamed in the sky. Lu Mingfei seemed to hear the cheers and praises of the elements.

praise their king.

On the highest seat of the Bronze Hall, two pairs of golden pupils lit up.

That's Norton, with Constantine.

Lu Mingfei recognized the green dragon, which was very similar to Norton's main body in Wuwangtian, except that it was much smaller. Its main body in Wuwangtian could cover the sky and block out the sun, but now it is only entrenched on the seat of the Bronze Hall.

Constantine, who folded his wings, hugged Norton tightly. This dragon king who has mastered power hides himself in the shadow of his brother, carefully spying on the world.

"It's so sad."

The little devil sighed.

Lu Mingfei wanted to ask him why he was sad, but before he could speak, the little devil had strode forward.

Because the two brothers' hands were tightly intertwined, Lu Mingfei had no choice but to follow the little devil when he left.

The two walked in the sea of ​​people, and all the creeping shadows made way for them. It was a straight and spacious road, pointing directly to the throne.

So they took the throne.

The imp looked at the twins of bronze and fire.

He chuckled.

The laughter echoed in the boundless bronze palace.

The little devil climbed up to the sky step by step on the invisible ladder.

Up to the sky higher than bronze and fire.

He turned around.


The little devil opened his arms, facing countless people and dragons.

"elder brother!"

So, it started.

From every creeping shadow.

From every hovering dragon.

They said the same thing.

It is a complicated and obscure dragon text, and only creatures with dragon blood flowing in their bodies can learn it.

Lu Mingfei felt familiar.

That's what they yelled.

"Praise Your Majesty!"

"Praise Your Majesty!"

"Praise Your Majesty!"

The little devil laughed.

At this moment, Lu Mingfei couldn't tell whether what the man and the dragon praised was bronze and fire, or the little devil.

No, not right.

Or he and the little devil.

"This is Qilan's spiritual vision?"

"Well, the memory that exists in his dragon blood, it was the age when bronze and fire ruled this land, and one of his ancestors had an audience with bronze and fire, although you have also seen it, brother, with countless people .”

"So this is spiritual vision, recalling the memory hidden in the dragon's blood."

"Next, brother."

"it is good."

The two brothers entered the vision of the female dancer.

Sure enough, she was dancing with someone.

just the man...

The little devil squinted his eyes and looked at Lu Mingfei who was hugging the female dancer with a smile.

"It seems that you are very popular, brother."

Next to him was Lu Mingfei, who was looking at the boy and girl who had the same face as him dancing gracefully with complicated expressions. The melody of the dance music was fascinating.

Lu Mingfei smacked his lips.

"Although it's interesting to appear in other people's visions."

"But, sure enough, it's always weird to watch a guy dancing with someone with the same face as me."

"Brother is right!"

The little devil nodded solemnly.

"Or we'll kill her!"

"No way, no way."

Lu Mingfei said quickly.

"It's too much to kill someone for such a trivial matter."

"This is no small matter!"

Judging by the little devil's expression, this guy is obviously serious.

"It's blasphemy to actually want to do something excessive with my brother!"

"It's just dancing, it's too much."

Lu Mingfei rubbed the little devil's head.

"And the blasphemy is too exaggerated. If a person's dignity needs to be obtained from the fear of others, then this person is too sad."

"Hmph, just take it as what you said, brother."

"Whatever you call it, you bastard."

"Let's go, next one."

The two withdrew from the female dancer's vision.

Lu Mingfei asked.

"It's very strange. Didn't it mean that the spirit vision is the image hidden in the dragon's blood? How could she see dancing with me?"


The little devil explained.

"The essence of spiritual vision is that a creature with dragon's blood recalls the most profound picture in his memory."

"Some people have met the Dragon King, so naturally such memories are the deepest."

"As for some people..."

The little devil paused, then turned his head and cut.

"So that person is most impressed by the fantasy of wanting to dance with me?"

Lu Mingfei was thoughtful.

"Sure enough, it's better to kill it."

"Hahaha don't take it too seriously."

"Brother, you seem to be very happy."

"How come, I'm also very distressed."

"Can you put away your smile first, it makes people angry."


"Adults hate it the most."

"You are so awkward, be careful not to find a girlfriend in the future."

"Whoever wants that kind of thing, as long as I have a brother."

The two went to each candidate's spiritual vision.

Lu Mingfei felt like the protagonist in Alice in Wonderland.

Or it is Big Bear and Doraemon who use magical props to enter the fairy tale world in the theatrical version of Doraemon.

Well, the little devil is indeed very similar to the Doraemon...

"Brother, what do you see me doing?"

"it's okay no problem."

"Hey, it's suspicious. I always feel that my brother is thinking of strange things."

"Haha how could it be?"

Finally, they stopped in front of Zero.

The little devil, who has always been calm, also had some ripples in his eyes.

"This kid."

He said.

"If it's inconvenient, I don't care."

Lu Mingfei spoke like this.

"Let's take a look."

The little devil led Lu Mingfei into the girl's vision.

"I'm curious too."

The bone-chilling cold engulfed the two of them.

Lu Mingfei knew that this was the feeling of the master of Lingshi, that is, Zero.

They saw a girl in a blue and white hospital gown lying in the snow.

The weak appearance makes people feel distressed.

That's zero.

She hugged a teddy bear tightly.

His almost dead gray eyes stared at the sky.

The sound of the bombers whistling chills people's hearts.

A boy in hospital clothes turned his back on Lu Mingfei and the little devil.

He is obviously so small.

But so majestic.

The boy picked up a handful of snow and sprinkled it on the girl's face.

The majestic voice seemed to come from ancient times.

He said.


Lu Mingfei watched silently.

"Is that you?"


said the little devil.

Lu Mingfei smiled.

"You are still cuter now."

"I think so too."

Lu Mingfei took a deep look at the boy's hospital gown.

They left the girl's vision.

Sitting side by side on the windowsill.

Lu Mingfei stretched his waist a lot.

All the previous experiences were really wonderful for him.

In a trance, Lu Mingfei felt as if he had traveled through the world continuously.

Similar to Kyushu and Dragons.

Just much smaller.

Everyone's spiritual vision is a small world that seems real and illusory.

Of course, it's just spiritual vision that can't achieve this level at all.

Lu Mingfei knew that it was with the help of the little devil, he used his ability to temporarily complete the spiritual vision, supporting the framework of each small world.

The sunset in the sky is so huge that it seems to be close at hand, within reach.

"I'm leaving."

Lu Mingze said.

"Finally, to celebrate brother you won Freedom Day and surprised all the half-breeds."

"I have a gift."


Lu Mingfei asked curiously.

"Is the silk scarf you gave brother last time still there?"

"Is it the silk scarf you used to wipe your tears? Here, here."

Lu Mingfei reached into his inner pocket.

"It's good to be there."

The little devil pursed his lips and chuckled, pointed to the silk scarf and said something.

"Look, brother."

Lu Mingfei lowered his head.

I saw the golden tears on the silk scarf, or the golden blood gradually dimmed.

At the same time, Lu Mingfei's pair of golden pupils that did not know when to ignite became brighter and brighter.

He felt a strange and powerful force merge into his body.

One's own being, one's own concepts.

is being complete.

Lu Mingfei looked at the little devil seriously.

What does he want to say.

But the little devil blocked his mouth with his finger raised up.

Lu Mingze smiled softly.

"Brother, you have been refusing to deal with me."

"I can't help it either."

"Okay, okay, my brother's expression is so scary."

Lu Mingze leaned over like a small animal, leaned forward, and touched Lu Mingfei's forehead with his forehead.

"Hurry up and become stronger."

He squinted and smiled.

"elder brother."

The last gold on the silk scarf also dimmed.

Lu Mingfei's golden pupils were brighter than ever before.

He suddenly felt something in his heart.

The current self, even without Yan Luo's Waigang cultivation, can still motivate him not to die.

It's just that the effect is far from that powerful.

Serious injuries like the girl from the network management, who lost her breathing and only had a little sign of brain activity, with the current Lu Mingfei, it is impossible to save her.

It's hard to say the exact extent, but generally speaking, there shouldn't be any problem with speeding up wound healing.

"This is your gift."


The little devil shook his finger.

"This is to celebrate my brother's college entrance. If you are free for a day, you will know when you wake up, brother."

"Okay, almost there."

said the little devil.

"The next time we meet, the game should have already started."

"You mean, the one with full authority?"


"The King's Trial."

"However, for my brother, it should be a very simple matter."

"Of course, as long as it's a fight, feel free to leave it to me."

"That's great, brother."

The little devil looked at the sunset, and in the orange light, he suddenly turned his head and said to Lu Mingfei.

"Come watch the sunset with me, okay?"

"You can watch it as many times as you want."

"Brother is the best."

A gigantic sun sank far into the horizon.

With a bang, the stars, moon and night sky were smashed out.

"Come and play with my brother next time."

"welcome any time."


This S-level, everyone is gone, why are you still sleeping?

Nuonuo smiled maliciously, and tiptoed towards Lu Mingfei.

He reached out to pinch the boy's nose.

However, got caught.

"Let go let go!"

Nuonuo gasped for air.

"Oh, sorry."

Lu Mingfei rubbed his eyes and let go of his hands.

With such kung fu, the girl's wrist has left bruised and purple finger marks.

"Are you a monster!"

Nuonuo said angrily.

"You were the one who attacked me first."

Lu Mingfei shook his head.

"Little girl, I'll give you a piece of advice. It's dangerous when I'm sleeping. Don't be naughty next time."

The young man walked out of the examination room, saw Ling waiting not far away, smiled, and greeted Yaoyao.


Nuonuo looked at his back.

"Young girl, sister is older than you!"

(End of this chapter)

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